East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 02, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 6

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MONDAY, MARCH 2, 1903.
All About the Newest Designs In
Hats Most Difficult Fashions to
Follow by Amateurs Something
Concerning the New Shirt Watsts.
New York, Feb. 28j One might
write a volume on sprlnghnts with
out exhausting the subject or oven
devoting a chapter to the fashionable
Ehirt waist with which the hnt la in-
- separably associated.
Styles, as far as the headgear is
concerned, are becoming more RRtflnH
and though there are myriad novel-
lies displayed in the shops, the ap
proved spring hat is dangerously
like the trying winter designs in gen
eral outline. There is the crownless
nffair, if anything more flattened out
than ever and showing the brim bent
closer to the hair at the bach.
This shape, however, presents nn
opportunity for an infinite variety of
decoration at the sides under the
brim, for it is impossible to mass
any trimming at the hack and any
Ornamentation nt. the tnn must lia llm.
ited to a flat roestte or bunch of
Plumes and Flowers.
Ostrich nlumes nestled under tlin
brim to rest softly against the hair,
are delightful for softening decided
lines and lend charm to the face. For
this reason there is a formidable
Struggle for supremacy on betveen
the plume and the flower. The great
est drawback of the feather lies in
Its readiness to droop when exposed
to dampness and its almo.it constant
need ot reclining which is inconveni
ent, if not expensive. On the other
hand the flower, no matter how ex
pensive or exquisitely colored, easily
Euccumbs to the withering rays of old
Bol or saline effects of ocean breezes.
The desire, however, to reproduce
the beauties of Nature aB subtly as
possible, gives tho flower a point
ahead in tho game.
But tho woman of fashion devotes
no time to the discussion of the pros
and cons of tho subject. With 15 or
20 hats nt her disposal alio can af
ford to change often enough to avoid
tho ravages wrought by climatic con
ditions and the less fortunate sister
who cannot follow suit, must be con
tent to duplicate two or threo of her
ncigUDOrs' best models in less nit
pensive materials, for hats, like
gowns, nre more of a luxury than
over mis season.
Need of Artist.
Women who in tho nnst trimmed
r.nd oven ninde their own lmta. hnsf
appreciate the difficulties of the pres
ent fashions in millinery. So subtle
are the curvings and upturning of
brims and so deft tho nrrangement
or trimmings that only one to tho
manner trained mav ionn tn nniiiovn
success In tho art. Better a smart
shape and the simplest trimming ad
justed bv a master lintirl Minn nn
elaborate creation bunglingly handled
tnese days.
White, cream nnd biscuit color
chiffon hats are exceedingly smart for
ciress wear, one in the last named
tint and of tho expansive variety is
especially pretty. Under the brim
there is a Geranium red velvet imnil
just wide enough to make the hat set
conuorinwy on tne head. This, how
ever, is Hidden by a wreath of sill
nnd velvet geraniums varying in
tint from dark crimson tn naln rnsn
Resting lightly on tho top of the hat
is a rosette ot changeable loulsino
comprising the shades of the flowers
with a suggestion of dark blue. The
hat completes an afternoon gown of
reu nnti tan toward.
Tustan Straw Hats.
Another fetching hat, worn with a
costume of pale champagne tint, Is
oi i-uscan straw trimmed with vivid
rose hues in flowers and velvet. The
shape is somewhat eccentric, having
a narrow crown over which spreads
a brim so compressed that the edge
is almost shap. The flowers are
wreathed around t.hn pilrrn nf tlm
brim and the ribbon laid loosely in
tho space between with only a
glimpse hero and there to heighten
the ensemble.
A simple frock of grey can be com
pleted with a chnpeau of feathery
green ferns, whether it be for a wo
man of BO or a girl of 18. Ferns give
a hat a light airy finish that reminds
one of dark woods and babllng brooks
and such trimmings are acceptable
because they arc near to Nature's
heart. Though it connot be said that
the fashionable world is awakening
from its "long winter sleep,' 'any
thing that suggests spring is hailed
With delight. Hvnelnt.li linta nrn 1Ib.
played in some of tho oxclnslvn Fifth
Avenue establishments nnd admired
by men as well as women. Tho lilac
effects are most sought, for blue-pur-
pie tints niways set in with strenuous
vogue auout this time and spring
would seem incomplete without them.
A model which has all the appearanc
es of an imported design has the
crown composed entirely of lilac hy
acinths. Tho wide brim is of soft
folds of purple tafTeta, somewhat
frayed out and mnde to resemble
rough Straw as much ns nnnalliln
The shane rests off tho imlr nt tim
back a distinguishing feature and
nore a wide gold buckle is omployeu
from which there is :i silent fnli nf
yellow lace.
Ready to Wear Hats.
The ready-to-wear hats are note
worthy because of their dressiness.
