East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 03, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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Mens rurnisnings
. Men's Cotton Ribbed U nderwear. linavv wm'o-ht i It nnfiifal
aalmon and blue, each 50 oontfl.
Men's Sox, black and tan, at 10 cents and 16 oentf.
Men's fancy Half Hose, new patterns. IB snntH nnrfR nnt..
Shirts, stiff bosoms, reduced in price, 50 cents uud 75 oenta.
Golf Shirts, trood patterns ami 3nHrM.1l nrirc r.n nunu nr-
A .M nn r r ' vv ' ,u
'New stock of Gloves, 25 oents to $1.50.
Black sateen Shirts, 50 oants and 75 cents.
Suspenders, 25 cents, 50 cents and 76 oonts.
Reductions in Men's and Boys' Sweaters.
Bae & Daley
One-Price Clothiers, Halters and Furniahera
' TUESDAY, MARCH 3, 1903.
Another Btudent died from typhoid
fever at 'Ithlca, N. Y Sunday.
Delaware has finally elected two
conators. Addlcks was defeated.
China and Mexico are hoth agitat
ing, the adoption of the gold stand
ard. .Judge William R. Day succeeded
Justice Shtrati In the supreme court
A late report from Madrid states
that the sultan of Morocco has been
aereated and his war minister killed.
Two thousand painters and decor
ators in tne Pittsburg district of
Pennsylvania, are striking for an ad
vajice of wages.,
The American dentist who taught
tne' crown princess of Saxony how to
ride a bicycle, has been ordered to
leave mat Kingdom. ,
Over 300 weavers In the cotton
mills at Bristol, Mass.. went on a
tr.lke Monday because of poor yam
and poor filling furnished,
The organized seamen of the United
States are up in arms against the bill
introduced In congress, restoring the
allotment system and paving the way
for the "crimping" system.
Jeffries and Corbett met Sunday
and agreed to light 20 rounds next
July before the club that will give
thorn $25,000 or bver, the winner to
take 76 per cent and the loser 2C.
The textile council of Lowell, Mass.,
representing 18.000 union workors,
has, made a demand upon the seven
.cotton corporations of that city for an
auvance or iu per cent In wages, ef
xective March 31.
The conference between the Santa
Fe officials and the leaders of the
railway men ended Sunday. The de-
manus or tne unions were acceded to
and .the freight men receive an ad
vance In wages of 15 per cent, the
passenger men 12 per cent.
Hotel Pendleton.
R. O. Moore, Portland.
G. S. Youngman, Portland
E. B. Caman, Portland.
D. Crosette, Portland.
P. S. McMahon, Porclnn-l.
J. O. Mack, Portland,
J H firnssflnlil Pnrtlnnil
Thomas Duncan, San Francisco,
H. B. Nelson, Weston. t
J. M. Martin, Salt Lake.
A. S. Billings, Omaha.
Carl Harrison. Wnlln Walla .
T. R. Yerger. Walla Walla.
M. L. Hanlln, Walla Wulla. ,
B. O. Klllln, Spokane.
W. Luroson, Spokane. '
N. J. Lorensen, Sumpter. fl f
W. Hansholder, Toledo. r '
E, I.. Masterson, Elgin. "
. i
Golden Rule. Xi,
V. Port?., Cheyenne. TJ f
L. C. fioodwln. Walla Wall.. I
G. D. Galley, Portland. ?
.1. McCoy. Wulla Walla. k
R. E. Shepard. Spokane. H
J. G. Helfrlch. Spokune. J
C. Ij .Downer, Spokane
W. D. Marks. Spokane
A. Rayburn, Pilot Rock.
S. J. Estes, Pilot Rock. J
Mrs, L. D. Myers, city. ' V
U W. Dunn. Athena.
John Emsberger, PorMaml. r- t
H. Thatcher, Portlunl.
P. E, Laughlln, Portland. 1
How's This?
Four volumes will be required to
noia me "journal of Lewis and
Clark," which are now ready for the
De Falso, the Portland Italian mur
derer, told his physicians that he was
luua aim not crazy, when he murder
eu nis wue
Patrolman B. E. Smith, of Portland,
waB assaulted Alonday by a band of
luugus anu severely beaten before us
omiuuue urrivea.
