East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 02, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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    Men's Trousers
5 00
Baesf? & Daley
One-Prio1 Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers
.MONDAY. SI ARCH 2, 1003.
Pope Leo XIII io Do years of age to
day. The typhoid epidemic at Cornell
college is becoming more serious.
President Roosevelt has issued a
proclamation calling for an extra ses
sion of the seiinte.
Western Kansas is buried under
the heaviest fall of snow over exper
ienced in that part of the state.
High winds and a tremendous two
day's rain in Kentucky and Tennes
see are causing much loss of life and
A" church of England shelter in
London was hurried Saturday and a
score of the 300 inmates were burned
to death.
The senate of Cuba is trying to fix
upon five national holidays for that
republic. Tiie cnurch nonuays win
not be legalized.
There are 2S Uuited States inspec
tors between Halifax and the Pacific
Coast to see that diseased immigrants
do not enter the United States.
General John H. Gordon, commander-in-chief
of the United Confederate
Veterans, has announced that he will
retire from the platform at the end
of the present season.
The storm in Wyoming last week
was the most disastrous of the win
ter. Stockmen of tiie eastern part
of the state claim that they will lose
25 per cent of their holdings.
The International Wireless Tele-
lirailh Conmnnv with n rnnltnl nf
$7,500,000; was incorporated in Now
Jersey Saturday. It will operate a
wireless telephone and telegraph sys
tem. The rock Island system has now
the largest mileage of railroad under
one head in the world. The recent
acquisition of the 'Frisco line gives
the road a to'al of 13,700 miles of
Hotel Pendleton.
R. A. Seeds, Spokane.
W. H. Holley, Spokane.
Si. C. Myers, Spokane.
Sirs. A. Traut, Portland.
J. J. Burns, Portland.
K. H. Burke, Portland.
J. H. Kloekun, Tekoa.
D. Shults, Tekoa.
T. H. Follett, Tekoa.
H. S. Trask, Diamond.
J. C. Kenmouth, Kansas City.
H. U Mitchell, Chicago.
D. 11. Jarniau, Athena.
C. H. Taylor, Weston.
H. n. Hogue. Milton. f
H. W. B. Smith, Baker.
A. Sinsheimer, Portland.
James R. Hays, New York.
A. SI. Nix. New York".
John A. Lucker. Portland.
John Nissen, Portland.
W Af RliiHlinr T'nrtlnnil
Benjamin F. Sewlshoimer, Portland
ueorge b uouerts, Portland.
T. Donovan, La Grande.
A. C. Gelger, Heppner.
S. S. Gill, Spokane.
A. J. .Morgan, Santa Rosa.
R. W. Blakely, Portland.
George Harris, Lemore.
Andrew Nylander, Lenioore.
Mrs. J. W. Harris, Lemoore,
Fred Geibel, La Grande.
Herbert KIttridge, Weston.
Sirs. Fred White, Baker City.
A. W Xcniery, Walla Walla.
SI. W. Parker, Salt Lake.
W. B. Jenkins, city.
A. G. Ogilvie. Portland.
George Stearns, Spokane.
R. H. Caston, Spokane.
T. W. Jackson, Spokane.
A. W. Tickner, Spokane.
A strong (commercial club has been
organized at Cottage Grove.
H. SI. Buell, of Salem, has been ar
rested for stealing a baseball.
Portland's Chamber of Commerce
is agitating another train between
San Francisco and Portland.
J. F. Do Laney, postmaster at Lolo,
Mont., had his son arrested for rob
bing the mails and then wont on his
bond for $500.
Spokane brlckmakers have formed
a trust and raised the price of brick
from $8 to $10 per thousand. Building
is temporarily stopped.
A bill providing for the arbitration
of disputes between capital and labor
has passed both branches of the
Washington legislature.
Requisition papers have been Issued
for the return of J. B. Friend, wanted
in Sherman county for securing prop
erty under false pretenses.
David T. Kellogg shot and killed
himself at Kc-ndrick. Idaho, Sunday
morning. He was in the caboose on
a Northern Pacific freight train when
lie did the shooting.
One of the largest timber deals over
consummated in Oregon Is now under
way at Cottago Grove. It will trans
fer 35.000 acres of excellent timber
land in Tillamook county.
About $620 In gold dust and nug
gets was found under the cabin floor
of "Dutch John," now an inmate of
the insane asylum, where It had been
"cached" by him while working rich
placer diggings near Grant's Pass,
One of the moat notable pieces of
railroad construction work In tho
West, was completed at Stockton,
Utah, Sunday. A cut over 6,000 feet
in length, through a natural dyke, a
former rim of Salt Lake, has been
excavated. It contained ono and a
half million cubic yards of rock and
three hundred men have been em
ployed for a year In Its construction.
