East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 05, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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Men's Furnisnings
Men's Cotton Ribbed Underwear, heavy weight in natural,
salmon and blue, each 50 Cullts-
Men's Sox, black and tan, at 10 cents and 15 cents.
Men's fancy Half Hose, new patterns, 15 sents and 25 cents,
Shirts, stiff bosoms, reduced in price, 50 cents and 75 cents.
Golf Shirts, good patterns and special prices, 50 cents, 75
cents and $1 00.
New stock of Gloves, 25 cents to $1.50.
Black sateen Shirts, 50 conts and 75 cents.
Suspenders, 25 cents, 50 cents and 75 cents.
Reductions in Men's and Boys' Sweaters.
Bae & Daley
$ Que-Price Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers
.!... .t. .-.9.. 9 . ..-. --.t,.y..f, J.J..f. J.J. J. J. .TiiTnTi TiiTntiiffTiifiiTufiiTiifiifiifiiTiiTiifiiii
71VV I H V V W I I pl WW ttt VT T TTTtTTtTtTT7vTi TTTT
A strike is threatened in Chicago
which will be the largest in her his
' tory.
In Finland the starving people are
eating bread made from the bark of
pine trees.
The Poas volcano, in Costa Rica,
is in eruption and has ejected large
quantities of ashes.
The Moors at Tangiers are indulg
ing in anti-foreign riots and several
Spanish subjects have been injured.
The Venezuelan warships captured
by the British during the blockade
have been returned to President Cas
tro. The strike against the reduction
plants at Colorado Springs has been
carried into the Cripple Creek dis
trict. Senator Ankeny will have the most
to say about federal appointments in
Washington, and no more Wilson men
will be named.
The senate has had to yield to the
house on the size of new battleships,
the president declaring in favor of the
house bill for big ships.
Canada Is to increase head tax on
Chinese from ?100 to ?500. The gov
ernment will also take steps to re
strict the Japanese immigration.
Thousands of cattie dead or dying
can be seen on the plains of Eastern
Colorado and Western Kansas as a
lesult of the severe blizzard last
General Crozier, chief of ordnance,
has made preliminary arrangements
Hotel Pendleton.
G. W. Harris, Portland.
Andrew Nylander, Portland.
L. O. Larkin, Portland.
C. Ottershager, Portland.
G. W. Hunt, Portland.
A. Stevenson, Portland.
William Maher, Portland.
A. C. Emmons, Portland.
T. D. Honeyman, Portland.
J. J. Burns, Portland.
T. F. English, Omaha .
William Slusher, city.
Mrs. D. Morse, Baker City.
M. U. Hoswell, Seattle.
Adna Johnson.
E. C. Farr. Spokane .
Melville D. Langdon.
W. B. Jenkins, city.
Sig Blederburger, Chicago.
C. M. Smith, Chicago.
R. H. Caston, Spokane.
Fay I.e Grou. Athena.
S. S. Gill, Spokane.
Ben L. Burroughs, city.
H. N Drucker. Cincinnati.
C. H. Miller, Echo.
H. W. Mills and wife, New York.
E. H. Burke.
Golden Rule.
J. Welch, city.
J. A. Moore. Long Creek.
May Shaeffer, La Grande.
T: B. Harsley, city.
C. Webb, Pullman.
R. Benson, Albany.
Mrs. R. Benson, Albany.
Mrs. J. J. Roulstone, Adams.
A. E. McBreen .Portland.
H. C. Lewis, Chicago.
Miss M. Lake, Chicago.
William Cole, Chicago.
Edith Cole, Chicago.
William Tin, Chicago.
J. A. Brisboine, Chicago.
Jack Williams, Chicago.
Adjutant General Authorizes to Exam
ine and Audit Claims Must Deduct
Any Payment Heretofore Made by
the Government to Veterans.
Salem. March 5. The Indian war
veterans' appropriation bill, which
was amended before it passed the
house, so as to leave out compensation
for horses, is as follows:
A bill for an act to provide for com
pensating the volunteers for the serv
ice of the territory of Oregon, during
the Indian wnrs of 1855-5C. for such
services, and appropriating money
therefor. Whereas, the people of the
state of Oregon, and of the whole
Northwest, are greatly Indebted to the
volunteers who served in Mie Indian
wars or" 1S55-50; and whereas, those
brave veterans have never boon com
pensated for said services in which
they furnished their own horses, and
a largo part of their supplies, and
wherein many of them offered up their
lives in defense of the settlements in
Oregon. Washington and California:
Be it enacted by the people of the
state of Oregon:
Section 1. That thereby and hereby
is appropriated out of the general
funds in, the treasury of the state of
Oregon the sum of $100,000. or so
much thereof ns shall bo necessary
to pay the veterans of the Indian
wars of 1S55-5C. who served under ,
and by virtue of the directions of the !
