East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 05, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 5

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    Afiw Cain Ma A
UC1 OttlC 1W. 1
t . . i : DJnnn
01 great interest iu every unc in x uiumuuj
a uouniv.
III. illgltlWU IJCJ UN tli'thJf ' " . . .
Regular price, $1.00 to ?t 50
Wonder Sale Price, 50c Each.
1 Waists, Blue, Red and Black, nicely made, and
Wonder Sale Price, 75c Each.
A 4 '
Wonder Sale Price, S5c Each.
OWC Wonder Sale announcement. Next week wc shall
isEgbther one of the Series, and will save you money.
Corner Main and Alta Streets.
y?a comes, is not appearing. The trees.
I VMY0WV(11 lln llls oi'hiion. will "rest" this season ror sale; great uarga n; uaiey
Tyjvyvnwuiy a natural react,o addition. Inquire at 403 Alta street.
Choice moats at Houser's.
Try Gratz's clam chowder.
Oyster cocktails at Gratz's.
. Fresh fish dally at Castle's.
Clothing cleaned by Joergcr.
Sea food fresh at Castle's.
Smoke the Pendleton Favorite.
Smokers' supplies at Neuman's
Hohbach's bread Is good bread.
Ladies' half soles 40c. Teutsch.
Hohbach's cakes are fine. Try 'em.
Have your shoes repaired at
A gentleman's smoke, The Pendle
ton Favorite.
You are never disappointed In Hoh
bach's baking.
Under has the best furniture polish
on the market
Hays' cigar store, headquarters for
smokers' supplies.
Have you had your shoes repaired
at Teutsch? Try him.
For Rent A five-room cottage. In
entire at Ix3e Teutsch's store.
Imported limburger and Swiss
cheese sandwiches at Gratz's.
"El Sidelo," the best cigar made, at
Rees' cigar store. Court street.
Kibllcs and mid Irons, hand balls
tennis balls, baseball goods. Nolf's.
For Rent Two furnished front
rooms. Address Mrs. H. S. Dorman
The Oregon Dally Journal can be
found on sale at Frazier's book store
Lot for sale; great bargain; Raley's
MARCH 5, 1903.
You always get choice meat at Hou
7-fKsights of Pythias
featlosi' La Grande.
reaction alter the 1m
mense crop of last year. His 400
1 peach trees are in splendid condition ser's. Alta street, opposite
I and bear every indication of yielding Bank.
I as wen as they did last year. Wood and coal by car lots a spec-
.ir. Taiuert made nn unqualified ialtv. P. P. Collier & Co.. 'phone
I success ot raising grapes, but their Main 1121.
ni. r 1 1 tj. 1
T r?. T .J"8 nmu.ng a sue- John Hagen has a flne registered
ui mC, mum:., mupes ui oiiu French coach stallion at Froome's
cul jiuiiiiii, ne s.ij s. are uiiprumu-1 iivprv otftblp
A chance of a lifetime to get
sewing machine for less than cost, at
District Christian En
n, Milton.
3 Shooting tourna'
atma County Wool- THAT M'KAY CREEK SKELETON. e Falg's
ation, renuieton, in, . . Wanted nam. rnntrallv located.
ti . i:h ictiw ETiHj r a i 1 1 -v
ociauon s rooms. ,-..7 . . r.mC. hbmhs narge enouch to keen four
-Executive committee
growers Association, Pen-
HrpTeachers' institute, at
Jl-dmatilla County Sports
loclatlon, Pendleton.
28Eeachers' Institute at
-Twei townships in Wallo
yStoe opened to settle-
aern Woodmen county
hall, Pendleton.
18 Inland Empire
Aciation, Walla Walla.
-Stattjsupreme court at Pen-
-Ciwuit court.
-Bas&m Oregon G. A. R. en
rtUion 6-18-f-Forty-second annual
fatlenal Educational Asso
Wrtsn, Mass.
17National G. A. R. en
,8an Francisco.
causes Widespread Comment. Apply at this office.
nie skeleton reported to have been nut this nnt. tako it tn Rnrler'c
unearthed from beneath a pile of furniture store and
juuivs, near me 01a roau crossing on furniture polish free,
city, by Thomas Adklns, has caused nLa , , h ' T
cn,,i! ,.m; r three lots, located at 517 Jane
......... ..-v..,Ui,n u wen no street Pnll o hmicii
inside of Umatilla county. The East lreet CaU at house
Oregonian first printed the story two L- Hasbrouck is making im-
weeks ago. provements In the interior arrange
A San Francisco paper has wired ment r 1118 Jewelry store.
for a photograph of this "horned r The livery stable at Alba has been
man," and the Pendleton Woolen sold by James D. Shipp to Harvey
Mills today received the following Taylor, of Ridge, for $700.
telegram from an Arkansas dime mu- Joseph Shushin a fullblood Indian
seum man: was nnpratprl nn nt St. Antlinnv'o tinn-
Stuttgart, Ark., March 5.
