East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 27, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
W7: . i
ml o' nInei bj curler t J
J Fair tonight
colder tonight.
SMunla); J
iman Lines May Cut Rates
om Chicago to Seattle to
bpose run.
Coast Dealers Are Discrlmin-
I Aoainsi by toe New Rates Put
Effect by the Great Northern
the Philippine Traffic
Little, Feb. 27. What promises to
Knapp, the Murderer of Many Women
Shows Reporters How Ho Strangl
ed Them.
Hamilton, O., Fch. 27. Every ef
fort is being made to find the body
of Hannah Goddard to clinch the lo
cal murder case against Knapp. At
noon most of the parties returned.
It is believed the box floated on the
high water and was carried out Into
the Ohio River. Knapp seems rather
proud of his crimes and this morning
gave a number of reporters demon
strations of his strangling methods,
acting the part he played. He says
he would probably have killed his
bride if he had been unmolested. She
awoke him last week with his hands
on her throat in his sleep.
Again Announced to the World That
Leo XIII Is Unwell.
Rome. Feb. 27. Considerable anx-
I ietv Is felt for the none. rhr has hvn
lie most sensational freight rate I abed all day yesterday and today and
Democrats Defeated in Their Attempt to Bring it Up for
la the history of the Northwest,
1st tnreaieueu.
beginning of tne clash between
ids, was the capture by the J.
I rpads of the contract for car
government supplies at the as-
rly low rate of J" cents a luu
per ton. from Chicago territory
Philippines, a distance of 9000
at noon is no better. At the Vatican
it is announced tha this illness is not
necessarily serious, but it Is feared
that complications will insue. There
fore, unless he is better soon the re
ception to foreign cardinals will be
Washington, Feb. 27. When the
senate opened at 11 o'clock this morn
ing the democratic minority pressed
for the consideration1 of the Little
field anti-trust bill. Blackburn, of
Kentucky, announced that he would
object to giving unanimous consent
to any other bill and would continue
the opposition until the end of the
session if necessary. The naval ap
propriation bill was then taken up.
pportlonment of the rate be-1 Had Been in New York Attending
the water and rail lines is so the Bl-Centennial Celebration of
wipdr disproportionate that; John WesI
tonne wondering hat the Hill
n nouiuiuu, 1 cu, 4.1. 1 ItaiUCUL
Roosevelt's special train from New
York arrived on schedule time at 7:30
this morning without incident. As
usual he shook hands with the engi
neer and fireman.
biURsat is thinking about.
Tu rate from Chicago to Seattle,
i aware of 2000 miles, approxl-
Is 20 cents per 100, on this
r.iaent contract. The water
from Seattle to Manila, a dis-
of 7000 miles, is also 20 cents
announcement is made that i
i rate is also to apply to commodi-1
i for general consumption in the
Eis, as well as government sup
This being the case, and the
r rate being effctive only from
lajo territory, will give the job-
i of the middle states an unjust
I arbitrary advantage over the Pa-
: coast dealers, -who cannot com
rfor the Philippine trade, on ac-
p of the high ocean freight rates.
peting lines, at the urgent re-
of Pacific coast joDoers are en-
kg the field and the Hill roads are
:ely to and a lb or 18 cent
: irstTting this rush of traffic to
her roads, ere they are aware.
Reach St. John in an Exhausted Con
dition Made a Trip of Thirteen
St. John N. B., Feb. 27. Three
young women and four young men
have arrived here after a 13-mile trip
on ice floes from the imprisoned
steamer Minto. One young man was
exhausted. Two of the women had
assisted him to reach this place.
They passed the night pn Pictou Is
land. All were in a state of extreme
j exhaustion.
Washington, Feb. 27. The house
was called to order from yesterday's
recess. Richardson resumed his fil
ibustering tactics, making a point of
no quorum.
The doors were" closed to prevent
egress when the sergeant-at-arms
sought the absentees.
The committee on rules this morn
ing decided to report two special
rules, one providing that a motion
for a recess shall at all times take
precedence to adjourn, the other that
any general appropriation bill from
the speakers' table, returned with
senate amendments and vote, shall
at once be -submitted to vote without
debate or an intervening motion on
the question. A conference on these
rules will be had with the senate. If
the motion is decided in tbe affirma
tive, the speaker will at once appoint
such a conference.
The section providing for four new
warships was amended so as not to
confine the type to that of the Ore
gon or the two cruisers to that of
the Brooklyn.
Fifty thousand dollars -was appro
priated for a monument In the Vicks-
burg Park in memory of the men of
the gunboat flotilla, also $50,000 for
a monument at Arlington cemetery,
in memory of Captain Gridley, of tho
The naval appropriations passed.
Voted Down.
By a vote of 3S to 2S tho senate
refused to take up the Llttlefield anti-trust
bill. .McCamas and Welling
ton, republicans, voted with the dem
ocrats for its consideration.
