East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 27, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 5

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Oar Shoes have the STOCK, SHAPE
and WEAR. See oar immense line, prices
from $.50 to $6.00. Anything in the
Shoe Line can be found here. Come early
and purchase a pair of the latest spring
Corner Main and Alta Streets.
Repairing of all kinds neatly done at shop in our store.
fjRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1903.
Diplomas Issued.
Diplomas have been Issued during
the past week to the following grad
uates from the common school stud
ies: Milton Lulu Raup, Catherine
McCoy, Anna McQuary, Eva Peck,
Grace Berry, J,ucina Yanander, Dora
Troyer, Sophia Freudig, Delia Hud-
Kuth 4 County ecu-. , son, Epsa Pierce. Athena Roy Can-
lUrchB, 6, 7 Horace K. Turner ait.non, Joe Cannon, Richard Wright,
Itfiit at courthouse. j Maude Gholson, Ralph McEwen, Lil-
Kuch 7 Knignts or rytnias ais- e Banister, Grace Titsworth, Mabel
Banister. District 74 Dry Creek
Minnie Lee, Edith Still, Rosa Lee.
fcs convention, La Grande,
Uuci 12, 13 Shooting
tV Kendrick, Idul.o.
Ajfl 1 Two townships in wallo-
ln wnJT to be opened to settle-
jrfl I Modern Woodmen county
tto, I 0. O. F. hall, Pendleton.
icil 16, 1", 18 Inland Empire
lasers' Association. Walla Walla.
liij State supreme court at Pen
toe 1 Circuit court.
Mb- 2 Eastern Oregon G. A. R. en
;ment, Union
Icjust 17 National G. A. R. en-
foment San Francisco.
Pendleton, Feb. 26, 1903.
tieet poll tax for 1903 will be due
! dayB from date of this notice
lie city marshal's office In the
of Pendleton, Umatilla county,
or by authorized deputy.
i tax hereafter to become and he
Sniraent. Whereupon it shall be-
feafc and be the duty of the City
ilwifoil to proceed to collect the
Ijame to the manner provided by the
pws oi imj state tor tne collection
'. road taxes by road supervisors and
fee said marshal is hereby nuthoriz-
cirected and empowered to do so.
City Marshal. j,as
To Leave Pendleton.
Dr. W. C .Buckley has sold his
practice here to Dr. R. D. Wiswall,
who will occupy at once the office In
the Despaln block that Dr. Buckley
has occupied since coming here. Dr.
Blckley has definitely concluded not
to remain here, but is undecided
where to go permanently. He thinks
of going to Colorado. His family is
still in Decatur, Ala., from which
place the doctor came to Pendleton
Mrs .L. D. Smith, of Helix, Is In th
city today.
Good Fumigation.
The fumigation of all the houses
from which the quarantine is lifted
is said by the physicians and other
competent judges to be extremely
tnorough. Formaldehyde Is the basi
of an the disinfecting compounds
used, and it is the completest de
stroyer of all disease germs known
aside from fire itself. Whenever
Special Officer Armstrong gets
through with a house it is ready for
immediate occupancy.
Stanton School to Reopen.
Ilie Stanton school, in the Vansy-
; seignborhood. which has been dis-
letimied two weeks on account of
prlet fever, will reopen next Mon
with Mr Darr, of Adams, In
Pe trial of Ott Walling, at Colfax
been postponed until March 23.
N charge Is horse stealing.
Vhat Shall We
Have for Dessert?
pis question arises in the family
uay. uet us answer it to-day. Try
RMicious and lit&alttifnl pch Pro.
ftu in two minutes. Noboilinfrl no
cncrl nAA 1 ... : 1 : . i .
Butter Creek Stockmen.
Out on Butter Creek, Dillot French
imported two thoroughbred
young Hereford bulls, Jerry Brosman
nas imported on of the same class
and W. E. Straight a third. The
Butter Creek stockmen are in every
particular up with the times and de
termined, though at considerable cost
to keep the breeding of their stock
in the front ranks.
