East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 07, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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r? i. . r Mr. ii
ua&icrn Oregon wcaincr
Will be delivered t roar residence j
kr pure ol bmlneu by currier it J
J Tonight cloudy; warmer
uiuiiy, ram or snuw.
k)jj. 16.
NO. 4085.
-. - ii
lengcr Representatives of
lestern Roads So Interpret
Elkins Bill,
Director of Census Leaves Gcve
ment Service to Become Presld
of Mercantile Agency.
Washington, March ".Former
Governor Merriam, of Minnesota, and
the director of the census, called on
the president this morning and for
mally tendered his resignation to
take effect May 15, when the labors
of tho 12th census will be practically
completed. Ho leaves tho govern
mentjscrvice to become president of
a mercantile agency of New York.
Former Congressman Mercer will
probably be appointed to succeed him
as director of the census.
Ilrrtid Combinations Welcome
Law as it Means Many Advant
Ito Them and Few Privileges
to, March 7. The general ag-
Rn railroad circles over the
aw Increases rather than di-
It has reached the passen-
Bsentailves of Western roads.
been given to understand
form of concession and all
pportation and half rates, ex-
with respect to which ex-
are made in the commerce
tsw of the case was given to
meeting of passenger men
todasv representing G7
st of Chicago.
reforms as outlined, are car-
' free transportation to any-
bs it be through the charity
11 bo cut off. The strong
Biich action, but the weak
inot so enthusiastic regard-
uts Off Politicians.
strict interpretation of
hold that all political
ion would have to be dis-
and It was understood that
Kt to this end bad been
png general managers.
men were skeptical ro
ablilty of the roads to
e reform to this end,, but
aanlmlty of opinion that
ortatlon Is discrimination
vording of the act
imittee to Report.
reach an agreement as to
Committee on Foreign Relations Con
sider Panama Canal Treaty.
Washington, March 7. The senate
committee on foreign relations met
this morning to consider the Panama
canal treaty. Final action was post
poned until Monday at the request of
Senator Money, of Mississippi, who Is
en route here. Morgan occupied the
entire time.
Mansfield Takes Command of Iowa in
His Place Barclay Goes, to Bro
merton, Wash.
Washington, March 7. The navy
department has decided to detach
Captain Perry from the command of
the Iowa and assign him to duty in
the New York navy yard, relieving
Captain Barclay, who goes to Wash
ington to take command of the Bre
merton yards. Mansfield will be
placed in command of the Iowa and
Wilde goes to the Boston navy yards.
Report Expected to Be Filed With the
President Next Week by the Strike
New York, March 7. Tho Herald
prints tho following as a summary of
ii , .. r. i i ii i i i hub inu luiiuwmg ns summary oi
Marion Hutchinson, Young, Standard Consolidated Mines tiw findings of the coai stnko com- Banquet Given bv Exhibitors
... ' mission appointed by President Rods- 1 J uaiiiuiiwio
nanasome, suspected ot uompany laKesuver inree ZL. ?cd to President Francis of the
Weil-Known Properties,
Burdick's Murder.
St. Louis Exposition.
Much Excitement and Curiosity in the Plans of Consolidation Under Pro
Matter Is Questioned by the Dls- gress for Three Years New Com- 'ors wlU bo ""lu'rcrt to pay by weight
instead of bv tho ear. nml olsowbern
pany i axcs uver n me runnings py mo lineal yard. Tho minors will
havo check docking representatives
at their own nvnnnso f Mo wilt i.rnn.
L.ll . a a a. I . . ' ..... I v
U.i onu uu,u- ticaiiy amount to a second Incroaso In
One nf tho must imnnrtnnt mlnlnir I Wages
oeen tanen into custody today In the deals ever consummated In Eastern There will be Indirect recognition of
Blirdick murder case. She' was Oreiron was mndn In Snmnter tnrtav. I tho union wlilr.li will oomo ih.
There will undoubtedly bo at least I
a 10 per cent advnnco In the pay for
mining, to tako effect from tho time
the miners returned to work last Oc
tober. The per diem employes will MINISTER OF COMMERCE
not have their wanes Increased, lint I
will bo recommended for tho samo MADE ENTHUSIASTIC SPEECH.
pay per day of nlpo hours.
Tho system of nay will bo resulat-
ed. Wherever practicable the. onora- Almost Entire French Cabinet Pres
ent $120,000 Raised for Exhibit
trict Attorney and Head of Police-
Was Employed In Burdick's Fac
toryLater Is Released.
