East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 27, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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    Men's Trousers
5 00
Baer & Daley
One-Price Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers
R. J Gatlins the inventor of the(
Gatlinc sun. died Thursday in New .
York. i
It is rumored that Kin? Leopold of s
Belcium will visit the United States i
this spring.
Representative De Armond has in-,
troduced a resolution in congress '
looking: toward the annexation of!
Canada to the United States.
A bill has been introduced b.v the,
committee on naval affairs making
provisions lor six more battleships of .
the Oregon and Brooklyn type. ,
The cxar of Russia is opposed to'
the expected revolution in the Bal-j
kans and announces that be will not
assist the revolting states in any ,
The statehood riders of the agri-j
cultural and postoffice appropriation
bills were withdrawn in the senate j
and both bills were passed AVednes-!
day. I
Sixty thousand Polish Catholics in 1
the United States, seceded from that
church with their bishop and will .
Join themselves to the Episcopal '
The island of Tutulla and the 3a-'
moan group generally, were visited ,
by a tremendous hurricane on Feb-,'
ruary 12. The fury of the wind, both
on land and sea, was terrific. Much j
damage was done. j
The river steamers. Queen City, of '
Pittsburg, and the City of Louisville, j
of Cincinnati, are racing up the Mis
sissippi River from New Orleans.
They will make an effort to break the
record of the old Robert E. Lee.
Hotel Pendleton.
W D Chamberlain, city.
E. A. Schiffler. city.
W. B. Jenkins, city.
G. S. Youngman, Portland.
S. Harris. Portland.
Al L. Warden. Portland.
L. Samuels. Portland.
Caroline Hlnton. Portland.
J. J. Burns. Portland.
E. H. Burke. Portland.
R. E. Down. Denver.
E. R. Apt. Chicago.
H. L. Mitchell. Chicago.
J. H. Scott. San Francisco.
G. F. Meyer. San Francisco.
A. D. Katz. Boise.
Ed Blacgburn. Omaha.
Max Faunt, N'ew York.
C. E. Farnsworth. Heppner.
H. G. Marleson. Elgin.
A. B. Thompson. Echo.
B. O. Killin. Spokane.
Golden Rule.
A. E. Poole. Stites.
V. R. Wilson. La Grande.
T. W. Lusk. La Grande.
B. B. Larson. Halstead.
X. Rosholt. Climax.
C. L. Sulerand. Halstead.
C. Sander. Walla Walla.
J. Cedell. Walla Walla.
A. Allen. Milton.
A. W. Downer, city.
T H. Vaughan. Pilot Rock.
A. E. McBreen. Portland.
Sam Lee. Spokane.
C E. Daniels. McMinnville.
J. T. Gardner. Cass Lake.
H. T. Allerton. Call Lake.
Mrs. H. Allerton. Cass Lake.
Mrs. C. Persons. Cass Lake.
H E. Chaffee. Cass Lake.
C. Tedford. Cass Lake.
S. A. Frans. Spokane.
W Harlow. Pilot Rock.
M. O. Connor. The Dalles.
C H. Olcott. Pilot Rock.
Mav Smith, city
Silent on Water Situation in HiSj
City Says $100,000 Will Be Spent,
in Street Work This Season Pav
ing the Only Lasting Finish for a
"Walla Walla Is to s)end some
thing over SU.itt0 in paving its main
business streets, and will put them in
absolute mud-proof condition." said ,
Mayor Hunt, of Walla Walla, to the'
Oregon Dally Journal yesterday I
There does not seem to be much do- J
ing in the way of street railroads
there although several companies
hold franchises As a result, we are i
not interested in the railroad ques-1
tion to any great extent, but we will j
put the city in good shape and walk.
Walking is all right when streets j
and sidewalks are in good condition."
Mr Hunt is manager of the Gilbert
Hunt Manufacturing Company, one.
of the lending agricultural firms of '
the state of Washington, and is in ,
Portland on business. Mrs Hunt
eorupanying bini ,
Silent Regarding Water.
For months there has been a scan
dal over the municipal water supply '
of Walla Walla, but .Mayor Hunt re
fused to discuss this question beyond
saying the city needed and must have
additional water. He would make
no accusations against former mem
bers of the council, although newspa
pers have not hesitated to make open
"The question of paving the main
streets of Walla Walla has been be-
fore the council for many years." saif'
Mayor Hunt, "and there has been di-.
versity of opinion. Now it has been t
decided to prove them. We have not '
yet fully determined upon the m-'
terial that will be used, but I do not 1
expect it will cost less than JlOo.iW '
It is something that has been badly j
needed for years, as in spite of every
thing that can be done, at certain sea- i
sons of the year, mud will accumulate !
in large quantities. '
Delayed Paving.
