Arc You Constipated Arc Yoa Bilious ? ATWOOD'S CASCARA Is the surest and safest remedy for all complaints caused by a torpid liver or irregular action of the bowels. For sale only by BROCK & McCOMAS CO. DRUGGISTS MONDAY, MARCH 2, 1903 I shall die regretting. I have always desired the happiness of my people and have done every thing in my power to contribute to this aim. I can say with truth thai the first wife of Napoleon never caused a tear to How. I would rather wear this sweet thought in my heart than to bo decorated with all the jeweled baubles of victory the kings of the world might bestow. Last "words of Empress Josephine. WIRELESS MESSAGE TO ECHO 1905. IN "Hello, Echo!" "Hello; who's this?" "Portland. Say, Echo, send mo a trainload of peaches, 5,000 tons of al , falfa, 500 carloads of fat cattle, 10 trains of sheep and enough flour to load four ships. Hurry up, as China is waiting for breakfast and Alaska's iUrder is about empty. Wire how many of your 5,000 people will want Rdmisftion to the fair tomorrow." r .IRRIGATION IN EARNEST. Umatilla aiul Morrow counties are shaking ha n(,s wltn eacn other over the good for tune tnat is theirs. That the United St ates government should select its first s,te for an Irrigation scheme in Oreg on 5,1 tlie verv heart of the arid distrit 't of these two coun ties, is of itself a toUen of triumph. The labors of th e earneat a,ld ei ergetic irrigationista of tnis and Mor" row county, are ro vai(lea ten fol(1 The work so long d eferred by the government, is at last aken The slow process oi crystalizing sentiment on the reclau. 'atioK of the desert has at last culm, fixed plan, and the whee, plan are now beginning to mated in a is of that revolve in Umatilla county. ' Two hundred thousand ae. land In the heart of the arfiS the Columbia River basin lit (. of arid belt of "Jregon, I des- set aside for homesteaders, am. ignated as the first site for rurt ional Irrigation work in the state, tan e3ls Eastern Oregon, and especially . 'ua tilia and Morrow counties wltfe m Ul" sual dignity. To the prosperity which aheadi ' anrlnKs from a eron of 4.0GO,00& rhushels of wheat in this county, a hair million tons of alfalfa hay and a U fruit crop which now finds its way to every market in tho civilized world, will be added the splendid income from 1,000 farms in this tract of arid land. I-ow lying hills and rolling prairie. .advantageously situated for perfect .systems of irrigation, bordered on the south with a range of buttes that offer excellent sites for reservoirs, in a climate unsurpassed in the West, touching shoulders with "land that now produces five tons of alfalfa each year, tho Echo government Ir rigation reservation promises tho greatest returns to Oregon of any re source of like magnitude in the his tory of tho state, if it is properly utilized. There is cause for a Just pride on tho part of tho people of Eastern Oregon in the solectlon of this cholco tract of arid land. Tho Irrigation project necessary to reclaim this body of desert land will demonstrate tho worth of government Irrigation. This is perhaps a more thoroughly repre sentative tract of arid land than could be found at any other point in Eastern Oregon. Tho plan of reclamation which sue- ceeds in bringing fertility and pro ductiveness to this, may be success fully applied to any other section in hte state. ON THE BORDERS OF SAVAGERY, The Indian is standing in the open door between savagery and civiliza tion. The government and the olli cials are trying to pull him through into the better life and clearer at mosphere of good citizenship and the whisky peddler is pulling him back ward into barbarism. The contact with good Influences, the result of schools, training, moral advancement and other elevating ten dencies are all destroyed by the sel fish mercenary who sells an Indian enough whisky for 25 cents to cause untold damage. This man is more dangerous than the Indian. Ho is more to bo feared in society. He knows that the weakness of the In dian is a profitable source of revenue and he takes advantage of It. What cares he for the community? What to him, Is good order, or good citizenship? What