r Pyrography Pyrography Just arrived from the East, a large anil complete stock, including Burning Out fits complete. Pieces for burning, stamped and unstamped, Nut Howls, Picture Frame", Tobacco J::rs, Taliourettes, Bread Trays, Pipe RaJs, Steins, Etc. These pieces are made from genuine bass wood and are verv fine. BROCK & McCOMAS CO. DRUGGISTS MONDAY FEimiAH iao: Extravaganco S7 Neglect 305 Compctttlon 351 Specific conditions 1.7CG Speculation 102 Fraud 1,007 Total 0,873 The "frcezliiK out" process of the trusts which has driven thousands of small business concerns Into bank ruptcy. Is probably termed "lack of capital," by the editors of Uaril-streets. Tho territorial debt of Arizona Is 12,700,000, of Now .Mexico $1,100,000. nnd of Oklahoma $527,000. The as sessed valuation of these territories Is: Arizona. $CS,000.000, Now Mexico $30,000,000 and Oklahoma $75,000,000. CHILD MURDER. In this ago, the science i looking into the future no longer has tho splendor nor the hardi hood of old The present and the past reveal to us so many prodigies that these sulllco to amuse our thirst lor marvels. The realities of today are so near the border of tho miracu lous that the imagination droops its wings and fancy no longer paints the uncertain fu ture to feast upon. Maurice Maeterlinck. THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE. and livestock, but not threshing ma nines and plows. II cannot so far usurp the power of the public as to say that the most insignificant newspaper. founded, supported and owned by the people, cannot buy its wares, nor enjoy Its service upon payment, although it ex ists as a ciuasl public enterprise. In the first place, all trusts are sim ply small "clubs" of business men as the Associated Press claims to be. They are Innocently banded together In the legitimate business of "further ing their own interests." But when this business of further ing their own interests becomes det rimental to the public good, tho trust becomes dangerous. The beef trust passes the limit of legitimate bus! ness, when it says to tho small To the average father or mother It seems absolutely Incredible that any parent should wilfully desire to compass the death of Its own off spring. Yet tho law courts toll a different tale, and only last week Justice Darling, from his seat on the bench at tho Old Ualloy, condemned the present system of child Insurance. In spite of all tho strict legisla tion that has been attempted, and all the indignation that has been expresi ed, tho evil remains child murdei, F. X. MATH.EU, PIONEER. QTTO MIESCKE Tho Oregon of CO years ago wan a wilderness. It seems strange mat a person Is alive who vlowed It as such, nnd Hint while of mature age. nrtn. K. X. Mathleu of Champoeg, visited the senate at Salem yesterday morn ing and was introduced by Sonatoi (Jrolsan. Mr Mathleu is tho only sur vivor or tho 62, who at tho famous "Wolf meeting." held at Champoeg, Marlon county, May 2, 1812, voted to make Oregon American territory. Mr. .Mathleu. though nearly DO years old. Is still hale and hearty. He viewed tho work of the senate and later of the Joint convention with a great deal of interest, nnd was himself, the ob ject or a great deal of Interest Ku gene (Juard. DECEIT OF KINGCRAFT. Still following the flight of the san guinary angel of war. wo are taken to the lialkans, whence come ugly niniors of the mobilization of troops by Turkey, Austila and Itussin, and report of a probable Macedonian uprising. Hut these exciting repoits, appar ently Inspired by European state do partments, teem less to forebode a Balkan war than some secret move ment of tho continental powers for which rumors of Balkan difficulties io a mask Louis Posts Kpubllc. For the family dinner plain cooking is the rule, but the food itself should be of the best meat in particular, For that reason those who deal at our market never have cause for corn paint as their meats arc always of the best and uniform quality-fresh and tender. There is a strong sentiment in some parts of Oregon, in favor of n referen dum vote on the Lewis and Clark fair appropriation. While the vote of the legislature )ne upon the measure was almost unani mous there seems to be a demand for a trial of the referendum on this vital question. This is all right. Let the people exercise their prerogative. The leg islature of laul placed the scepter in their hands. They are the burden bearers. Let them