"Almost everything under the sun i
except paving has been tried. Ma-
cadam. crushed rock, scraping, sluic
ing all these things were resorted to
but in no case has the result been j
what was hoped for Now it is pro- j
posed to make a lasting improvement ,
and one that will put the streets in
excellent condition all the year
Prolonged Absence of Weiser Prose
cutor Arouses Suspicion.
The abrupt departure and prolong
et' absence of District Attorney W. D.
I.i'vejoy has long been a matter of
more than personal interest as to his
hereabouts or well belli;;, uud ma
teria! interest of many Weiser citi
zens are deeply involved says the
Weiser Signal He took his depart
more than a month ago aud dur
n:g that time no communication from
lurn has been received so far as Is ,
known. He has been located at dlff-'
eient points from Boise to Seattle
The Signal has refrained from public
mention of the case hoping for a sat
is:actory explanation of his lomluct.
!ut in the light of continued unsatis
iaetory developments regarding his
financial methods, there is but one
(imclusion losslble. and Jmi Is that
lit h.is absconded. The Signal's re-1
card to the interests of parties in- i
t rested prevents the pub'i atior. of,
While There is Life There is Hope.
I was afflicted with cataTh could
neither taste nor smell and could hear
but little. Ely's Cream Balm cured
it Marcus G. Shautz. Railway, N. J
Cream Balm reached me safely and
the effect Is surprising My son says
the first application gave decided re
lief. Respectfully. Mrs. Franklin
Freeman. Dover. X H.
The Balm does not irritate or cause
sneezing. Sold by druggists at 50 cts.
or mailed r-y Ely Brothers, 5C Warren
St., Xew York.
Eight-Hour Law in Colorado.
Denver. Col.. Feb 2T The house
of representatives late Thursday af
ternoon passed on second -eaduig the
Stephens eight-hour bill A bill veri
similar has already passed the senate
on third reading, and as both these
bills are acceptable to the labor lead
ers, there seems no doubt that ar.
agreement will be reached
Agent Killed.
Chicago. Feb. 27. Thomas Vaughn
Baker, assistant transportation agent
department of the lakes I S. A
wnt Villeri Tnesdnv nicht ir attempt
Ing to alight from a moving suburban
train. Mr Baker was 62 years of age
and had been connected with the
United Stales army for 35 years
Cheap Rates Westbound.
From Februarv 15 to April 20, 1903.
inclusive, the O. K. & X. Co. will
have on sale tickets from Missouri
River points to Pendleton for $22.50;
from St. Paul, $25.00; from St. Louis,
S27.50. Call on the O. R. & N. ticket
agent for all particulars.
Piles Upon Plies of the Newest and Best
Immense quantities ot new and beautiful effects in t
most cnarming domestic anu iorci;u weaves.
The Season's Latest Novelties
And old time favorites, such as
French Canvas Cloth
Colored India Batiste
Mercerized Etamines
Polka Dot Canvas
Avern Zephyrs
Wool Challl es in
Beautiful Colorings
Piqaes and
Basket Weaves
Dimities, Silk Mulls
Lawns and
Piles of other Weaves
C . .1
dee corner winuo
mm a n &
n be m m. me im
I A fe W W 9 V V V Vllh
Colorado has appropriated $10.(hm'
for the Lewis and Clark fair
Castronuova, the Italian murderer
of Portland, has been denied a new
Wilson Hepler and Mrs Woodward
of Kamela. Wash., have eloped, both
leaving families behind.
It will require three and a half
miles of fencing. 14 feet high, to in
close the exposition grounds at Port
land. The strike at Keswick. Cal , con
tinues. The miners declare that the
company violated every article of the
Free mall delivery will be installed
at Albany on June 1. Plans were
made to begin March I. but it will be
unavoidably delayed.
Chile, the baseball player who
murderously assaulted Ethel Roe, of
Portland, last wek, will be suspend
ed from the Pacific Coast League.
The Portland Chamber of Com
merce has asked the governor to
veto the state mining bureau, created
at the recent sfssion of the legisla
ture Maui Jarvi. who murdered his
father at Astoria several months ago,
has good prospects of going free
His case ha& been postponed until
March 5
Patrick Carr. a drunken man, fell
40 feet in Tacoma, Thursday, strik
ing on his knees Both knee caps
were broken, but he was otherwise
Portland business men are making
complaintn to the Harriman lines on
the grievous delays of the mall. An
other train from Odgen to Portland is
a possibility.
A wholesale demoralization of the
Astoria fishing industry Is now
threatened by the fishermen's union
making a 50 per cent raise In the
wages for which they will work.
Governor Chamberlain has appoint
ed Stephen C. Wise, H. G. Kundert.
Mrs. Belle M. Wright, Mrs. Millie R.
