East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 05, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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A A A A A AMkA A A A "k A'k'k'k'k'k A A A
iiastern urecon w earner -
face of buslneai 1)7 carrier &t J
X Tonight and Friday, partly
I cloudy.
NO. 4083.
ivett Declines tolnterfere
h Execution of Alaskan
Beautiful rand Talented Wife
few Orleans .and Went North
'Another Women Killed Two
Out of Jealousy.
Shington, March "5. President
elt, having declined to lnter-
e execution of Homer Bird, the
murderer whose case has at-
widespread attention, will
lace tomorrow in far-off Alas-
e case of Bird reads like a
Six years ago he was a well-
usiness man in Tfcw Orleans.
a beautiful and talented wife,
children and a 'happy home.
e met tne otner woman, kb-
ong, for whom 'he neglected
e and cttiiuron. in isnv ne
:ed nn expedition to Alaska,
the woman with 'him, and also
men Hurlin. Patterson and
ST. "When the party reached a
tnann 4-Kn C?1n ti rvli fnn tTntioa rr
Hrafkon, "Bird -was seized with jeal-jlf-'On
account of the attentions of
rather men to the Strong woman,
(filiberately shot and killed Hur
ptm& inflicted a fatal wound on
prson, irum which tuc inner uieu
Eil Tveeks afterward. Sheffler
:hc woman managed to escape
oported the facts. Bird was ar
I, and at the trial the Strong
plded in mining, and, largely on
tlmony, Bird was convicted of
and sentenced to be hanged.
Ms -wife, -who had been 'basely
;ed, took up her efforts to save
e. She came to Washington and
tied to all the authorities here
conld do anything for her hus
An appeal was pending in the
s, however, and President Mc
y would not act until the appeal
pbeen disposed of. The Supreme
rt granted Bird a new trial. He
r again put on trial and was once
re convicted. Again there was an
1 on a writ of error, and a third
1 was granted by the courts. On
trial Bird was for the third time
victed of murder, tind as a result
execution takes nlace tomorrow
Jithe jail at Sitka, where he has
fcMn confined for nearly five years.
le devotion and seir-sacrmce or
Bird has been most extraordina
She attended her husband upon
hreo of his trials; came to Wash
;on to see President McKinley,
n the first respite was granted,
has expended all the money
h she could raise for his defense
appeals. During her recent visits
she has been received hy Presi
t Roosevelt, Attorney-General
x and others w.lth the greatest
idoration. but the convincing er-
ce of Bird's guilt and the atroci-
pf the crime made tt out of the
tion for any further clemency to
Engineers Meet at Houston.
Houston. Tex., March 5. Members
of the Brotherhood of Ixcomotive En
gineers are here from all the South
ern states In attendance on the big
union meeting which will be In ses
sion during the next two days. The
list of visitors is headed by Grand
Chief P. M. Arthur, of Cloveland, and
a number of the other officers and
members of the national executive
committee are present. The business
sessions, the first of which was called
to order in the Auditorium this after
noon, will be interspersed with vari
ous features of entertainment provid
ed by the local members of the organization.
Steel Works for Tennessee.
Chattanooga, Tenn.. March 5. In
Wayne county Pittsburg capitalists
have just completed the purchase of
72,000 acres of the richest fields in
the Southern iron bolt, and an initial
Investment of $5,000,000 is to be made
in developing the properties. Furn
aces equaling in capacity any in the
Chattanooga or Alabama district will
be built, rolling mills and other plants
for finishing win he erected and the
iron will he carried from the rough
ore to structural steel on the prom
ises of the new company.
Still Insists That He Will Be Able to
Receive the English Pilgrims.
Rome, March -6. The pope passed a
restless night .owing to the increased
severity of his cough and bronchial
symptoms. He still insists that he
will be able to see the English pil
grlms. When Rev. Barrett, of Brook
lyn, who came to Rome 'upon a spec
ial mission, atfked this morning at
what date he could expect an audi
ence with the pope, ne was told 'by a
member of the housohold: "You
are not likely to see him at all unless
you remain in Rome a long time. "He
is very feeble."
nniiurmrn Tnniu it iinnm
Bears Cause Consternation in
Street Todays Sully Loses
Xew York, March 5. The bears
j again raided the cotton mnrket this
morning, still tunner snnumg mo pa
per profits nnd Sully dropped 17
points. Sully wns ns cool as nn ice
berg, nlthough his losses nt times
were $100,000 per minute.
