Men's Trousers Men's Men's M en's Men's Men's Men's Men's Trousers, Trousers, Trousers, Trousers, Trousers, Trousers, Trousers, $6.50 6.00 5 00 4.00 3.00 2.00 .90 Bae? & Daley One-'Vi ( 'iothir. Hatters and Furnisher: HOTEL ARRIVALS. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY L'S. 1903. GENERAL NEWS. The town of Port ile Paix. Hayti. was completely destroyed by fire Thursday. Thirty electric locomotives are tte ing built at Brussels. Belgium, for Central Africa. An American firm is erecting one ot the largest foundries in the world At Hagdebur?. Germany. The Argentine minister reports that Great Britain has purchased two cruisers of Argentina and two of Chile. A bill to exempt beet sugar factor ies from taxation for a period a' five years was killed in the Wisronsin Assembly Thursday. A score or more of prominent Eur opean electrical engineers are now in the United States studying how Americans do things. Another great engineering enter prise is projected, namely, the build-j ing of a bridge across the Mississip-I pi river to Baton Rouee. The structuar iron workers of Pitts burg. Pa., and surrounding districts have struck against a violation ot an agreement bytftiietlf American Bridge Company. Startling disclosures in St. Louis of a system of traffic in young women, under police protection, are to be made by the grand jury as the result of a raid on resorts. It is reported that 500 imperial Chinese troops were ambushed in the Yang Yuing pass February 13. All the soldiers were killed and the rebels , captured large supplies of arms. After torturing a man he had al-1 ready wounded three times, Henry Carr. 32 years of age. was shot and killed Friday night by James Fletch-! er, 19 years of age. his victim. Carr j believed Fletcher had won his wife's , love. Hotel Pendleton. R. M Hart. St Louis. K. F. Humeston. Chicago. H. DeLano. Now York. F. J. Daley. Xew York. A. D. Katx. Boise. J. E. Desmond. Pittsburg. G. E. Moser. Spokane. S. S. Gill. Spokane. Charles Leedy. San Francisco, B. C. Holt. Walla Walla. A. True. New York. D. B. Jarmon, Athena. D. Williams Athena. A. J. Morgon. Santa Rosa. A. C. Glger. Heppner. W. B. Jenkins, city. T. Donovan. I.a Grande. W. R. Glendening. Portland. William Maher. Portland. C. M. Smith. Portland. Helen Young. Portland. Daniel Sully. Portland. Willis E. Bover. Portland. G. W. Hunt. Portland. Golden Rule. J. H. Clark. Boise W. M. Willnugbby. Athena. Martha E. Hitchcock. Athena. J. D. Little. Matson. C. J. Little, Matson. Frank Little, Matson. May L. Little Matson. O. F. Rice. .Moscow. E. S. Mc.Macken. Matson. S. J. McMacken. Matson. I-aura E. McMaken, Matson. Fred R. McMaken. Matson. May I. McMaken. Matson. G. M. McMaken. Matson. I T. Tohey. Sully. R. R. Blaylock, Sully. G. D. Galley. Portland. A. RIchey, Osakis. E. H. Swinson. Osakis. F. Burns, Spokane W. J. Moore, Spokane. A. J. Hall. Spokane. G. W. Williams. Spokane. William Duffy Talent. J. C. Duffy. Talent M. L. Duffy. Talent. H. M. Duffy, Talent. S. C. Duffy. Talent. John Milan. Ukiah. F. J. Gardnet. Portland. United States Consul-General Law ter is returning to the United States from Ecuador on the same steamer that took him south. Mr .Lawtor de clares that he prefers obscurity at home to high honors with yellow fever at Quayaqull PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. Charles W. Holderman. of Astoria, has been appointed private secretary to Senator Fulton. Walter Reed and Charles Monell. of Portland, are under arrest for selling bogus theater tickets. The Catholic sisters of Roseburg are contemplating the erection of a convent at that place. The three story brick temple built by the Masonic order at Grant's Pass, Is ready for occupancy. Cecilia Jones, of Tacoma. ha?- been Indicted for sending improper liter ature through the malls. B. F Martin, of Salem, has been arrested upon advices from Tipton. Mo., where he misappropriated public funds. Donnelly. Hopkins & Co.. of Port land, have been arrested for defraud ing new comers in bucket ?hop trans actions. C. J Christie, who Is wanted In the east for obtaining money under false pretenses, has been located In Fort McKlnney. B. C. M. Bottler, of Portland, has sued the city for $10,000 damages, for in juries sustained in the collapse of the Second street bridge on November 2. 