Buffalo, March 7. A woman has
Proved a Great
Electric Company Fined Only $5,000
for Killing 14 of Them.
Gloversville, N. Y., March 7. The
Mountain & Lake Electric Company
today was fined ?5,000 for manslaugh
ter in the second degree because of
an accident July 4, when 14 were kill
ed and GO injured by a runaway car.
I'arls, March 7. Tho banquet givon
by the French exhibitors at tho St.
Louis Exposition tills morning to
I'resldunt Francis, resolved itaelf Into
brought to police headouarters at 8 Thre nf tho mnst tirnn.lRinrr nrnnnr. nn.iinm nr.. ei.timiitr,.! ... n..Mi n Bleat ! rancoAmorlcnit domonstra
O ClOCK. Tne nollrp entirA mr Man. ! Hoc f ihrn vac, min
tity, although there is considerable consolidated Into nnn rnmnanv. which dent nf tlm Minora- tinin.,' Almost tho ontiio French cabinet
excitement and curiosity in the mat- will be known na tho Standard Con- The raiisn nf tlm otrii,,. u i i PVU8 !"esn"t, also members of tho
ter. No one is able to learn who she colldated Mines Company, of Sump- by the commission, will not bo com- , " 1ml'a8B nml pOO promlnont
io. iuc uuiice say mat ner name ter.
. . .
" ' menuonea ln connec The prol)el(ie8 taken over In the
tion with the case. She Ib being aues- nnnnii,itir, ct.n.r,i
tloned by the district attorney anil j n . ritH rtM..A... I minor hna n rfrlif r n.lfhnnr I
. . ... i unu iisiiifvi iiiiiiiiiK. Liuiiiuauv . I nu vvr nuin niiiiuui i
neaus or the police department. There r ri molostntlnn tu u .I... i """Blul " lyommerco rrouillot
group oi claims, au lying aajoining.i ul u.u vu.u.cl are io nom ,.,v ..,..,,, .,,..,, ,,, ,,oannn,,n(.
f r nron vnnro nml 1'nnnivininii.lf.tlni.n I " -n" w uvv.iuuin j
tjj iiiu .uiiiiiiiODiutl. 111 HUL UU UlJIIl" I 11 i ill .
foiling to the coal mining companies. wrc l,'1'?," SmJ. !nn "J,011;
Tt. i.. ...iii . .. . ..j It was announced that $120,000 had
tion with the case. Su appropriated for tho ex-
Minister of Cominerco Troulliot
one of Burdick's employes,
Young and Handsome,
Buffalo, March 7. It has
on Copper Ridge mountain, at Quartz- for three years, and recommendations
been uurg, Grant county, 10 miles from arc to im made for settlement of wage
of Washington and Ijifayetto, Tho
O'Brien Leaves Saxony.
Hamburg, March 7. O'Brien, tho
dentist who was recently expelled
from Saxony, because of his reported
shall To tr.r w tvZ intimacy with Princess Louise, today
shall be taken by the Lnl,oH fnr kw vn,
e meeting appointed a
f five, of whom General
gent Francis, of the Burl-
issouri River is chairman,
a report and present it at
meeting. The committee
among other things, upon
ty of issuing transporta-
mittees of arrangements
ions and mass meetings.
uuuaio, warcn y. it nas been "urg, urant county, iu mues irom 'v iu w :u,uuC lul Cmu.iiiui oi wuKu oxnlu0 of Amorcn was tho rausn nf
learned that the woman arrested is Sumpter, 32 miles from Whitney and and othor questions at tho end of that Krn3 ?,rot"0rl laua lt taurht
Mnrrlnn Wi.toMnco., ,.- . Uovot, mlio north r.f rn-alHo nit,. neriod. I.' ,u"hUB Pruspority, liecauso It taught
known to Burdick. She is young and The three companies merged, owned I,Inn,!v!;ao,,,,li,PlItCS ,th, "0,alor ,wl" as'.resorvoiU'Topubl can rS?nTo"
handsom.. 25 cIam8, or the entlro area ot Cop. he advised to treat with commltteos K0Vi1Ilm011t. 1 "c,m 01
Later Girl Released. Per lUdge. and havo over 3000 feet of " '", ",u V UH
Marion Hutchinson wa rP.oK, tunnels and drifts. In all of which ,u"" "ollr" r'lr
al. . lnn l.n.lln,. l.Il. I.. I liUll
mis anernoon. rue superintendent ft " b'ui' "i
of police said the girl was employed shown- These 25 claims pass under
in Burdick's factory and had Intimat- co"tro1 nf the Standard Consolidated
eo tnat she could give some valuable p -' k'VU8 t,le uvw cor'
Sankey Is Blind
Now York, March 7. Allen Sankev.
