East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 04, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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You always get GOOD GOODS at Alexander's.
tailor-made suits
Alexander Dep't Store
Announces for
And during the week their annual mammoth sale of
Ladies' Men's
and Children's
And special showing of spring's most fascinating footwear
! r m i in i" "i"H"m"ii i"i"i"i"i"t"i"i"i"-i"H"i"H- "i"i"i 'H"t"i"!
Are in the Field with the Latest Improved
It is a success and works smoothly and perfectly
on all hills.
These machines have been thoroughly tested and
are guaranteed to be the simplest and best com
bined harvester on the market.
factures a small side-hill Combined Harvester
and a large one; also their celebrated
Steam Harvester
The merits of which are well known in Uma
tilla County.
are handled in Umatilla County by
Local Agents
W. K.
Has Established 150 Evaporating
Plants In Northwest Operates
Dryers in All Leading Fruit Raising
Localities In Oregon, Washington
and Idaho.
W. K. Allen, of Newberp, Or., who
Is largely Interested in the Allen &
Cobb fruit dryer near the O. R. & N.
depot, is in Walla Walla for a few
days, studying conditions and looking
into the future prospects of the prune
business in the valley, snys the
Statesman. Mr. Allen can safely lay
claim to the title of being the pioneer
fruit dryer in the Northwest. He is
interested in 50 or more dryers in Or
egon, Washington and Idaho and has,
since embarking in the business, been
instrumental in establishing more
than 150 dryers, principally In the
Willamette valley.
He is the patentee of the Allen
fruit dryer, with which nearly every
plant he has established, is equip
ped. "My trip to Walla Walla at this
time is to study conditions," Mr. Al
len said to a reporter for the States
man this morning. "Our plant here
did not do as well last season as the
company would have wished, princi
pally for the reason that we could
not get the green fruit Commission
men outbid us a trifle and conse
quently secured about all the prunes
that were raised. Our plant here has
a capacity of 10 cars of dried fruit,
but as it was our output last season
was only two cars, a condition highly
"Of course we like to see growers
find a market for their green fruit,
but at the same time we would like
to be able to buy enough to work
the plant to its fullest capacity."
Mr. Allen established 'wo plants in
the Boise valley in Idaho last year,
one at Beatty and the other at Meri
dan. "Our Boise plants have opened
up a new industry in that section,"
he said. "Last year was the first
year we operated the plants, but we
distributed $18,000 among growers
during the season. We nought IS
tons of green fruit paying $10 a ton,
the same price as we paid here in
Walla Walla."
Mr. Alleu says he has no trouble
in finding a market for his output.
Of last year's output he has only two
carloads of French prunes on hand.
Is Manufactured fev
2 lot 25c
ILEN & LEWIS , Distributors
Applicants for Pardon.
Salem, March 4. Attorney McGow
an was before Governor Chamberlain
today in behalf of James Weaver, of
Eastern Oregon, who is convicted of
murder in the second degree. In the
Humphreys case, under sentence for
warehouse shortage, there is an extensively-signed
petition on file. . Gov
ernor Chamberlain has received a let
ter from the trial judge and is await
ing one from the district attorney.
All the jurors have asked the pardon.
There are a dozen applications for
pardon pending before Governor
Chamberlain, who has yet his first
pardon to grant.
We have the largest stock of carpets, outside of Portland, in
he state. This is an undisputable fact, We offer better bar
tains than can be had in Eastern Oregon, another fact which
proven by the low prices we are offering.
Next door to Postoffice.
KWe announce that we have opened undertaking parlors in
bnnection with our furniture and carpet store and will answer
klls day or night. Phone Black 273.
it Your Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at Once
Delay will lead to serious breaks.
First-class work guaranteed by
BECK, the Reliable Plumber.
Court street, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel
store can never be n rw i t'WmmTm T
unless It advertises MU V Cll I IOC f
expect people to know wha
you have to sell If you don't
Senator John P. Jones, of Nevada,
about to close 30 years of service in
the United States senate, is one of
five members of ths upper house not
a native of this country.
Our fine line of tailor-made suits has arrived and we can truthfully say we have the nobbiest
suits, best values and prettiest patterns we have ever shown. Ever) suit is new and up to date, the
fabrics arc the latest shown and whatever your taste we can please you. This week we are quoting
some very special prices and it will pay you to see our line at once. Your size is here now, but it
may not be three days from now.
