3CS m Arc Yotf Constipated ? Arc Yot Bilious ? ATWOOD'S CASCARA Is the surest and safest remedy for all complaints caused by a torpid liver or irregular action of the bowels. For sale only by BROCK & McCOMAS CO. DRUGGISTS I WEDNESDAY. MARCH 4 1903. The chief value of legislation today lies in the opportunity and power to remedy mistakes of the past. "Repeal is more blessed than enactment." Henry Loom is Nelson. GIVE THE OFFICER CREDIT. Many Oregon newspapers are re publishing an editorial taken from the Salt Lake Herald, entitled "News papers and Criminals." The article does great credit to the Herald, and to newspapers in general, hut there is one phase of the subject which it overlooks. It gives the newspaper all the glory for running down, advertising, shad owing and bringing criminals to jus tice. It lays all the credit for seek ing out and unearthing swindling schemes at the door of newspapers when the officers of the law, includ ing the police and county officers, are entitled to their just share. Let a crooked man come into town and before he has made a dozen moves toward the accomplishment of his evil purpose, he is spotted by the watchful eye of the official. His movements are shadowed, his acts are weighed, his associates lo cated, his victims are hunted out and his plans are followed with tireless persistence. If the newspaper gets information on the subject, before the crime is committed and the swindler flies, nine times out of ten it is secured from the officer. Newspapers are not detectives. They can herald the crime and the description of the criminal, over the country, but they cannot prevent the commission of crime. Neither can they act in the capacity of inquisitor. Men have a right to come and go in the community and no newspaper can say that every stranger must be aus pected until he proves to be straight. The official can act in this capacity. He can determine the status of the man whose occupation is not. above suspicion and can warn the press, which warns the public. Newspapers help catch criminals. They turn the searchlight of public ity on the fugitive, but in the work of preventing crime in the community. the officials, by their inquisitorial watchfulness, warn the public of the presence of the criminal. The official and the press, working together, have made escape of the wrong-doer well nigh impossible. passes through the open gate of the , West, at the pass of the Blue Moun tains, and starts down the smiling slopes covered with growing wheat and budding trees. The Inland Empire has a three , weeks" earlier spring and three weeks' later fall than the country from which I the homeseekers are coming. Is it any wonder they pay the fabu lous prices for Oregon real estate? Is it any wonder they cheerfully begin the transformation of a claim in the foothills to the productive alfalfa farm, in the hope of such returns as come from a life of industry and econ omy in the West? No wonder the crowded cities of the East are giving up their best men and women, to become homesteaders in the arid states. The returns from the venture justify it tenfold. mlsslonor of the Charleston exposl tlon and later member of the house of representatives. CIVIC MORALS IN THE EAST. Tlln following artliti I nn nxtmrt from a paper read by Mrs. Imogene u. uaKiuy, of I'hiladoiphia, before the National Civil Service Reform League reported In the Woman's Journal: "In the Now York tinlillp st'hnnls It is the custom to test the ability of tne primary classes in English compo sition by writing part of a story upon the blackboard, and then requiring the class to complete it in their own lan guage and according to their own in dividual ideas. Recently a teacher In one of the East Side schools wrote upon the blackboard this little narra tive: SPOKANE'S PROGRESS. One of the most convincing evi dences of municipal health and strength which has been shown bv Spokane, is the new charter, as re vised by the charter committee of the city council. The new charter raises the price of saloon licenses from $500 to S1000, and places the mayor and chief of po lice in control of the police depart ment. The raise in price of licenses will iusure to Spokane an orderly, clean lot of saloons, as $1000 is more than the common joint can afford to nay and will result in better order, as the man who stakes his money and repu tation in the liquor business, under this high license will be interested in keeping an orderly house, which will draw custom and pay interest on the investment. The appointment of the chief of po lice by the mayor and council is evi dence that Spokane is following the inevitable metropolitan rule. There is need of a check on all municipal of fices ,in order to secure the highest efficiency. " 'A poor little girl was once sell ing nnnles at a railway station. A train came in. and several of the pas sengers bought fruit from her, and then went back to their seats. Just before the train started another nmn came to the steps and asked her how much she charged for her apples. 