Pendleton Woolen Mills, Pendleton,
Will pay $100 for the human skel
eton and skull with horns, found by
Thomas Adkins, If as represented.
Ship subject to investigation.
Thus the poor calf "inaverlcked"
pital yesterday, for cataract
For Rent Two furnished house
keeping rooms. Inquire at 520, cor
ner Market and Webb streets.
Beautiful 5-room cottage, two lots,
shade and fruit trees, nicely located.
Reduced to $1,500. E. T. Wade.
E. T .Wade is happy in the posses
by some Indian or hungry white man sion of a fine meerschaum pipe pre
years ago. and mined under this an- semea mm ny one or his many
cient rock pile, to make concealment friends.
certain, has started a little flurry f For Sale Brick building with
.excitement, even In old Arkansas.
I Fruit Crop This Year.
alTalbert, of Milton, is in
Talbert is one of the
ul fruitgrowers in the
year he sold from his
1.200 and' 1,500 boxes
Mil be much lighter this
me irees are neaitny
winter kill, because the
ipon which the fruit
:dren drink Grain-O
' like it and the doc-
Sgood for them. Why
tains all of the nourish-
tpure grain and none
5 of coffee.
16c and ssc per package.
Follows the Flag.
The Colonel told me
That the constitution
And the cocktail
Follow the flag.
He gave me
An amber-colored beverage
With a roguish little cherry
Nestling at the bottom
And, oh!
Little friend,
When I felt
That delicious liquid
Down the corridor
Of my innermost being.
The incandescent lights
Were turned on
And the birds
Began to sing!
I felt myself
Into full bloom,
A timid little flower
By the morning sunlight
I ordered two more. George Ade.
have just received a fresh shipment of select New
Jark and is now on sale. Quarter Dound. 10c.
Se have also just unpacked a large shipment of
ledical and Oil Atomizers of all kinds: all nnVes.
toon Atomizer, either for toilet or medical purposes,
irst-class Atomizer with slate rubber bulb. Others
00, Pi.25 and $1,50.
3, $1.50 Each. We now Offer VOU an plpnant in.
jent for spraying oily liquids, at this low price.
basement, 50x90, on Main street. Good
property at a bargain. Easy terms.
E. T. Wade.
Four hundred and eighty acres good
level land, good house, all fenced,
plenty of water, 200 acres In barley,
$3,500. E. T. Wada
A. Perard shipped 525 head of
lambs to William Taaffe & Co., of San
v rancisco. Mr. Perard received $4.80
per hundred weight.
The $1,000 cottage is sold, but I
have others. If you are from Mis
souri, I can show you some flne
farms and stock ranches. Come and
see me. E. T. Wade.
Dean Tatom has purchased F. J.
Monle's interest in the trucking firm
of Van Orsdall & Monle. Mr. Monle
will travel for Page & Co.. of Port
land, having his headquarters in Pen-l
The attendants who are to repre
sent the Knights of Pythias of Uma
tilla county at the coming convention
at La Grande, will meet this evening
at U. C. Sharp's place of business, on
Court street.
If you need matting, wood fibre
carpet, art squares, rugs, lace cur
tains, pictures, picture frames, wall
paper, sewing machines or other ar
ticles In my stock, now is the time to
invest. Everything must go. Jesse
House Owned by J. F. Connelly De
stroyed Last Night Was Insured
for $1,100 Contents, Belonging to
James Upton, Were Insured for
Last night the dwelling at the
southwest corner of Alta and Thomp
son streets, owned by J. F. Connelly,
and occupied by his brother-in-law,
James Upton, was almost totally de-
strowed by fire.
Mr. Upton arose at 1 o'clock to ad
minister medicine to the baby girl,
which lias been afflicted for some
days with the croup. The lamp has
of late been kept burning all night
in the dining room on account of the
child's illness, and beside it was tho
medicine which the child required.
Mr. Upton noticed that the flame ot
the lamp was flickering in a peculiar
manner when ho entered tho room
but did not pay much attention to it
being engrossed with the needs of
the child. He passed the table on
which btood the lamp, and went to
tho sink to first got the child a drink
of water. Just then n peculiar sound
fleemed to emanate from tho lamp,
and he turned around hastily to see
that the oil in the bowl of the lamp
was glowing with heat.
He realized at once that an explo
sion was Imminent and grabbing the
lamp attempted to throw it through
a window. It slipped from his hand
and flew just Inside the door of the
parlor, which was open. Mr. Upton
states that the lamp exploded Just at
the very instant it struck the floor of
the parlor. Of course, the burning oil
flew all over the room, and in an in
stant both rooms were ablaze in a
dozen places. Mr. Upton at first made
an ineffectual effort to extinguish the
Are, but finding he could not, next
turned his attention to getting his
wife and children out of doors. This
done, he ran two and a half blocks to
the nearest fire box and turned In an
The department responded at once,
but the fire was so far advanced that
before it could be extinguished only
the charred and practically useless
shell of the building remained. Of
the contents of the building it is said
that only Mrs .Upton's sewing ma
chine was saved. Perhaps the most
important loss aside from the build
ing itself, is of Mr. Connelly's private
papers, which were locked In a room
on the second floor. Mr. Connelly is
out of town, and just what valuables
belonging to him may have been
burned are not known.