Sunday baseball Is now being aired
In the Salem courts. Many citizens
near tne grounds are entering com
plafnts against the players.
Lake county sheepmen have or
uamzed to fight the coyote. They
have agreed to pay a tax of 2 cents
vor neau lor tne purpose.
The Polk County Mohair Associa
tion will meet at Dallas Saturduy,
March 7. There are now i!nnn urin
In Polk county and lambing is .In prb-
01 cats.
The Portland police have determ
ined to suppress gambling In the Chi
nese Joints and a wholesale raid will
be made wherever a game Is thought
to he.
The Blalock block. In Spokane. haB
Just been purchased by M. M. Cow
ley, of that city, and will bo convert
ed Jnto a llrst-class hotel. The build
ing cost J110.000.
In boring for oil in Polk county, a
bed of pure salt was struck at a
depth of 500 feet. The salt 1b 99 per
tent pure. A $15,000 evaporating
plant will be erected at once.
A special committee consisting of
Judget.lL p. Bean, C. A. Dolph and
8. Ai Friendly, has been appointed by
the- governor to direct the expendi
ture of a 125,000 special approprla
tlonifor repairs to the state unlvnr-
ltyat -Eugene. The largest single
P. J. CHENRY & CO., Props'.. Toledo, O.
We. the iindprnlimail hna irn.n.n l- i
Cheney for the last 15 year, awl beltere
uu, ijcuci'u; uuuurauie 10 ail DuallMS
muuul.m.i RVIC iu iau r
SSt,?" obligations made by their arm. v
Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Price TSc per
uuiuc, aum uy mi uruggisra. Testlmonla
free. '
Hall's Family Pills are tha best.
Believe Repeal of Scalp Law Work
ed Temporary Hardship on .Eastern
Oregon Says It Is Unfortunate
That Worthy Law Are Killed Be
cause of Unworthy "Riders."
"I do not wish to be classed with
tlioso who question the wisdom of
Governor Chamborlalu; I approve his
actions and see reason In his vetoes,
hut I do deplore the necessity for
repudlatliiE the scaln bounty war
rants still outstanding nnd In the
nanus or residents or Eastern Ore
sun." The above statement, made this
morning by L. B. Reeder, former
speaker of the house of representa
tives of the Oreuon leelHlntnr.. nml
a prominent attorney of Pendleton, to
me uregon Daily Journal, Is believed
to convey the Koneral oninlon enter.
tnlned by rcsldonts of thnt section of
the state. Mr. Reeder says the sheep
men, who occupy an Important posi
tion in the nffalrs of Enst
are complnlning against the nctlon of
the legislature In repealing the scalp
bounty act. but this sentiment, is not
that of the general taxpayer. The
latter realizes that a heavy burdun
has been lifted, and Is glad.
Governor Has Responsibility.
"I realize." said Mr. neilm- "rim
truth of the assertion mtiilo in- rw.
ornor Chamberlain that he
polled to reject much that wns really
worthy because of Its alloy with
Kraft. It is a denlnrnhln
which permits covert intrigue nnd
Mcnenung and wlilch may attach to a
bill Of the mOSt Vltnl ImiWlrtniwn anmr.
rider which places a certain clique or
iiuuviuuai in a position to reap large
uciioiiiw. u is tne duty of the gover
nor to prevent those thlnim mui Mm
only wny he has of doing this is by
uati ui UIB veto. He nillHr w Ph
everythiiiR carefullv ami not i nn.
cordance with his best Judgment.
"Both remihlicatiK nnrl ii,mw,,.,otu
concede this to be the fact."
speaking of the scalp bountv re
peal. Mr. Reeder said:
"The sheepmen suffer great loss
through attacks madn li v rnviilen mi.
on their herds. Thev
against the repeal of the law. As
long as there was a bounty upon the
iieuU ui every coyote in the land peo
ple sought their II vea Hnil Him nft'nrt
toward their dontrimM nil tl'ncj uunanil
vuu me bounty act repealed no one
will wnr anaiiiHt cnvntna huf ti,
suepemen themselves.'
