East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 27, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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    Arc Yoa Constipated ?
Arc You Bilioos ?
Is the sorest and safest remedy
for all complaints caused by a
torpid liver or irregular action
of the bowels. For sale only by
breaks loose with the statement thatjl fkQQFQ A I WAV
the United States Is on the eve of a LUOOLO rU. TT n. I J
race war. with blood a root deep.
"Roosevelt won't do." he says Only
Hanna can meet the emergency'"
Behold! the Iter Thomas Dixbn's
name In every newspaper In the land,
of which this article is an example.
Denver Post
An innovation in train lighting is
the tirobnble result of t!i. invention
which a Washington man. Frederic
Cowley, ha? recently brought out
The Invention proposes to utlllae the
great working power of the air pro
duced by the rapid motion of the
train. He believes It will do away
triffb fh niimht'rsnnwt dvnnnin now '
used i
Mr. Crowley proposes to use a small
steel machine, weighing perhaps two j
pounds and fashioned something ou i
the plan of a Dutch windmill. This ,
By the Fire Insurance Com
panies we represent. Our
companies stand first in the
Hartford Fire Insurance Co. 12259,076
Alliance Awumuce Co .. 29.039.96S
Loudon A Lancashire Fire
Insurance Co .... 2,644,683
North British A Mercantile
Co ... 19,695,974
Roval Insurance Co. 22,597,153
will be attached to the bnscac? car. , -p ,,,
Directly connected to the new ma-The Gasoline Engine is mans
A !i'.ng is f.T.v- doiit or
Hourly done. th?rc art no half
way stations I have always
found that one concrete definite
example, illustrating the differ
ence between rich and wrong,
to be worth more than hours of
abstract lecturin-; on morality.
Hooker T. Washinrton.
-"IE-ia. toncue spoken in The Hague chine, which has been called a pho-j
-ihuna: when the Venezuelan case no:mc. will l;e a dynamo. It is plan-!
, r.ed to use the storage batteries soi
. .ms ur for hearing i tha tbt phoDOtyiuo may be run dur-!
a. the powers interested in this at- jns; the day and the electricity geuer-;
fair England, alone, speaks this j ated stored up for use during the '
tongue; Germany. Italy and Veneaue- i n'Sht ... !
la. do not. officially. ; The phonotvn,0 wilI on,y nln
Thte is a triumph for tte Anglo-1 while the train is in motion, so the)
Saxon race: a recognition of the su-j little noise it will make will be ;
periority of its lantn?e and the unl- neu in sne moi.ou i .r a.i..
t. - J - 1 . . L. . I . . ...I I
tfrsaiii oi tut uaiiie ui Auinr
Ten years ago. It was necessary for that he sot his first idea regardin
an American to know German or tl phonotymo from losing his hat
French, in order to travel with any I
convenience in Europe.
most handv companion
the Improved
Mr. Cowley is a resident of Colfax.
j"v7nsh.. and has been a Hfe-lone stud
j ent of mechanical science. He said
. out of a window wnile riding on a
I train. He expects to organize a com-,
pany soon to exploit the phonotymo.
Gasoline Engine
It s something new Requires no
packing and has nc stud bolts
to twist off
Let us show you our irrigation
plant Irrigation in this
country rreans wealth.
The Walla Walla Statesman, be
lieving in the right of the people to
an expression of opinion from those
they select to govern them, says of
the imperious contempt with which
the new senator from Washington
treats the people, through the press:
"Wnile in Spokane last Monday.
Senator Ankeny refused to express
any opinion oc the Panama canal or
any other national question. The rea
son is obvious The railroad corpo
rations that elected Mr. Ankeny are
opposed to the building of the Pana
ma canal and they will insist upon
Mr. Ankeny's voting to protect their
interests if he has an opportunity to
vote on the question at all. If the
Panama treaty should not be rati
fied before March 4. Senator Ankeny
will be under the necessity of show
ing his colors."
Senator Ankeny, who is a large
property holder in Eastern Oregon,
as well as Washington, is looked up
on by the people of this section of
Oregon as being almost an Oregon
ian, by training, interest and inclination.