Infnrmntinn omL. j. poratlon absolute control of one of me son of tho evangelist, todav ad-
and was taken -to headouarters for the mo8t valuable properties In the mitted his father's blliHlncss .but said
that nUrnOSe naeirm urcgun msiliui, I"" .u j.uijuo kii BavillK unu eye. Uii'
Hundreds of Sheep and Cattle Have
Perished and the Feed About All
It. N. Thompson, of Walla Walla.
Is In the city today. Mr. Thompson
Historically, the three groups which Hals had been made because his fath- ha8 j. st re urncd from Idal to and
ow form the Standard Consolidated k wishes to avoid alarming his LntpJ" , '0t h"' t'L,, ."'loV..
Hssulng transportation to City Health Officer Called to Account
of land companies en- for Irrenularltles of Smailn
Btticment work. ti.nt.
ecret Rate Cutting. Wa!In w
egenoral opinion that the warmest sessions of the city council
uul iuw win uo away wun hem in many moons, was held last
i a Dun uuumuiBr. nignt to consider matters rolative to
w prohibits secret rate the nest hninsn and tho rnnd.it of
pes not prevent the open patients. The council held an exec
rates, ana It is reared hitive session and nn nnp Rfivo wit.
neasures are adopted for nesses and those intimately concern
;he filing of reduced tar- ed were allowed In t.hfi rnnm Tnet
me an every day occur- what was brought out is not known,
ub tne omcers reiuseu to uivulge just
I at this time.
ES IN CONTROL. Tt nnnonrn from ntnrloa toi K..
tlontn ronpntlv dlKohnrco.l frnm Uo
Other London Rapid pest house, that conduct unbecoming
pheme Can Materialize, In the extreme is indulged in at tho
ill Be Workinci. l,C8t house, that liquor has been pass-
'moi, r pi.. Jed In and persons have become drunk
bat Is to "deal with the nlihatthe, management has been
andon tralllc has bpen , "1B manw. n uaB
y for if i work says i "" cbbu umi wuueco pas
h to iu t,ii,V a' leen procured and charged uu as
preliminary decisions. othfr "PP"68. contrary to regulations
le(t absolutely in pos- ' , , , S8 i" u .
neia as far as the tube , ' otu.up
poncerned, and before weTe ,tully dlscVBSed hy Ule council
Iflllii IllA V Anil MlfV c-Aonln.. fAl.A.... J
ae can be realized he : l"c '" iuuuwuu,
Iinoa mint OTiri wntL ... v. uwilu VI-
luuut, wuh cauea io ten wnat ne Knew
of the situation. Mrs. Drew, a daugh-
WAS SUNK r 01 ur" Aluan. nas haa charge of
me ichi iiuubu as neau nurse or at
tendant, and to the personal charge
of the woman has been given the care
of most of the smallpox cases. Just
now jurni me stanuam (jonsonaatea cl m hvoio auinninir nis uioi.. u.. n... n
. . . . . . i r.i. ow o unit niu vuui iiiuinuiur iiJKiBier-
umpauj s property, stanq at me ncaa e(1 tWQ (0Krei, 10,ow yesterdav
... ... . . I fiT inp ftTfiTV-nr I irpenn m noo 1 I . . . .
rtesiaents or the Valleys Are Movino o.; "a7": 1.1. ...a u... u.. niornnig at uamurldgo.
Back Into the H lis Dannor Point ..... -.7" '. ".:.j"r " J np,io m-u , i,,u amurmgo and council.
7, " '.."..T", wnicii no norm of wolsor tho snow la
from 18 to 20 Inches deep In the val-
The Standard' rrllno of whlrh 7.notJi
Danger Point Houser of this cltv was nresident and
Passed Last Night I L. B. Reeder of this city, secretary, 74c per bushel
Paducah. Ky.. March 7. Tho. ini. was discovered In the early "COs by
.c.tnn At i ... I lllfinntt ilia twinnlimnn nftm. ..rtinm
property from the Ohio valley. The Juneau- Alaska, was named. It is the IU-N If A flrfS llHfluU N t ll
danger line was passed last nicht and 0,lIv Cobalt mine known In the United IHI-III I MnLIDIIU UIIUHI1LU
Is 40 feet and 10 inches this morn- sta,es today. which carries high
ing. sraue gum values, rue conait irom
The situation in the lower Ohio tl,lf niine uas been shipped to Ger- SMALL FERRY BOAT CAP.