There is nothing nbout them that.
will grow dowdv looking after thr
first few weeks' wear. The shanes
are smart, following closely unon
those of more exnenslvn mnriaio hut
in less pensiinblo straws and the
trimming thoueh simnln nnrl Rnnrnnlv
applied, is elegant. A sensible feat
ure about these hats is that the
straws are fancy onoiich In them-
selves to require but little extra dec
White and tan are omnloved for
fine straws. In the
there is often a combination of col
ors, white nnd brown, dull blue and
green, red and tnn etc.. rnninrlnlniT
ultra-smart schemes. A quill or a ro
sette of taffeta or satin ribbon, js all
that is used for a trimming. Some
times both are used, but as most of
than this year, but such is actually
the case. Plain waists of pure Irish
Huon are prophesied by arbiters of
fashion to bo smartest, but there are
many oxquisite designs in other fab
rics. A waist that will attract atten
tion anywhere is made of Silk- nnnppe
with a fine tucked yoke trimmed down
tho center with a two-inch band,
shoulder hands, cuffs and stock with
pieces of pongee, piped with scarlet
plaid taffeta.
A model which will be lll.-ml be
cause of its youthful effect Is made
ol oui-iasnioned linen and has long
shoulder straps extending over the
sleeves in a point and forming a part
of nn artistic looking yoke, which is
all one piece. It has a sheath sleeve
which opens over a slightly gathered
puff, finished with a writband.
Among the heavy wash materials,
mercerized Madras is a favorite. A
pretty waist in delicate mauve was
seen a fow days ago on a dummy
in a spring walking costume. White
polka dots were scattered over the
surface of tho Madras. A wide dou
ble-breasted front nl
mented with two rows of large pearl
buttons. Nn nthoi- ffl
;eu on the waist, which was made up
with wide tucks running down from
the shoulder seams, both front and
Fancy organdie wnlsts are lined
with silk and trimmed with real Val
encinnes and appliques of the "fruit
laces." These will b0 worn with
graceful skirts of shi rred nr tnrlrril
organdie. MAUDE GRIFFIN.
We, the undersigned, will be in
Pendleton within a few weeks, for
the purpose of purchasing three hund
red (300) more or less head of horses,
for the United States cavalry, there
fore, would instruct owners In this
vicinity, to get their horses in proper
snane to conform tn the following re
Geldings Roans. Hcht nnd dark
sorrel, and other hardy colors. They
must be sound, gentle under the sad
dle, with free and prompt action at
the walk, trot and gallop; without de
fect or blemish; of kind disposition,
to weigh not less than 950 pounds,
nor more than 1150 pounds, from 15
hands 1 inch to 16 hands high; from
four (4) to eleht ffo
auuaoie lor tne united States cav
alry. We will notify you later, the date
wo want the horses brought In for
Yours truly,
For further particulars, write to
Herman Metzger, Portland Ore.
Pendleton, Fob. 26, 1903.
Street noil tax for 1!)n.l win hn rinn
in 10 days from date of this notice
at the city marshal's office in the
city of Pendleton. Umatilln nmmtv.
Oregon, or by authorized deputy.
Such tax hereafter to become and he
(leiinnuont. Whorennnn If nhnll ha.
come and be the dutv of thn nitv
Marshal to proceed to collect tho
same in the manner provided by the
laws Of this State fnr the pnllnnMnn
of road taxes by road supervisors and
Sick Headache absolutely and per
manently cured by using Mokl Tea.
A pleasant herb drink. Cures con
stipation and Indigestion, makes vou
eat, sleop, work and happy. 25 cents
and 50 cents. Write to W. H. Hook
er & Co., Buffalo, N. Y., for a free
snmple. F. W. Schmidt & Co., druggists.
II J. . J T3I
e Luxuriant
of Hair,
of hcauty, Is now
ri'np.h nf f rorr nnn
Hew KplrnHHp rilmt.nn. .JTP
tnally destroys tho microbes rtsi
t'le for all scalp diseases. "Tfl
1MB hair things of the past, trutitl
?to l? tho.h:r roo causing ai
nd brittle, one. Hot is E5
'h'ck .growth to supplant the old
'"" KUHIO Ill
nappy woman says:
Wiystcian lio sfronRl
plications my llair
in places was entirely bald; and caj&l
C'tir tlllVftlnt.in tin efrnnnl .-T'Hd
lIen cl(1etome.Bnd afler Ihmo'rtSfl
plications my hair stopwd falling,
. ...... V . "MA1. ul vviHtu l tUQtUl
ii. . JB 1 uave cause in praise Jtnl
Ilerricide. W as. M art Grko"3
lor Sale at all rir.c-Clsss Drag Sh
Bargains in
Seattle will have a munirlnni Hirht
and power plant in tho near future.
mi; limns iu uiKiuy nnisneu. u is no ., . . . "..i-wTioum uhl
1 . .... I rilO anlfl mnrohnl 4c 1, .. 1 ,
uiigur necessary to conceal unsiglitly . ., """ uuiuuy uuuiunz
ends beneath the nrotectlnir rnnottn eu directed and ompowored to do so.
or chou. , J. A. BLAKLEY,
Pretty Shirt Waists. y Marshal.
iti i uuuiiLiiiLi iiii f ii 1 1 Miurv in Knv n n m ifm.H i. t . i
that shirt waists were never prettier Teutsch's.
