East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 03, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
Will be delivered at roar reitdtuca
or place oi trotlneu by cutln t
5c A WEEK.
This afternoon and tonight,
snow; cooler tomorrow night,
VOL. 16.
NO. 4681.
abash System rails to Meet
Demands of brotherhood
Firemen and Trainmen,
rrtririAi a npr.MPP IN. HINT..
iremen ana i rain men uui ai i
Points In Missouri Looks Like a
General Strike Had Been Ordered
Had Asked for Increase of Wages.
St. l.ouls. March 3. The Wabash
today secured an injunction from the
tuilnifii cmirt restrnlnlne the train-
aen from Inaugurating the strike
Iwhich is tlirentened to take place to
Fday. Twenty officers of the brother-
Tlie injunction commands the
nfiirfihnnull of (raffln m nf nnrrvilllT
iifiiiimiiM nnn w rn n i ti imvu hhivh ill
set anlilo the injunction.
At noon President Ramsey, of the
wmmHn wna nnirari iv inn rnmniinpn
Trainmen Strike.
Moberly. Mo., March :!. Tiio Wa'
Dasn urakemen ana nremen BtrucK at
innrfnsn nf wappa ilnmnnilpd. This
lining n illvlqlnn nninf It In taken to
- -1 . tti 111 i.
At Kansas City.
Kansas City, March 3, Tho Wa-
UMI1 III UKtMUtMl illlll 111 C1I1CM1 il 1 1 nil IICK
Miiorncys tor uoai uperaiors ana ur-
ficers of Miners' Union Called to
Scrnnton, Pa., March 1. The nt
torneyH for tho coal operators and
Nichols and Murphy for the United
Mine Workers, were summoned by
telegraph to Washington tills after
noon to appear before the strike com
mission and again argue the weigh
ing question.
President John Mitchell was also
notified All will appear Thursday.
Four Robbers Attempt Bank Break at
Hennesey, Okla.
Hennesoy, Oak., March 3. Four
robbers made an ineffectual attempt
to crock the Rock Island sale here
this morning, and escaned on horse
back after a desperate gun fight with
the town marshal and citizens One
negro was killed. The pursuit con
Roported From Olympja That the Es
caped Outlaw Was Captured at
Olympla, Wash., March 3. A tele
phone messago from Auburn, says
that Outlaw Benson, the murderer of
Jailer Morrell, rode this morning in
tho engine cab of a Northern Pacific
freight, having Intimidated tho en
gineer. It is roported later that Ben
son was captured at Elma.
Twelve Indictments Returned by the
Grand Jury of Baker County.
Baker City, March St The grand
Jury of this county returned 12 In
dictments for criminal libel yesterday
afternoon against C. W. 'Hill and L.
Hush Llvermoro, manager and editor
respectively, of the Baker City Her
ald, published In this city. The Dem
ocrat charges that the Herald libeled
..County Judge Travllllon and District
Attorney White by the publication of
En series of articles dealing with the
defalcation of ex-Sheriff Huntington.
The articles In question charged by
inuendo that Travllllan and White
liud conspired together to rob the
county, Tho Buker City Herald Is
owned by L'eston Balllet, the mine
operator, who was convicted In tho
United States court at Des Moines,
FIa of using tho United States malls
tor fraudulent, purposes.
Ex-Governor Francis, of Missouri
Well Received by the Paris Cham
ber of Commerce.
Paris, March 3. The Chamber of
Commerce received Francis, of Mis
sourl, this morning, after which he
took ttie train for Madrid. A. large
party accompanied him to the depot,
Including Bellamy Storer and a num
ber of prominent Frenchmen. Tho
Chamber of Commerce will make a
special effort for a big display at St,
English Explorer Declares That the
Rebellion in China Is Getting Be
yond Control.
London, March 3. Explorer Man
nliiRton, who arrived here today, says
that the situation in tho interior of
China is more reslous than at any
other time. The rebels control Sim
uron and the imperial troops are un
able to cope with them. In one prov
lnce alone there are 60,000 rebels.
Two Burglars Blow Open Safes and
Secure $5,000 8et Fire to Lodging
House to Detract Attention.