Taney is serious. The river is cer- many ior renning, ana sells lor ?l per
tain to rise for five or six days yet l10Und 'ward tho cars at Baker
and will reach a higher point than at clty-
any time since the disastrous floods Tne Copper Ridge Gold and Copper
of 1884. Mining Company and the "Willie
Boy" groups, owned by Cleaver Bros.,
GHOUL HAS CONPPRRFn w- u- "rowiey, ueese and wotting or
loys and from two to 20 fcot doop lu
the hills. In some localities tho sheep
and cattlomen ar'o out of hay and
their stock Is subsisting on corn
brought In from Nobraska. Thoao
who havo hay do not havo moro than
onoiigli to last for a couple of weeks,
SIZE8 IN MIDSTREAM, "'id the condition Is vory ciltlcal.
Hundreds or sheep and cattlo havo
Struck a Jam of Logs and lee on the already died from the cold nnd Insuf-
River at Glenn Falls. N. Y TWn. "dent food combined, and If tho pros-
tu Liu... i nt Pnt excess of hiiow and Intonso cold
OOtllltltW.U IV... ..
fJlonn KVillo M V ....... - . "". " '"l"""
uvia "UP, 11, itlltlCII 1 1 alinut (lirwt Inu n 1 1 . L .. I . ...Ill
Quartzburg. and others of this city small ferryboat crosslm: tho river ho. .. i ... ", ".' . ..".. . TV. '
Cantre.1 Tells Grand Jury He Robbed bli JIWi,8 d2,m t"'H r"". snnk t " M". There lso inuch smm
Gnvn foi. C.u.n rl.u. w
... w....,, u, b.ui icaro. ertles as IL
;am. Twenty Italian labor- i tlm mountain., in that vi..init timt
prs worn dmii'iiofl Au tlw.v ...ai,.. In I .. . . . .
Tho .i." ";'- 'i ih iearo.1 mat Hiioiiid a chinooK
Cantrell came here fmm irnn V" " f 7T";V, ' T, ;7 Z " ..!. d with force Hiilllclont to car-
- - ....-iviiH uv-vh m jiivoivDn iui Uin;u iuuihiid, mri -ioiu;w iiiiu llli; IfUUl, WIJll llUllltll
Noblesvllle, Ind., March 7. Rufus
ry off the enow suddenly that much
n.oro.7 1 -iwy e tue g.rand Jury' (ler tne dlrctlon of B. E. Cleaver and coming frightened sprang overboard r t," raT..0U( lo; W0r wnni
Cantrell made a full confession to the Zoeth Houser. and to these gentlemen seizing the tacltlo rope as he went. n l,f,..lfIi
Jifry of ale relations with men of this and the Klllen-Warner and Stewart This cuused the boat to swei vo broad- '
Wasco County Sheep Are Not In Best
of Shape for Lambing.
George A. and Fred Young went In
COllllty, who, he says, havo been rob- comnanv nf Rnmntor la rliin tho orodlt stile on tnlilni' tho full rYiroo ..f ii...
bing graves In nearly every cemetery for the deal. ice. Tho Italians say the exact loss FEED,NG WEATHER CONTINUES
... UID uuuu.y ior seven or cignt years. ur. Kdward W, Mueller, of Sumpter, or life won't bo known until they
.... o.u me uymea were tanen on tne wno represents tho Klllen-Warner call tho roll whero tho men wero
iei us mr as tne uroau JUpple In Stewart Company, Is general man- working, but tho list may reach inoro.
uuaio auu nauieu to ine coueges in aw or the sumnter Smelter and
xufcuuo. I takes the nosltion of general manager .... tmm thnlr uh ,..., tn n,
... , . .. a. . . v Aioany. n. y.. Marcn 7. Tiiero urn v n..u.nii
aa na cu --rrjirr . . .. I conuiciing rcnorts or tho
" "mint, I lUillL'U .V11MPK rnm any. or MUmilier.l . " .... . rnvornli .'nnillllona for i ..
m.i ".. ... " auciuoni. une says mat zu are miss- """" .
