Pyrography Pyrography Just arrived from the East, a large and complete stock, including Burning Out fits complete. Pieces (or burning, stamped and unstamped, Nut Uowls, Picture Frames Tobacco Jsrs, Taliourettes, Bread Trays, Pipe Raks, Steins, Etc. These pieces are made from genuine bass wood and are verv fine. BROCK & McCOMAS CO. DRUGGISTS that the people of Oregon have not failed to accord credit to their Sec ond Oregon boys, and have learned the glorious story of Malabou and PaslR to teach to their children. There are few who have not read nnd re read of the Second Oregon, and that enfilading fire at Miilabon, and the glorious fact that our regiment saved the day and upheld the honor or the state whence they went to the wars. But It will not harm again to re hearse these things, even though It he necessary to secure their rehearsal via a legislative committee. Oregon Dally Journal. ALWAYS. EVERYWHERE SUPERB. I could reach a j ment, suited to the needs of a , ized community, through any I means. By all means the appropriation for the Colorado exhibit at the St. I.ouls World's Fair should carry with It a piovlslou for the removal of the ex hibit to the Lewis and Clark centen nial at Portland In 1!05. Making the display by Colorado at St. Louis on a superb scale Is all the more advisable, for with an additional - - outlay of $6000 to 310.000. the state condition of employ-jean repeat its St. I.ouls success In Or egon. civil- other, 1. l 1 .-...lalotr... a f n t n of Colorado has a valuable reputation I sPare l,nle TUESDAY. FEimUAHY 24. 1S03. I Let others frame then- mine is to work. To do my best, however fai it fall Below the keener cralt of stronger hands. To be myself, full hearted, free and true, To think ray own thoughts straight out from the heart, To feel and be, and never stop to ask: "Do all men so? Is this the world's highway?" Char lotte M. Hall. Breaking the ground for the Lewis and Clark Exposition seems an insig nlflcant task enough, but if one fol lows that mental vision reaching through the next two years, there is seen the transformation of Oregon from the obscure station of today, to that of a queen admired by the na Hons of the world. The La Grande Observer gatners up all the gall and wormwood that has accumulated In a life long memory, and with it writes an essay on Har vey Scott that will be a most bitter morsel for him to read, following so closely the glaring headlines announc ing the election of his rival to the United States senate. The February number of the "Ua kawin," the Pendleton high school journal, is out, and shows a wonder ful Improvement over the previous issue. The teachers and pupils of the public schools who edit and conduct this little publication, are deserving of the highest compliments. It is an ornament that should find a place in every Pendleton home. Pendleton druggists will doubtless rejoice to learn that radium, the most terrific explosive on earth, has been reduced in price from one million to nine hundred thousand dollars per ounce. There are but two pounds of the commodity In existence in the world, and orders should be sent in -early. It is manufactured in a cellar of a freezing temperature, in the sub urbs of London. The special election for a congress man in the first district, to succeed Thomas H. Tongue, will bo held some time in June. Evan Ileames, of Jack son county, is the probable democrat ic candidate. There are so many eli gible and willing republicans in the district, that it is not possible to an nounce which one of the defeated sen atorial candidates will condescend to accept this lower dignity. In the death of President Martin dalo the state loses a noble type of cit izen, the normal a highly capable in structor and the educational interests of the Northwest one oX tho most ac tive and earnest factors. Men who are good organizers and who origlnato rules of conduct and methods of teach ing, are tho real motive forces in all progressive education. The peculiar place occupied by this excellent man and teacher will he very difficult to nil. John Mitchell, in a short speech before an Indianapolis audience Sat urday, said that strikes are tho natur al result of our high civilization. Worklngmen are thinkers, who can not be forced to accept a condition which they know is embittered by tho selfishness of the great combines. These same thinking worklngmen would gladly forbid the strike, if they Governor Chamberlain has made a ' lecord for economical government during the recent session of tho leg islature, that will not soon be forgot ten by tho people of the state. In vetoing tho Booth-Kelly Lumber Com pany's forest fire bill, he saved tho state $50,000 a year that would have been expended in protecting and pay ing damages to the big sawmill con cerns of tho Cascades. The Newport Summer Normal School bill, which he vetoed, carried an appropriation of $6,000, and was a nice junket for a few teachers on a vacation. Enjoy your leisure time at ROBINSON'S AMUSEMENT PARLORS UNDER W. & 0. R. DEPOT First-class Bowling Alleys Best Billiard and Pool Tables Shooting and Throwing Galler- OTTO MIESCKE For the family dinner plain cooking is the rule, but the food itself should be of the best meat in particular, For that reason those who deal at our market never have cause for com paint as their