to him, the efforts of officials and governments to better the moral conditions? Money is his God and to get money his creed. Ho willfully endangers the community, in his trade. He tears down faster than the civilizing influ ences of the land can possibly build up. He is like the manufacturer of the wooden idol, who defies the com munity, laughs in the face of the of ficial and collects a tribute from the unthinking race that appeals to the white man for enlightenment instead of degradation. The Dally East Oregonian begins Its sixteenth year with today's issue. A pioneer in the rank of pioneer In stitutions of Pendleton, it has wit nessed the transformation of tills city from scarcely more than a coun try village in March, 1887, to the me tropolis and distributing point of Eastern Oregon, in March 1903. Prom a struggling four-page infant, tho Dally East Oregonian has grown to Its present proportions, appreciating at every step tho steadily increasing patronage It has enjoyed. Tho fu ture is brighter today than ever. Pen dleton, Umatilla county, and Oregon give promise of greater growth with in tho next five years, than in any iiko period in their history and tho doctrlno of progress and fearlessness and a watchful defense of the rights of tho people will continue to ho the policy of the East Oregonlnn In fit- nre, as it has in tho ttast. President Roosevelt has called an extra session of tho United States senate to conveno at noon, on Thurs day, March 5, Tho Cuban reciproci ty treaty Is to bo ratified, the now senators sworn in, and tho Panama canal is to recofve tho sanction of the senate at tills session. There will ho some excellent opportunities for tho Western memlers to show their hands in the discussion of the canal question. The citizens of tho Milton road dis trict have subscribed $1,G00 to be ex pended In conjunction with tlw coun ty court in finishing a pieco of road with crushed rock. This is a most public spirited movement on tho part of the people and tho court and more of this kind of road building is need ed, While the county feels tho need of oxpenslvo road work in many lo calities, tho people recognizo the fact that road funds aro not inexhaustible. Ex-Governor Geer and the Salem Journal are just now sottllng tho ex tra session question, which was agi tating tho state last fall. Gontlomon, tho state of Oregon has both a Unit- od States sonator and a half million fair appropriation. The emergency Is past. MORSE'E PROPHECY. Snmuel F. B. Morse during his work on the Baltimore and Washing ton telegraph line In 1843, kept a di ary. The Electrical Rovlow of New York says that the book was recently discovered In the library of Thomas A. Edison. The Review reproduces a number of interesting extracts from this diary: Under date of August 10, 1843, Mr. Morse describes certain tests he had made and makes the fol lowing Interesting prophecy: "The practical Inference from this lnw Is that a telegraphic communica tlon on my plan may with certainty be established across the Atlantic. Start ling as this mny seem now the time will come when this project will be realized." Commenting upon this prophecy the Electrical Review says: "Today there is no ocean unspanned by a telegraph cale. We have com pleted the first Pacific cable and have made a good start on the second. and Marconi has established commit nicntiou across the Atlantic without wires. It Is difllcult to realize that this diary was written loss than 00 years ago." WIDOWER 123 YEARS. men AI Ithe stories rolatltig to very aged people, stories very familiar In the United States, have boon tils counted by p tale thnt comes from tho Moscow, Russia, correspondent of the Chicago Chronicle. Tills correspond ent says htat a man who is more than 200 years old, already in the third century of his life, is said to be in a hospital In Tomsk, the capital in the yar-away province ol that nanio in western Siberia. He is a small peasant farmer, ebr- ridden. but still sound in his mind. He remembers seeing Peter the Great and the Catherines. Among the docu ments given as proof of his extreme age is a passport bearing the date of 17G3. in which he is