DAljY EVENING EDITION DAICf EVENING EDITION 'A: A A A A A"A AAAAAAAl THE DAILY t Wilt bo dollfered At your rcslfierlce J or place of baslnei by carrier fct J 5c A WEEK. ft Tonight and Tuesday, fair. Mf-Jr- VOL. 16. PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OKEGON, MONDAY, MAItOIT 2, 1903. NO. 4680. 1 HS TTt 1 ! a MITII1S TRACY Christ Benson Kills Jailer Mor- . . . t t I Ma rel End Escapes From the Olympia Prison, HAS SECt-ftED ARMS AND AMMUNITION. Appeared at a Logging Camp on Black Lake, Where He Frightened the Men Into Submission Shen . Mills and Posse in Pursuit, ' Olvmnia. Wash., March 2. Chris T?nnnrtn whn L'l I Ifin 11 I I M r Villi I HII Mil , t i i. n Uh r. Pi,. U I Will i H I 1 f fiinilL Llin UlF-aU I, U I 1 LI 11 IXiHl LI . U1U LUCU JilLtS 0UfcSMfc;k?l' Kill. nil til ILL lLUlb U.11U UUOOt I m .-1 V. 1 k 1. A t lit. nil WOOL QUARANTINE MODIFIED. injr c; fcw i i w u v w - States. Washington, March 2. Secretary Wilsnn htirt n. conference with the igland wool to prevent the spread or nnrinn will n ri in I :n nun in inri'H run It has been decided by Secretary Wilson that foreign wool and wool grown in states outside of the zone tion, which now may be in New Eng land wnrehciiKfis will nnt he million!. HH Ilfll. ITIIIIIH 111 ITIlll I Hl'.l W1I.II WIllll nljils rpp-arrt ns Ilkelv n h lnffwt.en. NOTED VETERAN DYING. Was Personally Complimented by Lin coln on the Field of Battle. Indianapolis, March 2. General nent Grand Army men .also distin guished in the civil war as the only man personally complimented on the field of battle by President Lincoln, is dying at his home in this city. Chaplain on Trial. Denver, Col., March 2. Pursuant to the order of General Frederick R. unston, commander of the depart- (!fjp n Tin ii ffPn t ipmnn na nhot-irn the outcome of the chaplain's al- w - - vui, v.vtuwu be due a Chicago business house The Louisiana-Mississippi Case. Washington, March 2. The bound- rv rnan nf Hm tttafn nf T m r, ! . .... n Kiitir rir m rr ns nn fnmo n v-i fr btates supreme court. The d snnfp wnicn is one or long standing, In volves the right to the oyster beds on the Gulf coast line. Pleaded Not Guilty. Hamilton, O., March 2. Murderer nil Tin whpti nrrnlfrnnH 11113 mnmlnM ALTRUISTIC STOREKEEPER. nee to nun nis Place as Christ ' Ufni.l n It "vmiu nun it. A. F. Norton, who bought the Lan caster general store at Converse, a ehort time ago, has disposed of his stock of cigars and fobacco. He says that he has conscientious scruples against the sale of tobacco, and that he expocts to run the store "as rihrist in run 11. clerks at the close of each day, win not aenver goods, The store not. under anv mrrMimRtnnppa lm on Hunaay, and It will close evening at 6 o'clock. Should profits any day exceed $2.50, Nor says he will sell the remainder of day at cost. The clerks will be n n iinri Mil in if nn n i npni le n r a nfrTI'D n Aflin I 1 1 AV.mnnnn HV.HK. iiMiii, VAIMUVU UID store at cost, The poor are to be n d' those unable to pay are to be iveii, broad and raolasaos free. Nor- o pacKed eggs or butter will be sold. luuiaunjiuiiB news; POPE'S BIRTHDAY. ueo vim hcccivcs congratulations Upon Closing ,Hls 93d Year. Rome, March 2. The pope, thi afternoon received in the throne room the members of the sacred col lego and tho Roman prelates who pie sented his holiness with congratul tions upon tho occasion of his 9S birthday. Cardinal Oreglla dl Santo Stefano, tho dean of the sacred col lege, read a long speech ,to which thti pontiff formally replies tomorrow during the exercises attendant upon the colobratlon of the Jubilee anni vcrsary of his coronation. Numerous congratulatory messages have reached the Vatican, notably from foreign rulers. When admonished by his physician Dr. Lapponi, not to fatigue himself by the ceremonies of todny and to morrow, his holiness replied: "These functions are the chief consolations of my old age. I wish to enjoy them How many more of such functions will tho venerable pontiff participate in is the question on everyone's Hps today. The people no