Grey Wool Suits, jacket without collar, skirt
made without lining, good quality cloth, per
fect fitting $7.50
Black Wool Suit, jacket without collar, unlincd
skirt, a fine value for the price asked.. ..$9.00
Mixed color Wool Suit, the latest shades, new
est style jacket, skirt unlined. This suit is
worth $13,50. Our special price is $10 00
l-tlarL- TTnnl finite lafnet ctu1iQ3rwt tiivcl nlnr
Wool Suits, ranging in price from $ll,nO t
to $17.50
We can't take space to describe all of our suits,
but we will take time to show them to you if
you call.
Dress Skirts.
We are proud of our new lot of Skirts that just
arrived Saturday, and you will be just as proud
to wear one of them, if you like a strictly new,
up to-date, stylish Skirt. All goods are repre
sented from $1 25 to $10.00
We have a dozen Walking Skirts, made of
medium weight skirting, dark Oxford grey color,
strong and durable, a good Skirt for service,
for one week only $1.25
Dark Oxford Wool Skirts, new style, nicely
made, and trimmed with buttons, for this
sale $2.50
Light grey Wool Skirts, unlined, splendid
value $3.50
Light grey, all-wool, Kilted Skirts, plaits run
ning from top nearly to bottom, giving the flare
effect, so much desired in the new styles . $-1.75
131ack, all-wool Skirts, with white dots, kilted
at bottom, and trimmed with buttons, special
price of $4-00
Blue, all-wool Skirts, nicely plaited from top
nearly to bottom, Hare 11 ounce, very dressy and
neat $5,50
Plenty of others at all prices up to $1().0()
Calico, all colors, 25 yds for $1.00 I
Bleached Muslin, 25 yds for $1.00 '
India Linen, good grade, 10 yds for 50c
Jap Silk, all colors, per yard 25c i
Ladies' Hose, loc grade, 3 prs for 25c
Children's Hose, good heavy grade, 3 prs
for 25c
Ladies' Lisle Lace Hose, per pair 25 and 35c
Last week our SPECIAL SALE was a decided success and wc were kept jumping nearly all
day Saturday waiting on customers. Judging from this, we believe our customers were pleased
with the bargains we gave them, and we arc going to please just as many this week as call at our
store. It will be worth your time and trouble if you visit our store FRIDAY and SATURDAY.
Jin T 1 tl 1 IIJ I11M111J I .
Attention now, ladies, all happy and gay I
Just see my Uxt offer I But Two Bits to pay
For u beautllul pboto, lull cabinet size,
That would make your best fellow just open
his eyes.
Just east the E. O. at Danner'8 old stand,
You will te our exhibit 10 beautllul and
II there try to please you, the best we
know how,
With that same pleasant smile and an artistic
It mutters but little how old you may be
Whether sweet sixteen or aee twenty-three
Be you handsome and tall, or as cute as an elf,
You will got a nice photo ol your sweet little
Our work Is First Class and so fine you must
That all the best people know Just where to go.
Through the whole month oi March we will
sing you this song,
So bring your best fellow and come right along
Richest Vein in th History of the
Sumpter Mines.
The entire upper camp was thrown
into a fever of excitement by the au
thenticated report today of another
rich strike in the Golconda mine
which promises to exceed anything
yet opened in that property in the way
of gold bearing quartz, says the
Morning Democrat of Monday. A tel
ephone message was received from
the mine early in the day by Secretary
Howard. A little later a courier ar
il ved at tiie secretary s ofhee with a
bag of samples of the new ore which
fairly dazzled the eyes of those per
mitted to see them.
The strike was made on the 300-foot
level and was in a shoot run into
what was known as the "pure gold
streak," discovered three years ago
and which had never been found since.
The quartz is literally filled with nat
ural gold and will run above $10,000
to the ton. If the streak continues
for any distance there is no telling
the amount of wealth that will be
taken out.
As soon as the strike was discov
ered the men working in that shoot
were transferred to another part of
the mine and old and tried employes
put in their places.
Mrs. L&ura S. Webb,
Vice-President of Women's Democratic Clubs of Nc.-thern Ohio.
li&E. Webb St.
All kinds 'or all purposes.
Sash, Doors and Blinds.
Planing of all descriptions done
to order.
Don't place your order foi
Building Material until you haw
consulted us.