Hare a Bout With Eddie Hanlon
at San Francisco.
lian Francisco, Feb. 27. Followers
Ifasilistic sports In this section are
f edge in anticipation of the bout at
Tosemite Athletic Cluu tonight.
p -xoung Corbett" will defend
i championship title against Eddie
-ion, the young San Francisco
er, whose recent victories In the
nave attracted wide attention.
II men are trained to the minute
which ever way the result eoes
tier will be able to fall back on
' ".I excuse of "poor condition."
papite the favoritibm in which
pon Is held hero, the leading ring
amies seem to concur in the
pon that he is hardly a match for
I champion. While he is clever
Is his hands and aulck on his feeL
gi believed that he lacks the hard
l necessary to put out a man of
mg Corbett's" calibre. The fight-
meinods of the two, however,
I their gameness is expected to re
in a right well worth seeing.
Washington, Feb. 27. The senate
yesterday passed tho civil appropri
ation bill, which carries nn appropri
ation of $200,000 to ex-Queen Lillo-
kalanl, of Hawaii.
Soon after the senate met, Hale, of
Maine, reported the naval appropria'
tlon bill, and gave notice that he
would call it up today.
Burrows, chairman of the commit
tee on privileges and elections, filed
an additional protest against the ad
mission of Reed Smoot as a senator
from Utah.
Consideration of the civil service
sundry bill was then resumed. The
senate reconsidered its vote on the
amendment providing for the con-
struction of an office building for the
house of representatives and agreed
to tne same. An amendment was
agreed to directing the superintend
ent of the capltol to prepare est!
mates of the cost for a separate office
uunciing for the senate.
An amendment by Fairbanks ap
propriating $2,000,000 for the pur
chase or a site for the postofllce In
New York city, was agreed to.
Resolution by De Armond Asking
Terms of Great Britain.
Washington, Feb. 27. Representa
tive De Armond, of Missouri. Wed
nesday introduced a concurrent res
olution providing as follows:
"That the president be, and is
hereby requested to learn and advise
the congress upon what terms. If any,
honorable to both nations and satis
factory to the inhabitants of the ter
ritory primarily affected, Great Brit
ain would consent to cede to the
United States all or any part of the
territory lying north of and adjoining
ine united States, to be formed in
due time Into one or .more states.
ana admitted Into the Union upon an
equality with the other states, the
Inhabitants thereof In the meantime
to enjoy all privileges and immuni
ties granted by the federal constitu
P Confessed to Jones That
Ned His First Wife That
Flht Marry a Second Time.
"napolls, Feb. 27. Charles
a former cellmate nf Knnnn
I' "e latter confessed to all his
to him but also natri he
N his first wife that he might
second time. The only dif-
Between the story told by
nd the last confession of
w is that he claimed he had kill-
f Eckert for 76 cents, but
1 no reference tn the 1st
ry KCkert's hands while she
' "irangied.
fl Boom for Portland.
"and, Feb. 27. Portland Is
ready for 1905. with n vim
's commendable. Amomr the
ments Is an annex to the Ho-
ana, an elght-atory addition,
feet on the southeast corner
and Alder Htrnefa tn Mater
"k's store, and an enlargement
brand br nne-hnlr nt tho. nru.
laWclty, y
His Body Found by Members of His
Family in a Corner of a Room,
Covered With a Rug.
Buffalo, Feb. 27. Edwin Burdict.
the owner and editor of the Toller
Mill, a widely-circulated trade Jour
nal, was murdered at his home some
time last night His head was crush
ed and the body thrown into a cor
ner of the room and covered with a
rug. It was discovered by members
of his family this morning when he
was called for breakfast. There is
no clue to the murderer.
Powder Works at Columbus, Kan., j Farmer Is Shot Fatally by Vicious
Blown Up Three Men Killed and Bandit. But Nevertheless Knocks
Several Hurt. Him Down anH MnlHc UU
Columbus, Kan., Feb. 27. Three
were killed and two fatally injured
and 10 seriously hurt In an explosion
at the Laflin-Hand Powder works this
morning, caused by loose powder in
the press of the mill which was the
only building destroyed, being iso
lated from others.
Mitchell Says All of His Time Be
longs to the Union Miners.
Indianapolis. Feb. 27. President
John Mitchell denies the stories sent
out regarding his planning a gigantic
raDor comnine to fight non-union la
bor and boycott non-union products.
He says his entire time belones to
the United Mine Workers of America.
Le Scuer, Minn., Feb. 27. William
Ratliff, aged 22, for whom a reward
of $50 was offered for house broking
appeared Jast night at the honte of
Lewis Baliman, a farmer, and de
n.anded money.
Baliman gave him $10, all he had.
Ratliff, enraged at getting so little,
shot Baliman in the eye and breast.