Canaan, Conn., March 3. Two
burglars early this morning blew the
safes of the postoftlce and jewelry
store, which they looted of $5,000.
Thoy then set fire to a large lodging
house to detract attention, broke
open a livery barn, Btole a team of
horses and escaped. The fire caused
a loss of $15,000.
Will Probably Be Succeeded by Rear
Admiral Cotton.
Washington, March 3. Rear-Adml
ral Crownlnshleld, commanding the
European Btntlon and formerly chief
of the bureau of navigation, has ask
ed for retirement, which will be
granted. Ho will probably be buc
reeded to tho European station by
Hear-Admiral Cotton.
Mistaken Orders Causes a Bad Wreck
on the Chesapeake & Ohio Passen
ger Going at a Rate of 50 Miles an
Ironton, O., March 3. A passenger
and a freight train on the Chesapeake
& Ohio collided this morning near
Russell through mistaken orders. Two
trainmen were killed, one fUtally in
jured and another seriously hurt. The
passenger was going at the rate of CO
miles an hour and hit tho freight with
terrific force. A scoro of passengers
received slight bruises.
Freight Train Wrecked at Bridgeport,
Ohio Two Brakemen Fatally In
jured. Bridgeport, O., March 8. A Cleve
land, I.orin & Wheeling freight train
plunged down a 10-foot embankment
near here this morning. Two brake
men were fatally hurt and the con
ductor was seriously Injured. Tha
wreck took fire from the cabooso
stove and was consumed.
Iowa Division of United Mine Work
ers Meet in Convention at Des
Des Mofnes, la., March 8, The
Iowa division of tho United Mlne-
korkers of America met in delegate
convention In this citv today. Abrut
50 local unions with a combined mem
bership of over 5,000, are represented
by accredited delegates. The division
includes two .counties of Northern
Missouri, besides the state of Iowa.
There is nothing of special Import
ance to come before the meeting, but
there are numerous matters demand
ing Immediate attention. The ses
sions are likely to last several days,
as officers are to be elected and vari
ous reports heard and accepted.
Since the resignation of John P.
Reeso from the presidency the duties
of tho office have fallen upon Edward
Perry, of Albla, the vice-president,
and indications point to the unani
mous olectlon of Mr. Perry o tho
presidency. U P. Joyce, of Des
Moines, Is a candidate for vlco presi
dent and there are a number of can
didates for tho office of secretary.
One-third of tho population ot
Sumpter has been afflicted with to
grip ..during the paat jnontb.
Sixty Thousand Pilgrims 0c
cupied the Standing Room
in Front of St. Peter's,
Crown Inside the Cathedral Was so
Dense That Women Fainted The
Pope was Prostrated After the Cer
emonies and Had to Be Disrobed
and Put to Bed.
Rome, March 3. The pope cele
brated tho twenty-fifth anniversary of
his coronation today with great solera
nlty. St. Peter's was crowded, Bcores
of Americans being present. Inside
the great edifice, at the singing of the
Te Deum, the scene was one of mar
volous brilliancy. The papal noble
guards were resplendent in their new
uniforms, consisting of purple doub
lets, white leather breeches, high
patent leather boots, and polished
steel helmets with white horse-hair
tufts. A scoro of members of the Sac
red College were present, their red
robes offering a most pleasing con
trast to the black habits of the crowd
of priests. It is estimated that ovor
50,000 spectators assembled In the ba
The ceremonies were conducted
during a torrential downpour of rain
Sixty-five thousand pilgrims occupied
tho standing room before St. Peters.
It was the most notable crowd seen
in Rome for years, and the largest
number of cardinals seen at one time
in half a century.
After the ceremony there was an
impromptu demonstration. The pope
had gone to a window overlooking the
piazza to see the people come out of
the church. His Holiness iwas -recog'
nlzed and In a twinkling the great
space was crowded with people flut
tering handkerchiefs, waving their
hats and chering the venerable pon
The pone, surrounded by the car
dinalB and dignltraries of the pontiff
cal court, was carried to and from tho
basilica in the Sedia Gestatorla. By
request of the pope himself, the peo
pie were allowed to throng the vari
ous halls and witness the impressive
procession to and from the basilica.