Is the cause of more discomfort than
any other ailment If you eat the
things that you want and they are
good for you, you are distressed.
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will make
your digestion perfect and prevent
dyspepsia and its attendant disagree-
Rble BymntoniS. You nun nnfplv nt
anything at any time, if you take one
oi tnese taniets afterward. Snlfl hv
an druggists under a positive guaran
tee. 25 cents. Money refunded if
you are not satisfied. Smrt tn q fnr
a rree sample. W. H. Hooker & Co.,
uuuaio, is. i. f. W. Schmidt & Co.
Real Esta
I have a larger and i
list of Farms, Stock Rail
ana uity Property to i
VXIbll lIMIIirH A Cnif
lot of land in the miSvjw1
wheat section of M
N. Berkekf
gmmmmmmmm mmmmmm mm mmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmrnni
HOth otTKto"L ""!!SS rylli ? "- those ,h. orderS faiied to reach us bv the
r have placed the second allotment upon the " market t the iaine i TlVii t. iL,aHlJ UUJ.U" stock, at the bedrock price of six cents per share, we w
ST . 1 .T. ... p. . . marKet at tne Bame price, llus is a ground floor offer, and an oDnorl.nnit.v tn m.. vnn, ; i5 m; ,;Ii. -!2S
gold I fldd. 7 ' ' U0UDt' aUr " TOUr8e ' SYS'0mati "V1 nk as one of the largest gold producers . ard divided payer! in the Sumpter
TheHIGHLAND GOLD MINES COMPANY owns twelve quartz claims (210 acres) in
the heart of the famous SUMPTER DISTRIST OF EASTERN OREGON, and located on the
same helt as ho world-renowned NORTH POuE, theCOLUMBIA, the GOLCONDA, and
the E. & E. MINES to the west, and thcBAISLEY-ELKHORN and other largo producers to
the east, the great CHLORIDE mine lying to the north of the HIGHLAND GROUP
u,,TiW0Dderful belt or zonc" after Pas3i'B through the minus (o the west strikes tho
HIGHLAND ground and runs through it for a distance of 3500 feet. The vein n.- ledge has
been thoroughly prospected and pay-ore has heen uncovered tho whole distance ir fact the
i TeStmGHLANDCOntlnUdUS pay'Shoot or ore' bod' ever discovered In the district is found
To any who wishes to invest a reasonable sum in the HIGHLAND, we will pay all the
traveling expenses to and from the mine for the purpose of his making a personal investi
gation. We have a good mine and we are not afraid to show it. Mining men and experts of
known ability who have Visited the HIGHLAND are all unanimous in saying that theHIGH
LAND will make a large mine and a good producer.
In inviting you to purchase stock in the HIGHLAND, we do so with the end in view
of securing you as a permanent customer and client, believing that by fair and honest treat
ment only can we retain the confidence of investors.
From our prospectus .you can learn all about our enterprise. It is a good one safe
and certain. We recommend it to our most conservative clients.
ODIAWn XTTAmiirmTm m IYAWT nnnnr.nn m ... mmmmmmt hhmhm
AJJAi buy 5,000 shares. No discoant on large orders.
ax ouu AJN JtiA. x KJCiMJiL x LOW FIGURE
mnnieby, ake aPPHation to the HIGHLAND GOLD
MINES COMPANY of Sumpter, Oregon, through yourselves, for
cl"i"r"'j'A ) Shares of the
Stock of said Company, at Sjx (6) Cents per share, to be issued on
February 20th 1903. I agree to accept the return of the amount re
mitted in case of over-subscription. The purchase involves no Pkr
sonal Liability, as the gtock is full paid, mon asskssaiiu: and non-
KOKKEITAI11.E. I wired at your expense on
.1903, to set aside for me the number of shares above mentioned, to
be issued on Feb. 20, 1903.
Par value of shares P. O. Address
one dollar
Enclosed herewith you will find $ in payment for the above .
Do not delay your orders. WIRE US AT OUR EXPENSE, stating the number of
shares you wish set aside. Then remit by letter, (using the application blank below.) By
this means you will be reasonably certain of securing the stock while at the BEDROCK
price of six conts per share.
munltyWiXchTeVeny banU' bU8in8S hU8e r t0 aDy aubstantlal ciUzen the com
Sond money order, chock or draft at your earliest convenience
For furthor particulars apply to
For Further Particulars Apply To
Department No. i 7
Financial Agents
Sumpter, Oregon zi
reclamation which sue' tho state 01