longer hazard a guess, as for nearly 15 years It has been predicted that each such cere mony would be his last It is worth notice thnt out of 203 occupants of the chair of St. Peter, fewer than half a dozen have retained it longer than Leo XIII, including the apostle himself. Since the return of the papacy from Avignon to Rome, only one pontiff has attained an age equal to that of Leo XIII. This was Paul IV., and should the present pon tiff live a few months more, he will have broken all records of longevity PROSPECTS IT ECHO GOVERNMENT ENGINEER LO CATING RESERVOIRS THERE New Buildings Going Up Two Grades to Be Added to the Public School Old-Time Settlers Turn Locators Some Excitement Pre vails Over the Bright Prospects. Echo, March 2. No little excite ment prevails here over the with drawal of the nine townships of arid land south and west of this city, for a government irrigation reservation Active work on tho survey of reser voir sites has been in progress for the past throe days, and many land Hunters! have visited the locality since tne announcement of the with drawal of this tract Teams are in demand and several 'old settlers have turned into locators and are doing a rushing business Government Engineer J. G. Camp, and assistant arc now busily engaged surveying three reservoir sites In the range of hills that lies south of this place from five to eight miles. The exact pdint at which water is to be diverted from the Umatilla River has not been decided One reservoir site is now being sur veyed on the north side of the high mute six miles due south of here which lies near the Joe Vey land, known as the old North Pacific Grant, A limited number of homeseekers have stopped here in quest of land, and considerable stir is noticeable in the village as a result of the pros enee of tho government engineers. The results of Irrigation on the ex cellent farms in this vicinity prove that this Immense tract of sage brush land lying on the headwaters of But ter Creek, In Umatilla and Morrow counties can be made to support a large population with a small amount of water. The soil is a warm, sandy loam and lies adjacent to the rich fields of Butter Creek and Umatilla River, which produces three crops of alfalfa per year. Several new buildings are now In course of construction here and only one vacant dwelling house remains in town. There is a movement on foot to add a ninth and tenth grade to the public schools, to bo ready for the spring term. R. Jones has the contract for furn ishing teams to the government en gineer, J. C. Camp, while surveying tho proposed ditch and reservoir sites. ESCALEN INAUGURATED. Tlie First Peaceful Transfer in San Salvador for 54 Years. Washington, March 2. The United Stites consul at San Salvador, cables that President Escalen was Inaugur ated as president yesterday, being the' first peaceful transfer of the pres idency in 54 years. Painters Strike. Pittsburg. March 2. Two thousand palnjera struck this morning for $3.50 per day and eight hours ns a day's work. PRESID ENT ROOSEVELT CULLS EXTRA SESSION OF SENATE Senators Asked to Meet in the day, Washington, March 2. The presi dent has issued a proclamation call ing for an extra session of the sen ate. The proclamation is as follows: Whereas, public interest requires that the senate should convene in ex traordinary session, Therefore, I, Theodore Roosevelt, president of the United States, do hereby declare that an extraordinary session requires the senate of the United States to convene at the capi tal city, Washington, on the fifth day of March, at noon. All persons who at that time are entitled to act as members are hereby required to take notice. (Signed) Theodore Roosevelt. John Hay, secretary of state. The president's Idea of calling the session at this time is to afford an opportunity to the newly-elected sen ators to reach Washington. Although the purposes are not set forth in de tail, the object of the extra" session is tho ratification of the Panama ca nal and the Cuban reciprocity trea ties. President