President Sends a Message Asking Special Attention to the
Colombian and Cuban Treaties.
fessor Hawkins Thinks There are
1,500,000 Who Believe in Public
Che closing of the session of
national convention on :nuicl
ownership and public franchises
Now York City was mnikcd by a
nquet at the Reform Club, at which
por Ignatius A, Sullivan, of Hart-
Conn., presided. In a speech
iror Sullivan told of the social dem-
itic movement, he being a social-
proressor Hawkins, of Syracuse
iversity asserted that tho socialists
growing In this country, end that
Me only 300,000 of them voted at
last election there were about
5,000 more who did not vote. It is
Limated, he said, that there tire
er two and a half million people in
country who believe that nubile
Brprlses ought to be taken over
run by the people.
3harles R. Bellamy, of England.
the people are deeply dlssntls-
with the disposition of wealth in
k civilized countries, nnd are anx-
that every man should net his
I share of the profllts.
SO horrt n rnplf ns Afnntnlln
jranite, solected for the snracopha
?us of the tomb of General Grant on
iccount of its great strength, shows
i porosity of 0.23 per cent,
"Bud" Taylor, of Kansas City, to Pay
the Penalty for Murdering His
Sweetheart, Ruth Norland.
Kansas City, March U. TJnless
there is unexpected intervention on
the part of the executive power,
"Bud" Taylor, formerly a well known
ball player, will be executed tomor
row. Taylor's crime was the murder
of his sweetheart, Ruth Nollard,
March 2, 1901. The deed was one of
the most cold-blooded crimes ever
committed in Kansas City.
Taylor, who was married and had
one child, became infatuated Tvith
Miss Nollard and their intimacy last
ed several months. They had many
quarrels, followed by threats of vio
lence, warrants for Taylor's arrest,
and usually by reconciliations. But
the girl finally transferred her af
fections to another, and this so en
raged Taylor that ho determined to
take her life. In fulfillment of his
plans, he rented an upstairs room in
West Ninth street, through which
thoroughfare he was sure the girl
would pass, and, armed with a repeat
ing rifle, he patiently lay in wait for
his victim for three days. Finally his
vigil was rewarded by the appearance
of the girl and Bier younger sister,
coming .down the street arm In arm.
He took deliberate aim nnd fired
three times in rapid succession. The
girl fell, pierced hy two bullets, and
she died soon after "being removed to
her home. After his arrest he made
an unsuccessful attempt at self-de
struction. At his trial epileptic in
sanity was urged as a defense by his
attorneys. He was found guilty and
sentenced to be hnnged.
The condemned man is not yet 25
years of age. His mother died soon
after his conviction, but he has other
relatives in this city, Chicago and
Now Orleans. Strenuous efforts have
been made to save him from the gal
lows, but four weeks ago final hope
was abandoned when the state su
preme court reaffirmed the decision
of the lower court.
Washington, March 5. The senate
convened In special session at noon.
A beautiful display of flowers was
made for the newly elected members.
The gallery was crowded to Its limits.
Marylandors particularly were In evi
dence. When Gorman appeared on
the floor he was cluted with loud
Hoar and Cockrell accompanied
by Sergeant-at-Arms Ransdell, called
upon the president at 1 o'clock and
formally made known to him that the
senate was in session. A recess was
taken for half an hour in the mean
time. Tillman Scores Cannon.
Benjamin Tillman tooK the floor
and answered the speech made by
Cannon concerning the senate. He
denounced It in unmeasured terms.
He declared that the dignity and hon
or of the senate was at stake. Ques
tions of official integrity, responsi
bility and character wero involved.
He characterized the speech aB whol
ly contemptlous, Indecent and out
rageous, made In a body tyranlcal in
dealing with its own rights and priv
ileges. Hoar gained the floor during the
roll call of the newly elected members
and said he merely desired to state
the proceedure of the senate in the
matter of swearing in new members,
to see whether ho had the correct
idea, I. e., that the ceremony merely
entitled the member to a seat the
retention of which would he an open
question later.
