East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 04, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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$ Eastern Oregon Weather J
T Will bo dollveroil t your reldenca J
nr nlaee of busluees by carrier at T
t 1.V.I- tnntirfit mill Til 1 1 r t . It V . 5-T
5c A WEEK. f
it continued cooi.
i W V
NO. 4082.
VOL. 16.
15 Tl
Chicago Packing Houses Will
Be Tied Up Unless They Ac
cede to Engineers' Demand.
Six Smaller Concerns Signed the
Agreement Allowing $3.00 for Eight
Hours' Work, But the Trust Con
cerns Refused the Advance.
ChlcaEO. March 4. Unless
seven treat packing concerns of the
stock yards accede to the demands of
the 115 engineers who went on a
i est walk-outs In Chicago history will
Ikbo inaugurated within a few days.
Bs n A AAA m.nnnn -nflll lift offnnim
land the great meat industry will be
fcomplctely tied up.
I The strikers want $3 per working
day of eight hours. They are now
f getting $2.T0 for 10 Hours, aix small
er concerns signed the agreement and
work was immediately rcsumea, dui
all the big ones refused. If the mat
ter Is not adjusted they will be
compelled shut-down tomorrow. All
the labor organizations of the city
have agreed to stand by the engin
Traffic rs in No Way Interfered With
on the Wabash Road.
St TjoiiIr. March 4. There is no
p change In the strike situation this
mnrnlnir. The mon will obev thfi in
junction, but will bring action In the
court asking for a dissolution of tne
restraining order within the 15 days
limit set by Judge Adams. Trafllc Is
in no wise interfered with.
Passive Understanding Made by
Which Ireland Is Allowed Plans of
Dublin, March 4. The Daily Ex
press today says -that it has good au
thority for the statement that the gov
ernment and the nationalists have ar
rived at a passive understanding by
which the government allows the plan
of home rule on the lines counselled
by Joseph Chamberlain.
British Steamer Was on Her Maiden
Trip to Calcutta.
Northport, N. Y., March 4. The
British steamer Beckenham, with a
cargo of silk, valued at $1,000,000,
went ashore on Eaton's Neck In the
fog this morning, and is now leaking
badly. She was on her maiden trip
from Calcutta.
Four Thousand Macedonians Meet a
Force of Turks Near Menlix.
Vienna, March 4. News received
from Saradoff, reports that the Mac
edonian1 revolutionists' leader, at the
head of 4,000 men, recently encounter
ed a body of Turks near Menllk. The
Turks suffered defeat with great
Striving to Get Operators and Miners
to Agree to Certain Matters.
Washington, March 4. The anthra
cite commission, at Its meotlng to
morrow, intends, if possible, to get
both sides to agree to certain matters
before a verdict shall be rendered,
as well as to secure further confirma
tion of the weighing system.
Gen. Booth Sails for Home.
New York, March 4. General Wil
liam Booth, founder of the Salvation
Army, who has beon touring the Unit
ed States and Canada for several
months in the interest of his organiza
tion, sailed for England today. Prior
to his departure tho general ex
pressed the greatest satisfaction with
tho results of his trip and contrasted
the cordiality with which he was
everywhere received to tho ridicule
and hostility that greeted the Salva
tion Array In Its early days in America,
Against santa fe.
Mayor and Council of Wichita, Kas.,
Take Up Case Before Interstate
Commerce Commission.
Washington, D. C, March 4. The
Interstate commerce commission to
day took up the cases brought by the
mayor and city council of Wichita,
Kas., against tho Atchlnson, Topeka
& Santa Fe railroad, the Missouri
Pacific and the Chicago, Rock Island
& Pacific railroads.
The cases involve the long and
short haul on grain and grain products
from Wichita to Galveston and New
Orleans; coal transportation in car
load from McAlester, Indian Territory,
Mlnden, Mo., and Russelvllle, Ark., to
Wichita; rates on sugar from Rocky
Ford, and Sugar City, Col., to Wichi
ta; on lumber in carload lots from
Arkansas, Texas and Louisiana to
Wichita, and the relative rates on
flour from Wichita and other Knasas
and Missouri points to Texas points.
