a Business Cards and Societies PROFESSIONS AND TRADES, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. PHYSICIANS. nil w r; COLE OFFICE IN JUDO building, omce nours, iu 10 ii n. m. . to S p. m. reiepnone ri J L. aiL SSWO.N LODGE. NO. 4, MEETS EVERY Utats and corrects trouble. catar- evening In Secret Society hall. !!! e?"?.1"0,. an.l. 'ErVarJi S'Ilow block, at Pendleton Ore. 'it. W. Oliiucrrtn.-i.ij uUm .v. . core. Telephone, mam iui. DM3. SMITH & r.INGO, OFFICE OVER the Pendletcn Savings Hank. Telephone JIO . residence telephone, main 301. H. R GAItFIELD, M. D., HOMEOl'ATUIC physician trd surgeon. Office In Judd bulldlnc. Telephone Office, black, .3; res IdrDce, black, 24. DK D, J. McFAULL. ROOM 17 ASSOCIA tlcn block. Telephone, main 1)31 : resi dence telephone, black. 1C1. UK T. M. HENDERSON. PHYSICIAN and surgeon. Specialties, eye, ear, nose and throat. Office In Savings Hank btilla Inc. 'Phone, main, 331. DRS. KEYES & KEYES. OSTEOPATHIC Ilivslclans Chronic and nervous diseases a specialty Office one block west of post office. DP. R. D. WISWAIX, PHYSICIAN AND SCR geon. Office in Dcspalii Block. Telephone Black 131. Residence phone Black 663. DR. LYNN K. P.LaIcESLEE, CHRONIC and nervous diseases and diseases of women Judd building, corner Main and Court Sts. Office 'phone, main, T21 ; res idence, red, 273. OR. LENA ALLEN IJOONE. OSTEOPATH, Office S13 Thompson Btroet. Telephone, fclacn, 244 DP. E. G. KIR BY, 1'HYSKUAN AND SUR geon Office Room 4, ssociation Building. DENTISTS. E. A VAUGIIAN, DENTIST. OFFICE IN Judi? building. 'Phone, red, 71. E. A MANN. DENTIST. OFFICE IN As sociation block, over Schmidt's new drug tore. 'Phone, red 271. OCULISTS. I IK. W. W. OAR- .nrf,7.Vnl ontfeian The oulv optician, Ihe O'uy , complete opc-.eni uarior In the city. Six doors south uf P O . Main street, Pendleton, Ore., No fee charged for examination and consultntion. BANKS AND BROKERS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENA, Oregon. Cnpltal, $50,000; surplus and nrnntc si; into lntormr nn time ueDosns. Collections promptly attended to. nenry r1 AflAmc nrpKiilent : T. J. Kirk. Vlce-Dresl dent; F H. LeGrow, casnier: I. M Kemp, asst. cashier THE FARMERS' BANK OF WESTON, Weston, Oregon. Does a general banking .business. Exchnuge bought and sold. Col lections promptly attended to. It. Jameson, president ; ueorge vt . itocdsxci ; vice-presi dent J R. Kllgore, cashier ; directors, U. Hartman. M. M Johns. T. J. Price, G. Graw, J. F. Kllgore. Robert Jameson, W. Proebstel. ITHK PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK, Pendleton, Oregon. Organized March l, 1889. Capital, $30,000; surplus, $100,000; interest allowed on all time deposits. Ex 'change bought and sold on all principal 5 points. Special attention given to col lections. v. j. I'urnlali. president; J. is. gNeal, vice-president ; T. J. Morris, cashier ; SJ W Maloney, assistant cashier. ! FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PENDLE- ton. Canital. J70.000: surplus, sa,..ooo: Transacts a general banking business. Ex change and teiegrapnic transiere soia on K'bicago, San Francisco, New York and principal points In the Northwest. Drarta lrawn on i mnn, japan ana mirope. aiancs collections on reasonable terms. Levi An- , president ; W, F. Matlock, vlce-pres- Rldent: C. B. Wade, cashier; II. F. Johnson, sistant cashier. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. V HOWARD. ARCHITECT AND Su perintendent ; makes complete and rella lie plans for buildings In the city or coun ty Room 17 juilu building. IIEBK & COLE, CONTRACTORS AND Builders. Estimates furnished on short btlce. Job work a specialty. Prompt irvice. Shop on Bluff street near Main, A. MAY, CONTRACTOR AND BUILD Ber Estimates furnished on all kinds , masonry cement walks, stone walls, etc. rave orders at East Oregonlan olee. :e, troutman architect and bu- oerlntendent. Room IS. Association Hiding, Pendleton, Oregon. M. KELLAR. PLASTERING AND CE- lentlng. Cement walks a specialty. Es tates furnished tree. Work guaranteed. live orders at Badley and Zehner 8 cigar re. Aiain street, r. u. doi iu4. CABS AND CARRIAGES. 3BER TIRE HACK. NEW AND VERY litest style, for the service of the public. j. i-arun ana J as. a. .Mc&ay, props. :an the Commercial Livery Stable or tele- ae main 101 and the back will call for CAB LINE. HRWIN BAKER. PROP. elephone main 701. Office and waiting n, Alta street, next to Savings Bank mar. JRANCE AND LAND BUSINESS BENTLEY REPRESENTS THE OLD and most reliable Ore and accident ance companies. Office with Hartman PARKES. OFFICE 120 COURT KT. Dfflca business, such as filing of claims nutating contests a specialty. HAILEY. JR.. U. 8. LANf) nnt. loner Specialty made of land filings wit coui ; insurance ana collections. Of- juao building, room 16. 'ETERINARY 8URGEON. W. V AUG HAN. QHATinATK CIV Ian Francisco Veterinary Collexe: iiendtd to day or night Office at uie ; pnoa red oil. END SHOE REPAIRING. EWat.t iKnm nm dot t a t ' sTrii. Fa,it-C,M- rtpnltlvi with' CsT' Bhop In rear of DTndlnger.i FRATERNAL ORDERS. PENDLETON LODGE, NO. 52, A. F. AND " - - W. M. ; J oe H. Pa rkes, Sec. Fletcher. K. R. S. : W. J. Kevea. C. C. Fletcher, K. R. S.: W. J. Keyes, C. C. I PENDLETON CIRCLE NO 527, WOMEN t of Woodcraft, meets every Friday even ing at riomlrlr hall. All visiting neighbors are cordially Invited to attend. Minnie Stlllman, Guardian Neighbor; Eva Flet cher, Clerk. BOARD AND LODGING. EMPIRE LODGING HOUSE. CORNER OF E. Court and Johnson streets. Good large, clean rooms with comfortable beds. Rates 25c and 50c a night. Thos. Smart, Prop. HOTEL ALTA. CORNER ALTA AND Mill streets. Hoard by the day or week. Good table set. Rates S4 and ?5 per week. Pendleton feed yard In connection. L. Neff, Trop. THE ST. GEORGE RESTAURANT REG ular meals 25 cents. Short orders a specialty. Open day and night. T. A Oldfather, Prop. THE STRAIION ROOMING HOUSE, CIS Main street. Sirs. H. E. Cooper, Prop, Everything strictly nrst-clnss. Rates 50c and ?1 per day. 1TIE WHITE LODGING nOUSE. 301 South Main street. Mrs. Mary Williams Prop. Housekeeping rooms and lodging rooms. Good comfortnble rooms and clean well-kept beds. Lodging 23 cents. FURNISHED AND HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS at No. 777 Thomiicon street. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. THE DEPOT STABLES, COTTONWOOD street, between Alta and Webb streets n. Stewart Proo. Best care taken horses. Good stables and plenty of feed. THE CITY LIVERY BOARD AND SALE Stable, M. J. Carney, proprietor, for fine turnouts. Stable 118 Alta street. FEED AND SALES STABLE, LINDSBY & uoiy props.; uia oempie oiuuie, tsst Cottonwood street; careful attention given horses left with us. & Doty props. ; Old Sempie Stable, COMMERCIAL STABLES. G. M. FROOME Prop. Livery, feed and boarding. All kinds of turnouts. Competent drivers. Op poslte note! Pendleton. 'Phone, main 101 OREGON FEED YARD. W. T. BOYNTON prop. Special care given to horses left with me. Lower webb street. Phone, red 204. THE TELEPHONE LIVERY, FEED AND SALE btaoie, court street, opposite uourt House boarding horses a specialty; good turnouts rigs aeuverea ; rnoue Main;i3i, SECOND-HAND DEALERS. GEORGE O'DANIEL. NEW AND SECOND hand goods bought and sold. Conrt St. Opera house block. Call and see him. V. STROBLE. DEALER IN SECOND hand goods. If there Is anything you neea in new ana Becona-nana furniture, Bloves, granite ware and crockery, call and get his prices, no. ziz Court street. NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS bought and sold ; pawn brokers ; money auvancea on an kinds or articles, waters & Sherry, props., 782 Cottonwood street, BLACKSMITH ING. COPELAND & SON, GENERAL BLACK- smithing and repairing; horseshoeing specialty; work promptly attended to; call and see us; shop 314 west Webb street, just three blocks below Main street. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. MAPLE BROS.. COURT STREET. GEN eral Electricians, dealers in electrical supplies. Houses, stores, wired for electric Merits, bens or telenhonis. Electrical nx tutes of all kinds. Get our prices. Repair worn a speciaitv. TONSORIAL PARLORS. BILLY KRASSIG, BARBER SHOP AND bath rooms. Main street, three doors north of Hotel St. George. First-class service. NEW TONSORIAL PARLORS, COURT ST, Three doors west of Golden Rule hotel J U. Pace, prop. First-class workmen ; everything clean ; all modern Improvements, PATTON'S SANITARY BARBER SHOP Despaln block; Conrt street; best work manshlp ; all the modern Improvements : all tools sterilized ; bath rooms In con nectlon. PHOTOGRAPH ER8. W. S. BOWMAN, LEADING PHOTOGRA nher of the city. Harvest views. In dlan photos fo. sale. Finishing done for amatcuis. Main St., near bridge. 'Phone red 276. MALE HELP WANTED. AN ENERGETIC MANAGER FOB OFFICE to be opened in this city for large man' ufacturlng concern. Salary $100 per month ; extra commissions and expenses, Five hundred dollars cash security re quired. Best of references. Address Man, ager. P. O. Box 2124, San Francisco. Calif, EMPLOYMENTOFFICES. STAR EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 038 Main St ; If you need help or seek em ployment call on us. 'Phone, main 1011. WANTED. WANTEDWORK AT WASHING, IRONING or bouse cleaning. Inquire at 701 Alia Bt. IN POUND THE FOLLOWING DE- scrlbed animals have been taken up by the marshal of the City of Pendleton, to One bav eeldlnir. weight 1100 rounds: collar marxs: wmietinDin loreneaa: u rears oia: no Drtmci viiidis If said ai Imala ure not claimed by the owners or those entitled to the possession. coats and expenses against them paid, and men taken away within ten days rrom the date hereof, then at 2 o'clock d. m. of the 7th day of March, 1903. the said animals will be sold to the highest bidder, at public auction for cash, at the city Webb streets, In the City of Pendleton, the proceeas or Bnen aaie to oe appnea to wie hTe si le "UC" "UU 1 l " Datwl this aith day of February, 1903. COMMERCE-TRADE BUTTER AND EGGS ARE GETTING CHEAP. Little Change in Outlook No De mand for Wheat at Present Prices Hide and Pelt Market Slow. The only change in prices to bo noted, compared with those quoted some days ago, is an advance in the price or ducks to the farmer, caused by scarcity. Otherwise, the prices to the producer and to the consumer as well, remain just where they were a week ago, though other fluctuations are imminent. The hide and pelt market is slow HARPER PROF. WALLACE THE PALMIST Extraordinary Offer for One Week Readings, 50 Cents. This offer is extended to every one and especially to those who heretofore could not afford my former fees. Wallace. So strange is my work that, with' out a word, without a question, I tell you just what you want to know Correct information about all affairs of love, courtship, marriage, divorce, sales, wills, property, old estates speculation, diseases, pensions, pat ents, investments, etc. I positively tell you when you will marry and date of marriage. I recognize none as my superior who by any means advise and foretell events arlBlng through cause an deffect. DO YOU WISH TO KNOW How you can have good luck? How you can succeed In business? How you can make your home happy? How you can conquer your ene mies? How you can marry the one you choose? How soon you can marry? How you can conquer your rival? How soon your lover will propose? How you can get a position? How you can remove bad Influence? How you can become a clairvoyant? How you can settle your quarrels? How you can hold your husband's love? How you can keep your wife's love? Free life reading for one week, one fourth the regular price, fifty cents. WALLACE, The Columbia, Main Street. Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE For Inflammation or OsUnrh of the Bladder and Dlnejued Ktdatys. No cure no pay. Carta qalekly and Perma nently las worst cases ot Uonorrliova and Uleet, no matter of bow long stand. lag. Absolutely hannlea. Bold by drug-flat. Prloe 11.00, or by mall, postpaid, 1.00, 1 boiea; U5. "THE SAMTAL-PEPSM CO, OEILSPONTAINC, OHIO. Sold by F. W. 8chmldt A Co. CHICHESTER'S PILLS &"tav Orliclnal uud Only (Jenuiue. H Hlftuditrd JMlMedjr, id lt 1& . ran. 10,000 To.iiuu.uUL.. Lutlea.uk lfru((li( mr 1'iiiviir.njzui kaulikii la KKll mud Utfld barultlc U,K-i, acaUxl vita blue rlbbua. TitLe ut wtlcr llefaae rubatllutloiiau4liultutluMa. At'tf M lrbi)t,oriMl 4 (.rutU taiu'fr I'ar. titular. I rIIMiiilMU attj Uauklcf fur l.illttt, tjr return 3lall. K'.X by Un-jvLU. CliU'tieaJt-r t'hruilt-ul t'o. xladUouttduurv. I'll 1 1. A.. I' Physicians prescrib e I it for their most deli- I cate oatients I OLDandPtIRE I JOHN SCHMIDT I mx n very little Is doing. Tho only pelts to como In during tho pnst week have been a few dozen coyote nnd badger skins. About a thousand pounds each of sheep and cattle hides have been i bought during the week. One dealer declares that it takes constant rustling to And fat hogs enough to supply tho local demand for meat. Another retailer states that ho Is having no trouble nt all to get all the hogs he wants. As a matter of fact, veal is more difficult to se cure now than hogs. It Is only from the occasional owner of a cow or two that a calf fit for market can be pur chased. The cattlemen and feeders will not sell their calves they can not be bought of them for nine cents per pound, dressed. The animals aro more valuablo to those who aro sit uated so they can hold them and fat ten on the range for next year's mar Ueht. A calf that would bring 9 cents per pound now, or perhaps be worth S15. can easilv be made worth $20 bv next fall and gets all its increase in ' value off the range, where grass is aireauy neginning to grow. The grocers prophesy that butter 1 nnd eggs will both be cheaper in a 1 couple of weeks, the natural result of I the advance of the season. There is an abundance of Cnlifor j nla cauliflower, celery .lettuce, onions and spinach in the market today and 1 I will be for tho remainder of the , week. Parsnips, 75c per sack. Onions, $1 per sack. Beets, $1.50 per sack. Potatoes, C5c to 75c per hundred, Garlic, 15c per pound. Pendleton Livestock and Poultry. Chickens-r-Hens, 78e; $4.00 por dozen; roosters, 4 to fi cents. Turkeys, 12'c per pound. Geese, per dozen, $9. Ducks, per dozen, $4. Butter. 40c and 45c per roll. Eggs, 20c. Choice Beef Cattle, Etc. Cows, per hundred, $3.26?3.50. Steers, $44.25. Hogs, live, $5.50G. Hogs, dressed, 7716c Veal, dressed, 88c. Pendleton Retail Grocery Prices. Coffee Mocha and Java, best. 40c per lb,; next grade, 35c per lb; lower grades coffee, 25c to 15c per lb.; package coffee, 15c and 20c per lb. Rice Best head rice, 12c per lb.; next grade, 8 l-3c per lb. Sugar Cane granulated, best, $0.00 rer sack; do, 13 pounds, $1. Salt Coarse, $1.00 per 100; table, $2.50 per 100. Flour B. B., $4.50 per barrel; Wal ters', $4.50 per barrel. Hides. The following are the prevailing average prices for hides In this