Pendleton Planing Mill an
f at
Lumber yard
ROBERT rORSTCR, Proprietor
John Day Streams Are Much Sought
These Days.
John Day's numerous branches
seem to be assured several water pow
er plants for generating electricity,
says the Sumpter American. Presi
dent Costelio, of the Advance, says
it is the purpose of the management
to acquire all possible rights on the
stream flowing by the Storm King,
which will be for use by the proper
iy, and also if there appears to be a
market in Sumpter, to generate elec
trlcal energy for the public.
The John Day, rising on the divide
immediately opposite the dralnange
system flowing by Sumpter. is the
nearest source of electrical energy
generated by water power to be had
beyond the Powder basin. Several lo
cations have been made on the head
waters of the John Day already, and
several more are assured this spring.
water power is coveted by the man
who peers intently into the future, for
the time is assured when fuel will be
costly and mining on many of the low
grace propositions will be prohibitive
unless a cheap energy is available.
Seventh Biennial Report of the State
Board of Horticulture Issued.
The seventh biennial report of the
state board of horticulture is now
being distributed.
The report Is a neatly printed and
well illustrated book of 270 pages, and
contains all the data concerning this
great industry of Oregon, that It Is
possible to gather in that space,
The illustrations in the volume are
superb, the scientific and historical
data arranged in a convenient form,
and from both ,the mechanical and lit
erary standpoint it is one of the most
interesting reports Issued from the
state printing office.
Copies can be had' by addressing
George H. Iambersonl; secretary board
of horticulture, Portland, Or.
sickly women be
tween tlio ages o
45 and 55, but there aro
very few invalids over 55
and GO years of ago. Tho
chango of lifo coming to
a woman near her forty
fourth year, cither makes
her an invalid or gives
her a new lcaso on life. Thoso who
meet this change in ill health sel
dom live ten years afterward, while
a woman who lays nsido tho activo
duties of womanhood in health sel
dom fails to live on in happiness,
years after she has passed 60. This
Is truly a critical time.
Mrs. Laura S. "Webb, of Toledo,
Ohio, recognizes tho chango of lifo
as a dangerous period and alio also
has faith in Wine of Cardui. She
"As I had always oeen troubled more
or less at the menstrual period, I dreaded
ifff. Jyiura S, Wtbb.
the change of life which was
fast approaching. While vis
iting with a friend 1 noticed
that she was taking your
Wine of Cardui, and she was
so enthusiastic about it that I
decided to try a bottle. I ex
perienced some relief the first
month, so I kept on taking it
for three months and now I
menstruate with no pain and
I shall take it off and on now
until I have passed the climax. I do not
dread it now, as I am sure that your
Wine of Cardui will be of great benefit
at this time."
Wine of Cardui Is tho romedy to
ro-inforco a woman against tho shook
that comes with tho cbaugo of lifo.
It ro-cstabllshos healthy functions
after years of suffering. In doing
this it has saved thousands of suf
ferers just in tlmo. Do not wait
until Buffering is upon you. Thor
ough preparations should be made
in advanco. licgin tho Wine of
Cardui treatniont today.
A million suffering women
have found relief in
Winoof Cardui.
The Best
D. M. Ferry's Garden Seeds
are unquestionably the best. They
are fresh and sure to grow, They
are they most select varieties and
adapted 10 this soil and climate.
H3rgains in
Real Estate
high grade
Finest line of
Soaps on the market.
Miller Grocery Co.
636 Main Street
Phone Main 511
to prevent pneumonia and consump
tion is to cure your cold when it first
appears. Ackers English Remedy
will stop the cough in a night and
drive tho cold put of your system.
Always a quick and sure cure for
asthma, bronchitis, and all throat and
lung troubles. If it does not satisfy
you the druggist will refund your
money, Write to us for free sample.
W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
p w. ocnmiui uo., aruggisis.
I have a larger and bottor
list of Farms, Stock Ranchos
and City Property to soil
than ever before. AIbo a big
lot of land in tho coming
wheat section of Eastern
N. Berkeley
Farmers Custom Mill
Fred Walters, Proprietor
Capacity 160 barrels a day
Flour exchanged for wheat
Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed, ete
always on hand.
carpets, ou shelve, walls, or for wrap-
Clng purposes. Old newspapers In Urs
urdles of 100 each at 2B rents a bundla
at the KABT OltEOONIAN office, read!
ton, Oregon.