Asked what effect the veto by Gov
ernor Chamberlain of the scalp boun
ty aencieney appropriation would
there this week, but will contlutio In
the Stock buslnnss hero.
Mr, Fletcher, from north of Pendle
ton, who hns bought the Wilson
plnco n our here, has hauled In n lond
of supplies preparatory to moving his
family out to thu place.
A government laud agent in this
vicinity last weok stated that of all
land frauds the hoines'tend was the
most abused nnd thnt the govern
ment wns doing everything In Its
power to ferret out nil land stealing
and snve (he public dnmnln for the
purmuuent and actual suttler.
Oscnr McGeo, who works on the
Dixie Tnnch, luis returned from a trip
In old Missouri. He says ho Is . pleas
ed to get buck to God's country,
Final Appearance of Florence Roberts
for the Season Tonight.
Thn fimil rntnrn fnr MiIr HPllsnn nf
the prominent emotional actress, Flor
ence lionorts, is, ns it always nas
1ii(ii welnnnin iinwn In lnnnl ndmlrers
of the clever artist, whose number Is
legion. She Is undoubtedly the reign
lntr fnvorlte here, and uvnrvthincr she
iIopr here Is wntcheil with Interest.
Probably one of the .Ijest performances
she lins evnr trlvnn lino lienn hnr Im
personation of the name part In Sou
dermann's powerful drama "Magda,"
nml Its iireRentntlnn foil I flit will lin n
desirable evont. It affords her excell
ent opportunity for the display of her
refined, artistic work, and presonts
her in a totally different atmosphere
frntn tlu iiRiinl rnleu nnrfrnvpil hv her.
II le Hip TiinRt ImnroRRlvp f-rlniniili vpl
scored by Miss Roberts ami one which
nas allien in placing uer at tne neau
of her profession. Her gowns In tills
presentation, are as usual, beautiful
neyonn description, and tne produc
tion tnlthlui in every detail.
Y7" -WW
ne wrer une u mm red Uollalrs Reward 1 , -"i.j uim" uiiiuii would
for any case of catarrh that cannot twl "ave, Mr. Reeder declared" he did not
cured by Hall's Catarrh C.nra I hnllowo ,i. ..... . .
ii . .. i - i -' . j iiic it?iiiiH :i 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 r t ' 1 1 I nmutr
, r. ....... i.
Notice. i
We, the uuderslgned, will be in
Pendleton within
the purpose of purchasing three hund
red (300) more or less head of horses,.
IOr .me United Htatea nnmilrv Mioru.
fore, would Instruct owners In this
vicinity, to ret thalr
shape to couform to the following re-
nuu cinema;
Geldings Roans UeUt nml Hurtr
sorrel, and other hardy colors. They
must be sound, eentla
die, with free and prompt action at
the walk, trot and gallop; without de
fect or hlemlah; of kind disposition,
to weigh not leaa
nor more thau HBO pounds froin(15
hands 1 Inch to ie hands high; frtnn
four (4) to ek'lit lfi uuu
sultuble for the United States cxiv-
We will notify VOIl lntnr rh Aatn
We .WUlIt the horses hrmivU Id fr.r-
Yours truly,.
For further uartlcnln
Hermun MeUger. Portland Ora.
, 1
Notice. ?
Parilllalnn Wl. 1DAQ . 1
Streot poll tax for 1903 will hn ilimV
in iu days from date of this notice
at tne city marshal's oftw in tho
city or pondieton. Umatilla countv
Oregon, or bv authoriBi dnnntv
Such tax hereafter to become and he
ueunquont. whereupon It aliall bo
come and bo the duty of the City
Marshal to proceed to collect the
same In the manner provided by the
IUWU UI LU1H Btatfl fnr rhA online I nr.
of road taxes by road supervisors und
tho said marshal la hnrnhv mithnri..
ed, directed and empowered to do so.
City Manual.
Ing at present, would bn Inntinn-
"There are many of these warrants,
Issued after the original fund was ex
hausted, which still remain In the
hands of Eastern Oregon residents,"
he said, "and others have bought them
up and stand to lose largely In this
way. I believe that at soino future
time thev will I i r'iiMiiuxi i .in
think tho state of Oregon can afford
to repudiate them. Mm inn. lnn,
hardshln is beine- wnrkpil Wt linns
It will come out all right In the end."
