t - - -t - - k - k k k k k k k k k k k k k IRRIGATED LANDS, FRUIT LANDS ALFALFA LANDS, GARDEN LANDS Strawberries, Mticns, Grapes and every forage plant, Vegetable, Fruit and Flower known cau be success fully grown cn the Irrigated Lands of the OREGON LAND ASP WATER GO. Situated along the Columbia K.ver from Umatilla west. We are prepared to Irrigate and have for sale 6000 acres of these choicest lands, and offering them for sale with PERPETUL WATER RIGHTS at $50 00 per Acre (tor the first 1000 Acres only Annuai charge for water not to exeeed $1.00 per acre. For further information call upon or write to N. BERKLEY, Pendleton, Oregon :o OREGON LAND & WATER CO., UMATILLA, ORE. - - - - need mimW I WESTERN STATES BURDENED BY ST. LOUIS FAIR the field for the Ixwls and Clark fair are as follows: Alfred Holman, California. Dr. Hewy Waldo Coe, Minnesota and North Dakota. D. C. Freeman, Ariiona, New Mexi co and Utah. C H. Mclsaac. Washington. Henry Blarkman. Idaho end Utah. T. T.Geer, Nebraska and Missouri. John F. Ksapp, Colorado. SCROFU Will Make Further Appropriations for the Lewis and Clark Exposition All Western States Enthusiastic List of Field Workers. Portland, March 6 The Lewis and Governor Chamberlain Will Make Two J Clark fair will not receive as much Appointments. NEW BARBER EXAMINERS. rlnrL-. damn or crowded anarfm. I I 'Willi the poorer sections oi large cities. imonev from "UVstpra stAtes this vnar ' Portland Mnrrh fi Thr state hoard Kilt H Qtpn frniTl SCrOIllln tn nr. I .-,.. . Ml t ' 1 VIIOl 'becoming more and more manifest as ncw numbers The term of S H. and herein JieS the great dailCr. I Howard nnc nf the oldest members, .- l I of the board .expired this week, and as weU aVOld the Step, i F. D. Hopers Is about to hand In his . 4 Scott s iimulsion contamc A . v - I -"'HI' -l K,. 1 I lit- 111 I I r. ! I M Y l' J 11 1 1 LUU I II" fill h. hnild im the whole bodv and pniki ' r i wtiuiii the sessions of Western legislatures draw to the close. There is no reason for dlscouraement however because resignation, leaving H. G. Meyer the larger sums can be secured in 1905 ' remaining member of the examining , than could possibly be secured at board. J. C. Wels, vice-president of this time The great disadvantage to the Barbers' Union .Is the choice of the fair will be that the money will , his union for the position, and his be available late and the progress of friends sav that Governor Chamber-1 the exposition will thereby be retard- lain looks with favor upon his appoint , ed. Tet It will be conceded that ad- menu ditlonal money can be used to good' The unions In saiem. Astoria and, .; . h-j IfUir D l purpose at a late hour. Oregon appro-' Baker City will have some voice In TO aCCJUirc HCW , Jicailllj, iOIIG nesfl. pnaied monev in lyoi ror the Buffalo ' ue seiecuon oi me nue: mumuer. i i- f l: 1 i t'liiuMuuu. null x 1 1 1 1 . i 1 1 1 t , i r , ' f 1 1 : in, ,,, iii.tr ...... . . . . i . . w . . uj m v w '....w . . u , ,i i lilt' tuiiubliiuu "lirutn. iwiiutr i. uiii iu i m c. Western legislatures have felt the! unions :Ive committees of the outside J 1 . , , i 'Jif win i-uuruii "H u'"'u" 1 V LJl al 1 1 if 1 (1J LV aim lilVlilM burden of their appropriations this tee of the Portland union, and the, . . . O year for the fair at St. Louis, and ; new member will be Jointly seiectea., neV SirUCClire wnere it IS fllOSt i"""" ",lu J"Ju films or . ...M. mu w-.,.-.. v. - 1 llCiC 13 llUUJlll&f lllttL Will fin with nrnmlso nf innnmHntifm. tizm I iournevman and two emnlovinc bar-1 uu . - - - - - - i . i r r i . ears hence. These legislatures wll , tiers, out or tne recent law ine oraer oTinfl in the Cae OI CrOtll m thnn all have adjourned by the 12th of this 111 be reversed, and the onion men' gOUU III 11 JC LdSC Ui S-lUiUld man ,orra a n"t)or"y- Hmulsion. We'll send you a sample free upon request. BEST DRY WOOD We have bought of the Allen Brothers, their interest in the Wood bnsinesB, and no? we are ready to furnish the best dry wood on short notice. Office 638 Main Street Phone 2. P. P. COLLIER & CO. .month, except Missouri and Nebras' ka. Governor Geer is now on a mis-1 sion to those states in behalf of the Notice. 1W15 fair Idaho Is the only state Pendleton, Feb. 26. 