Coming from the sage brush do
main of iae Inland Empire, they felt,
before his election, that he could be
depended upon to fight the battles ot
that district and were anxious to
know his position on the vital ques
tions effecting the Pacific Coast, and
especially the Inland Empire district
Believing that Mr. Ankeny's views
on the national irrigation law .as at
present framed, the repeal of the
timber and commutation clause of
the homestead law. the Panama ca
nal, Chinese exclusion. Lewis and
Clark fair and other vital and fore
most national and local questions,
would be most acceptable to the peo
ple of this part of Oregon, the East
Oregonian endeavored to secure an
expression from him. on a recent
visit here.
He absolutely refused to express
an opinion on any of these leading
Issues now before the West.
Of course, he has a right to his
modesty and reserve. That is a bar
rier whlcTi" no representative of the
press has a right to break through.
But the statesman who stands near
eat the hearts of the, -gaptjlTjivhose
Influence reaches farthest into the
tangled wetyot-i catlqna? affairs, is
the one who wkes'Tne- people into bis
Is them his mind, and
man who locks up his opinion and
broods ovr it, who has no -signal of
recognition to fling to the hosts that
thrpug jthe busy industrial hiwgCT
the country, cannot expect to remain
long In their fellowship.
and speaks his own tongue to every
nation he meets, and is welcomed
and understood. ' -ft-hat was called the "Great Amen-
From St. Petersburg across the six ( can Desert" only a few years ago is
thousand miles of Siberian steppes , proving very productive territory. At
and Manchurian plains, to the shotes ,
of the lisping Pacific, he
his native language, in
prayers and profanity.
3 Court
25 pounds of fancy dried prunes j
only $t. 00. j
We have Dried
Standard Grocery
Court Street
Low Sellers of Groceries
Coming in daily, such
as Skirts ShiAS
Suits. Muslm n.j
. unnw.
n-Wi .J1JIIL wairf. P'li
.. v.aUU ana n
hi 1 11 p nnrt ..t
price in town.
Ed Eben
645 Ma,n street
cure dyspepsia and all disorders aris
ing from indigestion. Endorsed by
physicians everywhere Sold by all
business, $4S.(HK were sold. Of the 1CG0 car druggists. No cure, no pay 25 cents.
Rawlins. Wyoming, for instance. last
listens to,ana passage- tickets to the value ot
! loads of freight
Burdened, abused, butchered. arp-were Restock. The
eC our of shape by poetic license and ! g"'" 'S?
shipped out 104G
single railroad
the town took in
$25,000 a month
prosaic nonsense; twisted by heated' Few sections of the Trans-Missouri
rhetoric and melted by passion, this ( region possess anything like adequate
homelv. patient pack mule, the An-, rallroad facilities today, and in the
glo-Sakon tongue. has Plodded Mg be
through reformation, revolution and I
storm, to the front place in the Tern-' SHIELDING SHABBY CLOTHES,
pie of earthly tongues.
A London church has tried holdin
Trial package free by writing W. H.
Hooker & Co., Buffalo. X Y F W
Schmidt Co., druggist
Made of best material by beat work
men. If you need harness, investi
gate. Call and examine our stock of,
single aud double harress, saddles, '
whips and supplies and pet our prices.
Kepair work done substantially aud '
2x8 Court Street.
Is always received when you
T1. ' . 1 r , 1
muiuer . ai -.-. aerWce8 practically ln the dark t0 do place vour order with us.
ing. stoops to speak the language of j awav wUh tne objection of those who j
me cuuquerur: uermany, me wizaro, are sensitive auout going to church
seer and philosopher of the middle i 'n shabby clothes. A stereopticon
ages, in Europe, yields her rythmic I .used throw the hymns and
, . . , atujJiure reuuing upon a screen,
speech in which Goethe sung and Bis- poor ciothes fdea is one hat
marck thundered, to argue in the lan-1 keeps many away from churches, but
guage of the American, for a share ; " lc wasn t for that it would be some-
Fir, Tamarack and
of the universe. Fitting triumph of
the Western world.
thing else. Exchange.
confidence, tells
keepiMouch with their needs.