The questions Involved are of great
importance to shippers throughout
the West and Southwest and the de
cisions of tho commission are awaited
with keen Interest.
Badger Editors Jubilate.
Milwaukee, Wis., March 4. The
Wlconsln Press Association is cele
brating Its golden jubilee with a large
ly attended convention begun today
at tho rooms of the Merchants and
Manufacturers' Association. An in
teresting program of papers and dis
cussions has been prepared for the
sessions, which are to continue until
Jeffords to Fight O'Brien.
Pittsburg, Pa., March 4. A 10-round
bout between "Philadelphia Jack"
O'Brien and Jim Jeffords, tho Califor
nia light heavyweight, Is the attrac
tion arranged by tho Allegheny Ath
letic Club for Its patrons tonight.
O'Brien has already defeated Jeffords
but the Callfornlan believes he can
reverse that decision.
Merlon Refloated.
Queenstown, Ireland, March 4. The
liner Merion was refloated this morn
Charge Grows Out of the Explosion
in Eight-Inch Turret on Battleship
Massachusetts, Causing Nine
Pensacola, Fla., March 4. High of
ficers of the navy are gathering at
the Pensacola navy yard to take part
In the trial by court martial of En
sign Ward K. Wortman. Ensign
Wortnian is charged with neglect of
duty, tho charge growing out of the
recent explosion in the 8-inch turret
of the battleship Massachusetts, which
resulted in the death of nine mem
bers of the gun crow.
Tho importance attached to the In
vestigation is shown in the high rank
ing personnel of the court, which will
be composed of Rear Admiral Wil
liam C. Wise, commandant of the
Pensacola navy yard; Captain Ed
ward D. Taussig, captain of the Pen
sacola navy yard; Commander W. H.
Turner, commanding the cruiser At
lanta; Commander Frank A. Wilner,
stationed at Pensacola; Lieutenant
Commander William L. Burdlck, of
the Atlanta; Lieutenant B. P. Blerer,
comandlng the Wasp, and Lieutenant
Harry E. Smith, attached to tho At
lanta, with Lieutenant-Commander
Cameron McR. Wlnslow, of the bureau
of navigation as judge advocate.
Presidents of Idaho, Washington and
Oregon Colleges Meet in Spokane,
With Dr. Parkin.
Spokane, March 4. Dr. Parkin,
representing the Cecil Rhodes schol
arship, Is meeting the heads of the
Idaho, Washington and Oregon edu
cational institutions here today to ar
range for tho selection of students
to be educated under the Oxford be
quest. Reception to Methodist Governors.
Chicago, 111., March 4. Arrange
ments have been made for a unique
gathering to be held at the Auditorium
tonight In honor of the four Methodist
governors Governor Yates, of Illi
nois; Governor Bliss, of Michigan;
Governor Durbln, of Indiana, and Gov
ernor Mickey, of Nebraska. The meet
ing is to bo hold under the auspices
of tho Chicago Methodist Social
Union and Is to be used to give im
petus to a movement to free the Meth
odist churches of Chicago from debt.
Senator Allison Offers an Annual Statement Showing That the
Appropriations Made Exceed $1,554,000,000.
Washington, March 4. A swarm of
visitors, the greater number In the
house, witnessed the closing. The
senate galleries were only partially
In the senate, as soon as a quorum
was gained, Allison, tho chairman of
the appropriations committee, offered
his annual statement of appropria
tions made by this congress as com
pared with the SGtli. It shows an In
crease in appropriations made of
$114,000,000 of which nearly half Is
for the Panama canal. Also an In
crease of $50,000,000 In tho postal
service, a large portion of which is
clue to rural delivery. The total ap
propriations exceed $1,554,000,000.
Allison in a speech, also called at
tention to the fact that last congress
adopted no rivers and harbor bill,
while this one had appropriated $20,
000,000. He said he was convinced
that the appropriations made met the
approval of both parties.
The senate then took up the river
and harbor bill amendment, thus for
mally setting aside the Philippine tar
iff measure. Hoar, by unanimous
consent, then spoke on the bill which
had thus been officially declared
Made a Demonstration.