Grand Master Lee Denies Statement advantage of having experienced "If " '7. " 2. , " m "
of a Sympathetic Strike. man for manager and Is one of tho , . " necesHai v in rA.i inno .. n.
moo Imnortonl .,1,,.., ... II.. H.,.1 ' I I. . . . . . - . .
juiiiD.ir, unu Hiiuap Having neun Kept
eti Backed Into a Fer-
.Pittsburg, Pa.
rch 7. The ferry, the nature of tho chn?o invoKticr.t.
ak In the Ohio River ed will
"a collision with the cil is ready to give to the public Its
pi. J- no lurry ib a nnaincB.
rcrow of eight menr Dr. Alban in
ts were rescued with having lived in this city many years!
mimi ni.pu.miuB muring tne smallpox epidemic of tho
v, . u5 w winter he had an Immense vol-
mo nciuuuo una urae or .husiness to look after, and all
,ir pa:
; Pea
his tlrao was given to the citv wnrV.
The charge that all Is not right at
the pest house has created a sensa
tion in tho city, whero the expense
and Inconvenience of the amallnny
epidemic has been sorely felt for
wCllr bill.
est i
cord of Largest Ap
iistcry of State.
rrch 7. The Idaho months by manv citizens
to touay. n is
. a mine tax bill
. the defeat of the
l the employers 11-
prourlations made
ho history of tho
Chinaman Held Up by Footpad
Door of Bank In San Francisco,
Han Francisco, March 7 Ah Gow.
a Chinese merchant, was held up by
a footpad on a crowded .street at tho
uoor or tne Bank of California and
Made 600 Men at ( robbed of J850, at H o'clock today.
reo uut Tday. " roooor escaped with the money,
'C, March 7Tho aU ln coln
: strike came near ,a
UH this morning. yb
I itbat the freight .fw-
i.on-unlon. The strlk-
I; the settlement wm
hundred men at 'in-
red out today
Str'lke Ordered.
Whidelplila, Pa,. March 7 A gen
l strike order baa been isued
,MBlt tlw .Aaierlcan Bridge Com-
fw- W tne Bridge and Structural
St. Louis. March 7. Vice Grand most Important points in tho deal.
Master Lee. of the Brotherhood of The Standard Consolidated Com- ..." on dry feed so long havo not iliiiiu
Railway Trainmen, offleiallv donfos pany Is capitillzed at $5,000,000. one- uaier f our urowned. wi, um, ,.OI1S(.nll,.Mv nr ,,,.
tne statement that in tho event of nn wnicn is now in tne treasury. u m now uuiiuneiy miown mat iiesli. Owing to the cold weather
the Wabash strike other roads will go 1 nH sl0CK 18 non asBessiuio. ouiy lour wore arownea. tub oiners that tontliiues In tho liltth country
out In sympathy. He says the fight A meeting of the old Standard supposed to be dead were swept fur the grass has not begun to grow and
win oe con nnecl to the Wabash. niuiiwiuiuers is caueu ior jsiurcu zj, in " i" om-nm uuium mcy u-mjiirn Hiinop still havo to bo fed
this city and the Copper Ridge people nut snoro. few banda In the southern nart
I . ... . . .ww, . n Tl.l,. nf... I. OA ...I. . ! . . . . . . '
DCIOian froiOCOI. nimi iii uuira wiy uu inuui 4, mien. i ur iin roilllirv navn llfi'lin to Inrnl.
Washington. March 7. The Belelan organization of the new Standard Con- To Teach Japanese.
and nu thorn in n Rpnroftu of foo.i'
protocol was signed this morning by solldated will Iki completed. A cable to tho Sun frcin I'okln nolther tlm ewos nor tho lambs are
Minister jiowen, representing Vene- iwveiopment worK on tno property says: Owing to the hostility of the doing woll. A few davH of warm
zuela and the Belgian minister. The will begin at once. government to the emnlovment of na- weather thniiL'h. wnnl.l ...it nvnrvti.in.r
Instrument Is practically identical One of the most valuable features hive reformers or Westorn forolciiors. In irood una ne. Dnllnu Tlmou to..n.
wun tnose or tne other powers. i me property is mat tuny i.zoo reel it has been decided to adopt tho Jan- tamper
uj oepin can no stopen out auovo aneso language at the Imperial Un
Nathan Rothschild 8Ick. the tunnels, making tho expense of versify. This Is tho only alternative
iapies. aiarcn 7. liaron Nathan I mining uio ores comparatively ngiii. to tho utter failure of the Institution.