Helix Booming.
J. F. Thrasher, of Helix, is in the
city on his way to Weston. He re
ports lots of new sidewalk being laid
in Helix, and much fencing of lots
in progress. There are no idle men
In that vicinity, and thlnes are do
ing. He thinks Helix is destined to
be one of the finest small towns In
the state.
Art Exhibit
The Horace K. Turner art exhibit
which will be held In Pendleton on
March 4, C. C and 7, will be given at
tne courthouse, instead of the Chris
tlan church, as advertised. Many of
uie most artistic advertising posters
are now displayed In the various bus
iness houses, and the exhibit Drom
lses to be highly entertaining.
A Good Tooth Brash
l something everybody should have. A tooth brush that is
made of poor bristles is but little better than none at all.
h made to our order in France. It is a four-row bleached
wistle, put together in a workmanlike manner, guaranteed to
trnish your teeth 271 times without losing a bristle. In other
rds, it is guaranteed three months, which allows you to use
" three times a day use it after each meal, no matter how
Men you eat.
Twentv-fhre Cenia
Jf's the best brush we ever saw for that price. It's a 35 cent
"ush, but buying in large lots and direct allows us to sell it at
Look at it even if you don't want to buy now.
J5 cents.
65 Steps From Main St., Toward the Coart House
Choice meats at Houser's.
Try Grotz'a clam chowder.
Oyster cocktails at Gratx's.
Hohbach's baking Is clean.
Fresh fish dally at Castle's.
Clothing cleaned by Joerger.
Sea food fresh at Castle's.
Best thoc work at Teutsch's.
Hohbach's baking is the best.
Smoke the Pendleton Favorite.
Smokers' supplies at Neuman's.
Hohbach's baking is unsurpassed
Hohbach's cakes arc fine. Try 'em
A gentleman's smoke. The Pendle
ton Favorite.
Rader has the best furniture polish
on the market
Hays' cigar store, headquarters for
smokers supplies.
Fine Kentucky blue grass, good
clean seed. Nolfs.
Imported Umburger and Swiss
cheese sandwiches at Gratz's.
I "El SIdelo," the best cigar made, at
I Rees cigar store. Court street
I For Sale 100 tons of alfalfa hay.
R. J. Boddy, butcher, Athena, Or,
l For Rent Two furnished front
rooms. Address Mrs. H. S. Dorman.
I The Oregon Dally Journal can be
! found on sale at Frazler's book store.
Lot for -sale; great bargain; Raley's
addition. Inquire at 403 Alta street
You always get choice meat at Hou
ser's. Alta street, opposite Savings
Wood and coal by car lots a spec
ialty. P. P. Collier & Co., "phone
Main 1121.
A chance of a lifetime to get
sewing machine for less than cost, at
Jesse Failing s.
Wanted Barn, centrally located
large enough to keep four horses
Apply at this office.
Cut this out, take it to Rader's
furniture store and get a bottle of
furniture polish free.
For Sale Residence with one, two
or three lots, located at 517 Jane
street. Call at house.
The smallpox quarantine was lifted
last evening from the Love boarding
house, on Johnson street.
T .M. Keller Is facing the brick
front occupied by Houser's market
and Kemlcr &. Son's grocery.
Beautiful 5-room cottage, two lots,
shade and fruit trees, nicely located
Reduced to $1,500. E. T. Wade.
The front of the Golden Rule store
has been repainted In black and
white. Charles Lane did the work.
Frank King, of Helix, will begin
the erection very soon of a residence
24x30 feet and two stories in height
For Sale Brick building with
basement, 50x90, on Main street. Good
property at a bargain. Easy terms
E. T. Wade.
Four hundred and eighty acres good
level land, good house, all fenced
plenty of water, 200 acres in barley
$3,500. E. T. Wade.
A purse has been found containing
a small sum of money. Call at the
business office of the East Oregonlan
and describe property.