1902. Ex-Governor T T Geer has accept ed an invitation to go to Missouri and ask the legislature of that state for an appropriation for the Lewis and Clark fair . C. F McVlcar and wife have been arrested in Tacoma for forgery. They are professional crooks and impostors and worked Portland for Ir.rgc sums before going to the Sound. How's This7 We offer One Hundred Dollars KenarU ' for any case of catarrh that cannot b cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHE.NKV & CO., Props., Toledo. O. We, the undersigned, have known K. J. Cnene; for the last 15 yean, and hellere him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. WEST & TItUAX, Wholesale Drusslta, Toledo, O WALD1NG, KINNA.V & MAHVIX, Whole , sale Druggists, Toledo, O. ' Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, ' acting- directly upon the blood and mn Icons surfaces of the system. Price 75c per j bottle. Hold by all druggists. Testimonials ! free. ' Hall's Family I'll Is are the beat CI GE AT DALLES iM. T. NOLAN. REGISTER; MISS ANNIE M. LANG, RECEIVER. Reward for Long and Faithful Party Service, Says Congressman Moody Miss Lang Very Efficient Young Lady. Washington. Feb. 2S. The presi dent on recommendation of Repre sentative Moody, today sent to the senate the nomination of M. T. Nolnn for register and Anne M. Lang fur re ceiver of The Dalles land office, to succeed J. 1. Lucas and Otis 1'nttor- ' son. whose terms expired last July. Neither of the appointees were appli cants for the office. ! Mr. Moody states that Nolan was recommended on account of his long and faithful party service, and bt i cause of his record as a reformer ' when holding municipal positions. Miss Lang's appointment conies as a ' promotion because of her recognized ability ns an efficient officer in the land service after years of experi enci Confirmation of both It is as j sinned will promptly follow, as the ' senators have no desire to obstruct ' or prevent confirmation nf appoint ments made by the president for of fices in Mr. Moody's home town The appointments of new officials to the local land office In this city came as a great surprise this after noon to the community generally None were more astonished tlmn the beneficiaries, neither of whom had ap plied for or were candidates for the offices. When the terms of the pres ent incumbents expired last June it was generally thought they would be retained by the congressional delega tion. Hon. M. T. Nolan, the newly ap pointed register, has been for many years one of the most prominent cl-' tizens of The Dalles, both politically and in business. He has occupied various positions of trust in the com munity, having served two terms as ' mayor of The Dalles, three years in the city council, four years as water commissioner, and he was also post-, master from 1S90 to 1S94. , He has been an active member of the republican partv since 1SSS. His selection is regarded as excellent i from a party standpoint, as well as ' from the point of capability. ( Miss Anne M. Lang, who is named for the receivership, is a civil serv-1 ice clerk, who has served as a clerk i in this local office for eight years. 1 She is regarded as one of the most ' competent persons in the land serv-, Ice. I Regarding the appointment of his successor. Receiver Patterson said "The appointment of my successor) was not unexpected, but I was not I aware as to the person who would ' be indorsed by Congressman Moody, i for my position. I know that the) president thought a great deal of Mr. ' .Moody, and in this instance he used his prerogative and appointed Mr. ' .Moody's selection without regard to ' the rest of the delegation. Miss Langl has been a clerk in the land office, and is one of the most competent per- sons I have ever met Although not j on the same side of the fence. In a ' factional sense, we have always been good friends, and I sincerely congrat-: ulate her The patrons of the office j will find her accommodating and well 1 acquainted with her duties." States Company, have been busy here for n week past installing 'phones, putting up wires and arranging a cable for the new switchboard, which la expected dally. It Is now thought that the oxulmnge will continue to grow rapidly. There is a demand for several new 'phones on Normal Heights, for Instance, which will be put in as soon ns the necessary roles can be erected for connecting this new addition. BAKER CITY BOY WINS. R. F. Tallmadge Scores Third In Prize Essay Contest In Oregon High Schools. Baker City. Feb 2S Robor Fiee man Tallmadge. who was awarded tlu third piiie by the Orcpon Sod otv Sons of American Rovrlutlon for his essay on "The Burgoyne Cam paign." Is