Coming West. President Roosevelt has fixed the time for reassembling at the earliest possible date in the hope that he -will be able to take his western trip with. in a few weeks, as. he originally plan nod, Hlg-throa't is much better. Canal Negotiations. Washington, March 2. Negotia tions between Attorney-General Knox and William Cromwell, the counsel for the Panama Canal Company, are proceeding today for the purpose of reaching an agreement that will allow ESKIMOS AOE DYING RAPIDLY CITY OF NOME WILL NOT ASSIST THEM. Small Amount of Dried Fish Their Only Food Military Authorities Can Not Help Them. Tacoma, Wash.. March 2. Nome advices say that the Eskimos are dy ing in large numbers through the fault of the authorities. A little dried fish is the only food they have this winter. The Nome city council declines to aid, and says the mili tary should help them. The latter as sert they have neither authority nor funds. WOMAN'S BODY FOUND. Tallies With the Description of Han nah Knapp, as Given by the Wife Murderer. New Albany. Ind., March 2. A wo man floater, denuded of clothing ex cept for stockings, was found In the Ohio River today. A gold band ring and plain earrings were also on the body. It had apparently been in the ater for several weeks. In all ways tho body tallies with the description of Hannah Knapp. When Knapp confessed he insisted hat his wife's body would be found to have on a ring, earrings and stock ings. PRESENT ULTIMATUM. Wabash Conductors, Trainmen and Firemen Will Strike Unless Given Advance In Wages . St. Louis, March 2. The Wabash conductors, trainmen and firemen this afternoon delivered an ultimatum to President Ramsey. They say unless their wage demands of an increase of 15 per cent in the freight and 12 per cent in the passenger service is not granted they will strike. TRAINS COLLIDE. Two Laborers Fatally Hurt and Many Were Injured. St. Louis, March 2. A construction train and a freight on the 'Frisco road collided at noon near Spring Park. Two laborers were fatally injured, 12 seriously hurt and 28 others slightly Injured. Capital City, at Noon, Thurs March 5. this government to take over the property after March 4, the time set for the expiration of the option. The company will no (attempt' to raise tho price over tho $40,000,000 stipulated although Cromwell says the rights of the property are much more valuable now tnan they were a year ago. Ankeny Presents Credentials. Washington, March 2. The senate this morning received the credentials of Levi Ankeny, the newly elected senator from Washington, and placed them on file. The general appropria tion bill was immediately taken up. In the House. Filibustering was resumed In the house. Richardson made tho usual point of no quorum. Unfinished bus lness relative to adopting the confer ence report on the Alaska homestead bill was taken up. Grosvenor. of Ohio, from the committee on rules, re ported" a new rule which shuts off the roll call on a demand for the previ ous question and limits the debate to 10 minutes. If adopted, it will end portion of the filibustering. Rule Adopted. Grosvenor's rule was adopted. Loud of California, voting with the demo- crats. The fortifications appropria .lion bill was adopted. Tho immlgra tion bill was then taken up. Day Takes Oath. Washington. March 2. rne su preme court opened its session at noon by reading Day's commission The oath was administered to him after which he was assigned to the seat vacated by Judge Shlras AGAINST CHRISTIAN SCIENCE GRAND JURY INDICTS TWO INDIANA WOMEN Attended a Sick Child and Prevented Parent From Calling a Physician, Indianapolis, March 2. The grand jury today returned Indictments against Anna Dorlind and Laura Funk, the Christian Scientist healers who attended the infant son of Henry Knoop and prevented him calling a physician. The child died. GIVEN AUDIENCE. President Francis, of the St. Louis Fair, to Meet President of France Paris, March 2. President Loubet today sent word to President Francis, of the St. Louis Fair, that he would see him at