mar ket: Beef, green, 46c per lm; beef dry, 1012c; mink, 5075c each, with a possibility of 90c each If the size 16 good and hte condition prime; coyote, 25c and possibly C5c; bear, skins, according to quality and hize, from $3 to $15; coon, 2530c; horse. perfect, with head, tail and mane, $1 to $1.25; sheep, 8c per lb., dry; skunk, 25c40c; badger, 2530o; coon, 20c to 20c. Wheat Market. Portland, March 5. There is no either change In the wheat market, for better or worse; prices have been steady, but sellers have been rather scarce, and are not offering freely. bight months of the cereal year have passed, and shipments for the season now totals 25,000,000 bushels, both wheat and flour. The main activity of the season is now about over, and from now on the market will be of a dragging nature. Exporters have a few cargoes yet to load, both hero and on Puget Sound, and have more wheat than they can possibly ship on the same. Authentic reports from all over the Northwest indicate that only 5 per cent of the crop remains In the country unsold. Exporters are not making any bids at present, they prefer to do nothing before paying fancy prices for the sake of doing i business. Quotations rule the same as last week. 7G and 77 cents for club, 88 cents for bluestem and val ley 79 cents per bushel. It Is stated that holders want 80 cents, for club wheat; prices are C cents per bushel too high for any In the trade to do business on a safe basis. San Francisco, March 5. Locally, the wheat market Is quite (Inn; as stocks are low, exports during the past week have been quite heavy. Millers are heavy buyers, as choice wheat Is difficult to obtain and stocks are almost depleted. Exporteis aro endeavoring to clean up chartered tonnage. Reports indicate that the average Is much larger this year. Quotations for No. 1 shipping, $1,50 per cental; milling, $1.C761. CO. Wool Markets. Boston. March 5. The government's quarantine against wool and the obe dience of railroads to the order for bidding shipment of the material has led to a very quiet wool market. Bids for a big line of territory lleeces are under consideration, a fractional dif ference in prlco alone preventing a sale. Holders of wool have every con fidence In Immediate resumption of trade, and the quotations are strong. Quotations; Territory, choice staple, scoured basis, fine, 555fic; fine me dium, 520154c; medium, 47048c, St, Louis. March 5. Wool Un hanged; territory and Western medi um, lC18c; fine, ISfffluvic; coarse, 13,15c. SMITH'S HARNESS IS THE BEST Made of beat material by best work men. If you need harnesn, investi gate. Call and examine our stock of single and double harness, saddles, whips and supplies and get our prices. Repair work done substantially and i promptly J. A. SMITH, 218 Court Street. TRANSPORTATION LINES. OJJEGON ShojtIine and Union Pacific Two Trains to tho East Daily Tlirough Pullman standnnl and Tourist sleep ing earn daily to Omalin, Chicago; tourist leeplng rnr cally to Kaniai City; through Pnllmiin tourlit rlceptng ran (personally con ducted) weekly to Chicago, Kanna. City, Bt loulsand Memphis: reclining chair cars (leatt free) to the Kim daily. DEFAKT Tlmo Schedule From I'Kiullotoii AMRIVX KIIOH Portland 8:10 a m Portland Special No. 1 The Easi K:00a.m Chicago 5:30 pm Chicago Special No, 1 Portland 6:40 p m Portland 1 SM a m Mall and Express No.5 The Ear 1 M a M The i'.int 4:50 a m Mall and Express No .6 Portland 4:15 am Pendleton Pas?nger No, 7 Hpokaoi 5:15 pa Spokane 8:16 a m Spokane Passenger No. 8 Pendleton Branch Mixed Train No. 41 l0pi Walla Walla Branch Mixed Train No. 42 0:00 pm Ocean and River Schedule. FBOM PORTLAND. All tailing dates snb- SUMS p. in. juct to cnance. For Ban Francisco Ballerery ftdara. 