The English .language has; .won. a
new triumph,,
Many readers at first- thought,
might Infer frorn this statement that
Kipling. had written a, new poom, qr
thlj: THIman Jj Tiad' ' melted1 Ina Hla
grammar to, mould aope uppronounc
able epItheUilji'ot idl Oj
ThengJlbi lepiycTsvttfbe the
With the business blocks complet
ed, which are now in course of con
struction and contemplated in this
city, and with the addition of one
hundred new dwellings this season,
Pendleton will do her full share to
ward the upbuilding of Umatilla coun
ty for the year 1S03. If there is an
improvement throughout the county,
equal to that in actual progress in
this city, and there is every indica-
England was first divided into
shires during the seventh cenmrv A. ! price?
Why buy poor coal when you
can get the best for the same
Laatz Bros.
Telephone Main 5 J
Of ConUgious Blood Poison never exis
ted. It is aiways bad, though iomenmea
no external svmptoms of the disease ap- . r
pearforaWfime. . . LET US FILL
Because the aiseaie ts alon in derel-,
oping aoes not indicate that tlie case is
a mild one, for the poisonous virus at
a znna one, lor tne poisonous virus ai t j ir r r T
work in the blood and system may be j J J I
orce upon some iniemai
le tou are lookine for ex-
certainly be the banner year for pro-1 ternal signs. ConUgious Blood Poison TTf T T T T KW T Tf T
cres i does not attect all ante. In most cases a a.V u w at ju it .X
" u ii.i. . - fn) k i
r.tif?T ' t c fn.r nnnti tnm intmjl '
XlOn That SUCh i the tact, this Will ( J(tA whiiV Ton are lootinn- for m.
Ttainful wt11incr in thf omirn a rril t
That one million head of dead cat- j eruption upon the body, sorei or ulcers ,
tie following the Texan blizzard will j in the mouth and throat, unsightly copper
turn out like the Missouri negro's i oia blotches, loss of hair and eye
... , ; brows and otcer symptoms of this miser- ,
one thousand coons in a tree. He lMe dUease. When the poiion is thus .
saw one coon and heard a terrible . fichtin? its war to the snrtace. exoosin"
rustling of the leaves. i'iase in all its hideousness, we call i DQORS
It a bad case; but Contagious Blood Pol-, w "
, son, whether workine internally or exter-
The expenses of the White House nally, is a dangerous, treacherous disease,
for the past year are $35,000 more ' S. S. S. is the only retnedv that cures
than for any previous year accord-1 """S""". BioUQ f aaoa inorougmy uu
We can supply you with
Building Material of ah
descriptions and save
you money.
ing to estimates,
costs money.
This strenuous life Seadlj virni that produces the awful
, eruptions, acres and ulcers, and destroys
the bones. Mercury and Potash
the skin eruptions, but in so doing
the poison turther into the system,
B u i ldin g paper, lime,
cement, brick and sand.
Wood gutters for barns
and dwellings a specialty.
(Oregon Lumber Yard
There's a new svstem nf working it slumbers for a time, but comes back
free advertising. First, the man must aE"mc'2tI5 dMed .fury. iAlta St, Opp. Cottft H(WSe
write a book or do i-m-thinr tn S. S. S. U a v-egetoble remedy that has , "' Jh, v. urot nrose
BUU1C.U1UK IU j " , - . .
make his name known. Then, upon' ;iZ.:, I .
IT ..Mi"Bi "ri.iLaiD!!s: : v : youh!vethe!
" '""'"'"fc o-wu . slightest symptom; an
uTa banquet. occasional mk mouth,
Poultney Bigelow is a master at it or muscular and bone
When the Boer war was on he an- pains. yourbloodutaintedandthedisease
nounced Jhat England was doomed, ts liable to break out again at any time.
It was tumbling. So vividly did he A course of S. S. S. will remove every
tell It that we. almost listened for the trace of poison and at the same time
Hlllaah lot Brittania going under the i build up your general health,
wave. ' Write for our Free Home Treatment
J book, Xo charge for medical advice.
The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.
"The "Venezuelan controversy being
on, Bigelow startled us with the an-i
nouncement -that Germany could whip I
the' .United .States quicker "n scat!