any time convenient. France has accepted an invitation to participate in the exposition. He Didn't "Keer." On a train near Omaha the other day two well dressed, ardent lovers evidently a newly married couple, amused the other passengers with ther cooing. After a while the fair young bride leaned back in her seat and fell asleep. Her companion took advantage of the lull in affectional demonstrations and went into the smoker to enjoy a cigar. While he was gone, a long, lean, lank, grizzly specimen of humanity came in and sat down in the vacant seat beside the sleeping beauty. Presently tho young woman, half asleep, turned and laid her head lovingly on the shoul der of the stranger and put hor plump arm around his neclt. The green, gawky stranger, seemed a trifle sur prised at Ihls unexpected familiarity out no made no desperate effort .to escape. He merely lookei, around at the convulsed passengers and grin ned. The hilarity awoke the young woman and opening her pretty blue eyea she saw her mistake. With flushed cheek she stanim'prcd an apol ogy. "You needn't 'polo'glzo to mo," drawled the stranger, "I didn't keer," Exchange, The MiBtress So you have decided to get married? Don't ypu think you are taking great chances, Bridget? The Maid Shure, 01 don't think so. mum. I belave ivjry gerrul ought to git married at least" wanst in her Joife Judge. . . . L GRAIN MARKETS. Quotations Furnished by Coe Commis sion Company, 120 Court Street B. E. Kennedy, Local Manager. - Chicago, March 2.- Wheat Opened. Closed. 77 Vj 73 47 44 Closed. 76 76 Closed. 81 78 May 77A July 73 Corn May ..i 47 July 44 Minneapolis, March 2. Wheat Opened. May 76 July 76 Now York, March 2. Wlieat Opened. May 81 July 78 Wheat in Chicago. Chicago, March 2. Wheat 77 4-5 cents per bushel. MUST LEAVE SAXONY. American Dentist Who Taught the Princess to Ride a Bicycle, Ordered Out of Kingdom. Dresden, March 2. The police have issued an order expelling from the kingdom of Saxony O'Brien, the American dentist who taught the crown princess Louise to ride a bicy cle. O'Brien's wife sent some letters which tVe princess wrote O'Brien, to the kinj;. An order was issued ex pelling him immediately, but through the Intercession of friends it was re scinded and another lesued today per mitting him 10 days to settle his bus iness affairs and depart. BODY FOUND IN ROAD EAST OF PENDLETON While on His Way Home .Saturday Night His Team Ran Away, Throw ing Him Out and Dragging Him to Death. David Young Chief, aged about 30, a full blooded Indian, was last Satur day night killed by his team running away while on his way to his home on the reservation from town. Young Chief left town about 9 o'clock, tolerably drunk. Some say he was In tho company of another Indian, who some how escaped the wreck and identification as well, and whose name cannot be learned. Others say he was alone. About 1 o'clock in the morning Henry Blment, on his way home from town, discover ed the body of Young Chief lying by the side of the road, about a mile and a half east of town, near the O. R. & N. tracks. When found his foot was in the front spring of the buggy, on tho left side, and nearly all the clothes were torn off the body, which was covered with blood, dirt and bruises. Blment came at once to town and notified Coroner Cole. The body was brought to Baker & Folsom's undertaking parlors, where It was examined. It was found that the right leg was broken near tiie hip, there was a ghastly cut in the upper part of the back, between the shoulders, and heavy contusions at the base of the skull. Tho Indications were that after falling or jumping from the buggy and catching his foot in the spring, that Young Chief had been dragged by the running horses about half a mile before the animals ran Into the ditch and then tho fence, and tangled up by the buggy tongue coining down, stopped. When found, the horses were still attached to the buggy, which was badly wrecked, the top, dashboard and tongue being smashed to pieces There were no indications of foul play. The man had