All eyes were directed upon Reed
Smoot, who flushed at so much atten
tion. When Smoot wns escorted to
the desk to take the oath ho wns
given considerable hand clapping by
friends in hto galleries.
President's Message.
Washington, March 5. Roosevelt
sent the following message to the sen
ate this afternoon:
"I have called an extraordinary ses
sion of the senate to consider the
treaties concerning which It proved
Impossible to take action during the
session of congress just ended.
"I ask your special attention to the
treaty with Colombia securing to the
United States the right to build an
Isthmian canal and to the treaty with
Cuba for securing a measure leading
to commercial reciprocity between
the two countries.
"The great and far-reaching import
ance attached to these two treaties
for the welfare of the United States
and the urgent need of their adoption
requires me to impose upon you the
inconvenience of meeting at this
Stock Show at Fort Worth.
Fort Worth. Tcxns, Mnrch 5. A fnt
stock show, the best of Its kind ever
held in the Southwest, opened In Fort
Worth today nnd will continue
through the remainder of the week.
The entire state nnd Oklahoma nnd
Indlnn territories ns well nre repre
sented among tho numerous exhibits.
The city Is filled with stockmen from
far and near nnd several conferences
of importance to those engaged in the
cattle breeding industry will bo held
during tho next two or three dnys.
Wheat In Chicago.
Chicago, March 5 Whent 7 1 (R
75:4) cents per bushel.
To Be Collector of Customs at
Charleston, S. C, Subject to Ap
proval of Senate.
Washington, March 5. The presi
dent this afternoon sent to the sen
ate the nomination of Crum to be
collector of customs at Charleston
which failed of confirmation at the
last session.
.Anthracite Arbitration Commission
Confers With President John Mitch
ell and the Attorney for the Opera
tors, Washington, March 5. The anthra
cite commission today Is conferring
with President Mitchell and the attor
ney for the operators behind closed
doors, arguing the weight question.
Mitchell arrived al 2 o'clock this
A formal statement made this after
noon, says that they met for further
consideration to prevent any misun
derstanding as to the matters now
under consideration, but not to sub
mit any conclusions. One of the most
difficult is that governing the weigh
ing system and this matter was dis
he was brought to his daughter'
home in this place for medical treat
ment and resided here until ins deatn
nis aged wife and 10 children sur
vive him ,as follows: Mrs. Rose
Campbell, Mrs. Nell Wilson, Mrs
Grace Tatum, Mrs. J,illie Parkes,
Miss Myrtle Smith, Miss Jessie
Smith, U D. Smith, of Helix, and Dr,
F. S. Smith, of Seattle, and Dr. N. H
Smith of Portland and Walter S
Smith of lone. The funeral will be
held Saturday, but no details are as
yet arranged.
To Aid Starving Norwegians.
Chicago, March 5. For the benefit
of tho famine sufferers In Scandina
via nnd Finland, 'tho Norwegian Na
tional League gives a mammoth con-
cort and entertainment in the Audi
torium tonight. The Hon. Luther
Laflin Mills Is to deliver the oration,
and the United Norwegian Singing
societies will rondor patriotic songs.
It Is hoped tho relief fund will be In
creased several thousand dollars by
the entertainment.
A now device to prevent locomotive
wheels from slipping magnetizes the
drivers so that they stick to the rails.
Characterizes Hl6 Former Letter to
Crown Princess Louise as Heartless
and Thoughtless.
London, March 5. A dispatch from
St. Petersburg this morning quotes a
long letter sent by Tolstoi in which
ho earnestly apologizes to the Crown
Princess Louise for his expressions
irf a former letter. He characterizes
his former letter as cruel, heartless
and thoughtless. He says he does not
condemn her In her sufferings, and
concludes with a wish for her of that
peace which is always possible for
one who believes in God and appeals
to Him.
Passed Away Last Evening at Homo
of His Daughter Afflicted With
Almon H. Smith, aged 78 years,
dlod last evening at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. Rose Campbell, in
this city, at 806 College street. Mr.
Smith has been a great sufferer for
a year. He was first afflicted with a
liver trouble which terminated in
dropsy. His recovery was expected
by the family, or at least seemed
probable until he was attacked se
verely with the grip about a week
ago, when he took a violent relapse
from earlier complaints. Mr. Smith
had been all his life a Wesleyan
Methodist, and Is said to have lived
consistent with tho most advanced
professions of that faith.