'Three for ten cents, sir.' she answer ed. 'Then give me three,' he said, and took the apples; but before he had paid for them, the train began to pull out. " 'The man thought he would save the ten cents bv not iKivlnn- for the apples, so he wont back into the car, leaving the little girl crying on the platform. Rut the mayor of the town was sitting in tlte next seat, and had watched the whole incident.' " 'Now.' said the teacher, 'what did the mayor do?' "One little Kirl. who had crown im on the East Side, and had uncons ciously marked the ways of some city officials and had she lived in Phila delphia her experience would have been the same continued the story thus: " 'Then the mayor was glad because he had seen it all. and could make the man give him half the ten cents.' " Enjoy your leisure time at ROBINSON'S AMUSEMENT PARLORS UNDER W. & C. R. DEPOT First-class Bowling Alleys Best Billiard and Pool Tables Shooting and Throwing Galler ies. Musical entertainment everv evening. Best order maintained temperance reireshments and cigars. Drop in and while away your spare time. DRIED FRUITS 25 pounds of fancy dried prunes only $1.00. We have Dried iNew.. Nectarines Prunes Apples Pears Apricots Peaches Raisins Currants Figs Goods GOOD SOUND WOOD Is always received when you place your order with us. Fir, Tamarack and ..Pine.. THE HAPPY OTHER FELLOW. A clown looked at a king and sighed: "Oh that iust fur a riav i iiiigaL an wnere ne aus. so proud To dazzle and to awe the crowd, With ne'er a bitter tear to hide While seeming to be gay.' The king looked down upon the clown Ana thought: "Ah. happy wight! 1011 gaily caper all the day, Ne'er burdened by the sorrows they In secret bear who have to wear The purple, on the height." S. E. Kiser, in Record-Herald. The Walla Walla Statesman com plains of the telephone fiend who spends the evening listening to the conversations of his neighbors, and the Oregonian is shocked at the cam era and kodak which expose the pri vacy of the home, to the public's gaze. Between these two evils, the sanctity of private life is being bat tered down. Civilization, by creating new devices for comfort and conven ience, is destroying the privacy of the home, to an alarming extent. THE PATRIOT'S BOAST. Oregon, with all thy faults, the homeseeker and the native, loves thee still! Nebraska blizzards are shrieking at the heels of the westbound emigrant trains; Ohio floods are rising like an Incubus, over the smiling homes of the Central states; Texan "northers" are sweeping bare of herds, the great upland plains of the Lone Star em pire, and the Kansas storms are sporting with the budding orchards and growing wheat while the Inland Empire, Oregon especially, is jogging along the shady lane of springtime, plowing for spring crops, shearing her flocks and listening to the chiming chorus of hammers and anvils. The stories of the homeseekers are all agreed on one point ,and that Is this: The first joyous touch of spring sunshine on the entire trip from Oma ha to Oregon, is felt when the tourist After waiting half a century, the veterans of the Oregon Indian wars of 1855-6, are to receive a portion of their pay, due from tho struggling territory of Oregon. While the entire country west of the Mississippi was fighting Indians and blazing new trails of conquest at that time, these volunteers who gave a special serv ice to their country and were reward ed by recognition from the teritory thoy defended, are deserving of this ac tof justice from the legislature. The Salt Lake valley was a more unpromising wilderness, when tho Mormons came there, than any sec tion of arid country now to be found in the West. Labor, economy, Irri gation and perseverance will convert Eastern Oregon's desert into a coun try of equal beauty and productiveness. Avery O. Moore, the member of tho Idaho legislature, who championed the eight-hour law, Is a young man of 30. j He is a worklngman; by occupation and sontlmont, having won his way from tho position of a minor and loco motive engineer to that of Idaho com- mm llauy women and doctors do not recognize tho real symptoms of derangement of the female organs until too late. " I had terrible pains along" my spinal cord for two years and suffered dreadfully. I was given different medicines, wore plasters ; none of these things helped me. Reading of t)lf fMiri t)nf TtVflln R Ptnblinin1!! Vegetable Compound has brought 1 T 1 i I ,1 uuuut, x bomunow ieit mat ic was what I needed and bought a bottle to take. ITow glad I am that I did bo; two lwittls llrnilrrlifc mi immfnu re lief, and after using thoee bottles more I felt new life and blood surging through my veins. It seemed as cleaning through my system, that all buoQivuucab ami puibuu xiuu ueen uiKen out and new life given me Instead. I liydla E. Pinklmm's Vegetable Compound. Uood health is indis pensable to complete happiness, and Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Gomnoimd 1ms secured this tn m Mas. Laura L. Bbbuek, Crown Point, Indiana, Secretary Ladles Belief Corps. 