Again everybody hears of TOIgelowlthe moat dreaded and deadly of all
whether they want to or not. His
name is printed In every newspaper
in. America, and .Europe, Great ibead
on that 'PoTiltney Bigelow,'
s . j j .. .
Now the Rev. Thomas Nixon Is
worklnfptSe&fajb(g:heme. He writes
"IeopirdySpofi; a novel 6a the race
probfcmaqn' the1 Sonth. Now he
diseases, as well as pneumonia, and
all lung troubles are relieved at once
and cured by Acker's English Remedy
"the king of all cough enrea." Cures
coughs and colds ln a day. 25 cents.
Your money back If dissatisfied.
Write for.fns sample. W. H. Hooker
ft Co., Buffalo, N. T. F. W. Schmidt
k. Co., drucgUt.
The Columbia
Lodging House
Newly Furnished.
Bar in connection.
Aha & Webb Sts
In Center of Block.
F. X. Schempp
Propri e t o r
Four and a half lots with two large
pretty cottagea, ah well improved.
Now rented for $30 a month, 1-1500.
A lodging house, 14 rooms and lot,
very centrally located, 12500.
A lot about three blocks from Main
street, 250
A house, S rooms and lot, live block
off Main street, $1100.
Other houses and lot from 1500 to
Single lots from $125 to ?300 accord
ing to location.
Four lota together $600.
Six lota together, $S50.
Fourteen lots together, whole block,
Will sell for cah or on easy terms.
Will explain and show property up
on application. Pendletou is growing
rapidly and investment now will, in
my opinion, prove profitable. To the
average man in the West, the surest
way to profit is iu real estate Invest
ments. E. D. BOYD, 111 Court Street
Preaching from the House Topi
On the merit, of our fine laundry wofl
wouldn't have half the effect thatonl
nf our exquisitely laundered shhl
ironts, collars or cutis on the wean
has upon his friends. We make moi
customers from our line specimens (
finish, color and attiBtic laundrywoi
on the wearer than a lecture on th
subject would give us. "Seeing is b
lieving," and our card is on all tl
fastidious dreters in Pendleton.
Court and Thompson Streets j
Sweet Potatoes, the good
Celery, fresh and crisp.
Cabbage, soltd heads.
Garden Seeds
The kind that erow in this soil
and climate. Fresh stock of toot
The Big Store in a Small
A1U Street, Opposite Savings Bank
wun to Buoscriue to mag&zmei or news
paper In the United States or Europe, re
mit by poetal note, check or need to the
EAST OltEGONlAN the net Dnblliher'a
price ot the publication yon dealre. and we
will bare It teat you and aaaume all the
risk ot the money betas lost la the malls.
It will save jroa both trouble and rlak. If
yon are a suUcrlber to the East Orecoolan.
In remitting jca can deduct 10 per cent
from the publisher's price. Address EAST
UltEOONIAX PUB. CO.. Pendleton, Ortson.
Lasts Twice Ab Long.
A carriage wfon-ny vehlcle-geU twj
lew jears. It' economT, theretore, lor 1W
owner lo axiena io reiwis uu 'h-", " j
truest economy 11 we inpplj- the maierlaU oj
do the work, lor w ui imlr the bett oi ua
Wlnoua wagoni. all Ue while therlufl
uau ata ssiecv one n -j
back are the oo-t durable, finely finiihed tm
. 1 1 ti . k. (hn hMt rIS
ln the city lor tbe leit money The sllckoj
... . ".-.1... nlnir KMT1 ? at SBB
tning in eann n our cj;t ..cjZtM
anr toll When In tbe market forTehlcsl
call on
Weiell and gnarantee the Storer Gajolft
Just received another
car load of Poultry' ad
stock supplies at the
127 and 129 East Alt Street
.-. . -m Trnl Tmntl. 1
Wage liaTes Pendleton dally, except 8u4J
at'infSuWahand InUrmedUU f-lai
Bataa: To Pilot itocx, vac; r" " m
SriTil.S5i to Nye, 116! N5J "tS3lJ
to Rtdge. tl.751to Klge D1 " .tt,low3
aib. siaB: to Alba and return, W.ooi 1
mMi to Uklah and return, M.lO- A
Omce In Qldea Rule Motel, PeJ