He was born in Now York and came
to Oregon from Ohio about 20 years
ago, and had made his home for the
most part slnco at lone, at tho home
of his 6on, W. S. Smith. Last fall
Was 77 Years of Age and Had Lived
in This County Many Years An
Ex-County Treasurer.
William C. Kern, ex-county treasur
er of Umatilla county, died at his
home In Helix last evening of nn ob
scure kidney trouble, after an Illness
practically of several years.
He waB 77 years of ago, and had
been a resident of tho county for
many years. Since the death of his
wife, a few months ago, the decline
In his health has been very decided.
He will bo buried from the ChriB
tlan church in Holix with the honors
of the I. O. O: F. fraternity, of which
ho was a member for many years. He
had been a member of the Christian
church nearly all his life.
The following children survive Mr,
Kern: The sons, Clinton. James. Wil
Ham, Mitchell and Harris, and the
daughters, Mrs. George Knight, Mrs
Vaughan and Mrs. Homer Gallagher,
Clinton and James nnd Mrs. Knight
all reside at Helix and were with their
father when he died. Mr. Kern was
known over a wide extent of North
western Oregon as a very exemplary
man, public-spirited, besides being a
thoroughgoing Christian in his prl
vate life.
To be Launched In April.
London, March 5. It is now learned
that Shamrock III will not be ready
for launching March 17, as was origi
nally planned, and the event will have
to be postponed until next month,
when the builders are confident that
everything will be In readiness. The
ceremony will be an elaborate one.
Accusey of Piracy.
Liverpool, March 5; For the third
time four sailors who arc charged
with piracy on the bary Veronica, are
again remanded. Tho prosecution an
nounced that it was looking for more
The liquor from oysters, being 6alt
and water simply, has no nutritive
Dense Fog Prevents a Woman and
Three Children From Seeing an Ap
proaching Train While on Big Four
Trestle at Springfield, O.
Springfield, O., Mnrch 5. A woman
and three children, the oldest a girl
of 1G, nnd tho youngest a boy of 11,
who were walking across tho Big Four
trestle west of the city, this morning,
were struck by a fast freight. The
mother and eldest daughter wero In
stantly killed and the other two wero
fatally injured. All wero knocked
from the trestle into the water, 50
leet below. A dense fog provented
them from seeing the train.
O. D.
Teel and J. W. Mend, of Echo,
In the City Today.
Two of Bcho's well-known .citizens,
O. D. Teel and J. W. Mend, arc In
the city today on business. They re
port considernblo activity in tho vi
cinity of Echo, on account of the ex
cellent prospects for government Ir
rigation In that district.
The survey of reservoir sites is
being prosecuted by Government En
gineer J. G. Camp and assistants, and
inquiring settlers aro looking over tho
ground daily, in view of locating ns
soon as the project Is assured .
In regard to tho plans of the gov
ernment nt present, Mr. Teel ventures
this opinion:
"There Is plenty of land set nsldo
for the purpose; water is plontlful
for all the needs of this tract of land;
reservoir sites enn be had nt a dozen
convenient places; a cheap and per
manent ditch route can be secured,
leading around tho brow of the hills,
and every natural feature of tho
proposition is entirely feasible. But
tho opinion of those nearest to the
government on this question is tills:
The government recognizes the excel
lence of the site; It fully realizes the
great benefits that would come from
the early irrigation of this land, and
but one thing Is lacking; Oregon must
perfect her Irrigation laws before tho
project will bo completed.
The government will, most likely
await the action of another luglsla
turo before proceeding further, than
to survey tho ditch and reservoir
Claimed That the Proposed
District Can be Easily Irri
gated at Little Expense.
Irrigation Reservation Lands Subject
to Homestead Entry Only.
E. W. Bartlett, register of the La
Grande land office, arrived In the city
this evening on business connected
with his office.
In reply to inquiries regarding the
entries on the government Irrigation
reservation at Echo, Mr, Bartlett
"Thl6 land is subject to homestead
entry under the special act of con
gress of June 17, 1902. The home
steader must Improve and make per
manent residence upon the land, as
under the general homestead law with
this addition: The actual cost of put
ting the land under Irrigation will be
estimated and the homesteader will
be required to pay the government
this price, whatever It may be, upon
making final proof. The land cannot
be taken under the desert land act
nor under the timber and stone act."