4:00 p. m. Dally except Sunday 8:00 p.m. Columbia Hirer To Astoria and Way Landings. 4 AO p.m. Sunday 10:00 p. in, Wlllnmotto Nlvur. Boats leare Portland dally, except Buudaj 'stage of water permitting) (or Willamette ant1 Yamhill Klrer points. Leare Klparla , 4:06 a. m. I Leave I Lewlttop , 7Ma.m. Diiy I KicptMei Snake Klrer Klparla to Luwlston Dally I Excpt Monj F. F. VVAMHLKV, Agent, Pendleton. Washington & Columbia River Railroad Take this route for Chicago, Bt. Paul, Ht. Loui, Kn wuj Ulty, Ht. Joe, Umalia, and All Points East and South Portland aad points ob tho Sound TI1IC OABD. Leare Pendleton, dally except Bnudays 7)00. pm. ArrlT Pendleton Uouday, Wednesday . Friday 1135 pm. Arrfre Pendleton Tuesday, Thursday an Saturday 825 am. Leave Wall Walla dally, east bound, U&O pas Arrive Walla Walla dally, weet bound, UM am For Information regarding rate and eocene modattons, call on or address W. ADAWB, Agent, Pondieten, Oregoa. 8. B. GALDKKHKAD, Q . P. A., Walla Walla, Wash, WANTKO YOUll OUDUItH FOlTBJf giafcd carda, wedding Invitations, etc.; 100 engraved visiting card with plate, 11.50; additional cards In future, SI per hundred. The Kast Oregonlan. Mormon Hlahorja Pills liato rliiin-ITMriirttiTr fullowem. 1m11I velr elfuctabrirabue,illul'atIoo,etciM,orUi(ar'IUauokluv. Ourea Loat M lmpotenoy,Lost Power, Nlaht-'Losaea, tjpemutorrhoaulrtaomn In Buck. Evil Desires. Aernlrtat rmlsalons. Lama Back. Nervous Haadache. Unfitneaa to Marry. Tipaiion. stops r-rcmuiuronoa, EVellda. r.ntJiltf ara iiuwcuiaw. lUtU, 1WH i Kf I ucmjiwcih, yum is i Ltlir.ifliitoi.fhM krulu a.nt iisTve ctsutAnt. Uic m Ixji. 6 for tlo, Ik.ii t u I de inleiit,a cure l at iiiituey -tiun im ni(nt.wci. twiivutr uvo Auoroiif unup nomouj wuh sun rrnnoiiixif wait SOLD BY TALLMAN A CO., DRUGGISTS, PENDLETON, OREOOM. f HOTELS. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Props. The Best Hotel in Pendleton and as gooil as any. Headquarters for Traveling Mea. Commodious Sample Rooms. Rates $2 & $2.50 Special rates by week or in onth Kxct'llent Culslnc. Prompt Dluliigrooin service, livery Modern (.'onvcnlenoa Bar and billiard room in conncotioi Only Three Blocks from Depot GOLDEN RULE HOTEL Corner Court nnd Johnson Streets, Pendleton, Oregon. M. F. Kolly. Proprlotor. HEATED BY STEAM LIGHTED BV ELECTRICITY Amoi'lt'iin lMim, nil'r l V!A to f)U.OO por dnv. Kuropciiil l'lan. (sou, 7fti-. 1.041. 8polul rutuN by week or month. """"""""' j Free 'bus meets all tralnsl Commercial trade solicited Fine sample room Sjjccial Attention Given Country Imfr HOTEL ST. GEORGE CORNER MAIN AND WEBB STS. GEO. DAI.VEAU, Prop. Elegantly Furnished Steam Heated European Plan. Block and a half from depot; Sample room In connection. ROOM RATE 50c, 75o, $1.04 THE PORTLAND PORTLAND. OREGON American I'lau, $J per lay ami uptrai llcadquartria for louiisla and commeiclal trav elers. Special rates made to families and alngU gcntteineu The uiauagemcut will lc pleawd at all limes to show rooma and glre prices. A modern Turkish bath establishment tu Hie bqUI, II. C. KOWliKB, Manager MEN AND WOMEN. Um Ills t) for unnatural luu.liafa'M.luaaiuuiailaa, ffrllatluna or ulcaratloua timuta rU.-ti-)i.' VIUMUN ol luueuua ueiaiwaoai. fvL..u. ralclui. ami cut ajtiM IfMtlKWlQllMlCilCa w -r poisooou. 04 CUI Lpiscwstti.o.HI uala r U.a.. SM-prsui in piam rnjL Circular sunt uu rauaal. Ueeu In ute or U reara lit Ilia Ivuiara ol tba Korutuu .urea tha vurml t-aea lu old and vuuiiir arlaitiv lr..n. Loss ofSemen. i vanowsia, or uorr oua Twitching of potency to evarjr fuuo. uiulalopwl uraraua t u y u a nut , to co r or ( or Con auipi narr- tuiuftn Titfur auu Lainl. Itutorea su hh - j. miwi va auoiit tttObr iuII. A writ g glliAlJ, I 1 Jlilli lUHiaiH urn 1 t, i