Grosvenor, Payne and Richardson
were appointed to act with Allison
and Jones, the senatorial committee,
to wait on the president, who arriv
ed at his room In the senate wing, at
10 o'clock, to notify congress that he
was ready for it ot adjourn. Hender
son re-entered, took the gavel from
Cannon, which was the signal for an
enthusiastic demonstration.
When the applause subsided, Payne
said: "The president has no further
message except to congratulate the
house on the work performed.'
Flace for Mercer.
Washington, March 4. The senate
adjourned at noon. Representative
Mercer, of Nebraska, who was defeat
ed for re-election is said to have been
assured of the appointment of direc
tor of the census if Merrlan resigns.
He has the backing of nearly every re
publican congressman, as well as the
president's friendship.
Hissed the Democrats.
In the house opening Richardbon
raised the point of no quorum and
tho clerk was so hoarse ho could
hardly be heard. Thus far In this
memorable parliamentary struggle
there have been 78 roll calls, 18 of
which were taken yesterday. When
the call was nearly completed, Hen
derson called Cannon to the chair,
who presided. There was continued
applause of both parties. Payne of
fered a resolution of thanks to Hen
Practical Joke Ends In Death of 16-Year-old
Boy at Yakima City.
North Yakima, Wash., March 4.
Guy A. Loudon, a 10-year-old boy of
Yakima City, was shot and mortally
wounded by Thomas Wheeler, at the
latter's home, at midnight Monday
night. He is In the hospital at this
place, with little hope of recovery.
The shooting was the result of an
attempted joke played on Wheeler.
Tho victim had attended a dance In
Yakima City, A number of attend
ants started away together. Young
Loudon was In the company of Gilbert
Gervlas. Walking ahead of them was
Robert Adams, escorting Miss Bertha
Miller, who lives with the Wheeler
family. The boys were teasing Adams
and tho young lady.
Loudon and Gervlas thought they
would perpetrate a joke on the Whee
ler family by playing robbers. They
followed Adams and the young lady
to the house, and when Miss Miller
went Inside she thought she would
assist In carrying out the joke and
rushed to Wheeler and told him rob
bers were attempting to break In,
Wheeler arose, dressed hurriedly
congress adjourns;
derson for his services as speaker,
it having become known that the
democrats would refuse the usual
courtesies. It was carried by a vivo
voce vote. Cochrane demanded the
yeas and noes. Richardson and others
protested, but Cochran and Clark
didn't heed. Hisses from tho repub
licans and galleries greeted those
who arose. There were not a suffic
ient number to demand a new roll
Scores Republicans.
Represencative Underwood, of Al
abama, after a conference with Rich
ardson, gave out a statement In which
he reviews tho last congress and says
the republicans failed to support their
president; passed few measures 'of
importance; repudiated party
pledges; failed to pass any effective
trust legislation; made no attempt to
pass the legiBlntion demanded by the
interstate commerce commission, or
for the relief of the Philippine com
merce, and deprived the people of
three territories of the rights of state
hood, tt) wbicb thev wore fully en
titled. Adjourned at 12:03.
Washington, March 4. The house
was declared adjourned sine die at
12:03 by the clock, amidst singing of
patriotic songs and a general ovation
to Speaker Henderson.
Conferees of Both Houses Finally
Agree on $38,428,000.
Washington, March 4. The con
terees of the two houses hnvo reached
an agreement on the postoffice appro
priation bill. The principal item of
difference was over the amount allow'
ed for railroad transportation. The
house fixed the amount at $38,428,000,
but the senate reduced It to $30,200,'
000. The senate receded from this
amendment, leaving the amount as
fixed by the house. The senate pro
vision for the free registration of gov
ernment publications also was strick
en out.
Will Become Special Assistant to the
Attorney-General Under New Law.
Washington, March 1. Assistant
United States District Attorney Pur
dy, of Minneapolis, prominent In tho
fight against the Northern Securities,
is slated for appointment of special
assistant to Attorney Genernl Knox,
under the new act creating that office
for the purpose of enforcing the anti
trust laws.
and taking a revolver went to the
door. He shouted; "Wo Is there;
answer or I'll shoot." No answer
came and he fired into tho darkness.