choose what weight of taxation they feel able to carry. There need be no fear of the icfer- endum vote or. this issue. The voice of the legislature was the voice of the people on that great day on which the fate of the fair was decided. Oregon will not reconsider this step. Her record does not contain one instance wherein the wheels of progress have been turned backward If possible the referendum vote on the fair appiopriation will be mora overwhelming than the vote of tho legislature that was recorded in favor of this exposition. Oregon recognizes her opportunity iu this great occasion. The people of the world will seo her resources, her matchless wealth and magnificent promise set forth in this comin event These will attract capital, brains, enterprise and culture from the mingling crowds that come to shores. Those who may ccme to view will remain to adorn tne great est commonwealth ever rescued from tho wilderness. bus- uut oi seeing mill inu pro- ! visions of the Inf. nit. life iirnr.wtlnti iness man that he must pay a price j act nro pn)perlv observed, for its products that is absolutely be-, Uishop Qulgley. of Buffalo, Tliurs dav fnrwardeil tn Homo his formal ac- whlch defies the authorities, because cept.we of tho appointment as arch il. ia carrieii mn in so siuuie a man-, bishop ol Chicago nor as to make it Impossible to sccur i - a conviction against the offender. Thero are many degraded parents lost to all sense of humanity, who find that it pays to insure their child ren and then let them die. It wns because of these known fact that the London county council In tiusted to Its public control depart lyond his power to pay, or stay out As to child Insurance, tho position of business. It makes itself tho mas-;is substantially what It was 12 years tor of tho situation, because it han dles all the channels of trade in its The Associated Press passes from the innocent "club" period into tho dangerous trust stage, when it says to a community, like the city of Port land, for instance, if you want the THE NEWS TRUST. This winter the legislatuie.s of Or egon, Washington and California have each sought to make tho Associated Press a common carrier in law, as It is in fact. Strong efforts have been put forth by friends of the common people, to compel this monopoly to furnish tho news of the country to all legitimato applicants, Tho subject has been so thoroughly threshed over that Httlo remains to bo said, except that this general attack upon tho concern by the people of the Northwest and Cali fornia, denotes that they fully under stand tho despotic power exercised by the Associated Press In tho world of news, and are making a concerted de mand for justice. Tho people, by whose consent this monopoly enjoys Its oxlstenco, pros perity and authority, are entitled to tho fruits of its labor upon payment of a reasonable prlco. This concern Is a public news gathering Institution, just as the railroads aro freight-hauling enterprises. It has no more right to monopollzo tho news of tho coun try, and to refuso to sell its commod ity to new enterprises than a railroad has to say that It will haul lumber ago, when a select committee of the house of lords Inquired into the mat ter. Somo points of the evidence are worth recalling. Dr. Barwlse, speaking of four years' experience as a parish doctor in Bir mingham among tho poorest classes of the people, said that after a while he was convinced that the chief an- vlolw nP noprtntn ....... , news you must pay my price, or gochll;, dea(, from thp mf)ment of Hf witnout. it becomes master or tno birth. situation and a monopoly of the most nffenalvo tvnn when If ilpnlpi tlio mi),. Dr. John Bransom. medical officer , ., for Ilotherham, said tho people most lie the right to enjoy the news of the Rlvon to ,n8Urnff the,r wero country .unless tho public first be- the dissolute, the degraded aud tho comes Its slave. drunken; and they looked to death as the natural sequence of Insurance. Dr. Burry, speaking of the time when he practiced In tho poorest dis tricts of Hartfordshire, said the law did not get hold of five per cent of the cases of child neglect resulting in death, and Dr. Hodson bluntly de clared that child insurance was sim ply a premium for child-murder. j PH EUHATISM LEGISLATIVE APPROPRIATIONS. The twenty-first legislative assem bly appropriated at total of $1,719,000, 71. The legislature just closed appro priated $2,386,SSC.82. divided into dif ferent Items as follows: Legislative expenses and deficiencies $ 71,385. i Executive and other state departments -tub, 220.00 State penal and other In stitutions S2,477.00 Special claims and boun ties Fixed annual appropria tions 2C2.000.00 Lewis and Clark centen nial 500.000.00 Portage railway 105,000.00 Construction of hatcheries Experiment station East ern Oregon State board of health Oregon Horticultural So ciety 62,204.10 20,000.00 20,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 But of all the testimony as to tho evils encouraged in evil minds by tho insurance of children, the most strik ing was that of J. J. Ritchie, medical officer for Leek. A local burial so- Rubbing with liniments.blisteruig.tkenp plicatioii of plasters ; in fact anything that will produce counter-irritation, is good for external treatment of Hlieumatism, but these simple remedies do not teach the seat of the disease iior touch the real cause, aud relief is therefore oely temporary. Rheumatism is due to Uric Acid aud other irritant poisons in the blood, and as it circulates through the system, these acid poisons are deposited in the muscle-.. joints ami nerves, aim exposure tonight air, cold east winds, or any sudden change in the weather, will briii on an attack which maj last for a few days or linger on for months. livery battle with -fii Rheumatism leaves the blood in poorer couuiuoii, wuue iue cnrriiiliiif acids are '"'IJSiilJE'fSr31 gradually consumiiiir the oils and fluids that lubricate the muscles and joints, and they become stiff aud sometimes immovable. Rheumatism, with its sharp, cutting pains, cau never be conquered until the acm bloou uas Deen cleansed auu pun fied. aud all irritatiuir substances neutral ized and filtered out of the system, aud nothing does this so promptly and effec tually as S. S. S. Under the purifying and tonic effects of this vegetable rem edy the blood is made pure, the general healtli is rapuuy mint up aim inesuiierei -... i ' ' i - . r r . ooiaius liupjiy rcuei uum uic luiiuiiug, natruiuir pains of Rheumatism. iet nil ot Kiieu mutism before it makes you a ner vous, peevish cripple, or pain racked invalid. Write for our special book on Rheum. OTTO MIESCKE COURT STREET Hoaser's Old Stand DRIED FRDITS 25 pounds of fancy dried prunes only $1.00. We have Dried Nectarines Prunes Apples Pears Apricots Peaches Raisins Currants Figs I New.. Goods Coming in daily, SUcJl as Skirts, Shirt Waist Suits, Muslin Under wear, Shirt Waists, Silk Monte Carlos and ft-. derskirts. These are bv (nr tl,D !.. 1 , ' ... mi. ucai 1 11 style price in town. and Ed Eben 645 Main street. THE Standard Grocery Court Street Low Sellers of Groceries SMITH'S HARNESS IS THE BEST No Rough Edges on Our Laundry Work To cut necks and wrists and excite profanity, for we are careful in ironing collars, cuffs and neck bands of shirts. We will be pleased to call and gut your sam ple order and can assure you sat isfactiondeliver it, too, free of charge. THE DOMESTIC LAUNDBX Court and Thompson Streets ciety discontinued insuring the live" tism, which will be bent free Total $2,38C,6G8.S2 While tho appropriations of tho re cent session reached the enormous sum of ?2,38C,88ii.82, the occasions that havo made demands upon Ore gon, at this session, seem to entirely justify tho Increased expenditure. Tho amount exceeds the appropria tions of 1901 by but ?5G5,0CS.08, while tho Lewis and Clark fair and Tho Dalles portage railway alone call for $005,000. The Philippine currency bill pass ed by the senate prescribes tnat the unit of valuo in tho Philippines shall bo tho gold peso of 19.9 grains of gold, nine-tenths fine, said gold peso to be come tho unit of value when tho gov ernment in tho Philippines shall havo coined and made ready for circula tion not less than 5,000,000 of tho sli ver pesos provided for in tho bill, Tho gold coins of tho United States at tho rate of $1 for two pesos shall bo legal tender in tho Islands, Bradstreet's rovlew of trade, for 1902, gives tho following causes for tho 9,973 business failures of tho year: Incompetency 2,032 Inoxperlenco 721 Lack of capital 3.048 Unwlso credits 278 Failures of others 273 ot cnnuren under one year of age. Within a year tho Infant mortality dropped from J 50 per 1000 to 109. Then several large Insurance com panies Invaded tho town, and the death of infants went up first to 170 per 1000 and then to ISO