ES..ilJISTDI,Y AT SALEM WOOL CONTRACTS. MONDAY, FKDRUAHY 23, 1903. , KILL THIS ( if, M THAT CLUSTERS AROUND AN UNHEALTHY HAIR ...CAUSING... DANDRUFF FALLING HAIR FINALLY BALDNESS "Dtitroy the tauic, you remove the effect." HERPICIDE eradicates the jerm, promotes the growth of the hair. tor sale by all drugjists. Price $1.00. : Ms- EFFORTS TO PUT STATE PRINTER ON SALARY. HARPER WHISKY 31 1 Physicians prescrib c it for their most deli cate catients OLD and PURE For Sale by JOHN SCHMIDT Gray's Harbor Commercial Co. iWc Don't Keep Everything But we do Keep a good big stock of nice dry Flooring, Celling, Rustic and Finish, Jn all grades Also all kinds of Dimension Lumber, in cluding Lath and Shingles. Our stock of Doors, Win dows, Moulding, Building and Tar Paper and Apple Boxes is complete, and any one in need of Lumber will not be wrong in placing their order with the : : : Gray's Harbor Com. Co. Odp. W: & C. K. Depot KEEPING PROMISES. You Can Depend Upon Obtaining Re suits Results That Last "Will it euro?" Is always the first question asked by a sufferer who has made up bis mind to take a course of treatment for any kidney aliment. "Will I stay cured?" follows as a mat te-r of course. If the reader is in doubt about what method to follow, read this statement carefully. Frank Stltes, bricklayer, of 5149 Thirty-third Ave., Denver, Colo., says: "It Is over three years since I recom mended Doan's Kidney Pills througn our Denver papers. At that time they stopped pain in my back and through the sides, which although never severe nough to lay me up, was sufficient to cause more annoyance than anyone hould endure, when Doan's Kidney Pills can bo so easily procured. If I bad not received positive benefit when the remedy first came to my notice, I would be tho last man in Denver to publicly indorso tho medi cine, and if the results obtained from the treatment with Doan's Kidney Pills had not been permanent, nothing could Induco me to reindorse this medicine. The merits of Doan's Kid ney Pills, should bo universally known." Sold for 60 cents a box. Foster-Mil-burn Co., Buffalo, N. Y sole agents for the United States. Remember tho name DOAN'S and take no substitute. Theaters Exempt From Sunday Clos ing Firecrackers the Only Explos ives That Can be Sold to Children. Salem, Ore, Feb. 23. Tho house expressed Itself in favor of a lint sal ary for the stato printer by passing Senator Miller's 1)111 to place that offi cial on a Hat salary of $3500 after 1907. Orton wanted to know what tho stato would do for a printing plant. "Private people own tho present plant and If you put your state printer on n salary he will be here without tools to do tho work. The logical tiling to do would he to appiopriate $10,000 for a printing plant." "Let that go until the next session." said Bllyeu, and so the house decid ed. No State Examiner. ( Senator Booth's bill for an act ere- tatlng tho ofllce of state examiner of public officers and public ofllcos. al lowing that officer a salary of $2100 a year and $1500 for clerical aid. was brought to a sudden standstill when It reached the house. In committee of the whole tho provisions of the bill were adopted with amendments, and on tho final vote it was defeated. Then a motion to reconsider was made and this. too. received no sup port, so tho measure was permanently burled. The bill was supposed to appoint an officer who would do the work of the various committees appointed by the legislature at every session to ex amine into the accounts and affairs of the various state and charitable in stitutions, and it was claimed that this would do away with considerable expense. i The measure also provided that the i governor should make the appoint- ment and this was amended, on mo 'tion of Hodson of Multnomah, to give the appointive power to the governor. I secretary of stato and state treasurer. 