Late in the day an official bulletin
was issued. by Dr. Lapponl statlnE
that the aged pontiff had withstood
the fatigues of the day remarkably
He looked better than he has for a
fortnight past, though his face wan
pale and drawn, and his voice was
hoarse. Before leaving his apart
ments this morning he said: "After
this I die happy."
After returning to his apartments
the pope was alarmingly prostrated,
but did not faint. Lapponl, fearing
that his patient would lose conscious
ness, Insisted that he should go to
bed at once. He was so weak that
he was unable to assist in disrobing.
The crowd inside of the cathedral
was so dense that a woman in the
gallery fainted. In falling she knock
eel against several others, with such
force as to precipitate them on the
heads of those beneath them. None
were seriously hurt.
New York Observes the Jubilee.
New York, March 3. Were St.
Patrick's cathedral as large as St.
Peter's at Rome it would scarcely
have been able to accommodate the
thousands of devoted Catholics who
sought admission today on the occa
sion of the celebration of the pope's
ubllee. The celebration formed one
of the most elaborate ecclesiastical
ceremonies over seen in New York.
The participants included all of the
bishops of the ecclesiastical province
of New York, clad in their gorgeous
robes of office, together with all the
clergy of tho diocese. Archbishop
Falconio, the apostolic delegate at
Washington, celebrated pontifical
mass and Archbishop Farley preached
the sermom The, feature of the elab
orate musical program was Gouod's
'Messe Koieneue ror soio, .ononis,
orchestra and organ.
Today's Issue Delayed.
Tho press of the East Oregonlan
was broken at 3 o'clock this evening
and today's Usuo la unavoidably do
ljro4. '
Panama Canal Company Ex
tends Time on Its Option
Until After Ratification.
Ratifications for Alaskan Boundary
Treaty Exchanged Credentials of
Delaware Senators Presented Con
ference Report on Appropriations
Bill Agreed Upon.
Washington, March 3. The answer
of the Panama Canal Company re
gardlng an extension of time on its
option after March 4, was received
by Cromwell this morning, who im
mediately took It to Attorney-General
Knox, where they held a conference,
Knox laid the answer before the
cabinet meeting. It is understood
that the company agrees to the de
sired extension as laid down by
Knox 10 days ago. It covers a rea
sonable time for option after March
4 for ratification of the treaty only.
Ratify Boundary Treaty.
Washington, March 3. Herbert,
the British ambassador, and Secretary
Hay today exchanged ratifications for
the Alaskan boundary treaty.
Bank Bill Withdrawn. '
Washington, March 3. Nelson W.
Aldrlch, of Rhode Island, author of
the bank deposit hill, announced to
the senate today that he would with
draw his bill, being now convinced
that it could not pass. Hoar also
withdrew his bill for the protection oi
the president. The credentials of the
two senators-elect from Delaware
were read and filed.
t Civil Appropriations.
Washington, March 3. The con
ference report on the sundry civil
appropriation bill, from which .was
stricken the item of $2,000,000 for the
purchase of a postofflce at New York,
was agreed to without debate.
Confirms Report.
Washington, March 3. Attorney-
General Knox cpiiftrms the fact that
the Panama company has extended
the time of purchase until the treaty
can be ratified.
Alaska Homestead Bill.
The Alaska homestead bill allovs
commutation to the extent of 100
acres to each entryman, and further
provides that soldiers' additional
homestead scrip locations can be
made In not to exceed IGO-acre traces.
No scrip location along any navigable
or other waters shall be made within
80 rods of any lands along said waters
theretofore located by scrip. This lat
ter provision Is made to prevent any
one party from obtaining a monopoly
ot water front in localities where it
may be advantageous -to establish
Now Threatens to Call an Extra Ses
sion of the House of Representa
tives. Washington, March 3. Through
Secretary Moody, President Roo&e
velt this afternoon conveyed to sev
eral prominent members ot the house
his determination to call an extra
session of both houses unless satis
factory action is taken ton the naval.
appropriation bill before, the adjourn
ment of the present session.
The two houses are t odds over
the particular types. of-ships- to be
constructed. The house Is contending
for three battleships and one cruiser.