3S000 fortit If original of abooi Ittttr proving gtnulmnut cannot b vroductd. - .7 .. v u WO MIS U understand her ailment should wnie mrs, jfiniuiam, Jbynn. Mass. Her advice Is free and always ueipiui. Why buy poor coal when you can get the best for the same price? Laatz Bros. Telephone Main' 5 LOSSES ALWAYS MET PROMPTLY By the Fire Insurance Com panies we represent. Our companies stand first in the world. Hurtford Fire Insurance Co.$12,269,076 Alliance Assurance Co 29,039,003 London & Lancashire Fire Insurance Co 2,544,683 iMortu iiruisn & Mercantile Co 19,695,974 Royal Insurance Co 22,897,153 FRANK B. CLOPTON AGENT 800 MAIN STREET THE Standard Grocery Court Street Low Sellers of Groceries ine Uasoline lincine is man s most handy companion. See the Improved THEME Gasoline Engine It's something new. Requires no packing and lias no stud bolts to twist off. Let us show you our irrigation plant. Irrigation in this country means wealth. 3H Court vv Street Coming in daily, such as Skirts, Shirt Waist Suits, Muslin Under, wear, Shirt Waists, Silk Monte Carlos and Un derskirts. These are by far the best in style and price in town. Ed Eben 645 Main street W&smXtt 1) -SJfiniS Ware THE ROYAL RESTAURANT l have purchased the Royal Restaurant, on Main street, 3 doors north of W. & C. R. depot, where I will serve the Best 25 Cent Meal In the city. I will ap preciate your patronage and ask you to call and see me. MEAL TICKETS, $3.50 R. F. THORP. T 1. 1 n ,, rreuumng irom me HouBe Topi On the merits of our Hue laundry work wuuiuu v imve unu m euect tnatone or our exquisitely laundered shirt frnntH colIiirH nr nnftu nn rim j .. ... .... w.u niiiu has upon his friends. We make more I customers irom our nne specimens of finish, color and aulstlc Inumlrv wnrir on the wearer than a lecture on the subject would give us. "Seeing is be- uuviiig, uim our cam is on an tne fastidious dressers in Pendleton. THE DOMESTIC LAUNDRY, Court and Thompson Streets LET US FILL YOUR BILL FOR LUMBER Are You Hungry? Does what you eat hurt you ? If you are Bilious or have a Sluggish or Disordered Liver, or have Indigestion, you can be set right by using Beecham's Pills Sold Evtrywhere. In boxei We. and 25c We can supply you with Building Material of all descriptions andj save you money. DOORS WINDOWS B u i Idin g paper, lime, cement, brick and sand. Wood gutters for barns and dwellings a specialty. Oregon Lumber Yard Alta St., Opp. Court House The Colombia Lodging Hoase Newly Furnished. Bar in connection. Bet. Alta & Webb Sts. In Center of Block. F. X. Schempp Proprietor Sweet Potatoes, the good kind. Celery, fresh and crisp. Cabbage, solid heads. Garden Seeds The kind that grow in this soil and climate. Fresh stock of 1903 aeeus. D. KEMLER & SON The Big Store in a Small Koom. Alta Street, Opposite Savings Bank IT SURPRISES THEM v ileal juu lllive UUl Ul a IVIQUUU ITBgvu. Thoso outer bearing blocks prevent the ult ..will .1JllUKlllg UUU IlinKUS II 1UO CBBlCOb 1IU.' nlng wagon on earth Theiteel clad hubatre defiance to the weather. They never crack or have loose ipikes. Our hacks and buggleaire made by the Winona Manufacturing Co , tight In the hardwood belt. All air dried timber ued In couitruction. Call and see u and s the slickest plow in earth. We have it. NEAQLE BROTHERS We soil and guarantee the Stover Omolloi Engines. ARE Y0D READY TO BUY REAL ESTATE! THEN LOOK AT THIS LIST Four and u half lnru wti, turn Inww nrettv cottaprei. nil wall i....Jr. Now rented for 30 a month, $1500. . luugiuK nouse, 14 rooniH and lot. very centrally located, $2500. A lot about th street, $250. A llOUSC. S rnnniti ntwt n II.... 1.1 ,1... off Main Htreet, $1100. utner nousea and lots from $600 to Slnele lot frnm 19K iut? to location. Four lota together $000. Six lota together, $850. $1600Urteen ,0t8 together' wuo,e blooki Will sell for cat h or on easy terms. Will ftXnllllll nnrl uiinw .. on application. Pendleton is growing rapidly and Investments now will, In I., ujiiuiuu, jiiuvo jiruuuiujt;. to tne I . " rvTnSi" M-L&e .f" PENDLETON - URIAH mentfl. M . nnF, 8TURDI V ANT BP 08., Props. Stave leaves Pndleton dallt. except 8unUP t7. m.. for Uklah and inUnnedUte poU Bate: To Pilot Jtock,75o: Pilot Rock and W turn. 11 OS- in Kt II 9Ai K and rsttim. W to Ridge, $1.75: to Bige and return, Alba, 2.25: to Alba and return. W. 00 to BUM. Office lo Qoldea Rule Hotel, Peadtot" Just received another car load of Poultry and stock supplies at the Colesworthy CHOP MILL 127 and 12fl East Alto Street 0. D. B0Y0, 111 Court Street The East Orononlan la Fa oon's representative caner. it and the people appreciate It and show 11 oy xneir iinerai oatronane. H 1. advertising medium of this section. lj mm 1