E. J .Kirkman will this spring
build a residence in block 217 of the
reservation addition, between Marie,
Jane, Tustln and High streets.
xne scanet lever quarantine was
lifted today from the home of Rev,
B. F. Harper, where first and last
four have been dangerously 111.
George Hamblen has begun exca
vating at the corner of Garfield and
Wilson streets for the erection of a
new residence which will be built Im
The degree of the ropal nurnle
the highest degree in Odd Fellow
ship, was conferred last night on J.
G. Brown, Bruce Cooley, C. L. Bon
ney and Lee Teutscb.
The $1,000 cottage is sold, but I
have others. If you are from Mis
souri, I can show you some fine
farms and stock ranches. Come and
see me. E. T. Wade.
To all members of Pendleton Camn
No. 41, Woodmen of the World. There
will be an Interesting program for
Saturday night. Refreshments will
be served. Come out everybody.
Daniel Hirl, who lives six miles
west of Vinson, on Butter Creek, re
ports stock of all kinds in excellent
condition, with no trace whatever of
disease. Neither is there any illness
among the people.
If you need matting, wood fibre
carpet, art squares, rugs, lace cur
tains, pictures, picture frames, wall
paper, sewing machines or other ar
ticles in my stock, now is the time to
invest Everything must ko. Jesse
List of Assistants Who Will Look
After the Assessments In Umatilla
County Assessor Strain has appoint
ed the following deputies: M. L. Mor
rison, Juniper; Henry Taylor, A. W.
Nye. S. S. Darnell, D. B. Watson. C.
E. Nelson (the latter office man),
Pendleton; J. S. Cherry, Pilot Rock;
J. W. Sturtevant, Ukiah; C. O. Hen
ry, Athena; J. M. O'Harra, W. It.
Gould. Weston; J. B. Walden, A. E.
Troyer, Charles Weiss, Milton; Bai
ley F. Ross. Meacham; Elbe Rogers,
Freewater: The localities given are
the postofflee addresses of the depu
ties, and have no relation to the ter
ritory wherein the person named may
transact his official duties. In fact,
the territory hns not been definitely
divided among the deputies. Satur
day. March 7, the deputies will meet
with Mr. Strain at his office to agree
upon basis of valuation of property,
discuss the law governing the work of
assessment, nnd look after such mis
cellaneous affairs as may come up per
taining to their official work.
Daily Paper Walls Over Its Disfigur
ed Offspring.
Oh these newspapers are terrors
when it comes to making a "pi" of
things, and just to show that our
home paper Isn't the only one Uiat
makes mistakes, we refer to the man
ner in which one of the locals was
mangled after being printed In sev
eral exchanges, says The Dalles
Chronicle. In referring to the flight
of Sam Wilkinson's homing pigeons,
we said they were released Friday
morning at 8 o'clock In Baker City,
2C9 miles from The Dalles, and one
of them reached home the next day
at 2 o'clock, making the flight In
about 30 hours. Here Is the latest
clipping from a valley exchango
A carrier pigeon was released from
Baker City at S:30 o'clock on the
morning of February 13, and reached
The Dalles at noon, making the trip
approximately ISO miles by an air
line, in three hours and a half."
It Pays to Trade at The Pooples Warehouso
NO. 3
FRIDAY, FEB. 27, J 903
Tan, Blue and Gray, regular price, $12.60, tfjfl 00
Surprise Sale tJ)U.m)
150 yards Summer Goods, Silk Stripo and boautifully
sheer, regular price, 75 cents per yard, at. 00
Surprise Sale, por yard
Pt ice good lot this day only
Outfitters for Men and Women.
,j.,j,l,.H,jl.,lllHtl.I..,lllIt1,,l,.l.lI1..i. 4...1..H.,H..H..1.,i.,.l..l.,H.,t in 1 1
Conversed With Chinese Auditors I
Their Native Tongue.