officers of Oregon territory ,for their
said service, under the conditions
and upon the terms hereinafter pro
vided. Sec. 2. That each non-commissioned
officer and private who served the
territory of Oregon in the Indian wars
of lSou-iiG. shall be entitled to re
ceive for such service the sum of $2
per day for himself, and all commis
sioned officers shall receive such sum
as was paid to officers of the same
rank in the army of the United States
at said time; provided, tnat any
proven as popular as the combina
tion of sketches, specialties, songs,
dances and acrobatic turns, musical
numbers, playets, ventrlloqulal actB,
monologues, etc., which go to make
up a vaudeville performance. The
vaudeville show of today occupies the
same high place as that of the drama,
opera or comedy. Among the flrst
high-clnss vaudeville organizations to
appear on the Pacific Coast Is the
Weston and Herbert company, who
fill a two-nights' engagement at the
Frazer on March 0 and 7, nnd which
promises to be one of the best of
the season's offerings.
We. the undersigned, will bo in
Pendleton within a few weeks, for
the purpose of purchasing three hund
red (300) more or less head of horses,
for the United States cavalry, there
fore, would Instruct owners In this
vicinity, to get their horses in propor
shapo to conform to the following re
quirements: ,
Geldings Roans, light and dark,
sorrel, and other hardy colors. They
must be sound, gentle under the sad-j
die, with free and prompt nctlon at
the walk, trot and gallop; without de
fect or blemish; of kind disposition,'
to weigh not loss than 050 pounds, j
nor more than 1160 pounds, from 15 1
hands 1 inch to 10 hands high; fromj
four (4) to eight (8) years of age;
suitable for the United States cav
alry. We will notify you later, the date
we want the horses brought in for
Yours truly,
rur i in hi vi jyui tiuiutat " v
Herninn Metzger, Portland Ore.
Summerville Railroad,
Word Is received that the citizens
oi Summerville are in earnest in re
gard to a railroad to connect their
town with the Elgin branch at Imb
lor. It is proposed to lay a standard
guage track and operate the same on
about the same plan as the Union
railway is conducted. The length of
the line will he about three miles and
the road is to be built and operated
by home people. It will be a groat
,m, ni,i nn nnnnnnt tiiorpnr i.v thp '. improvement over present methods.
United States shall be dedn. ted there- j as we" as a convenience that will bo
r,.n. appreciated by the general public.
The claim for such services
La Grande
P. C. Martin. Chicago.
for arming the entire organized mill-1 Miss M. Brown, Chicago.
tia of the United States with Kag-' j, f. Bobey. Portland.
Jorgensen muskets of the regular j, t. Osborne, Clarron.
sprvlffi in rnmnlliinrp with the nro-
visions of the new militia law. J
Pies Armstrong, the Baker county i
murderer has been taken to Salem for i
safe keeping.
The man arrested at Elma, Wash
ington, Wednesday, proved later to be
a timber cruiser and not Benson, the
escaped convict.
E. E, McFadden stabbed Tom
Vaughan In a Sumpter saloon Wednes
day. Vaughan is not seriously In
jured at last accounts.
Five .Japanese section men are un
der arrest at Bonneville for assaulting
K. Thompson, the O. R. & N. section
foreman at that place.
A detective entered the penitentiary
grounds at Salem, while the guards
were asleep Wednesday night and
made his escape without being dis
covered. The Baker county grand jury has
ordered the clerk's office repaired so i
as to prevent outsiders from having
access to the vaults and records of the
William G. Hale and Horace E.
Thomas, students of Pacific univer
sity, were held up at Cottage Grove
Wednesday night and robbed of their
watches and pocket change.
The 0-year-old daughter of John Lar
son, a farmer near Sherwood, Ore.,
was horribly burned Wednesday while
helping her father burn brush on a
clearing. She cannot recover.
Fred C. Dobler, superintendent of
the Cornucopia mine, was killed In a
anowallde Wednesday morning, near
Cornucopia In Baker county. His rel
atives live In Pierce county, Washing
ton. Food Commissioner Bailey has
made many discoveries of light weight
butter and adulterated foodstuffs in
Portland grocery stores and a whole
sale arrest of law breakers Is threat
ened. At Deung, the 13-year-old daughter
of a Chinese physician in Portland
was kidnaped Wednesday. She was
captured at Ashland, Wednesday
night In care of her abductor, Ah Lin,
who is under arrest.
Mrs. E. Tausick. Walla Walla.
S. A. Frans, Spokane.
Joe Zip. Spokane.
E. E. Baltezore. city.
Mrs. E. E. Baltezore. city.
A. F. Baltezore, city.
J. Rowen, Denver.
W. H. Jenkins, city.
E. W. Helm, Portland.
R. L .Stewart, Portland.
J. Butler. Portland.
L. T. Kennison, Foster.
How's This?
We offer One Uundred Dollars Ueward
for any case of catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Latarrn Lure.
P. J. CIIENKY & CO.. ProDS.. Toledo. O,
We. the underalzned. have known K. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and teller
him perfectly honorable in all business
transactions anu nnanciany aoie io carry
out any obligations made by their firm.