a son of F. W Tallmadge of this city Young Tallmadge was born in Saginaw. Mich.. December IS IlSSO The family has resided in Mils j city for the past six years where , Roger has attended the public srhools ' !! is a member of the 19i' class of 'the Baker City high school Bug Killers Paris Green Sulph ur Blue Stone Arsenic London Pur ple liliale Oil Soap In an quantity, at re-r lowest price F. W. SCHMIDT & CO., RELIABLE DRUGGISTS Phone Main 851 1903 Shapes Knox Stetson Gordon Delacy $3 to $5 Others at $1 to $2,501 Boston Store Always Values The Gasoline Engine is man's, most handy companion See the Improved i NEW TELEPHONES. Notice. We. the undersigned, will be in Pendleton within a few weeks, for the purpose of purchasing three hund red (300) more or less head of horses, for the United States cavalry, there fore, would Instruct owners In this vicinity, to get their horses in proper shape to conform to the following re quirements: Geldings Roans, light and dark sorrel, and other hardy colors. They must be sound, gentle under the sad dle, with free and prompt action at the walk, trot and gallop; without de fect or blemish: of kind disposition, to weigh not less than 950 pounds, nor more than 1150 pounds, from 15 bands 1 inch to 1C hands high; from four (4) to eight (8) years of age; suitable for the United States cav alry. We will notify you later, the date we want the horses brought in for inspection. Yours truly, HENRY OLDEN8TADT, HERMAN METZOER, For further particulars, write to Herman Metzger, Portland Ore. Linemen Have Been Busy Extending the Weston Exchange. Weston, Feb. 2S. The extension of the telephone system at Weston Is an outward and visible index that busi ness conditions are improving here. The number now used Is compara tively small, hut Weston Is or has been somewhat conservative, and it will yet take considerable time to in culcate a general sense of apprecia tion of the conveniences of the tele phone service. Just a year ago, when Mrs. J. E. Crane first took charge of the local exchange, there were only four tele phones In the system. Now there are 2-1 including a dozen new ones just put in Three linemen of the Pacific THEME Gasoline Engine j It's something new. Requires no j packing and lias no stud holts to twist off. Let us show you our irrigation ! plant. Irrigaticn in this country means wealth, 1 3U Court' Street 4 -t -4 4 Garden Tools and Seeds I have just received a full line of Garden Cultivators and Seeders. The above tools are the combined seeder, hoe, rake and plow. I have also a full line of Choice Garden Seeds in bulk, Grass Seed, Alfalfa, Timothy, Broom Grass, Orchard Grass, Etc. Call and Get prices. 5 T. C, TAYLOR THE HARDWARE MAN Withee, 74 J Main Street THE yTTTTTTTTTYTTYTTTTVTTVTVVTVVVTVyy t VVTTT V VTT TVTTTT1 Choice Reading It Is stated In New York that the North American Company Is negotiat ing for the purchase of the Laclede Gas Lighting Company, of St. Louis, and the Missouri Edison Electric Company, of the same city. All the popuiar works of fiction. All the now books that have pleased the public. All the standard works. Our circulating library is growing in popularity daily. It costs only a small sum to read any of the f I new books. Come and investigate. FRAZIER'S Book and Stationery Store ROYAL RESTAURANT l have purchased the Royal Restaurant, on Main street, 3 doors nortk of V. & C. R. depot, where 1 will serve the Best 25 Cent Meal In the city. I will ap preciate your patronage and ask you to call and see me. MEAL TICKETS, $3.50 R. F. THORP, Gray's Harbor Commercial Co. lre Don't Keep Everything But we do Keeji a good big stock of ulce dry Flooring, Celling, Rustic and Finish, in all grade Also all kinds of Dimension Lunibtr, in cluding Lath and Shinglw. Our stock of Doors, Win dows, Moulding, Building and Tar Paper aud Apple Boxes U complete, and any oue in need of Lumber will not be wroug in placing their order with the : : : Gray's Harbor Com. Co. Opp. W: & C. R. Depot Our Banner Month We are trying to make this our Banner Month and in order to do so are offering rare inducements. You'll make money fay investigating. THERKELSEH'S PIANO HOUSE, 315 East Court Street. On Its Merit 9 i Has the large demand for Byets' Best Flout Been built up. Only the choicest wheat that grows enters in to Byers Best Flour. It's perfection in Flour. Made by the PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. Byers, Proprietor. ..1. . i4 a. jUl- a. r .X' : vi .vmtJmmJL, mm