The ball penetrated the right side of
of Ixmdon just below the lower rib,
and lodged in the back. He is a
brother to James and John Loudon, of
the First National Bank of this city,
and a son of Mrs, Carmlchaels, of
Yakima City,
Indian War Veterans.
Salem, March 4, The passage of
the bill appropriating $100,000 for tho
payment of Indian war veterans, has
already caused some of them to apply
to Adjutant-General Gantenbeln for
their pay It will bo some weeks,
perhaps, before he will be able to
begin examination of claims, for the
reason that a system will have to be
inaugurated, and blanks prepared.
Alexander Wllkle, of Upper Cralgle,
Perth, N. B., Is believed to possess
the longest beard In tho world. His
exceptional growth of hair began
when ho was about 25 years of age,
From that time it grew rapidly, and
it is now seven feet two and a half
inches long and still growing.
Thought to Be the Work of the
Friends of a Famous Murderer,
Lately Hanged.
London. March 4. Hangmnn 1111
llngton, England's famous execution
er, was found lying In an unconscious
condition on a railway track outside
of Lodon this morning. Ho had been
assaulted with a club and is In immi
nent danger of death. It Is thought
that friends of Edwards, tho notorious
murderer, who waB hanged n short
time ago, are tho perpetrators.
He regained consciousness later,
and says an unknown mnn entered
the railway carriage and attempted to
rob him. In tho scuffle he fell through
tho door. The railway people nnd tho
police both doubt tho story which Is
given with nn nlr of mystory. Tho
hangman evidently Is attempting con
Advices From Constantinople State
That the Bulgarian Army Is Organ
izing on the Frontier.
Constnntlnonlo. March 4. Official
tnlnprnnin ilvwl tnilm u.ntn Hint
"Bulgarian revolutionary bands havo
appeared at several points nnd arc
all moving toward tho frontier, giving
rise to the belief thnt hostilities arc
about to be Inaugurated.
Congressmen Go Homo.
Washington, D. C, March 4. Fol
lowing tho final adjournment of tho
Fifty-seventh congress thero was a
general exodus today of tho nntlon's
lawmnkers. While some few nro to
remain in tho capital for tho rest of
the season the vast majority nro de
Vi'.rting for their homes somo leav
ing behind them forever tho scone of
tl:eir public career. When .he next
congress assembles now faces will bo
seen nt both ends of tho cnpltol and at
tho same time some of those who havo
been most fnmiliar for two dcados or
longer will be missed.
Wheat In Chicago,
Chicago, March 4. Wheat 77
XA cent per bushel.
He Confessed to Her That He Had
Really Committed the Deeds to
Which He Had Confessed Body of
Third Wife Further Identified.
Hamilton, O., March 4. Mrs. Annie
Knapp, tho fourth wlfo, visited her
husband In jnil at noon. They wore
net permitted to kiss, but shook
hands. Tho murderer cried. Ills wife
asked him If he really did do all the
things to which he had confessed. Ho
ieplled evasively, finally admitting
tho truth. He said he expected to go
to the chair. The woman Is faithful,
and snys she doesn't care what ho
did, she loves him nnd If ho Is sent
to the penitentiary for life she will get
a homo near the prison ho she can see
her husband at Intervals.
A crowd thronged about the morgue
todny trying to view tho body. The
Identification was added to this morn
ing by a half sister and her husband.
The body is In good condition, con
sidering that It floated 100 miles.
Posses Out in Every Direction Look
ing for the Outlaw Benson,
Oiympla, March 4. Sheriff Mills
linn sent a deputy to South Bend to
Identify the man arrested thero on
suspicion of it being tho outlaw Bon
son, This section is thoroughly
aroused, Posses are covering nil tho
Will Handle the Interests of Western
Coal arid Iron Company In This
John Halley, Jr., United States
commissioner, of this city, has been
appointed agent In Pendleton for tho
Western Coal and Iron Company, of
Tacoma, which Is represented at pres
ent in Eastern Oregon .Idaho and
Washington by S, Andrew Hartman,
general agent and a director of tho
company, Mr, Halley will handlo tho
stock of tho concern, which Is now up
on the market.