Tho senate favors four- battleships, of.
a smaller size and two armored cruis-.'
Five Per Cent Will Cover All Herds
in the Interior.
Stockmen throughout Eastern Ore
gon aro feeling good over the spring
weather of the past week, and every
where we hear It joyously announced
that "winter Is over." In spite of the
length of the winter, It has not been
a very severe one, and with rare ex
ceptions' the stockmen were' well sup
plied with hay. A. prominent sueep
mhn of this place estimates the loss
of sheep In this entire section, from
all causes, at less than five per cent.
The biggest loss we hare he,ard ot Is
300 head out of a total of 6000 belong
ing to one man, and tins Is just five
par cntr-Anteop KofftUL- .
Captain of Steamer Pisa Reports See
ing aLa.rge ,Ship Founder at Sea,
February 16 All Hands Lost.
New York, March 3. The captain
of the Gorman steamer " Pisa, which
arrived this morning, reports that ho
saw a large unknown steamer foun'
der at sea February 16. When first
sighted the bow was Out of water,
stern down. He ordered all steam
but when a mileaway the unknown
sank, leaving neither boats, rafts ' or
wreckage sufficient to identify It. He
presumes that all hands were lost,
Crown of Armed Men Surround Baker
County Jail and Search for Pies
Baker City, Or., March 3. Two
hundred armed men attempted to
lynch Pies Armstrong for the murder
of Minnie Ensmingor last December.
They surrounded the jail and search
ed it, only to find that the sheriff had
spirited the prisoner away. The lead
ers of the mob will be Indicted.
Were Carried Out Into Lake on Ice
Floes All More or Less Frozen.
Marinette. WIk.-v. March 3. Four
teen fishermen who were swept over
into Lake Michigan Sunday morning
on an ice floe, were rescued this
morning. A number wore in a pitia
ble condition from exposure and may
never fully recover. All were more or
less frozen.
Was Grandv Master of Maryland State
Lodge in 1840.
Cumberland, Md., March 3. Dr.
Charles Ohr, claimed to be the old
est Mason in America, died today
aged 92. ITe was grand master of 'the
Maryland state lodge in 1840.
Wheat in Chicago.
Chicago, March .3. Wheat 77
V cents per bushel.
" LOSE .OVER $500,000,
Dekum Block Is Gutted -Eight-Story
Building, Valued at $400,000, De
stroyed. Portland. March- 3. At 12H5
o'clock this morning fire broke out in
the top iloor In the Delhini block, ou
the corner of Third and Washington
streets, and at this hour It looks as
though tho entire building will bo de
stroyed. The bulldln'g "is of brick,
eight stories high, and one of the
finest in the city. The first two floors
are occupied by Ltpninn, Wolfe & Co.,
one -of the largest department stores
in Portland. The six upper stories
are occupied mostly by doctors. The
building cost In the neighborhood ot
$400,000. and L,ipman, AVolfo & Co.
carry a stock valued at $500,000. The
loss! on the offices will make tho to
tal close to $1,000,000.
Land Board Collections,'
Salem, Ore., March 3. M, L. - Cham
berlain, clerk of. tho state hind board,
made the following collection.!- during
the month of February and tunned the
fame over to -the state treasure for
the credit of the sever.al funds indi
cated: s
School fund, principal, safes .
of school larid . . . ;' S29.310.S5
School fund principal, pay
ments on deed or foreclos
ure ,.;.....'.".... , 882.S0
School fund interests, rents
and payments 'under deed,
etc. .X :!.. .v. . . . . " 1 .903.27
School fund interest',' 'pay-"
montK-on certificates .... 3.aQQ 27
Agricultural college fund,1 " '
principal . . . : v. ;i ,v 1(50.00
Agricultural college "fund. ' '
interest - 1.20
Swamp iland fund . . SS'.S'j
Total. 135.743.11
Came With Whitman.
Newbtug, Or.. March 3. Mary L.
Hess ,a pioneer of 1843,. who crossed
the plains' with Marcus Whitman, died
at. her homo at the Ifess donation
land- claim .two milts from NeAvburg,
February 20, 1003; 'after having resid
ed In Chohalom n-aliey-' for -60 yoars.