'The bill was not adopted, and when I it came up for reconsideration there were not sufficient votes to do so. Theaters Exempt. Theaters will he exempt from the general Sunday closing law, according to the vote taken by the house on sen ate bill No. 123. This bill was intro duced by Sweek and amended the ex isting law in regard to theaters only. Ban on Explosives. Senator Smith's bill to prohibit the selling, exchanging, bartering or giv ing to any child under 11 any explos ive article other than an ordinary fire cacker containing not more than 10 grains of gunpowder, or flreams ex cept those used to explode caps, was passed, If the governor signs the senate bill Introduced by Rand the supremo court of tho state will have two terms of court at Pendleton, one in May and the other in November instead of one term as at tho present. The bill also proposes an increase of salary for this additional work from $1500 to $2500, making the total salary of the su preme justices $1500 a year. Another District. Senator Rand's bill to constitute Baker county the eighth judicial dis-l trlct of Oregon was passed Friday afternoon, 35 voting in favor of it. Robbins of Baker said tho bill was necessary on acount of tho amount of legal business in that county. Kay thought the expense entailed would be too much and Davey declared that one judge ought to bo able to look after tho business of Baker, Union and Wallowa counties. The bill was pass ed, however. Judge Eakin and Dis trict Attorney White of that district will retain their positions. Senator Pierce's bill, which passed tho house Friday afternoon, provides that tho county assessor shall he elected for four years instead of two years as at the present. Several Clips Have Been Engaged at a Good Figure, Fj, J. Burke, representing H. C. .ludd & Root, of Hartford, Conn., has made soveral wool contracts for wool on the sheeps' back this season In tho Heppner district. Tho following growers have con tracted: Carty Bros., Ed and Pat lie David. W. B. Finloy, A. Andrews, and C. C. Curtis. The clips In tho aggre gate will amount to 250.000 pounds, and tho price is in tho neighborhood of 9 Vi cents per pound. These prices are encouraging to tho sheepmen for It Is fully a cent a pound above the offerings at this time last year. On this basis of 9'4 cents for tho heavy wools, the light wools of tho foothills are worth about 11 cents per pound. The coming clip promises to be very fine this season. Stockmen have had plenty of feed and the herds have been well fed and wintered.1 Heppner Gazette. ALASKAN LO NOME TO HAVE MOST NORTH ERN ROAD IN THE WORLD. Wonderful Value of Alaskan Timber Profits of White Pass Line Some thing Enormous Solomon City a Goor Harbor. It looks as though one of the many railroads incorporated to tap parts of Alaska wil bo built this year, and tbat is the Council City & Solomon River Railroad Company, hacked by Chicago and Now York people, says a Portland dispatch. The articles have been filed with the general land ofllce. Washington, D. C, and the right of way for the first 100 miles is already secured. The system will tap the principal mining points in the Cape Nome territory, known as Solomon River, Council City. Ophlr Creek and Blue Stone. Solomon, he low Nome City, is one terminus on tidewater. The articles permit the company to carry on a general hotel business, stores, build factoites, lumber mill." and everything llkelj to gc into con nection with a railroad en the ripen ing of a country. Tho company is allowed 20 acres of station ground for each 10 miles constructed, aud al ready has 13,000 on which it has com plete railroad rights. Solomon is said to bo one of tho best places on that coast for the land ing of vessels. After running 10 miles from Solomon the proposed roud will strike timber worth $200 to $:'00 per 1000 feet, and this in itself will prove a largo source of revenue to the road. No better proof of the vast earning possibilities of the road is needed than the showing of three railroads built in Alaska in the past five years. The White Pass & Yukon