As soon as the railroad, now under
construction, Is completed Into tho
mines, tho coal mined by this compa
ny will be placed upon tho market In
Tho company Is capitalized at $1,
750,000, and stock is now selling nt
15 cents per share. Nelson Bennett,
a prominent banker and business
mun of Tacoma, Is president of tho
Dense Fog in New York and
Brooklyn Causes Railway
and Boat Accidents,
Ferry Boats Badly Smashed In the
Municipal Slip, Causing a Panto
Among the Passengers No Signs
of the Fog Abating.
Now York, Mnrch 4. Two railway
collisions occurred In the heavy fog;
this morning, one on Fifth avonuo
nnd ' tho other on tho olovatcd ot
Brooklyn. In tho first, two cars wore
wrecked and several woro Injured,
four so soriouBly that thoy had to be
taken to tho hospltnl. In tho socond,
two suburban motor trains collldod.
A number of persons wore slightly
Two Hoboken ferry boats col
lided at tho foot of Barclny street.
each crowded with passengers. Nono
were Injured, although tho railings of
both boats woro smashed away and
tho bow of ono crushed Into tho first
Two forrlcs of tho Central railway
collldod at tho Munlclpnl slip, and
50 foot of tho guard rail and a por
tion of tho cabin wes smashod off of
one. A panic rcsultod, but none woro
Thero woro countless minor acci
dents in tho streets. Tho fog shows
no signs of lifting.
To Meet at Lansing.
Lansing, Mich., March 4. Harry
FallB and Mlko Wurd are scheduled
to clash in a 10-round bout tonight
undor tho auspices of a local athletic
organization. For sovoral weoka tho
two havo been training faithfully and
as a consequonco thoy nppcor to bo
In splendid shnpo for tho oncountor.
Thoy will weigh in at tho ringside at
about 1 10 pounds each.
Was the 'Father of the Senate, Having
Served Continuously Since 1873.
With tho expiration of tho Fifty,
sovonth congress the curtain Is rung,
down on tho public career of ono of
tho most popular and prominent
statesmon that over mado their Influ
ence folt In tho national legislative
assembly -Senator John P. Jones, of
Novnda, who rollnqulshos his seat to
Frauds G. Nowlands, chosen to suc
ceed him at tho last olectlon. Sona-
tor Jones has beon cnllod tho fathor
of tho sonato, having solved In that
body continuously since 1873, and
completed his fifth torm, a record that
has lieoii surpassed only by Sonator
Shoniian of Ohio ,and Morrill of Ver
mont. Tho retirement of Senntor Jones
lonvos Senator Allison of Iowa, tho
nlfloHt unnntnr In unnHruimiu anrvira
Jones and Allison liming entered the
senate at the usmn time. Senator
Stewart of Nevada, Is tho only man
nnw In Mm iminm uslm wnu n tnnmlin.
in uiui. uimy wnt-'ii dunun anil Allinuil
. , t ..... I n .. r-. r ,. i
has not been emit .minus hnwnvnr.
lia viuir boon intorrunted liv a norlod ol
12 years' retirement from public life
iiiiiii.iiii .iiiiiith 11111:1111 it n 1 1 ti tin 1 1 r ...
1.1 . I 1 II..
largo and Important mining Interest!
I1 Alnullr, ,1.1.1 llll.lnn In ,.,kUI. n
of his time has been dovoted
Vocations of Legislators.
The Portland Telegram given th
vocations of the dlfforont members
tho house of representatives of th
as follows:
f n . J . .
chants, 8; newspaper men, 2, raani
facturors, 2; minors, 2; druggists,
iiuiiiiui n. . 111 1111131 n. ,1. naiiiimi cu.
ner, railway conductor, stationer, ba
vf "11 MlltH, .WHItlllMgiUlt .
county assessor, real estate ftgen
logger, lumiicrman, uoaier in pain
and oils, miner, ono each.
MM, ,. 1,. .... ,. 1 1 1 . T .. I
1 iui u in iiu iimaijiu uiuiuuii in I it
serving rubbor except by keeping
air. Exposure to tho air and rirv
mosphoro will kill tho best of rubb