Pan's Green
Blue Stone
London Pur
ple WJiale Oil Soap,
In any quantity,,
at very lowest
Phono Mulu Ufil
Ground Still Frozen Mill Company
Has 400,000 Feet of Logs Out
Farma Change Owners.
Alba, March 2. The weathor here
la warm In Him davthnt nmi fmovi ne
at night. All stock are being fed at
pieaenr and there Ih very ltttlo sign
ui giasu. mhow is melting off in
placee but the ground Is still frozen.
We hnvo had no chlnonk wimi tiiiu
winters to take the snow away
mi. '...ill . .
ins -unii cumpany nere nas gotten
iu about 400.000 feot of Uma hihI win
cominifHcc sawing the first of April.
Tom tsiiiiiand has purchased tho
Hrndhurn ulace. iibar Pilot linnir fm-
3D00O. Theru are 4R0 ih-ii.b ,.r 'i,..,i
in the ulace. GO acroH nf whini, nm
ju annua. Mr. Ullllluud will move
If you need mattlue. wnnd nur
carpet, art anuares. rutm um n,iP.
tains, pictures, picture frames twall
paper, aewlng machines or other ar
ticles .in my mock, now la the time to
vvou8oiib. iiie largest single. n my siock, now la the time tot
ItwoVotJ-repalrs will be a 5,000 dd-1 Invost. Everything But io. 'Jewell
tma. to the library. ' t. ' Falling. j '
All the popuiar works
of fiction.
All tlienuw books that
have pleased (he public.
AH tht; standard
Our circulating library
is growing in popularity
It costs only a small
iu in to read any of the
new books.
Come and investigate.
aft PrevS
ous Selling Efforts
We've planned broac'ly, vigor.
ously and thoroughly lo make this
Spring the busiest season in the history
of our store. For this season we offer
a splendid gathering of
Fine Shirt Waist Salts from $2.50 to $6.00.
Fine Skirts from $1.50 to $10.00.
Fine Shirt Waists from 50c to $4.00.
Fine Silk Shirt Waists at $3.50.
Fine Woolen Salts for Spring from $JO to $35.00,
Fine Wool Challies, all shades, 40c.
Every Lady in the City should see
the many new things in ur various
Get a Ticket on the Carried
Pi'ioo Now Oiie Dollar
There tiau uevur beuu a (ema
il y that actually cured iillea-r
until tnla one wns dlc .verert by
In Pcrrlu, Tuero In not a par'
sun wuu .-suSwi fruui thti
irttaiug dlieaie wlin la uo: will
lug to pay 1.00 to have lUe cua
reuioyna permanently. Imue
dlalo teimltt and you taku It
tLat'tall. '
Gray's Harbor
Commercial Co
ook ai Statloiiepy Storif
We Don't Keep Everything
But we do Ktt-'j) n good big
hUmjIc of nice dry Flooring,
Colling, lltiHtic und FIuIhIi,
in all graded. Also all klndu
of Dlmenalon Lumber, Iu
eluding Lath and Shingles.
Our Htook of Doom, Win
dows, Moulding, Building
and Tar Paper and Apple
Boxen in complete, aud any
one In ueed pf Lumber will
not be wrong Iu plaolug
tiieir order with the : : :
Gray's Harbor Com. Ce.
Garden Tools
and Seeds
I have just received a full line of Garden Cultivators
and Seeders. The above tools are the combined
seedrr, hoe, rake and plow
I have 'also a full line of Choice Garden Seeds in
bulk, Grass Seed,' Alfalfa, Timothy, Broom Grass,
Orchard Grass, Etc. Call and Get prices.
74 J Main Street
Our Banner Month
We are trying to make this our
Banner: Month and in order to do so
are offering rare inducements. You'll
make money by investigating.
316 East Court Street.
On Its Merit
Has the large demand for
Byers' Best Float
Been built up. Only the choicest wheat that crows enters in-
.w ri..B viai mui, n pciiection in Hour. Made by tne
. W. S. Byerst Proprietor,
I 111 "11 f I
!A - -JtL-L