The building was insured for $1,100.
All the contents except the one room
mentioned, in which Mr. Connelly
kept certain effects of his own, were
the household effects of Mr. and Mrs.
Upton, and were insured for $800. Mr.
Upton has occupied the building for
three years past.
It Pays to Trade at The Peoples Warehouse
Wednesday Morning, March 4th, Will Mark the
Of the Greatest
Lace Guwtain Event
That Ever Took Place tn Pendleton.
8 5 5
Pairs of Lace Curtains at a Big Redaction.
20 Per Cent
Off on every pair of Curtains in the house. This means a
great deal when you consider that our regular price on
Curtains is lower, quality considered, than
any other concern in town. Odd
pairs will go at 33 vj per
cent off.
These prices will hold for one week. Wednesday, I
March tmtil laesday, evening, March JO.
Outfitters for Men and Women.
NifiifntiifiiTiiti Tut ifi Ti m. m m 1
rTTTTTTTTl 4 I I I V Tl " I V I I I "
Hard to Identify.
Jack Mason, the actor and former
husband of Marion Manola, was much
bothered in a barber shop at Billings.
Mont., by the proprietor of the place.
who insisted upon carrying on a con
versation with Mason while he shaved
him. When, after some Questioning.
the barber discovered that Mason was
an actor, he inquired:
"First visit here?"
"No, I've been here before."
"Is that so? Well, now-"
"You ought to remember mo," in
terrupted the victim, who was now
quite savage. "I've been shaved
"It's funny I don't recall your face."
ietorted the barber.
"Well, come to think of It, you
wouldn't be apt to," snapped Mason.
"It's all healed up now."
And the barber kent on shavlnir.
I? Time to Pfant
Your Garden Seeds
Now, but your ground must
be broken and made fit to re
ceive them. If you haven't
the proper implements, you
can select anything in this
line from our high grade
stock ol spades, rakes, hoes,
reels, watering pots, rollers,
trowels, Etc. We also tarry
a high grade stock of farm
and garden seeds.
W. J. CLARKE & CO., Court Street
Toilet Soap
We certainly can save you
money. Fine German Mottled
and Olive Castile Soap at 2c a
bar. Other fine values, 5c, 8c
and ioc a bar.
A Ten Cent Counter
We show some fine values for
10 cents. Children's chairs, bas
kets, tack hammers, large bottle
ammonia, soap dishes, towel
rings, etc., all at 10 cents apiece.
About goo boxes fine station
ery in boxes in new designs of en
velopes and colors, 15c to 29c. ft
will pay you to see this line.
The Delicacies
of the season arc always
found at our restaurant.
At present we have
Finest Oysters f Frog
Legs $ Clams $ Crabs
and f Lobsters
and other salt and fresh
water foods
The French
Fom Main St., Toward the Court House
They Were Dead.
In a town not so very far from Lin
coin, Neb., a man wrote to the editor
that his hens had been taken with a
strange disease, tho symptoms and
effects of which were described In de
tail, the letter winding up with the
statement that the entire flock had
been found lying on their backs with
their feet up. In conclusion the
worthy poultryman asked: "What Is
the matter with my hens?" The edit
or read the communication carefully,
noted an or the symptoms described.
consulted his authorities upon the
diseases of poultry, and Anally an
swered the query In this wise note:
'Dear Mr. Blank 'Your chickens are
dead." Exchange.
A federal building costing SG000
I will be constructed at Baker City.
WE ARE pleased to advise that
we have received a full new
stock of those celebrated
$2.50 Shoes
the shoe
we had
last fall
and sold
out ev
ery pair
have arranged to keep them cons
tantly on hand, so you had better
try a pair.
DESCRIPTION Vici kid, Good-
year welt, patent tip, smooth
insole, flexible and new spring
last, lace.
Boston Store
Where Whole Families Are Shod
Complete lines at lowest
The No Store
For School Books and School
Supplies at Lowest Prices.
Telephone Mulu 4
Our large 68-page illustrated seed catalogue. We handle
the celebrated
Garden, Flower and Field Seeds. These seeds are cmwn m
the Pacific Nortnwest country and are right at home in this
,:i nn,l K . MM I I ..... . . . I
miiiaic, x iiey are naruy ana adapteu to this section.
You take no chances in getting a good crop Irom these seeds.
Our large 68 page catalogue contains much valuable infor
mation and con be had by asking for it at our store or writing
us and we will mail you one.
Thompson Hardware Co.,
62 1 Main Street