WEST & TUUAX. Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O
sale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally,
actlne directly unon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of tbe system. Price 70c per
bottle. Sold by all druggists, Testimonials
Hall's Family Pills are tbe best.
Pendleton, Feb. 2C, 1903.
Street poll tax for 1903 will be due
in 10 days from date of this notice
at the city marshal's office In the
city of Pendleton, Umatilla county,
Oregon, or by authorized deputy.
Such tax hereafter to become and he
delinquent. Whereupon It shall be
come and be the duty of the City
Marshal to proceed to collect the
same in the manner provided by the
laws of this state for the collection
of road taxes by road supervisors and
the said marshal is hereby authoriz
ed, directed and empowered to do so.
City Marshal.
verified by the claimant, shall be pre- j
sented to the adjutant general, who ,
shall, without additional cost to the
state examine and pass upon the same,
and may require additional and cor
roborative evidence in support there
of, and he shall prepare, certify and
file with the secretary of state proper
vouchers showing the amount payable
to the claimant under the provisions
of this act. Thereupon the secretary
of state shall issue his warrant for
tlie amount due to the claimant.
Sec. 4. This act, so far ac- the same
relates to the pay o fvolunteers, shall
be so construed as to apply to all who
have been in the service of the terri
tory of Oregon during the paid Indian
wars, 1855-56, and it shall also extend
to the services of the Ninth regiment
of the Oregon militia, while the same
was in actual servicea during said
Sec. 5. Whereas, the territory of
Oregon by act of this legislature,
passed on January 24, lSHO, promised
to pay the veterans in the said Indian
wars the same compensation as above
set forth, and said territory nor the
state of Oregon has never paid for
said services, and many of the said
volunteers have died without oven
their losses in said war being compen
sated, an emergency exists, and this
act hsall be and remain in full force
and effect from and after its approval
by the governor.
Best shoe work at Teutsch's.
Feed Is Scarce.
E. O, Elder, of Despaln Gulch, was
in town yesterday. Ho roports live
stock of all klndB as perfectly healthy
but many of them pretty thin on ac
count of the protracted feeding on
forage, which is beginning to be
scarce with some of the stockmen In
that neighborhood. Tho condition of
the winter wheat Is excellent. Mr.
Elder has Just begun the sowing of
130 acres of spring wheat.
Two Nights of Excellent Vaudeville
This Week at Frazer's.
There is no disputing the fact that
vaudeville has established itself on a
firm basis in affairs theatrical, and
the reason is plain. The theater Is
essentially a place of amusement, and i
fully 75 per cent of theater-goers to-
.In.. C . 1 . . '
"y ko i" me saKe oi oeing amused,
and certain it is that no other plan
of entertainment yet devised has
Paris &reen
Blue Stone
London Pur
ple Whale Oil Soap
Tn any quantity,
at very lowest
Phone Main 851
Eclipsing all Pr(
ous Selling Effoi
ously and thoroughly to make
Spring the busiest season in the hi
of our store. For this season we
a splendid gathering of
Fine Shirt Waist Salts from $2.50 to $6.1
Fine Skirts from $.50 to $10.00.
Fine Shirt Waists from 50c to $4.00.
Fine Silk Shirt Waists at $3.50.
Fine Woolen Suits for Spring from $J0 to $3!
Fine Wool Challies, all shades, 40c.
Every Lady in the City should
the many new things in our van
Get a Ticket on the Carria
Garden Tools
and Seel
I have just received a full line of Garden Cultivitas
and Seeders. The above tools are the combintd
seeder, hoe, rake and plow.
I have also a full line of Choice Garden Seeds ml
bulk, Grass Seed, Alfalfa, Timothy, Broom Grass,
Orchard Grass, Etc. Call and Get prices.
74 J Main Street
All the popuiar works
of fiction.
All the new books that
have pleased the public.
All the standard
Our circulating library
is growing in popularity
It costs only a small
sum to read any of the
new books.
Come and investigate.
Book and Stationery Store
Gray's Harbor
Commercial Co.
We Don't Keep Everything
Hut we uo Keep a good big
stock of nice dry Flooring,
Celling, Rustic and Finish,
in all grade. Also all kinds
of Dimension Lumber, in
cluding Lath and Shingles.
Our stock of Doors, Wiu
dowB, Moulding, Building
and Tar Paper and Apple
Boxes la complete, und any
oue in need of Lumber will
not be wrong in placing
their order witlfthe : : :
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
Opp. Wt & C. R. Depot
Our Banner Month
We are trying to make this oar
Banner Month and in order to do so
are offering rare inducements. You'll
make money by investigating.
315 East Court Stroot.
Farmers Custom Mill
Fred Walters, Proprietor
Capacity 160 barrels a day
Flour exchanged for wheat
Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed, etc
always ou hand.
On Its Merit
Has the large demand for
Byets' Best
Been built up. Only the choicest wheat that grows enter?!
to Byers Best Flour. It's perfection in Flour. Made by"
W. S. Byers, Proprietor.