against a rate of 147 for tho whole of England and Wales. And why, In tho faco of all the tes timony, were thero not more prosecu tions against the offending parents? rue replies to this question, although varying with different districts, told tho samo dreary talo of tho hopeless ness of securing convictions. How ever strong may be his suspicions, it Is impossible for a doctor who only sees tho child at tho point of death to swear whether it faded away be cause it was physically unnblo to as slmllato its food or because it did not have the food to assimilate. Neighbors will not give evidence against each other; juries, in tno ab sence of direct proof, will not con vict. If a doctor forces a coroner's Inquest he loses a good deal of valu able time, ho becomes unpopular with patients, and tho result Is generally an acquittal. Taught by bitter ex perience except In cases capablo of Incontrovertablo proof he follows tho lino of least resistance, aud certi fies tho Immediate causo of death, Ig noring tho criminal Ill-treatment from which It may havo sprung. Ot course tho doctors did not havo It all their own way. Thero nro mul titudes of poor parents who Insure their children from puro motive ot thrift parents whoso caro and affec tion for their offspring aro aB con stant as those of anybody In tho land. Mr. Dewey of tho tho Prudential As suranco Society calculated that tho children of tho working classes of tho country numbered 5,000,000, and of thoso over 4,000,000 wero Insured, But n tiny residuum ot Infants Is still murdered year by year, an an nual sacrlflco at the shrines of greed, Ignoranco and Indifference1 w. Tt. Hilt, In London Express. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. man's See The Gasoline Engine is most handy companion the Improved THE3II v 'J Gasoline JSntine It's something new. Requires no packing and has no stud bolts to. twist off. Let us show you our irrigation plant. Irrigation in this country means wealth 3tl Court Street Made of bejt material by best work men. If vou need harness, invest! gate. Call anil examine our stock of single ami double harness, saddles, whips anil supplies anil get our prices. Repair work clone substantially and promptly J. A. SMITH, 218 Court Street. Breakfast Lumber, Lumber, Lumber. All kinds for all purposes. Sash, Doors and Blinds. Planing of all descriptions done to otder. Don't place your order foi Building Material until you have consulted us. Pendleton Planing Mill an Lumber Yard. ROBERT fORSTlR, Proprietor All kinds of prepared foods and mushes. Finest syrups and buckwheat for cakes. Best hams it is possible to obtain. Yes, we have a full line of the celebrated Monopole canned goods. D. KEMLER & The Big Store in a Room. SON Small Alta Street, Opposite Savings Bank ORLAN CLYDclULLEN C0UN8ELL0R-AT-LAW U. 8. Supreme Court REGISTERED ATTORNEY U. 8. Patent Orllce U. S. and FOREIGN PATENTS Trade Marks and Copyright! 7 Ui.St. N. W Washington. I. f The East Oregonlan Is Eastern Ore gon's representative paper. It leads and the people appreciate It and show it by their liberal patronage. It Is the advertising medium of this section. COPYRIGHT Lasts Twice As Long. A carriage, wagon-any vehicle geti two lives If it's overhauled and repainted eyerjr few years. It's economy, therefore, for 111 owner to attend to repairs and repainting truest economy if wo supply the materials and do the work, for wa oeo mlv the best 01 the former, put In our best liclts at the latter, Winona wagons, all eiies while they last Call and stlect one if you aro going to buy. Our hacks are the mot durable, finely finished and easiest riding Buggies, we have the Lest rigs in the city for the least money The slickest thine in earth is our Hrracuse plow. Hcouja in any soli. When in the market for vehicles call on NEAQLE BROTHERS Wo sell and guarantee the Stover Gasoline Engines. Toes AND Tons Just received another car load of Poultry and stock supplies at the Colesworthy CHOP MILL 127 and 129 East Alta Street PENDLETON" UKIAH STAGE LINE BTURDIVANT BROS., Props. !,.. In.... )nltnn riallY. AXCftDt Bund at7. m., forUklahand Intermediate poinU. Hates: To Pilot Uock, 750 : Wlot Rock and re turn, ll.ss; to Nye, ll.Mi Nte and return, fat to Ridge. 1.75! to Rlge and return, Tmj Alba.ff.25j to Alba and return, fi.00 to Ukian, U.bO: to Uklah and return, It. 10. Office In aofden Rule Hotel, Pendleton liTfsfr iswr iWtel BlMrtiiiiW" w.i.mi'si"