road, built in 1S9S-99. at a cost of something like $3,000,000 for 112 miles, paid nearly $2,000,000 profits the first two seasons of its operation. Its stock started at $0.50 per share in 1S9S and Is now quoted above $500 rer share The company paid a GO per cent divi dend last year. The Llttlo Wild Cooso Railroad, running only five and thice-elghts miles hetweon Nome City nnd Anvil Creek, which was built by a California millionaire at a total cost :if less than $30,000, Is teported on good authority to have paiu the cost of Its construc tion the first few months ef Its opera tion, making In one dull season $2S0. 000 net profit. Tho rate charged for the five-mile Journey was St per pas senger, and the freight chargo was $10 per ton. being about tho same as is charged for carriage from Seattle to Nome a distance of 2G00 nilloa. The Wild Cooso Company also built a short lino of about six miles from Council City to Aplln Creek, which has paid enormously on tho small in vestment. It Is estimated that the Solomon River Railroad can ho built at a cost of from $S000 to $12,000 per mile. On tho surveyed routo from Solomon City to Council City not a single bridge will have to he built. Very few people In the United States realize the extent and possibil ities of Alaska. It has an area of neatly COO.OOO srpiaro miles, equal to the combined area of tho New Eng land. Middle and Southern states, and millions of Its acres have never been traversed by a white man. It Is not by any means a frozen, barren waste, but in not a few sections farming and stock raising are developing rapidly. It is the largest fish and fur producing country in the world. Tho brother and sister of Oeorgo R. Blanchard, who died October 8, 1900, have begun suit In Now York ctty against tho executors of tho ri ceased's estate, declaring that their brother was hypnotized by his wife in cutting them out of his will. You Are Invited To attend the open meeting of the S0UIALIST CLUB, this evening, at 8 p. ni.. in the County Court Room HOTELS. HOTEL VAN DRAN BROS., Prop8 TflP Rpst T-Tnfot t f i cnai and as good as any. hi The subject of the meeting is "The Value of Co-oporation." The chief speaker will be Jonathan Edwards. Come prepared to ask questions and take part in the meeting. YOU WILL BE WELCOME Acker's Blood Elixir positively cures chronic blood poisoning and all scrofulous affections. At all times a matchless system tonic and purifier. Money refunded If you are not satis fled. 50c and $1.00. F. W. Schmidt & Co., druggists. Don't forget the time, 8 p, m and the place, COUNTY COURT ROOM. LADIES ESPECIALLY INVITED n NOW WELL ORGANIZED. Eastern Oregon Sheepmen Are Solid ly Union. The local or county organizations of sheep men in Eastern Oregon, formed under the regime established at tho last session of tho Stato Woolgrow ers' Association, now numbers seven and represent approximately 1,000,000 sheep. These associations arc dis tributed as follows: Baker, (2), Uma tflla, Morrow, Crook, Wasco and Wal Iowa. One may bo organized later in Wheeler. Grant county sneepmcn belong to tho Heppner association. Tho number of sheep represented aro distributed as follows: Umatilla, 150,- 000; Morrow (Including Grant), 250, 000; Wasco. 200.000; Baker, 160,000; Crook, 150,000; Wallowa, 120,000. Tho aggregate is between one-fourth and one-fifth of all the sheep In Oregon, Rev, Johnson in Elgin, Rev. Levi Johnson, of Pendleton, and Rev. Van Nuys, of La Grando, were In Elgin during the week, as sisting in tho series of meetings now being held In tho Presbyterian church. Eleven additions were made to tho church Monday ovenlng. Elgin Re corder. A chance of a lifetime to get a sowing machine for less than cost,. at Jesse Falling's. IlKCKIVES MUCH ATTKKTION ftn oar school. Instruction ta riven ta wording, capitalizing, punctuating, para rraphlnc. etc All our teaching la practi cal; the education we lire la usable. X eourae with us pays the success of our graduate, aa btuCneas men and women, and aa bookkeepers and stenographers, proTt-s this. Open all tho year; student admitted at any time; catalogue fro. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLBGB PORTLAND, OltCaON A. P. ARMSTRONG, 1U) I'll I.N CIl'AL, the most dreaded and deadly of all diseases, as well as pneumonia, and all lung troubles are relieved at once and cured by Acker's English Remedy "the king of all cough cures." Cures coughs and colds in a day. 25 cents. Your money back If dissatisfied. Write for free sample. W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y. F. W. Schmidt & Co., druggif t "EL SIB EL 0" f?mnn unit I "EL SIDELO" Is Manufactured bv SAM'L I. DAVIS, Y CA ASK FOR "BANKER" SIZE 2 for 25c ALLEN & LEWIS, Distributors PORTLAND, ORE. Headquarters for Traveling Commodious Sample Rooms Rates $2 & $2J Hpeclnl rate by week or m ontli Excellent Cuisine. Prompt Diningroom servieej J-A-ery Modern Conveuid Bar and billiard room in conneel Only Three Blocks from De GOLDEN RULE HOT! Corner Court nnd Johnson Street Pendleton, Oregon. M. F. Kolly, Proprietor FREE! FREE!! FREE!!! Our large 68-page illustrated seed the celebrated catalogue. We handle m a St Ik LILY, BOGARDUS & CO.'S Garden, Flower and Field Seeds. These seeds are grown in the Pacific Nortnwest country and are right at home in this soil and climate. They are hardy and adapted to this section. You take no chances in getting a good crop irom these seeds. Our large 68 page catalogue contains much valuable infor mation and con be had by asking for it at our store or writing us and we will mail you one. Thompson Hardware Co., 2 62 i Mafn Street EVERYTHING IN THE HARDWARE LINE LADIES, TAKE NOTICE! Attention, now, ladies, all happy and gay I Juat lie my last otferl But Two Bits to pay For a beautiful photo, full cabinet sue, Tbat would mate your beat fellow Juit open hit eyes. Juat east tbe K. O. at Banner's old stand. You will tee our exhibit o beautiful and grand. We will there try to please you, tbe beat we know bow, With that same pleasant imlle and an artlitlo bow. It matters but little how old you may be Whether aweet sixteen or age twenty-three Be you handaomo and tall, or as eute aa an elf, You will get a nlCH photo ol your sweet little eelt Our work li First Class and so lino you must know, That all tbe best people know Just where to go. Through the whole month of March we wilt sing jou this song, So bring your best fellow and come right along DANNER, f X8 E. Webb St. THE BEST MFG. CO. Are in the Field with the Latest Improved Side-Hill Combined Harvester It is a success and works smoothly and perfectly on all hills. These machines have been thoroughly tested and are guaranteed to be the simplest and best com bined harvester on the market. THE BEST MANUFACTURING COMPANY manu factures a small side-hill Combined Harvester and a large one; also their celebrated ' Steam Harvester The merits of which are well known in Uma tilla County. THE BEST MANUFACTURING CO.'S Machines are handled in Umatilla County by TEMPLE & WILCOX, Local Agents HEATED BY STEAA1 LIGHTED BY ELECTniCITVj AiiiorlC'iin 11 it si, rates 1 ,'- to-fjj per iinv. if Ktiroiionil Plan. iiOo. 7Au. SI. 01 Special nit oh liy weok or mouth, Free 'bus meets all trainsl Commercial trade solicited i Fine sample i Special Attention Given Country 1 HOTEL ST. GEORG CORNER MAIN AND WEBB GEO. DARVEAU, Prop. Elegantly Furnished Steam Hei .. Ulan X a i.. if Irnm der UIOCK anu " " Sample room in connection wnOM RATE - 50c, 75c,f THE PORTLAWI dadti AND. OREGOI American Fun, 3 V" J-J IIcadquartenior,ouH. "f" e.',D":. STn. room Tand give prio ftlHll UU" ,. ,-.. t.KliaViTrtt-TlI If the1 modem TurKn bowkrs I M... THE ROYAL RESTADRA I have purchased thej Royal Restaurant, onj Main slreet.3 doors northj t vxr Xr C. R. depot J where I will serve the best 35 cent meal in the: city. I will appreciate your patronage and ask you to can auu i R. F. THOK r- jj-v t ist--1 - iWPm Vlsl Satf . iv.'. - ,-4 - Uaai