The farmer then knocked his assail
ant down with an ax and with the
help of his wife, and hired man,
bound him.
Baliman can live but a few hours.
Ratliff is in jail here.
Quotations Furnished by Coe Commis
sion Company, 120 Court Street
B. E. Kennedy, Local Manager.
Chicago, Fob. 27.
Wheat Opened. Closed.
May 77H 77-i
July 73 4 74 .
May -47
July mi 45
Minneapolis, Feb. 27.
Wheat Opened. Closed.
May 76 7C;
July 76 U 76
Wheat In Chicago.
Chicago, Feb. 27. Wheat 77
i cents per bushel.
Salt Lake Preacher Takes Exceptions
to the Charges Preferred by Dr.
Salt Lake, Feb. 27. Rev. Richard
Wake, a Methodist minister, and
president of tho Salt Lake Ministerial
Association, this afternoon In an In
terview said: "Tho action of Dr.
Leilich In swearing polygnmy chnrges
against Reed Smoot was entirely un
authorized by tho Ministerial Associ
ation. I know nothing of tho
charge and think Lellich made a mess
of It for now thnt tho public is stir
red up over polygamy, It will overlook
tho points made In our protest."
Will Have to Be Paid In Gold to All
the Nations.
London, Feb. 27; Balfour, In tho
house of commons today, stated that
ho was not aware that America had
agreed to accept her share of the
Chinese indemnity in silver.
Armed Bands of Men Anouncc
That They Will Not Surren
der to the Sherifi.
Two of the Wounded Miners at
Mount Hope, W. Va Said to Bo
DylntJ Also Two at McKendrlck,
That Cannot Survive,
Charleston, Wi. Va., Fob. 27. It la
now bolleved that tho list of doaths
as a result of Tuesday's battle will
be considerably Increased. Two of
tho wounded nt Mount Hope, whonco
they were convoyed by friends, aro
said to bo fatally Injured. Six wound
ed miners aro In tho hospital at Mc
Kendrlck. Of these, n telophono mes
sage this morning snys that two can
not survive.
Deputy Marshal Cunningham loft
this morning with a posso to sorvo
processes on sonio alleged strlkort,
who have been marching around tho
Plney section fo: several lnys, arm
ed with Wlnchostors and a portion of
whom ho had an oncountor with on
Tuesday. It is reported that tho mon
nnnounco they won't surrondor and
(hero Is a possibility of another battle.
One Body Was Recovered at 10 This
Mornings Five-Story Building De
stroyed at a Loss of $125,000.
Lowell, Mass., Feb. 27. Tho Bur-
bank, a five-story building, was de
stroyed by firo early this morning.
un tne top iioor wore 70 lodgers. Five
are believed to have perished. One
body was recovered at 10 o'clock this
morning. Seven were injured In es
caplng or were burned. Tho loss
wll amount to $125,000.
Five Feet of Snow Has Fallen In
Southwest Kansas.
Liberal, Kan.. Feb. 27. Five pas
senger trains including the limited
Rock Island, have been tied un here
since yesteraay. rive feet of snow
has fallen.
Declare for Direct Election.
Dover, Del., Feb .27. The house of
representatives Wednesday unani
mously adopted a resolution requir
ing congress to call a convention to
which shall be proposed an amend
ment to the constitution making Unit
ed States senators elective In tbe sev
eral states by a direct vote of the
Tests in tenement houses show
that In five minutea after sweeping
2,500 germs sottled on a saucer three
Inches across. In tho same length of
time before sweeping, 75 germs set
tled on the saucer.
Occurs In Germany, Due to a Report
ed Find on the Mulde River.
Leipsic, Feb. 27. A tremendous
gold fever stampede is on here, due
to the reported find of gold on the
banks of the river Mulde. A compa
ny has been appointed to" investigate.
He Wasn't There.
A gentleman who is much Interest
ed in the raising of hogs, and Is be
coming well known by the Introduc
tion of an excellent variety among
the farmers of Minnesota, is said to
have received a letter the other day
which reads so many ways that he
does not know whether to be pleased
with it or not. Here is the letter:
"Dear Sir: I went yesterday to tho
iair at . i found several nics of
your species. There was a larger va
riety than usual, and I was surprised
at not seeing you there," Exchange, j
Train Blown Off the Track Near
Whithaven, England, and 32 In
jxjnaon, eo. 27. A train was
blown bodily off the track today near
wuunaven, and 32 people were In
jured. A terrific storm Is raging
over Great Britain and whole coun
ties are cut off from outside commu
nication. Considerable loss of life is
reported in North Wales and Lancas
Three shipwrecks are reported, tho
snip nngai is grounded at Mersey.
me crew was rescued with difflcul
Labor Council Advises All Working
men to Stay Away From That City.