Golden Rule.
George W. Proebstel, Weston.
J. S. Llewellen, Weston.
F. E. Flint, Atliena.
C. A. Wendwell. Wallace.
J. E. Sloak ,Tekoa.
G. W. Dickson, Tekoa.
J. L. Roe, Freewater.
H. Connell, Umatilla.
W. E. Slillard, Spokane .
W. B. Shively, Oregon City.
G. L. Thatcher, Goldendale.
C. D. Rinker, Spokane.
J. McCoy. Walla Walla.
G. W. Williams, Spokane.
N. H. Pinkerton, Atliena.
Sirs. J. W. Hire, Condon.
Carrie SlcKinnon, Condon,
George B. .Martin and wife, Portland
Sirs. Stellemeyer, Missoula.
J. H. Sonimervllle, Dayton.
W. R. Johnson, Salem.
AVllliam Duffy, Talents.
J. C. Duffy, Talents.
SI. L. Duffy, Talents.
H. M. Duffy, Talents.
B. D. Duffy, Talents.
S. C. Duffy, Talents.
John Milan, TJUIah.
F. J. Gardner, Portland.
A. G. Howard, Spokane.
L. Cunningham, Spokane.
J. McCoy, Walla Walla.
T. Boedefold, Weston.
J. C. Thompson, Omaah.
Lem Maglll. Omaha.
James Behan, Boise.
D. F. Allison. Kiowa.
Sirs. R. M. Work, Harrison.
Charles L. Work. Harrison.
A. J, Allen, Union.
Ed Benran, Union.
J. P. Gallagher, La Grande.
Slamie Alloway, city.
H. P. Uolf, city.
J. P. King, city.
W. H. Babb Returns From Canada,
Where He Inspected the Great
Stock Ranges of the North Lec
ture on North Tutullla Spring
Seeding In Progress.
Tutullla, March 1. William Gard
ner arrived at Tutullla from his
winter's vacation, on Friday.
M. H. Gillett. a former resident of
Tnfiillln la horn mi n liimlllPHM tl'lll
from SIoscow. Idnho, when? he now
.Inlm Tvvivetto. sometimes known as
"Frenchy." is over from Juniper on
a visit. He recently woui some rcai
pstnto In Hint spotinn nt n handsome
advance on tho purchase price of sev
eral years ago.
John Muir. of the firm of Muir
nvii u-n n Tiifnllln vlsltnr tnilnv
He lias just finished seeding the Coy
ote plantation, consisting of about
700 acres which was partially seeded
last fall. In addition to n variety of
other products, he reports a promis
ing crop of litigation Just sprouting
in his loacllty which promises a good
harvest for the learned profession of
the law in the near future.
George Ness wns over from Cold
Springs last week and invested in a
$200 team of Pilot Rock horses,
Dos Turner is out from Pendleton,
hauling his last barley crop, which
has been cached away in a straw
stack since last harvest.
Charles Foster was down from Gil
liland on Friday rounding up his
horses for market.
Al Hasan and William Onnnnllv
sent a plowing outfit up into Wash
ington about six miles from Texas
Ferry, where they have a job of plow
ing about 1.100 acres of sod, last
week. One thousand one hundred
acre tracts of bunch-grass land which
is any good tor grain raising are get
ting somewhat scarce. This u.n-timi-
lar tract has probably been passed
over as "no account," a snap judg
ment which has been reversed 'quite
frequently of late years.
W. H. Babb returned spvnvnl wool.-s
ago from a trip into the Canadian
iNortnwest, which took him ns far east
as Winnipeg and into the for north
over tne crows Nest Pass railway
into a land of fur coats fin- nnns nm'i
good sleigh riding. The trip was an
enjoyable one in everv wav. Thp vnKt
areas of grass land, which still waits
wie nrst comer, as somebody has put
"Where the width of a world, un
fenced, unowned,
Walts over the
looked very good to Hip eves nf n
man accustomed to the crowded
ranges of Butter Creek. Or onm-no it
is no good for farming. That is a
necessary neculiaritv of n tnni.
country in the stockman's eyes, but
w. ti. visited one of these stock
ranches, which is no i?nni rnv f...
ing, but where they had thresliPii thn
uius or on acres just for an experi
ment, and sot 5.000 iiisiiPis tiw, on
ish of that stock countrv Ik vlsiiiio tn
1. i i
nit' uuituu eye.
North Tlltllilln ifi.fnt Invnmln. o
valuable asset on the lists of lecture
uureaus. A lecturer of lln ninnn nf
tainments from a neighboring city, ar
rived in that hitrir lecpntlv tn inii..
a lecture which had been duly an
nounced and advertised for several
weeks. He found a ilnrh- mi ni.m,.
building which he nroeepilofi tn n.,hf
l - W ,(jMh
UP and wait for lila nmllmwn -,.,i,ii.
slowly assembled to the number of a
dozen. Patience and good temper are
still on earth, and the lecturer re
turned at a later date and delivered
the lecture.
seeding everywhere just at present.