Trumbull and Sarah A. Evans, as
state board of lnapeclors, under the
new law regulating child labor.
How's This?
We offer One Uondred Dollars Rard
for an? ease of catarrh that cannot b
cared by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHE.KEr & CO.. Prop., Toledo. O.
We. the undersigned, baTe known F. J.
Cheney for the list 13 jears. and believe
him perfectly honorable In all business
transaction and financially able to carry
oat any obllzatlona made by their firm.
WEST A TKUAX, Wholesale Drnggtots,
Toledo. O
ale Dress tsta, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Care Is taken Internally,
acting directly apon the blood and mo
coos inrfaees of toe system. Price T5c per
bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials
Hall's Family Pills are tbe best.
Will be Used to Advertise Washing
ton at St Louis Fair.
Aberdeen. Wash.. Feb. 27. The
felling of an enormous ipruce tree
Wednesday, which will be used in
William Hepfinger's exhibit at the St
Louis exposition was made an event
of great importance. Twenty-five
persons went from here to a point
several miles down the bay and cut
a tree, which is one of the laraest
ever felled in the state It i S40
years old aud 11; feet across the
silurnp at the point where it was cut
oft It was 270 feet high and US fet
to the first limb. Photographs of the
tree were taken before it fell, while
falling and when on the ground .
Then a group of 25 men were photo-,
graphed while standing on the stump ,
Ex-Adjutant General Fox delivered
an apostrophe to the tree after it fell.
Nine feet of the trunk will be cut off.
sent to St. Louis and made into an
Out of part of the remainder a
house and office will be constructed
for one of the two cars to be taken
through the country befor.. the St
Louis exposition.
We. the undersigned, will be in
Pendleton within a few weeks, for
the purpose of purchasing three hund
red (300) more or less head of horses,
for the United States cavalry, there
fore, would Instruct owners In this
vicinity, to get their horses in proper
shape to conform to the following re
Geldings Roans, light and dark
sorrel, and other hardy colors. They
must be sound, gentle under the sad
dle, with free and prompt action at
the walk, trot and gallop; without de
fect or blemish: of kind disposition,
to weigh not less than 950 pounds,
nor more than 1150 pounds, from 16
hands 1 inch to 16 bands high; from
four U) to eight (8) years ot age;
suitable for the United States cav
alry. We will notify you later, the date
we want the horses brought In for
Yours truly,
For further particulars, write to
Herman Metzger, Portland Ore.
The Boliviau government has Is
sued a handsomely printed pamphle'
of instructions to its Worlds Fair
commissioner upon the selection and '
preparation of Bolivian exhibits THp
i catalog of articles includes plants.
I vegetables, fruits, forest and mine
j products. textile materials birds!
, anH vnllinhlA nnlmala
Paris Green
Sal) i iw
Blue Stone
London Pur
ple lilt ale Oil Soap
In any quantity,
at very lowest
Phone Main 851
1 Garden Tools
! tin A Ca.rJ
I have just received a full line of Garden Cultivators
and Seeders. The above tools are the combined
seeder, hoe, rake and plow.
I have also a full line of Choice Garden Seeds in
bulk, Grass Seed, Alfalfa, Timothy, Broom Grass,
Orchard Grass, Etc. Call and Get prices.
Executrix Sale.
The property of the late William
. Sarcy will be disposed of at public
jsale, Wednesday. February 25, at the
Searcey farm, 10 miles northwest of
Pendleton. The property consists of
horses, harncee, wagons, header beds,
header and all kinds of farming im
plements. Free lunch will be serv
ed. J. M. Rentlcy, auctioneer.
Ladles' half soles 40c. Teutsch.
All the popuiar works
of fiction.
All the new books that
have pleased the public.
All the standard
Our circulating library
is growing in popularity
It costs only a small
sum to read any of the
new books.
Come and investigate.
Book and Stationery Store j
Gray's Harbor
, Commercial Co.
We Don't Keep Everything
But weio Keep h good big
stock of nice dry Flooring,
Ceiling, Runtic and Flulsh,
in all grades Also all kiuds
of Dimension LumUr, in
cluding Lath and 8hlugla.
Our stock of Doom, Win
dows, Moulding, Building
and Tar Paper aud Apple
Boxes is complete, and any
one in need of Lumber will
not be wrong in placing
their order with tbe : : :
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
Off. W: ft C. R. Depot
1 741 Main Street
Our Banner Month
We are trying to make this out
Banner Month and in order to do so
are offering rare inducements. Yotf'II
make money by investigating.
315 East Court Street.
On Its Merit
Has the large demand for
Been built ud. Onlv the choicest wheat that grows enters in
to uyers Best Flour. It's perlection in riour.
W. S. Byers, Proprietor.