Men's Furnisnings Men's Cotton Ribbed Underwear, heavj weight in natural, salmon and blue, each 50 cents Men's Sox, black and tan, at 10 cents and 15 cents. Men's fancy Half Hose, new patterns, 15 sents and 25 cents, Shirts, stiff bosoms, reduced in price, 50 cents and 75 cents. Golf Shirts, Rood patterns and special prices, 50 cents, 75 cents and $1 00. New stock of Gloves, 25 cents to $1.56. Black sateen Shirts, 50 cents and 75 cents. Suspmders. 25 cents, 50 cents and 75 cents. Reductions in Men's and Bovs Sweaters. Bae? & Daley One-Price I'lothirs, Hatter an-1 Furnisher: 4- HOTEL ARRIVALS. FRIDAY, MARCH 6. 1903. GENERAL NEWS. A large colony of Swedes and Danes is coming from Minnesota to Oregon this spring. : The Oregon exhibit has safely ar rived at Osaka. Japan, and is in po-1 Eltion in the exposition building. Over 50,000 employes on the Wa- j bash talk of striking, without an or-1 der from their organizations to do J so. t The price of wire, tin and other metal products is on the rise and a S2 per ton increase is reported in the! Eastern centers. ! President Roosevelt declined to be-' oome a member of the Boys' Club, ofi New Haven .Conn., because he could not attend the meetings. 1 Two hundred guests in the Sturte-' vant hotel. New York city, stamped-1 ed and almost caused a panic. Thurs-, day. an account of a slight blaze in . the basement. j Seven negroes were killed Thurs-. day. in a railroad construction camp, near Jacksonville, Texas. The men j were drinking and quarreled among' themselves with fatal results. j Mrs. Georgians Stanley, a grand- j daughter of Lord Kercastle, of Scot-; land, was found in an unconscious , condition in a Denver tenement house Thursday She was a pauper, her I husband having died a year ago. j Mme. Tatta, a French woman, of Bombay. India, has forsaken the) Christian religion and taken orders : in Zoroastrianism. having been in vested with the sacred robe of the I "Parsees." It is the first Christian on record taking orders in that relig ion. Huntington. Central City. Kenova and Ceredo, W. Va.. and Ashland and Catlettaburg. Ky are experiencing a gas famine, resulting from a break in the chief main leading from the fields in Kentucky. Many factories have been closed and there is much suf fering. John Lyons, who is dying of con sumption in a Chicago Jail, has con fessed to belonging to a band of murderers who have operated in Chi cago for years, drugging and robbing their victims Hotel Pendleton. H N DriiKer. Cincinnati. C. H. Miller. Echo. H. W .Winn and wife. Albany. A. C. Ennions, Portland. T. D. Honeynian. Portland. J. J. Burns. Portland. E. H. Burke. Portland. P. H. Holcomb. Seattle. A. W .Dugler. San Francisco. E. E. Clever. Prairie City. M. Abraham. Portland. R. M. I. Kumeor. La Crosse. A. M. Whitman. Portland. E. Blackburn. Baker City. C. J. Groat. Portland G. E. Binge. Centralia. R. B. May. Portland. C. H. Foster. San Francisco. C. A. Purdy. Portland. T. W. Jackson. Spokane. R. A. Seeds. Spokane G. Stevens. Spokane. C. S Cox. Spokane. J. C C. MILTON 'S PETITION ! ? . m Golden Rule. Wesley. Milton. P. Smith. Weston M. Pierce .Weston. Jesse Moore. Helix. Delia Bott, Helix. Mrs. J. K. Bott. Helix. Miss Handley. Baker City. Mark T. Hammond, Denver. C. H. Gassett. Portland. T. Burns. Spokane. D. O'Connor. Goldendale. Mrs. O. E. Goselind, Medford. O. E. Goeslind, Medford. G. W. Williams, Spokane. G. D. Galley. Portland. A. J. Hall. Spokane. L. D. Weiie. Hilford. Joe Chartres. New Orleans. Mrs. C. O. Campbell. Arlington. Mrs. D. Reed. Arlington. E. E. Baltezore and family, city. R. Watt. Alba. Mrs. L. E. Platten. Echo. B. Millard. Sonora. J. Rowan, Denver. C. W. Orton. Salt Lake. Joe Connelly. Kansas City. H. Ross. city. J. S. Brown and wife. Starbuck. L.