rescribed ns a man of CO years of age. He has been a widower 123 years. The certificate of Ills wife's death shows that she died in 1780, after 47 years of married life. His son, who died in 1824, was said to be 90 years old. UNLUCKY THIRTEEN. The heculanenu task of wiping out the popular superstition concerning Friday and the number 13 has been undertaken by Prof. C. A. L. Totten. former military instructor at Yale. Professor Totten snys: "As to Ameri ca, it bears 13 all over its heraldry, and Friday lias been its chief day (dis covery of America, Declaration of In dependence, etc.). We have 13 letters in E Plitrlbus Unum, the motto on our great seal. We have 13, 13 times re peated, on that seal. Take out a new silver quarter. If you have one left, and count the thirteens, even on its obverse face. Dear me, don't worry over the luckiest number. A full ba ker's dozen is thirteen that is, one for good measure, pressed down and running over. Mannnsseh was the tl irteeiith tribe in Israel and we are the people." Cancerous At first have no th- am mn ing about them to 1 11 A M indicate their true U ItLT S nature. They w look like ordinary sores and are usually treated as such, some simple salve, wash or powder being used in the hope of dry ing them up and stopping the discharge; but while the place may temporarily scab over, it again inflames and festers, be coming as bad or worse than ever. After awhile the deadly poison begins to eat into the surrounding flesh and the sore spreads with frightful rapidity. Then the sharp shooting pains, which distinguish the cancerous from the common ulcer, nre felt, and the unfortunate patient is brought face to face with the most dread ed of all maladies, a cancerous ulcer Whenever an ulcer of any kind is slow in healing it should be closely watched, particularly if there is an inherited pre disposition to cancer. Often times a ma lignant, stubborn ulcer starts from a boil, wart, mole, bruise, blister or pimple, for when the blood, is tainted and the germs and seeds of cancer are implanted in the system, you cannot tell when nor where the deadly poison i going to break out S. S. S. cures these cancerous ulcers and! chronicsores, by driving out of the system all the morbid and unhealthy matter that keeps the ulcer irritated and discharging. It purifies and strengthens the blood, enabling it to. throw off the germs and poisons, thus check - mg the further for- mation of cancer Lm ce"3t Btu when all mbV WmW hnpurities have been removed from the blood and system the ulcer heals natu rally and permanently. All ulcers, even the smallest, should be looked upon with suspicion and treated promptly before they become cancerous. 8. S. S. is a purely vegetable remedy, a perfect blood purifier, and an invigorating tonic Write for our free book ou Cancer. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. Farmers Custom Mill Fred Walters, Proprietor Capacity 160 barrels a day Flour exchanged for wheat Flour, MM Feed, Chopped Feed, etc always ou hand. Enjoy your leisure time at ROBINSON'S AMUSEMENT PARLORS UNDER W. & C. R. DEPOT First-class Bowling Alleys' Best Billiard and Pool Tables Shooting and Throwing Galler ies. Musical entertainment very evening. Best order maintained Temperance refreshments and cigars. Drop in and while away your spare time. Is always received when you place your order witlt us. Fir, Tamarack and ..Pine.. Why buy poor coal when you can Ret the nest tor the same price? Laatz Bros. Telephone Main 5 i LOSSES ALWAYS MET PROMPTLY By the Fire Insurance Com panies we represent. Our companies stand first in the world. Hartford Fire Insurance (Jo.