meats are always of the best and uniform quality-fresh and tender. Musical entertainment every evening, isest order maintained Temperance cigars. Drop in and while refreshments and away your Senator Foraker, of Ohio. Indulged in some oratory on the Philippine sit uation, Monday, in discussing the sugar tariff. The senator says that conditions in the islands are unbear able owing to the absence of a market for their products. He emphatically declares that this government must admit their sugar and tobacco abso lutely free of duty in order to insure prosperity for that people. In admit ting the cheap labor sugar of the archipelago into this country free of duty, ho also declares that the cane and beet sugar Industry here will be ruined. The United States consumes 2,500.000 tons of sugar annually and only produces 1,000,000 tons. The sugar Industry of the Philippines is now being concentrated into the hands of American capitalists who are making strong efforts to have the tar iff removed from their product. The cheap labor of the Islands, coupled with free trade, will give the sugar magnates there, unfair odds over the American manufacturer and will have the effect of driving small concerns out of business in the United States.! for grand ideas and doing things on a generous scale. This name and fame has been of enormous good to California, whose lavish generosity Is world celebrated. It is equally valuable to Colorado, which should always, everywhere, on all great occasions, deserve admira tion as the state superb. Denver Post. LET US FILL YOUR BILL THE TRAGEDY OF BEING rOOR. In the summer, when the hot wind sweeps the plain. In the summer when the parched fields gasp for rain, When the sky above is brassy and the sun, Like a vessel from which molten met als run, Hangs o'erhead through days that never seem to end, They totter In the dusty streets and sigh, The children In the huddled hovels penned, Lie orylng out through shriveled lips and dry In the slimmer, when the heat Is stf ling, Woe Assumes a thousand shapes they must endure, Till Death is kind enough to claim them O, The tragedy of being poor; In In plains are maddened and THE SOLDIER. Oratory more or less sincere had vent in the Oregon senate the other lay with the members of the Second Oregon Volunteer Regiment as the theme. It is fortunate that upon oc casions the soldier in the ranks re ceives justice even although It be at the hands of politicians who some times seek to make what the boys call "grand-stand" plays, to win the applause of the people In tho legisla tive branches or who may read ac counts of the game they play. Whatever be the means of bringing this matter to the fore, let no ono neglect an opportunity to pay his honest tribute to tho soldier. Thero are somo things that occur to one in whose mind this matter is considered. There was Hobson in the navy, volun teering to go upon that Merrimac trip, and hearing prayers from every man Jack on deck that he be per mitted to go with him, and, too, that fellow who stowed himself away on board the fated ship to be found by Hobson after the start had been made. Who remembers tho names of any but Hobson? What women rushed af ter those Jack tars to shower them with flowers and, so some say, with kisses that tho gods themselves would, If they could, purchase with the treasures of tho ages? Is there any difference between the undoubt ed bravery of Hobson and of that stowaway? Funston captured Aguinaldo, yet the public havo already forgotten tboso who went with him, and so far as concerns the gratitude of the repub lic, he might as well have gone alone. Upon every battlefield the soldier In the ranks performs deeds of valor. He faces death with a laugh, and counts his life as nothing, if in its giving ho may add to the glory of the nation and more firmly establish his country's greatness. Who remembers those deeds of heroism, excepting when somo peculiar circumstance brings him Into public view? It may be well to remark, however, the winter, when the white with snow, the winter when the blizzards blow, When the sky above is leaden the sun, Like a weary slave, whose heavy task is done, Shrinks out of sight, as if to steal a rest. With faces pinched and blue they go ther ways; The mother, with her babies on her breast. Beside the empty stove weeps through the days; In the winter, when the blasts are Icy, Woe Assumes a thousand shapes they must endure, Till Death Is kind enough to claim them O The tragedy of being poor! Chicago Record-Herald. FOR LUMBER We can supply you with Building Material of all descriptions and sa v e you money. DOORS WINDOWS B u i Idin g paper, lime, cement, brick and sand. Wood gutters for barns and dwellings a specialty. Oregon Lumber lard Alta St., Opp. Court House GOOD SOUND WOOD Fifteen hundred revolutionists are on the way in arms to meet the Bo livian expedition. AT, THE TOP. It is a laudable ambition to reach the top of the ladder of success. But many a man who reaches the topmost rung finds his position a torment instead of a tnumpn. lie lias sacrificed his health to success. A man can suc ceed and be strong if he heeds Nature's warnings. When there 13 indiges tion, loss of ap petite, ringing in the ears, dizzi ness, spots be fore the eyes or plpitation of the heart ; any or all oi symptoms point to weakness and loss of nutrition. Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery cures dis eases of the stomach and other organs of di gestion and nutrition. By perfect and abund ant nourishment dis tributed to each vital organ it enables the co-operation of all the onrans to tire. serve the perfect health of uie ooay. Kor about two years I suffered from a my BbstinatecaKof Uyapepsia," writes R, U.Scconf, Km., of i j Eastern Ave., Toronto, OuUrio. I tricxl a great number of remediea without sue- I finally lost faith in them all. I was ao far gone that I could not bear any bolld food In my stomach for a long time ; felt melancholy and depressed. Could not sleep, nor follow my occupation. Some four months ago o friend recommended your' Golden Medical Discovery.' After a week's treatment I had derived so much benefit that I continued the medicine. I have taken three bottles and am convinced it has In my case accomplished a permanent cure. I can conscientiously recommend it to the thou sands of dyspeptics throughout the land." The Common Sense Medical Adviser," iC03 Urge pages iu paper covers, is sent free on receipt of ai one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. tt. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. SBSBSBsli n Is always received when you place your order with us. Fir, Tamarack and ..Pine.. Why buy poor coal when you can get the best for the same price? Laatz Bros. Telephone Main 5 J OTTO MIESCKE COURT STREET Hotiser's Old Stand DRIED FRUITS 25 pounds of fancy dried prunes only $1.00. We have Dried Nectarines Prunes Apples Pears Apricots Peaches Raisins Currants Figs THE I New.. Goods Coming in dailt. as Skirts, Shirt ti mis, muslin TJri wear, Shirt Waist. anos and far Mip met : , 1 . . " style price in town. Ed Ebei 645 Alain street. Standard Grocery Court Street Low Sellers of Groceries The Gasoline Engine is man's most handy companion. See the Improved THEME Gasoline Engine It's something new Requires no packing and has no stud bolts to twist off. Let us show you our irrigation plant. Irrigaticn in this country means wealth. WfiA 31 Court Street Lumber. Lumber, Ltmbef. All kinds for all purposes. Sash, Doors and Blinds. Planing of all descriptions done to otder. Don't place your order for Building Material until you have consulted us. Pendleton Planing Mill an Lumber Yard, 4tOSCRT fORSTER, Proctor ARE YOU READY TO BUY REAL ESTATE THEN LOOK AT THIS LIST Four and n half lots with two large pretty eottnges, all well Improved. Now rented for 30 a month, $1500. A lodging house, 14 rooms and lot, very centrally located, $2500. A lot about three blocks from Main street, $250 A house, 8 rooms and lot, live bloeks off Main street, $1100. inner nouses and lots from $500 .to Simile lots from 11'5 to WOO accord ing to location. Four lots together G0O. Blx lota together. $850. Fourteen lots together, whole block, 11500. ' Will sell for cash or on easy terms. Will explain aud show property up on application. Pendleton is growing rapidly and Investments now will, in my opinion, prove profitable. To the nverage man iu the West, the surest way to prollt is in real estate Invest ments. 0. D. BOYD, III Court Street No Rough Edges on Oar Laandry To cut necks and wrists and profanity, for we are carfl ironing collars, cuffs and! bands of shirts. We pleased to call and get youi pie order and can assure yd lsiacwon deliver it, too, ciiarge. THE DOMESTIC LAW Court and Thompson St! Breakfast Foods . . . All kinds of prepared foods and mushes. Finest syrups and buckwheat for cakes. Best hams it is possible to obtain. Yes, we have a full line of the celebrated Monopole canned goods. D. KEMLER & The Big Store in a Room. SON Small Alta Street, Opposite Savings Bank SUBSCniBKRS TO MAOAKINE8, IK YOU Want tO MUbscrlbfl in miimflnM nr nftwn. papers In tbe United States or Kurope, re nin uj posiai note, cnecK or Head to tho BAST OIIEGONIAN the net publisher' price of the publication you dealre, and we will hare It sent you and assume all tbe risk of the money being lost In the malls. It Will save you both trouble and risk. If you are a subscriber to tbe East Oregonlan, In remitting jcu can deduct 10 ner cent from the publisher's price. Address EAST uuuuumian I'UU. CO,, rendleton, Oregon. COPYRIGHT Lasts Twice As Longi A carriage, wagon-any vehicle I Uvea If ll' overnanled and repalntt law voiira It'a eronomv. therefore owner to attend to repairs and repi truest economy II we tupply the maiel do the work, lor w ate only tbe be former, put In our best licks at the latl Wlnnni tr&irnnB. all !lie While H Call and s-lect one II you are going-to ! hank a ra thA mmt durable. flnelT flnlf eaaleit riding Uungiei, we bare tbej In tne city lor tho lean money Ihlnn Im anrrh ifl An, HfraCUBfl DIOW. H any soil. When In tbe market fori call on NEAQLE BROTHERS We sell and guarantee the Stoyerji Engines. Toes AND Tons Just received anott rar load of Poultry a stock supplies at the Coleswortl CHOP MILL 127 Mid 129 East Alta Str PENDLETON-UK STAGE LINE uTrTTiTJivANT rmos.. Pr Bug. lesre. Pendleton dally, except! at 7 a. m lor yau .n,7,"Tbii Kates: to nioi uw, w , i Vwi turn.ll.iili to Nye, 11.25! Nij and rd to midge. 11.75 : to Blge and retura, Alba, ti&: to Alb andreturn, t.S ttJU; la Uklah and return. H.C0. Office la doldea Rule Hotel, P