- E. Marchand. Fletcher. Georges Forbes. Fletcher. E. W Achlllis. The Dalles. J. L. Roe. Freewater. F. J. Gardner. Portland. 1 dorscd by the press of the whole , , country. The bill which they present Is re plete with musical specialties, mono-; logues, the latest songs and dances, 1 1 character sketches. Illustrated songs, i CITIZENS HAVE RAISED $1,200 j ventriloquist acts, nnd the many var-, ! FOR ROAD IMPROVEMENT, led specialties which po to make up i ' a strictly high-class performance. One Petition Presented to County Court .can judge of the merits of the per- Last Night, Asking for Reconstruct romance wnen it is Known . .... , ., among the artists aro Weston and tlon of Five Miles of River Road. . Hor,H.rt ,IlIRh j Emlnett, the four Near Milton. nrncilnns. Miss May Myers, the three X J. F. Campbell, road supervisor of Rosebuds, little Carrie Cole and Allen ' the South Milton district, arrived in 1 and Edison's latest Improved bioscope J this city yesterday afternoon with a , which shows new nnd interesting J. petition signed by BO citizens of that moving pictures. T i localtty. pledging f 1,200 to the county ; 1 , court as part of the cost of recon-' Slck Headache absolutely and per- Structlng five miles of river load near ( amnently cured by using Mokl Tea. T the city of Milton. a pleasant herb drink. Cures con- Mr. Campbell has been working but si!patior. and Indigestion, makes von Jltwo weeks In circulating this petition fRt, Elcep, work and happy. 25 cents nnd Is well satisfied with the result ; ant 50 cents. Write to W. H. Hook fjor his labors. He lias secured no Cr Co.. Buffalo, N. Y.. for a free 5 j subscription that Is not as good as snrnple F W. Schmidt & Co.. drug- 1 the cash and has the assurance from gists. j!a majority of the subscribe: 9 tha" ,'. they will double their donations if necessary. The citizens of Milton ask the coun- ty court to reconstruct five miles of 1 road, beginning at the bridge over the uawa unna mver at Jiuiun. unu t. ; tending to the bridge over the North ! fork of the Walla Walla, known as the "river road." The petition nsks 1 that crushed rock eight inches deep 1 and 20 feet wide, tapering toward I each edge of the road lie placed upon 1 the roadbed: that the drainage be I made perfect and the road put in first ! class shape In every particular. As an inducement to the county to improve this road, tin citizens have agreed to pay over the 11,200 sub scribed in cash and labor and as much more as the court may adjudge equitable. Mr. Campbell feels assuied that $2,000 can lie rnised tor the purpose This piece oi rend becomes almost impassable during the winter season. It follows the river bluff and has poor , drainage, nil the water nnd rocks fium the hillside lodging in the cen ter of the road. It is estimated that from -io.000 to S0.0U0 teams pass over it each year, and as it is a central thoroughfare for all that section ot Umatilla coun ty. It Is highlv important to improve ( it. i Merchants at Milton and all the mill men of the city have subscribed I liberally to the fund. The subscript tions run all the way from $G0 down j to $25. and each subscriber is a per-' manent resident of the county 1 The citlzense have not made an es-; timate of the total cost, this matter , being left entirely to the court Eclipsing all Previ ous Selling Efforts We've planned broadly, vigor ously and thoroughly to make this Spring the busiest season in the history