Perry Knott, of vEast Birch, was
transacting business In Pendleton this
Joe Parkes, of Pendleton, made a
trip in the vicinity of Ukinh this
Wllllntn Pnrlpv. nf fJiirilnnp was
transacting business in Pendleton
B. F. Ogle, of Athena, spent a few
days In this part looking after busi
ness this week.
Gporgc W. Llnsner was transacting
business in Pendleton this week.
ni.nlt,M Vlic?,ti TTl.tnl. cwitlt r. ffll
viuu iva iiini'ii, uivitiij, ofuui 11
days in Pendleton on business this
Phnrlrot Vn Hnv nnil Tlnv Colll'li.
of Alba, were visiting in Pilot Rock,
Echo, Pendleton and Athena this
week. They report lino weather in
these localities.
John W. Adams, one of Athena's
loniHnf pfll'liptltorc Its rrnltitr tn lipirln
the erection of his splendid eight-
room residence next Monday, if the
fair weather continues.
William Fletcher, of Nve, is at
Walla Walla under the care of Dr.
Hlailock, who is treating him for a
f'mmnrnilc tllllini mi lf c. fnnu 'Tlip
dlspfisp Is nf lnnf Htnti(iliir nTid de
stroyed the right eye, but it seems
to have almost yielded to the X-Ray
I. Kaufman, a pioneer merchant of
Portland, died Friday at his home In
that city.
JBt(.g I
General News of Nye, Ukiah, Gurdane
and the South End of County.
Ridge. March 2. Thm
surprise ball at the home of William
rieiu .er, or Nye, Thursday, it was
largely attended nmi
all. ' "
The farmers are busy plowing' and
Paris Green
Blue Stone
London Pur
ple m ale Oil Soap
In ant quantity,
at very lowest
Phone Main 851
11 mmmr' v w w
I Hfc 1903 ShaPes
J jgg1 Stetson
$3 to $5
Others at $ to $2.50
i Garden Tools
and Seeds
I have just received a full line of Garden Cultivators
and Seeders. The above tools are the combined
seeder, hoe, rake and plow.
have also a full line of Choice Garden Seeds in
bulk, Grass Seed, Alfalfa, Timothy, Broom Grass,
Orchard Grass, Etc. Call and Get prices.
How's This?
tJV1 0tfer 0ne. IIunJred Dollars Iteward
I L?".y i;a,se.,,of ..cnta"h that cannot bo
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
P. J. CHENBY & CO,, Props., Toledo. O.
m,' "Je "ndewlgned, have known K. J.
himneL,f,ortbe Jast 10 year' anl beM
t,JieHfe:t,y 1ho"blo In all business
, tjumti juuy uuie to carry
wUa5y ,ob,?.U0.1" "a?.1?.6 PT their arm.
Toledo O wnoiesaio Druggists.
sale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Ilall'S Cfltflrrh PlIM la tnL-.n Int. .lt
acting directly tipon the blood and mu
cous Btirfaccs of the system. Price 78c per
free uruggisis, xeatimoniais
Hall's Family Pills ore the beat.
A Chance of a llfetlmn tn irat a
sowing machine for less than mat ii f
Jesao Falling's,
All the popular works
of fiction.
All the now books that
have pleased the public.
All the standard
Our circulating library
isgrowing in popularity
Jt costs only a small
sum to read any of the
new books.
.Come and investigate.
Book and Stationery Store
Physicians prescrife e
it for their most deli
cate catients
For Sale by
Gray's Harbor
3 74 i Main Street
g t.an
Our Banner Month
We are trying to make this oar
Banner Month and in order to do so
are offering rare induce meats. Yoa'II
make money by investigating.
Commercial Co.
tWe Don't Keep Everything
lint we do Keep a good big
Htock of nice dry Flooring,
Celling, Rustic and Finish,
lu all grades. Also all kinds
of Dimension Lumber, in
oludiug Latb and Shingles.
Our stock of Doors, Win
dows, Moulding, Building
and Tar Paper aud Apple
Boxes is complete, aud auy
one lu ueed of Lumber will
not be wroug in placing
their order with the : : :
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
Opp. W; & C. R. Depot
315 East Conrt Street.
Have Your Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at
Delay will lead to serious breaks.
First-class .work guaranteed by
BECK, the Reliable Plombcr.
v-ourt street, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel PflnfL
. i vuun
neonlc tn knniv V
you have to sell If yeu L
The new store can never he v. m. rtt
known nnless It advertises MU V tH I ICbi