Portland, Or., Feb. 27. Unions
here are in receipt of a letter from
the labor council at Dawson, war-nine
an worismcn to keep away from that
place. It says that town Jb now over
run with laborers who can't get em
ployment and many of them aro nub
ile charges.
Two Masked Men Get $5,000 at Cedar
Springs, Iowa.
Cedar Springs Iowa. Feb. 27. Hub-
bard's bank was blown by two mask
ed men who escaped by a stolen rig
with $5,000.
Colony on Darcy Island Reduced to
Three, Who Are Unable to Bury
Their Dead.
Port Townsend, Wash., Fob. 27.
A report comes from Victoria of tho
death and burial of tho Kamloons
leper, who has been making his homo
on Darcy Island. The red flag had
been hoisted and the signal Indicated
death. Sanitary Officer Wilson rec
ognized this as coming from other
members of tho lepers' colony and set
out ror tne island.
The dead man was found In his
blankets as ho had died. Tho sanl
tary officer and assistant wore pro
vided with ropes and gloves. They
picKeu up tno body and placed it In
a casket, which had been mado ready
moniris ago. The casket was carried
to a grave dug nearly two years ago
by the lepers. Everything was dump
ed In and covered.
There aro threo men loft on tho
Island. One of them Is expected to
die at any time. When the men wero
strong enough to attend to tho work
of burying their dead they required
no assistance. Tho last man was
dragged for several days, a fow feet
at a time, to tho gravo they had pro
pared. The men aro so weak that
they cannot bury their dead, and use
tho red signal to announce to tho
people of Sydney that another man
is gone.
The Twenty-second Anniversary of
His Marriage to the Empress Has
Led a Clean Home Life.
Berlin, Feb. 27. Emperor Wllllum
and tho empress colobrated tho 22d
anniversary of their wedding today
with a largo dinner at tho Schloss,
at which tho members of tho cabinet
and other notables woro present.
Prince Wllhelm waa 'married to
Princess Victoria of .Schloswjg-Hol-stein
February 27, 1881, seven years
boforo the former ascondod tho
throne. Thoy liavo seven children,
six sons and ono daughter, tho old
est being tho Crown Prince Wllholm,
now In his 21st year, and tho young
est, Princess Victoria I)ulso, who
will soon obsorvo her Uth birthday.
It is pleasing to nolo in vlow of tho
royal scandals that so frequently ag
itato the different courts of Europo,
that, no matter how bitter tho criti
cism directed towards tho oraporor's
political policy, thcro can bo nothing
nut prnlso for his clean and whole
some homo Ilfo, and Its complete frco
dom from ovory traco of scandal
since ho led his consort tn the altar.
Montana Woman Then Married An
other Man.
Anaconda, Mom., Feb. 27. An
Enoch Ardeu rasa was brought to
light In tho suit filed In Hutto by
Anna i.enr.on agnlnst Patrick Lon-
nonfor dlvorco. The parties were
married In 1893, and had thrnn child
ren Six yean ago Lonnon won', to
South Africa from Ireland. In a
quarrel he slapped a British officer
and waH sent to prison for six months
his wlfo roturnlng to Hutto. Fifteen
months ago ho wns reported among
those killed In a skirmish with tho
Boers. Twelve months ago tho sup
posed widow married John McCon-
ogliy. Thoy havo ono child. Lnnon
appeared In Ilutto a ,fow dayH ago,
and the dlvorco Is to straighten out
At First 8et Aside for Large Irriga
tion Project It Is Now Returned for
ureat Falls. Mont.. Feb. 27. The
local land office has received word
from Washington, D. C, of tho re
turn of about 1,000.000 acres of land
In Northern Montana to entry under
tho general land laws.
This Jand had been wlthd rnwn
under tho provisions of the Irrigation
act apparently for an irrigation project.
If six policemen wero disnatebnd
every time a murder was committed
In this country wo fear tho supply
would soon fall below tho domand.
Orrible! Exchange.
Baker County's Ex-Sherlff Must Fco
the Charge of Embezzlement.
Baker City, Fob. 27. Tho grand
jury has roturnod a truo bill of In
dictment against ox-Sheriff A. II.
Huntington and ox-Deputy Shorlff C,
11. Whitney, Jointly charging them
with the larceny of public money In
tho sum of $10,824,82. This shortage
occurred between February 2, 1900,
and July 7, 1902. Thero was also a
shortage during Huntington's first
torm, but tho ex-shorlff yesterduy af
fected a settlement with tho county
court by paying $696.20 for the 1897
shorlago; $543.07 for the 1898 short
age, and $100 to cover miscellaneous
If you fear a sIconIchb nlcht un.
dreBs In the dark. Light stlmulatna
and arouses tho activities. Darkness
is supposed to produce drowsiness.
iirwnnin-Hii.iim ii" i t -r