of our store. For this season we offer a splendid gathering of Killers i Bar is Green Sulphur Blue Stone Arsenic London Pur ple lYliale Oil Soap In any quantity, at very lowest price F. W. SCHMIDT & CO, RELIABLE DRDGGISTS Phone Main 851 Fine Shirt Waist Suits from $2.50 to $6.00. Fine Skirts from $J.50 to $0.00. Fine Shirt Waists from 50c to $4.00. Fine Silk Shirt Waists at $3.50. Fine Woolen Suits for Spring from $J0 to $35.00. Fine Wool Challies, all shades, 40c. Every Lady in the City should see 1 1 . it 1 . . rne many new iningb in uur various rf departments. (jpi a Ticket on the Carrtaoph - - -. BIG BOSTON STORE 11 ItillAitltliiiliiiititilitAiilitititllliiiitilllHl i I ATHLETICS IN WALLA WALLA. 1 Garden Tools Movement on Foot to Organize Asso ciation. A movement Is on foot to start an athletic club in this city similar to the Seattle Athletic Association, says the Union. Henry Perrin. of Walla Walla, late of the Sixth Cavalry, who saw service in the Philippines and an ( atniete 01 no mean ability, win en j deavor to start the organization, and I he will be backed in the enterprise by ' i several prominent citizens. To a reporter for the Union Mr eaa GOBI OUMAflH i mmm M m wmm. M ' Osr steal la fchnjo apofcaa mt m aaak- ' ! Is aS laaaaoaa. Buyarkm mtttmtt, tkarondi work, haa gtrtm K Sate aaa ! afi tite rmw. (MBjb ' and Seeds I have just received a full line of Garden Cultivators and Seeders. The above tools are the combined seeder, hoe, rake and plow. I have also a full line of Choice Garden Seeds in bulk, Grass Seed, Alfalfa, Timothy, Broom Grass, Orchard Grass, Etc. Call and Get prices. rmmTtnr. Opes Notice. We, the undersigned, will be in Joseph Moore and Pendleton within a few weeks, for' 1 Pfirrin Klllrt- Wifh a mmlrKhln nf 1 half a hundred we could start, and ! j gradually Improve and secure appa- PORTLAND BUSINESS COIXEGE ratus as we grow older. If properly I managed I see no reason why this pobtlajid, orbcoi . town could not support a good ath- - AJUtSTnoiiiG. m. rancn'Ai. I atii nuDnnlntlnn 1 Mr. Perrin was at one time assist- LADIES, TAKE NOTICE , ant instructor iu the Seattle Athletic I 1 Association, and was a member of the Attention now, ladiei, all btpji; and bj-' Qpnttlo imll in,Ti fnnr v-jrs npn H. Jnt ie my last oSerl But Two Bit to jj , beatue ball team loiir years ago. He ( fot beumi ph0tOi IuU fabin,., ,ei r ! was stationed at Port Walla Walla ; That would make your Uat fellow Juit open I with the Fourth Cavalry at one time. 1 blt el- . .luit eit the E O. at Danner' old ttand. WESTON AND HERBERT. oa i our hiblt- beantllnl and We will there try to ple you, the Wat we 3 T. C. TAYLOR THE HARDWARE MAD inm -nrav nnrnmniis nro iinHer me nurnose of Durchasinc three hund-, Able Company of Artists to ADDcari "D"nowi arrest in Sl Louis. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. red (300) more or less bead of horses for the United States cavalry, there fore, would Instruct owners In this at the Frazer This Week. With that tame pleatant tnillt- and an artiitlc bow. 74 1 Mala Street Our Banner Month Vov Prtilnt- nnl Cnri.pOflc K i n. ! It mttlam hnl llttla hnw nlil vnii ma ho vicinity to et their horses in DroDen . ? , mzer wui iiae nn on- haodMme fcna uU n elf f . tVo iiT h,ortunit3' of witnessing the best vau- You will get a nicr photo of yoar weet mue Dyptheria has appeared at TJnlon. sbap to conform to the following re-devllle performances ever seen here. hi a very malignant form. " ,, . . . , The organization to appear Is none1 Geldings-Roans light and dark!c,lner 0lan the lamuniPwitou and Our work la First