Rothschild, the famous banker, is se- As an experimental run last No- Only Japanese will be employed as Fat cattle Shinned to TrautdiA.t
rlously ill here. Prominent nhyslc vember, 100 tons of ore from this instructors. This fact and the nollev ... "W,UB,B oel
ians have been summoned from dlff- property was treated at tbe Mwreuvo of economy In connection with the p,enMrul
erent points in Eurone. It was an- mill, a concentrating plant of small university, have excited bitter crltb Kolio, March 7. A pleasant ur-
nounced this morning that he passed Rapacity near the mine. The 100 tons clsm from tho party favoring natlvu ' vr.ty WUH K'v"n Mr- anl Mr8-
a oaa nignt. i re uuiuki;u pr um in guiu, translations of works on westorn scl- ,.' . V 111 1 """lo "car nore,
Sails for Ennland.
New York. March 7. General Wll- centrating ores known.
Ham Booth, of the Salvation Army. Tho KJllen-wiarner-Htewart compa
sailed for England this afternoon on ny. of Sumpter, will bo the flBcal
tne Campania.
and run 10 per cent cobalt, showing lences. Teachers are opposing tho I tVlilay night,
it to be one of the most'valuablo con- crude Japanese translations of the I'utroiiK of li
works, which are flooding China,
omlloton nanors do not
get Iho papers for wo days after
dato of publication, Whero la (lit)
Thomas llenson shipped four car.
Actress III.
Chicago, March 7, Helen Mora, the
actress. Is critically III with cancer.
oi un; ureas i. une lias cancelled nl
of her engagements.
Many Were Brigands.
A dispatch from Rome to the Cen
tral News says that tho 36 passen
gers of the British steamer Comj
monwealth, who were recently refused
permission to land at Boston bv the
authorities of that city, disembarked
-from (he Commonwealth at Naples,
ana were a arrested, it Is alleged
that some of these passengers have
been identified as brigand. "M num
ber Pf seamen of the Co'raroowiltb .
are wanted as .accomplices,, ' ' !
'ni... ij....... iw...i ft ,
., . from tll0 ,..,,, ... .,...,.. . .1 .. ";hik uoiiipauy is now
vgpnts or joim u. luickereiier, CeiVC(t at tl mt tIme rie wa " '"'ng in a small plant, und will soon
He Died for Others
UKt'iiiD u iiJtr uuuiifaur on uwii wiai.ui x-. r i 1 1. ..
the treasury stock." ' Thin 7 J" ? f ft cat.lo Friday, to Trout-
Tnn ffimnnnv lu nrpnnl'nH nnlnr Ihol .. . ' ' 1 I (lain.
- -o-"""- "'" VMM Bt?n rtlPil Ml Htinldiiii cj fnur Invn I
Inwit nf Arlimnn I .. . . . .
Now' York people who have shipped " n, " S," "h7.T V" for th market, on a large scaio.
the cobalt to Germany, have repeated- ,., ,.oi,v tnln pnvw.'u ' .to... .John . Porti shipped a carload of
ly tried to purchase this property, ,, n." ..... wheat to Alb na Friday
lives of the wmen 'iXT Vffl Vm 2 .W .n
11m BiuLK ui mo um wiuiiauics nnd shoulder wprn ornahod nn hn hno " ' "B'IUII lnu 13 Hi-
to be merged, and shares Issued In n"Va?, a Bat deal of local .-.tteii-
the new. company dollar for dollar. mlnlon rI(';nr"flV
Officers, have not yet been elected,
minion parliament awarded him a sold
medal for his heroism. Salem Jour
via i
UaUlKrecn, III.. Marrn 7f A CyCiOn A Paiinavlvnnia ranrouanintiva Ihrt
morplng. completely wrecking sever- ft b4PfcldIlBg Urge mJlleB Bd
Bl bllildlngS in Its path and damaging I nrnvCKr tnr VnM moala in mathai
..... a.u. !... . ....... IT.'. ' " Wlf'..? . r.-i-"r,
iup flnao, uu. lujii.nifi nunc,,, qi MHMJMjrJIUCq.
Out of pity for u woman whe bad
at(Hptd to kill herwlf throuaii'grlef
oyr the loss of jewel intf- BKwey sto
th awount of fSOOO. vrmm vboM
cw (we o ma4 htmm' gve the
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to the rrtt ot: JWpnf, Brenner, on