Lieutenant HIno, of tho Japanese
Infantry has Invented an automatic
pistol which will fire 80 cartridges a
minute. The range Is more than 1,000
Will Be the First District Organized
In Oregon Under the Irrigation Laws
of 1895 Will Hold a Special Elec
tlon and Choose Directors.
Jonathnn Tnlbort and other frum-
ers living along tho Walln Walla bo-
low Milton, aro petitioning to have an
Irrigation district established undor
tho law of 1895.
Thoy expect to have the requlslto
number of signatures very soon, fol
lowing which a speclnl olcctlon will
bo cnllod for tho peoplo living In tho
proposed district, nt which thoy will
chooso flvo directors. Tho directors
will comploto tho orgnnlzntlon by tho
choosing of a secrotnry, trensuror nnd
Mr. Tnlbort stntes thnt this will bo
tho first district organized In tho stato
under tho Irrigation law of 1895, of
which E. J. Davis, of Milton, wns tho
nnthor. Tho nmount of bond requir
ed of tho officers provided for by tho
lnw hns hlthorto oporntod ns an ob
stnclo to tho formation of districts.
Tho law requires oach of the dlroctors
to glvo $5,000 bond, tho secretary or
clerk of tho board $20,000, tho treas
urer $110,000 and tho collector $50,000.
Tho very great absurdity of such
bonds being required Is nppnront,
when It Is expected thnt thoro will
not bo poslbly more thnn $300 per
annum to bo handled by the collector
and trensuror of tho proposed district
near Milton. Mr. Tnlbort nnd others
hold that the clnuso requiring tho ex
cessive bonds wns worked Into tho
lnw by emissaries of tho ditch com
panies, which handle largo sums nnd
havo Immense Investments, nnd that
It was dono to dlscourngo tho puhllo
co oporntlon aimed at by the promote
era of tho district schomo. This
bond clnuso, It appears, Is responsible
for Irrigation districts under tho law
not bolng organized heretofore.
Tho promoters of tho plan to organ
ize a district ndjacent to Milton say
that 0,084 cubic Inches of wator por
second flow In tho Wnlla Walln Rlvor
nt Milton at almost extreme low
water. Also that sclontlflonlly and
carefully used two minors' Inches will
carry tho nvorago crop through tho
avorago season. Above the torritory
laid out by tho petition for tho propos
ed district, it Is claimed thnt prnctl
cnlly all tho wator avitllnhlo for Irri
gation purposes Is now oxhnusted by
1 10 property ownnm who distribute It
upon about 1,000 acres of land.
Whereas, tho most careful estimates
show thnt this amount of wnter sci
entifically used will sufficiently Irri
gate :t,000 acres; or in other words,
that enough wnter Is ovory year being
turned onto the 1,000 acres mention
ed to Irrigate 2,000 acres more woro
It properly used. Of course, tho pro
moters of tho proposed district allege
great wastefulness In the present uso
of tho water which Is practically ox
hnustod. Under tho district system
the wator would of course bo careful
ly measured and have to bo accounted
for to tho other residonts of the dis
trict. It Is clnimod that tho territory In
tho proposed district can bo very eas
ily Irrigated that Is, at a very light
expense. It Is proposed, according
to tho petitions, that tho district shall
contain practically four sections or
2.5G0 acres, more or less. Thoro aro
sonio old ditches In tho territory that
can he utilized with sorno inexpensive
repairs. AH tho old ditches and all
tho new ones thnt will havo to bo
dug, aro short. Tho eastern boundary
of tho proposed district Is In tho edge
of tho city of Milton.
Addition to Orphan Home Dedicated.
Bereu, 0 March 6, This was a
gala day at tho Gorman Methodist
Episcopal Orphan Homo hero, tho oc
casion being tho dedication of tho ad
ditions to tho already largo atono
structures. Tho additions Include a
chape! and dining hall, both memori
als to tho lato Margurot Elizabeth
Nast, of Cincinnati. Tho participants
in tho dedicatory coromonles Includ
ed Ilov, Dr. A. J. Nast, of Cincinnati,
President E. O. Buxton of Baldwin
University, and Rev. J. J. Keller, of
Tho numbor of trusts In Germany
exceed 400.