1903. which has appropriated money for the Street poll tax for 1903 will be due Lewis and Clak exposition. The In 10 days from date of this notice money from Idaho and the probable at the city marshal's office in the sums from other states will be as j city of Pendleton, Umatilla county, .follows: j Oregon, or br authorized deputy. ' Idaho $10,000 , Such tax hercarter to become and he Washington 50.000 delinquent. Whereupon it shall be- Callfornia -10,000 j come and be the duty of the City Montana 7,000 Marshal to proceed to collect the Nebraska 10.000 , same in the manner provided by the North Dakota 2.500, laws of this state for the collection Missouri 50.000 of road taxes by road supervisors and The British Columbia parliament the said marshal Is herebv authorii will convene about the middle of this ed, directed and empowered to do so. month and will be asked to make an j. x. BLAKLET, appropriation Emissaries now in City Marshal. Have Your Water Pipes i n i Delay will lead to serious breaks. First-class work guaranteed by the Rename ritim Court street, opposite the Golden Rule Hote aammmmmmmm mmmmmm mm mmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmnffliw WE ARE NOW OFFERING THE! SHAR (SECOND ALLOTMENT OF 100,000 I OF HIGHLAND GOLD STOCK B AT SIX (6) GENTS PER SHARE. ... . The first allotment of 100,000 Shares was disposed of at six cents per share, mostly bv telecram. and in order to allow thoft hnKfl nW failed m reach ust4 iuh ivh..,n. nnn,.,,n4 rr J 3 ui-.L.j a. : . .. s- .' . ?- r".r. ' - " ",c wme wuue pnee. inis is a ground floor offer, and an oDDortnnitv to invest vour savines in a jrold nine to ;n . r , 1-1 -H .,1 1 O vui , uuu UUUUI lllUlt IU 1U V COl uui cat UJLO ill Ck Kiulu ij r. . , 1 -j mj jui wv. l lvju uiuiui;ao axiu uivjuuuu uacio iai iu-" LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION TheHIGHLAND GOLD MINES COMPANY owns twelve quartz claims (240 acres) in the heart of the famous SUMPTER DISTRIST OF EASTERN OREGON, and located on the same belt as the world-renowned NORTH PO-E. theCOLUMBIA, the GOLCONDA, and the E. i E. MINES to the west, and theBAISLEY-ELKHORN and other large producers to the east, the great CHLORIDE mine lying to the north of the HIGHLAND GROUP. This wonderful belt or rone, after passing through the mines 'o the west, strikes the HIGHLAND ground and runs through it for a distance of 3500 feet. The vein o; leoge has been thoroughly rrospected and pay-ore has been uncovered the whole distance ir fact, the longest and moot continuous pay-shoot or ore- -body ever discovered In the district is found in the HIGHLAND ground. FREE TRIP TO THE MINES wiuwii Buiiuj- wqo nave viniea ine highland are au unanimous in saying tcai wnw t-Mnu wuj mase a jarge mine and a good producer. jwu k,w uutwuacc Difirt ixi ujc n unuMu. we uu hu wilii uic u i-cui uujj trail we icuun me ranncpnee ni inTPKinr ana certain. e recommend 1 to our most conservative clients. B SECOND ALLOTMENT IS NOW OFFERED AT 6 CENTS PER SHARE sWs; $30 g THIS IS POSITIVELY THE LAST BLOCK OF THIS STOCK THAT WILL BE SOLD B AT SUCH AN EXTREMELY LOW FIGURE USE THIS BLANK FOR YOUR ORDER 190. To NEIL. J. SORENSEN & CO.. SUMPTER, OREGON. Gentlemen; I hereby make application to the EIQHLABD GOLD MIKES COMPANY of Sumpter, Oregon, through yourselves, for ) Shares of the Stock of said Company, at Six (6) Cents per share, to be issued on February 20th 1903. I agree 10 accept the return of the amount re mitted in case of over-subscription. The purchase involves no Per sonal Liability, as the stock is run. paid, uok assessable and non. forfeitable l wired at your expense on 1903, to set aside for me the number of shares above mentioned, to be issued on Feb 20, 1903- Name Par value of shares P. O Address one dollar Enclosed herewith ou will find $ in payment for the above subscription. Do not delay your orders. WIRE US AT OUR EXPENSE, stating the number of shares you wish set aside. Then remit by letter, (using the application blank below.) By this means you will be reasonably certain of securing the stock while at the BEDROCK price of eix cents per share. We refer you to any bank, business bouse, or to any substantial citixen in the com munity in which we lire. Send money order, check or draft at your earliest .convenience. For further particulars apply to For Further Particulars Apply To NEIL J. SORENSEN & CO., Department No. M Financial Agents GOOD AGENTS WANTED. MUST GIVE REFERENCES. mmmmm mmmsm wmmmatiM mmmm hmwttm&wmmmi au&