$12,259,076 Alliance Assurance Co 29,039,903 London & Lancashire Fire Insurance Co 2,544,083 North British & Mercantile Co 19,095,974 Royal Insurance Co 22,897,153 FRANK B. CLOPTON AGENT aOO MAIN STREET LET US FILL YOUR BILL FOR LUMBER We can supply you with Building Material of all descriptions andj sa v e you money. DOORS WINDOWS B u i ldin g paper, lime, cement, brick and sand. Wood gutters for barns and dwellings a specialty. Oregon Lumber Yard Alta St., Opp. Court House The Colombia Lodging House Newly Furnished. Bar in connection. Bet. Alta & Webb Sts. In Center of Block. F. X. Schempp Proprietor GOOD SOUND WOOD DRIED FRUITS 25 pounds of fancy dried prunes only $1.00. We have Dried Nectarines Prunes Apples Pears Apricots Peaches Raisins Currant b Figs THE Standard Grocery Cotff t Street Low Sellers of Groceries The Gasoline Engine is man's most handy companion. See the Improved THEME Gasoline Engine It's something new. Requires no packing and has no stud bolts to twist off. Let us show you our irrigation plant. Irrigation m'this country means wealth. 31 Court Street THE ROYAL RESTAURANT l have purchased the Royal Restaurant, on Main street,3 doors north of W. & C. R. depot, where I will serve the Best 25 Cent Meal In the city. I will ap preciate your patronage and ask you to call and see me. MEAL TICKETS, $3.50 R. F. THORP. Sweet Potatoes,, the good kind. Celery, fresh and crisp. Cabbage, solid heads. Garden Seeds The kind that grow in this soil and climate. Fresh stock of iao-t Seeds. D. KEMLER & SON The Big Store in a Small Room. Alta Street, Opposite Savings Bank ARE YOU READY TO BUY REAL ESTATE THEN LOOK AT THIS LIST Four and a half lots with two large pretty cottages, all well Improved. Now routed for $30 a mouth, $4500. A lodging house, 14 rooms and lot, very centrally located, $2500. A lot about three blocks from Malu street, $250. A house, 8 rooms and lot, live blocks off Malu street, $1100. V Other houses and lota from $500 to $2500. Single lota from $125 to $300 accord ing to location. Four lota together. $600. Six lota together, $850. Fourteen lota together, whole block. $1600. ' Will sell for oa h or on easy terms. Will explain and show property up ou application. Pendleton la growing rapidly and investments now will, in my opinion, prove profitable. To the average man in the West, the surest way to profit is in real estate invest menta. G. D. BOYD, 111 Court Street The East Oregonian la Eastern Ore Son's representative paper. It leads and the people appreciate It and show it by their liberal patronage. It Is the advertising medium of this section. New.. Goods Coming in daily, such" as Skirts, Shirt Waist Suits, Muslin Under wear, Shirt Waists, Silk Monte Carlos and Un derskirts. These are by far the best in style and price in town. Ed Eben IT SURPRISES THEM Tn hear von hiivu nlit ent h YVInntiit Warnn f il ?P 645 Main street. J "SSZ5. ft WET COPf BIG KT ThoBe outer bearing blocks prevent the ailcment, from springing and makes it the easiest run- ft Marc nlng wagon on earth The etcel clad hubs in 1, , aenance 10 me weatnpr, mey never erne or iucub luive loose Brakes. Our hacks and buefflestn An-rt made by tho Winona Manufacturing Co , rlgb:, - . in tne narawooQ belt, ah air dried tlmbeifr " med in construction. Call and see us and sMstent. tne BueieBt piow in carin. e nave it. NEAGLE BROTHERS Engine. - fp1 AV" Preaching from the House Topi On the merits of our flue laundry wort wouldn't have half the elleot thatoni of our exquisitely laundered sbiit ,is in t fronts, collars or cutis on the wears lof (,Em has upon his friends. We make inort Wjjr. customers from our line specimens d fdencet. finish, color and aitistic laundrv work ;, P on tile wearer than a lecture on th lent 1 subject would give us. "Seeing isle- prjval llevlng," aud our card is on an w Btoppei fastidious dressers iu Pendletou. c.hione THE DOMESTIC LAUNDRY, Court and Thompson Streets Tons AND Tons Just received another car load of Poultry and stock supplies at the Colesworthy CHOP MILL I 127 and 129 East Alta Street PENDLETON-UKM STAGE LINE BTURDIVANT BPOS., ProfJ Stage leavui Pendleton dally, except 80. at7 a, m., for Ukiah and Intermediate K Batee: To Pilot Kock, 76c: Pilot Rock turn, to Nye, si.26; Nje and retjfl to Ridge. 11.75; to Blge and return, Alba, sJjMS: to Alb and return, I4.00J to ftMil 10 UKian aim revuru, tt.iu. 1 Office In doldea Rule Hotel, Pen 1 wrsr Marc Marc xhlblt . iMarc trWfc doavor 'Apr! bcamp, vxeacat '".' May dletos. June July IV Julv meetln elation Angi campn Mayor Dout H. 1 rived weeks' came a trail coache which yarge 1 which IMo Why v aPPenu. aweetei col fMOduC Jkeryt water a jaiseU , ffOBC. Trs: J