CLAfts and to Cue you xauat IIJUW, Carrie Nation IS now on her way H ,n.. V 'IC' lut u,,u ! That aU the beat Monle know luit where to ao. from San Francisco to Portland. ' must B0Iindl BenUe under Tm&wu? ""Selrt V&VoXZT " M"Ch a F. Martin, of Salem, wanted in, die, with free and prompt action at UtISk -Itlt. Md whT col Le en 1 60 brtn"r ' MB lDn 1!,n,..! fny ml.innmnriilln, hmric . . J II J. ' ring UlfcS. HHQ WnO COme UCie en- 1 has been taken East for trial. ,fect or blemish: of kind disposition. William Moore, the postmaster at to weigh not less than 950 pounds, Forest Grove, was held up and rob-: nor more than 1160 pounds, from 16 bed, Thursday, of till in government . hands 1 inch to 16 hands high: from funds. jfour (-1) to eight (8) years of age; Lyons, the murderer of Sheriff ' suitable for the United States cav- TVH-htirc wnc fmmri rntlltt of mnrHnr I W7 by tie jury, after 10 minutes' deliber-1 We wl """fy you later, the date; aIon we want the horses brought in fori J. D. Farrell. head of the J. J. Hill lnsPecUon- Steamship Company. Is now on his mvnv ni nrwRTJiw way to the Orient. In search of trade SV' contracts. For fUrther particulars, write to James Baxter, who died at Dayton, Herman Metzger, Portland Ore. Or., last week, waa tbe oldest man i In Tamhlll county, having been born' in 1810. He left 13S descendants. How's Thlal F. J. Schoneld. tor .D years a land- f(ir any nte ot ntllb Uuit cannot U scape gardener of Portland, Is miss- cured by Haifa Catarrh Care, ine from the Idaho hotel, where hej f. J. chesev a co iTopa., Toledo, o. has long been a guest. Foul play is cyraf? raMe? suspected. him perfectly honorable In all traalaea rtonrpR Armatrone- ft well-known tranaactlona and Cnanclally able to tarry George Armstrong, a wen Known , out ny obIlc,t,OM ma(J bj tDelr BrB farmer of Benton county, has been i west tkuax. wboleaale DrnssUta, missing for several days from his Toledo. O home. He is 69 years of age and WALpiNO. KINNAN UAitVlN. wtol leaves a wile and two sons. , HBii-a Catarrh Cure U taken Internally. aetlns directly upon tbe blood and ton eona anrfacea of the ayatem. Price lie per bottle. Bold by all drncglata, Teatimonfala frea. Hall'i Family 11IU are the beat The trouble between the Portland garment workers and employers has been settled. A new scale was sign ed giving shorter hours, better pay, and in many ways Improving condi tions In tbe trade. Best t-hoe work at Teutscb's. Choice Reading All the popuiar works ol fiction. All the new books that have pleased the public. All the standard works. Our circulating library is growing in popularity daily. It costs only a small sum to read any of the new books. Come and investigate. FRAZIER'S Book and Stationery 8 tor DANNER, 115 E. Webb St. We are trying to make this out Banner Month and In order to do so are offering rare inducements. You'll make money by investigating. Gray's Harbor Commercial Co. We Don't Keep Everything But we Oo seep u good big stock of nice dry Flooring, Celling, Rustic and finish. In all grades . Also all kinds of Dimension Lumbtr, In cluding Lath and Shingles, Our stock of Doors, Win dows, Moulding, Building and Tar Paper and Apple Boxes is complete, and any one in need of Lumber will not be wrong In placing their order with the : : : Gray's Hrbor Com. C. Off. W: A C. R. Depot THERKELSEH'S PIANO HOUSE, 315East Court Street.J On Its Merit Has the large demand for .... 14 Been built up. Only the choicest wheat that grows enters to Byers Best Flour. It's perfection in Flour. Made by 9 PENDLETON ROLLER MILli, W m na aaaa. w. 2. Byers, Proprietor. 4 j 3