Had. she lived nntil the,22d she would
.have rcaqhed- ,tluvage of SG yeas.
josepn .bless, ner nusoanu, was- unien
several years ago m iNoruiern Cali
fornia, whore he was engaged In the
stock business. Thoy raised -a large
family of children, and, the name of
Hess has long boon, familiar to the
large, iimnibor ,pf...tha early -'settlers
of Oregon.
Edward King of Cincinnati
Positively Identifies the
Body Found Yesterday.
Chief of Police of Hamilton Further
Identifies the Body Will Take It to
Hamilton, Where Knapp's Trial
Will Be Held.
New Albany, Ind., March 3. Ed
ward King, of Cincinnati, arrived
here this morning and viewed tho
body found in the river yesterday.
He positively identified it as that oi
Hannah Knapp. King's wife is a sis
ter of Knapp.
The chief of police of Hamlljton ar
rived at 9 o'clock this morning nd
further identified the body as that ot
tho murdered Mrs. Knapp. Kin'g tried
to secure possession of the body for
burial, but the authorities oraered it
to be taken to Hamlltoj, where
Knapp's trial will be held. The woman
was petite, being only five feet high;
weight 310 pounds.
Hamilton, O., March 3. Knapp has
not been informed that the "bo'dy was
positively identified as his murdered
wife. The sheriff will keep the news
Horn him as he does not want' to in
tcrrujit the oraggadocio. Confessions
are constantly being made an.d .added
to by the murderer. Tho sheriff Is
afraid he will become unite when ho
learns that the case is positive against
1.1m. 1
When Knapp was told this after
noon of the finding ot his wlfd's body.
lie laughed. He may be asketf to
night to make the Identification him
self. He said he didn't want to boo
the body, but if they would bring .him
the ring, rxonubex. finger he wo.uld. tell
whether the Identification was. cor
rect.' He begins te talk crazy.
New Albany. Ind.. March 3. Chan.
Goddard, an uncle of Hannah Qod
dnrd Knapp. arrived this afternoon
and identified the body as that -qf his
niece. ,
Yet Another Crime. "'
Hnniiltrin. Ohio March 3-rKnaDD
this afternoon confessed to another
crime. He says lie is the ,mau who
in 1880 assaulted a young girl at" New
Mndi-hi Bend. Mo. Ho was chased" by
a mob which he held at bay with a
Winchester and escaped across ma
Mississippi in the darkness. He told
tho story without any apparent emo
tion and laughed when he explained
how lie got across the river. :
Growlnq Crops Needed Molstur
Several Bands of Sheared Sheep In
Umatilla County One Foot of New
Snow at Kamela.
TMir cnrtit. ii'lilnlt lmcrn. fnllltlir In
this city at 3 o'clock this morning,. Is
pare oi a general storm anu reauues
oui tlie town oi umaiuia to uum
iglon, according to advices.
'Plipvo Tins hppn nno or two lmnrls of
sheep sheared in this county, bujthe
warm sun which has been melting the
now away during the atternoon wju
irovent any serious consequences1 to
these bands. The snow has covered
the grass temporarily, and soine'a of
Hip stock on the foothills has' been
turned out -for several days. .Feed
yet plentiful in umaiuia county,
wBvnr and flip, short snell of -feed
ing weather, will not cause anyS'serl-
ous,, loss or inconvenience.
In, the farming district the snow
was badly needed. The ground was
very dry In many localities and tho
nonrl nf n warm snriner rain was being;
felt by the growing wheat, Seeding
mat was in progress nu ueen uj-nm-nrlli-
oiicnonilpil Plowlner In the
outlying districts was full under way
d will bo stopped ror a coupie oi
The ranees needed Just flUCh
arm wetting as they will get from
s little storm, ana Barring me poo
iiniv nf n Rllirht ' loss of sheared
theop," which might be caught away
from the sheds, mere win oefno jiu
results from the "light change.
At Karaeja a foot of new snow fell
today with a hard storm blowing at
3 o'clock. Advices from the Interior
of Umatilla county Indicate that
about tho same amount of snow baa
fallen .throughout tha county, that
fell hero. . . j , .