East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 07, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 5

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    lu always get GOOp GOODS at Alexander's.
Will be observed by msny. We want to en-
ftain and help along all those in the keeping.
we will arrange ssles each day on materials
it will do you good and you can do good with.
Laces for trimming, Strong A nrd
Starety TW 7W
iNainsook, Soft yet Strong and
French Peaa de Soie for Coats SQ
Waists WC
elmont Laces for Trimming Un- g J
ixander Dep't Store
A Society Belle of London, Canada.
Son, Ontario,
I, is a beaut:-
fknowa what
nil Wine of
unlit her back
i is ono of. the
la of her home
very to health
her to enioy
of her many
or lying on
ess and suffering. For
now enjoys she civcs
of Cardui. She writes:
Cwine of Cardui an excel-
r", female trouble. .Isulfered
!th terrible bearing-down
period. I could
my feet and was never
: ot Cardui was the only
could depend on to do me
I several with no suc-
iul cured me and I
1 perfect health for two
you all the credit Jar I
lirl Wine of Cardui is
to iraido her through
starting the menstrual
lllu Mav MirktU.
flow in a healthy and nat
ural manner. Menstruation
started right is very easy to
keep regular through the
years of mature womanhood.
Then the "change of life"
need not1 be feared. Thus
Wino of Cardui is woman's
best relief from youth to
old age. A million women
have secured blessed relief
from their sufferincs by tak
ing this treatment. It relieves men
strual troubles in an incredibly short
time. In a simple case of deranged
menses Wino of Cardui never fails. To
relieve disordered menses is to remove
the canso of other fern ale troubles. Any
physician will tell yon that to remove
the cause of a disease renders the cure
easy, in fact seldom fails to complete
the cure. If yon would have the lame
relief which Miss Markell secured try
Wine of Cardui. Yon can take it with
out an examination and without any
publicity whatever. Ton can take it in
the privacy of your home and secure
just as much benefit as if a doctor had
prescribed it for you. Thousands of wo
men are feeling the vigor of returning
health fcy taking Wine of Cardui.
A million suffering women
have found relief in
Wine of Cardui.
irand Trunk Gold Nine
iter, Oregon, Gold Mining District.
icated upon the GREAT MOTHER
E system of veins and has for neigh-
on that vein such well known
es as the NORTH POLE valued at
oo,ooo. The COLUMBIA valued at
)o,ooo. GOLCONDA valued at $3,
ILE BAKER mine valued at $5oo,-
,ooo. lMti itJhA valued at $400,-
ind many others.
id Trunk Gold Mining and Milling Go.
perty Consisting; of 160 Acres of RlchQold Bearing Veins
bo indebtedness of any character.
1 conservative mining and business management.
Bring 50,000 shares of stock at 15c per share.
aecome a dividem payer in a short time.
say you to write us for full particulars and to make
il investigation of its merits.
lie indorsement of mining men, .business men and
rs ot Eastern Uregon.
today and let us post you.
i; McCallftm & Company,
lers, Brokers and Flnanolal'Agehts,
3. BRYSON, local Agent, Pondleton.Oregon.
lining Letters on Sumpter, Oregon, Gold Mining
District iree on Application.
Has the large demand for
ByerV Best Float
jp. Only the choicest wheat that grows enters in-
Bt riour, it's perfection in Flour, Made by the
W. S. Byws, proprieter.
. . . 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1.1. 1 1.1 1 1 1 111 1
New York, March 7. Years ago,
when grandmother was young. It was
considered an Imposition on the
weather to doll wraps and wear straw
hats In March. But things have
changed, and although this Is only
the first week of tho first spring
month, it is Impossible to sec a wo
man of fashion wearing a cloth hat
of any kind. The winter coat also has
been laid aside nnd Its place usurped
by a smart Httlo Jacket of hlouso
which accompanies the spring tailor
made suit.
A sartdrial luxury which Is becom
ing more and more necessary Is tho
extra skirt for tho tailor Milt. This
is a sort' of emergency affair, reserved
for rainy days or occasions on which
tho walking skirt would be more
apropos. The principal skirt, how
ever. Is designed to meet all require
ments of a beautiful day, with deml
train and decoration in proportion.