Rev. L. B. Ridgeley's lecture at the
Church of the Redeemer was listened
to by an audience which packed the
building. His lecture is pronounced
by all who neard it as intensey inter
estlng. Among his most Interested
auditors were a dozen Chinamen
with whom Mr. Ridgeley conversed I
their native language after the lea
ture. The singing by the vested choir
was fine. Yesterday Mr. Ridgeley
visited the agency school and lectured
there by Invitation. From here h
went to Boise.
John Cox Will Return Home.
John Cox, whose spine was broken
several months ago in a runaway.
will return tonight from Portland
where he has been at the home of
his brother, Richard Cox, taking med
ical treatment. Mr. Cox was first op
erated upon at St. Anthony's hospital
to relieve the impigment of the
broken vertebrae upon the spinal
cord, since which time hlB condition
has steadily, though almost imore-
ceptlbly improved, though he is yet
practically Helpless.
Joseph McCabe in New Role,
Walla Walla, Feb. 27. Joseph Mo
Cabe, of the Washington & Columbia
River Railroad, will be a partner of
caivm Hellg, of Portland, In the man
ageinent of the Walla Walla Opera
House next season. Overhauling and
repairing of the playhouse will be
commenced in May.
Twenty Cars of Potatoes.
It is estimated by Pendleton retail
ers in the provision market that 20
cars of Yakima potatoes were ship
ped In here last year.
Frank Brotherton. of Van Sycle. re
ports about the usual acreage of
wheat In that neighborhood, and It Is
all looking finely. The livestock Is
looking rough from the protracted
forage feeding, but Is all healthy and
in good condition.
Neagle Bros, send yearly 100 tons
of iron and 76 tons of smithing coal
to country blacksmiths of Umatilla,
Morrow, Grant and Union counties.
They of course also send an immense
quantity of ready-made iron, such as
bolts, burrs and screws into the same
territory, but the figures given are
for raw iron.
That Wear
qQ Rfl The Kind That Men
WU.UV TVfJcyfcf T
M RA When You Want
WW Low Priced Shoe
GLORIA $3.50
The Woman Shoe of the
day and the great- 0Q RA
est for the price "JW-Ov
Red School House
$.25, $X.50, $1.75
Boston Store
Shoe Parlor Says None
(til. i&Jsr
C i
To the Wise
Farmer, or those who intend
planting their gardens or do
ing spring work of any kind
in litis line, are that you will
find everything in garden
and farm tools of the very
best quality and at the low
est prices.
W. J. CLARKE & CO., Court Street.
Toilet Soap
We certainly can save you
money. Fine German Mottled
and Olive Castile Soap at 2jc a
bar. Other fine values, 5c, 8c
and ioc a bar.
A Ten Cent Counter
We show some fine values for
10 cents. Children's chairs, bas
kets, tack hammers, large bottle
ammonia, soap dishes, towel
rings, etc., all at 10 cents apiece.
About 000 boxes fine station
ery in boxes in new designs of en
velopes and colors, 15c to 29c. It
will pay you to see this line.
Complete lines at lowest
The Nolf Store
For School Books and School
Supplies at Lowest Prices.
The Delicacies
of the season are always
found at our restaurant.
At present we have
Finest Oysters $ Frog
Legs f Clams Crabs
f and Lobsters f
and other salt and fresh
water foods
The French
Telephouf Main A
We have' the largest stock of carpets, outside of Portland, in
the state. This is an undisputable fact, We offer better bar
gains than can be had in Eastern Oregon, another fact which
is proven by the low prices we are offering,
Next door to Postoffice.
We announce that we have opened undertaking parlors in
connection with our furniture and carpet store and will answer
calls day or night. Phone Black 273.
Wo have bought of the Allon Brothers, their Interest in the
Wood buBlnesB, and now we are ready to furnish the best
dry wood on short notloe. Office 838 Main Street.
PfKe U2i. p. p. COLLIER & CO.
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