been dragged to death, undoubtedly. Tho body was taken in charge by his Indian friends and relatives yesterday. The deceased was a Catholic and will bo burled today in ono of tho Indian cemeteries on the reservation. Ho Is said to have been a pretty good man, practically, his fault being that he was addicted to liquor. His near est living relative is lila mother. His father, David Young Chief, Sr., died good many years ago. Tho team and buggy belonged to tho deceased's uncle, Skee-wen. TWO SENATORS ELECTED. Delaware Legislature Breaks the Deadlock and Places Allen and Ball In the Senate. Dover, Del., March 2. Senator Al len, a union republican and former ConirrnsBnian Ball straieht republi can, were elected United States sen ators by the, Delawaro legislature this afternoon. STORM AND FLOOD Terrific Storms Rage With Unabated Fury on the Eng lish and French Coasts. OHIO RIVER IS 45 FEET ABOVE LOW WATER MARK. Danger of the Mississippi River Breaking the Levees Railway at Parkersburg Under Water and Traf fic Stopped Much Damage Antici pated. London, March 2. Terrific seas aro running in the English Channel. Tho Dover and Calais mail boat Pas do Ovalais has broken down off the dan gerous Goodwin sands, with 178 pas sengers aboard. She is drifting help lessly and is rapidly nearing tho shoals. Her anchor is apparently dragging. Tugs have been hurried to her assistance. BARK FOUNDERED. In Spite of Lifesavers' Efforts the Crew Were Drowned. London, March 2. The gale which swept the coasts a week past aro un abated. A dispatch from Penza states that an unknown bark founder ed last night drowning all on board. The lifesavers repeatedly attempted to rescue the crew, but failed. Steamer Safe. London, March 2. A Dover dis patch says that . the steamer Calais was towed safely into port this after noon. At Gallipolis, Ohio. Gallipolis, O., March 2. The Ohio River Is 45 feet above low water. Tho low lands are flooded. A train of eight cars went through the trestle on the Kanawah & Michigan aa a result of the flood. At Memphis. Memphis, March 2. The Mississip pi River is 1.2 feet above the danger line and rising rapidly. The levees aro strained and water is covering the lowlands. Great damago Is antici pated. Railway Traffic Stopped. Parkersburg, W. Va.. March 2. The Ohio River is past the danger line. Almost all the railways are under water and traffic is stopped. ANNIVERSARY EXERCISES. Texas Remembers the Signing of Her Declaration of Independence. Austin, Texas, March 2. The anni versary of Texas independence was appropriately observed here today. All the state departments were clos ed and anniversary exercises wore conducted at the state unlversary. Other cities of the state likewise ob served tho day with special programs in the public schools. The Texas declaration of Independ ence was signed at Washington on tho Brazos, March 2, 1836, after 8anta Ana had begun the siege of Alamo. NEW LODGE ORGANIZED. Pendleton Odd Fellows Royally En tertained Order at Pilot Rock Starts Out Favorably Offices Elec ed. The 28 Odd Fellows who went from Pendleton to Pilot Rock Saturday last were royally entertained by tho brethren thero, and enjoyed them selves greatly. Tho order at Pilot Rock has a neat, well-equipped hall, and starts out under most favorable auspices. Tho following aro tho officers of the newly organized lodge: Noble grand, B. D. pmlth; vlco grand, Doug las Bolts; secretary, C. E. Sturte vant; treasurer, L, E. Roy; warden, W, T. Harrison; Inside guard, C M. Hemphill; supporters of the noble grand, George W. Done and A. C Hemphill; supporters of the vlco grand, Frank Done and John F, Smith. Tho following were Initiated Into tho myBtorles of tho first degreoj Owen T, Carnes, M. G, Edwards. C, C, Henderson, J. W. Roork, Charles Collins, Serpheno Stone, S, M. Done, C, Cllne, E. L. Wright, Paul L. Belts, George Tillotson, Alox Man ning,' Arly A. Byrd, J, S. Cherry, Cbas. Wright. R. A. Waldron. Mont Rlppey, Jerry Durham, Cbas. D. Smith, Alfred Smith, Bert Plorsoi, w. M. uutcBin- son, J. W. Smith,