Chpvlots, zlbellnes and tweeds find
expression In somo very stunning
gowns. A design In dark brown zebo
llne lightly flecked with white and
emerald green and' here nrcd there a
touch of copper is especially attrac
tive. Tho skirt has a graduated
flounce of box plaits and the fitting
coat bodice is made with a basque,
the neck for there Is no collar out
lined with Beauvnls embroidery, tip
ped with silk dangles to match the
facings of the fronts and over the
shoulders are epaulettes of a new tint
ed lace.
Lace, by the way, grows coarser
and heavier with each new design
There Is no harm In saying that the
latest novelties look like twine, which
has been knitted with largo needles
In fantastic pattern and finished witn
long knotted fringe, for one has only
to prise them to seo that there is
nothing cheap about them at all. The
prices vary anywhere from $2.98 to
$10 a yard and they have not the ad'
vantage of the appliques, which can
bo taken apart, as it were, and ar
ranged over a skirt or bodice to suit
the Individual taste.
At tho dressmakers' convention
which is now in session, It is a prob
lem to tell the gowns on exhibition
from those worn by the exhibitors or
rather It would be Impossible, except
for the animation of the competitors,
One smart little woman, whose
gowns have attracted attention from
the beginning, appeared at the open
lng session In a suit of blue and white
fancifully checked tweed, the skirt
fitting by means of crosswise tucks
and tapering down from the waist and
upward from the hem are graduated
darts of old' blue velvet, terminating
in small discs. The blue Is a moil 1 11
cation of the Mousquetaire blue with
a 'tint that Dumas would probably de
scribe as that of the dregs lot old
wine. The short coat bodice is inlet
with velvet to match and the fronts
lined with white, are embroidered In
gold and blue and bordered with
pretty blue and green spotted ribbon
Frogs, tassels and all sorts of dan
gles are used upon gowns for both
street and house wear. And, strange
to say, despite the elaborate use of
heavy silk cords on bodices, there is
nothing of a masculine or military
appearance about these designs
Wherever there Is the slightest tend
ency toward masculinity, jt is Imme
diately softened by a touch of chif
fon or lace, or both, if the case re
quires It.
A pretty princess gown of putty
colored ladles' cloth has a bolero
composed of silk guipure, very short
and fastening at the side, for it is
continued in the front in a long panel
which widens out toward the hem of
the skirt and suggests something en
tlrely novel and original. The yoke
Is of ivory lace over chiffon and has
a chou of putty colored panne on one
side of it. Princess effects are al
ways pretty If worn by tall, svelte
figures, but the trouble Is that people
with wrong figures Invariably go in
for these things first and consequent
ly create quite an unjust feeling
against them ,and prejudice spreads.
When well worn, however, nothing Is
more graceful and there Is no doubt
that many will be seen during the
Everything seems to point to tho
fact that the soft llly-Ieaf shades
which were worn so much as a trim
mlng last year and proved so effective
when employed In conjunction with
ivory cloth gowns, will be- seen again
In the same relation, and as they are
the ne plus ultra for supplementary
adornment ot this kind it is very
good wearing, while Brandenburgs,
paropillcs and all such fashionable ac
cessories promise to follow us through
the' spring and summer.
It looks as if the leather belt would
not be in such great demand this sea
son. Tailor-made gowns that have
any belts at all have them made, of
.the same material as the gown or In
silk or panne of the .same shade.
Tho objection raised against the
leather belt Is that it can not be em
broidered and otherwise adorned like
the cloth glrdlo and for this reason
does not meet the requirements of
dame fashion. While this Is true of
most leathers, it Is not so with suede,
for surely there is nothing more fash
ionable than this, though Jt is al
ways expensive.
Belts and stock Xhat correspond are
pretty and new. If the collar is of
clerical design the belt carries out
the same idea with tbo exception that
the tabs hang down the back. There
are styles in which this scheme is re
versed, but there is always the simi
larity between stock and belt.
Ribbons which hold a leading place
among the details, of dress are by no
means the lightest of the expenses of
a; woman's wardrobe, An ample sup
ply of light shades of taffeta, Jxmls-
ipe, .liberty, gauze and raolre ribbons
are on exhibition for the delnccation
of .the well-dressed girl. Keeping rib
bons in such a vvay tuut they aio in
sured against .dust and the tossing
About that they frequently get in a
I CMfidemeFfotBi&i I
HfWomen may write about their ills to Mrs. Pinkham, and avoid the HP
Women may write about their ills to Mrs. Pinkham, and avoid the)
- questioning of a male physician. They can tell their story without
reservation to her ; she never breaks a confidence, and her advice is the best
in the world.
The questions asked of a woman by a male physician are embarrassing,
and often revolting to a sensitive nature. In consequence the whole truth is
not told ; this makes it difficult for female troubles to be successfully treated
eVen by the best physicians, and is the reason so many women grow worse
rather than better. A woman understands a woman better than a man,
there are symptoms which sick women have that a man cannot understand,
simply because he is a man, but the whole truth may be told to Mrs. Pinkham,
and her vast experience enables her to give advice which leads to a cure.
All women who suffer should secure Mrs. Pinkham's advice; it costs
nothing but a letter addressed to her at Lynn, Mass. Female troubles are real
troubles, and must be treated understandingly. For a quarter of a century
Mrs. Pinkham's advice and Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound have been
helping women to get strong and well, and her great file of letters prove that
more than a million women have been restored to health and strength by her
advice and her medicine when all other means have failed. ;
When you go to a druggist for Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound,
do not let him persuade you to try something which he says is just as good
there is nothing just as good, because Mrs. Pinkham's medicine holds the record
for the largest number of cures of any female medicine in the world. M
Our fine line of tailor-made suits has arrived and we can truthfully say we have the nobbiest
suits, best values and prettiest patterns we have ever shown. Every suit is new and up to date, the
fabrics are the latest shown and whatever your taste we can please ypu. This week we are quoting
some very special prices and it will pay you to see our line at once. Your size is here now, hut it
may not be three days from now,
Grey Wool Suits, jacket without collar, skirt
made without lining, good quality cloth, per
fect fitting , $7.50
Black Wool Suit, jacket without collar, unlined
skirt, a fine value for the price asked.. ..$9.00
Mixed color Wool Suit, the latest shades, new.
est style jacket, skirt unlined. This suit is
worth 12.50. Our special price is . $10 00
Black Wool Suits, latest styles and mixed color
Wool Suits, ranging in price from $11.50
to $17.50
Wc can't take space to describe all of our suits,
but we will take time to show them to you if
you ca)l,
Dress Skirts.
We are proud of our new lot of Skirts that just
arrived Saturday, and you will be just as proud
to wear one of them, if you like a strictly new,
up. to-date, stylish Skirt. All goods are repre
sented from $1 25 to $10.00
We nave a dozen Walking skirts, made of
medium weight skirting,- dark Oxford grey color,
strong and durable, a good Skirt for service,,
for one week only... , , . . $1,25
Uark (Jxlord Wool bkirts, new style, nicely
made, and trimmed with buttons, for this
sale ,...,..$2 50
Light grey Wool Skirts, unlined, splendid
vaiie $3.50
Light grey, all-woo, Kilted Skirts, plaits run
ning from top nearly to bottom, giving the flare
effect, so much desired in the new styles . $1.75
Black, all-wool Skirts, with white dots, kilted
at bottom, and trimmed with buttons, special
price of $4-00
Blue, all-wool Skirts, nicely plaited from top
nearly to bottom, flare flounce, very dressy and
neat , $5 50
Plenty of ofhers at all prices up to. . , ,.$10,00
Calico, all colors, 35 yds for $1.00
Bleached Muslin, 35 yds for., $1.00
India Linen, good grade, 10 yds for 50c
Jap Silk, all colors, per yard , 25c
Ladies' Hose, 10c grade, 3 prs for......
Children's Hoso, good heavy grade, 3 prs
lor,,..,,, ,. ... 2oc
Ladies' Lisle Lace Hose, per pair 25 find 35c
Last week our SPECIAL SALE was a decided success and we were kept jumping nearly all
day Saturday waiting on customers. Judging frpm this, we believe our customers were pleased
with the bargains we gave them, and we are going to please just as many this week as call at our
store. It will be worth your time and trouble if you visit our store FRIDAY and SATURDAY.
"THE FAIft."
Tbla lgnatur i oa erery box ef tho genale
Babbit Motal, beat n tii world, ki
bar. Pr'ce, $i per bar, at tho SM
Oregon'an OWce. -
(Concluded on page C.)
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