St lesi i You nlwnyB get GOOD Alexander DEEP The best there is in Canned Goods is the DIAMOND "W" BRAND They can't be improved upon because the most select fruits and vegetables that grow only are packed under this label. When you want the best get Diamond "W." FREE ENLARGED OIL PORTRAITS. We are still giving them to customers. Martin's Family BAKING Our line of Fancy Baking includes all the good things. Our specialty is to supply weddings, par ties and receptions with cakes, cookies and dain ties. The choicest material en ters into our baking. The best bread it is pos sible to make. Miller Grocery Co. 623 Main Street Phone Mcin 51 1 ASK FUR Schlifz HE BEER THAT Milwaukee Famous Unequalled for Table Use All kinds of imported lunches, apt wiener wurst, sauerkraut and r'gs feet at KOHLER & GO'S Main Streets near Postoffice Farmers Custom Mill Fred Walters, Proprietor gapactty 150 barrels a day Jjour exchanged for wheat iTour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed, etc Y 00 hand. GOODS at Alexander's. Dep't Store ft Showing the newest con ceptions in French and Corsets Look at our dollar Corset in the Window. Grocery and Bakery Underwent Sale This sale will be one of the greatest opportunities to buy high grade Muslin Underwear at low prices, that has been offered the ladies of Pendleton this season Our special sale continues through this week and you will have an opportunity of getting just what you want if you don't wait too long. See our Window Display and you will be convinced that this is the place to buy your White Goods. The Store That Saves You Money. Bargains in Real Estate I have a larger and better list of Farms, Stock Ranches and City Property to sell than ever before. Also a big lot of land in the coming wheat section of Eastern Washington. N. Berkeley ACKER'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS cure dyspepsia and all disorders aris ing from Indigestion. Endorsed by physicians everywhere. Sold by all druggists. No cure, no pay. 25 cents. Trial package free by writing W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y. F. W, Schmidt & Co., druggist. OLD NEWSPAl'EnS-TO PUT UNDER carpets, on sbelvea, walla, or for wrap- Clng purposes. Old newspapers In large urdles of 100 each at 25 cents a bnndlo at the BAST OIIKQONIAN offlco, Pendle ton. Oregon. OF WHEAT DAMAGED BY WARM DAYS AND FROSTY NIGHTS. Personal Notes A Paper Railroad From Milton to Wallula Trouble In District No. 10 Is Settled Exer cises at DeHaven School a Splen did Success. Milton. Feb. 23. S. A. Miller is m Portland on business. This is examination week in the public school for promotion of pupils. Two young Miltonites, whose names wo will not mention, paid $5 a piece for their fnn nt the K. of P.'s banquet last Thursday night. The warm days and the cold frosty nights have damaged the wheat some In this vicinity of lato. Charlie Williamson, of Weston, and Dallas Qerrard, of Walla Wnlla, spent Sunday in Milton. Mrs. Dick Chnstain wont over to Weston Sunday evening on the train to see her father, who has just re turned from the East. Drown nnd Frazier sold the C. 13. Stewart place In Milton last week to n, O Hadley. of Huntville, Wash. There is a fine peach orchard on It and as good as any In the valley. Clay Moss has his new house six miles east of town, nearly completed. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Michaels, of Genossee, Idaho, are here on a visit with Mrs. Michael's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W W. McQueen. Mr. E, K. Henry left last week for his old home In Tennessee, after visit ing a few weeks among relatives and friends. He will return, bringing his mother along with him. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hu bor, February 17, a son. E. A. Samuels, of Yakima, Wash., was In town Thursday on business. Mr. A. T. Brewer sold his town property last week to a Mr. Hadley. Mrs. Adkins, of Heppnor, is with her daughter, Mrs. C. W. i.oward, who Is 111, S. F. Harrington has returned from Altre, Wash., where he has been for some time with his two sons, who have had the measles. David Ross, of Palouse. who has been sick at the home of his son for some time with pneumonia, was able I 10 return nome last, saiuroay. 1 wium wuna nas nau a pany oui surveying a site for a power house on the Walla Walla river above Milton, for the last 10 days. B. F. Osborn says that ho Is tired of baching and paying $10 a month for a house In Walla Walla and will move his family out on his ranch In a few days. Kyle McDanlel was In town Satur day, buying wire to fence in a part or his ranch, preparatory to plowing as soon as his school closes. Wheat Damaged. The warm days and cold, frosty nights, have damaged the wheat some In this vicinity, and farmers are get ting rendy to reseed as soon as the weather will permit. The fruit here Is all right, but should the weather continue as It has, there is danger of It being more or less damaged. Paper Railroad. Milton has a new railroad built on paper from here to Wallula. The en terprise was born last week and will be full grown (?). It is only 22 miles from here to Wallula and a level grado all the way and It would be an easy matter to build a road. Further developments await our plan for a write-up. School Trouble Settled. The trouble over the location of an other school house in district No. 10. has been settled and a new house will he built one mile south of the present muming. This Is a sad mistake and the day will soon come when not only a part of the district will see it, but all. Wise Sky Pilots. Some time ngo Rev. D. C. Sander son announced that the male members of the Epworth League would give an entertainment, and in a few weeks the female members would do the same. Just what object he had in view at that time, no one seemed to know, but since the "bachelors' ban quet" and one can see. To cut a long story short, there are more "old bach- oiors got girls and more "old maids gov neaux now than Milton ever thought of, and as a result there will bo more weddings In Milton this spring that ever was dreamed of In our town and the preaches will have lots of "eagles" in their pockets, see? Exercises at DeHaven. The exercises at the DeHaven school house last Saturday evening wore a success In every particular. The program as announced was ren dered to a crowded house that showed its appreciation by throwing $9.25 Into the hat as It was passed around. After the contribution, two tables, CO feet long, were quickly spread wltn well, it isn't necessary to mention it, but after something over 200 had been nil ed there yet remained enough for 100 more. After spending an hour In so cial chat all ropalred to their homes feeling that It was one of tho best times they ever hadr SmithB Afflicted Again, The Smith family, who have been afflicted with smallpox for the past 10 weeks, have two new cases In the family again. One boy Is ready to bo NEWS MLTON I released. The father will be able to I be released in another week, but can- lit- 1- Vil C. 1.UI4IU Vl JVVjr. IIV II The boys are pretty sick. WANT A RAILROA-. Milton Citizens Appoint- a Committee to Run a Preliminary Line. Milton, Feb. 23. Milton is out for another railroad, and its citizens and the farmers adjacent have held two meetings and appointed a committee to run a preliminary survey and set grade stakes. At the last meeting, hold Thursday, a committee composed of "Lucky" Shaw, William Goodman and William Nichols was named to carry out In- strnctions. The line as projected will traverse 30 miles from a point two nnd one half miles above Milton to the Colum bia River, to connect with tno North ern Pacific railroad. The interests behind the project will make the preliminary survey, and then if it shall fall to Induce the Northern Pacific to construct . the road, the farmers and citizens will en deavor to build It themselves. The Irrigation Association formed at Milton about a month ago met in that town Thursday and appointed a committee to carry out a survey be tween Milton and William Goodman's ranch on Pine Creek. It is proposed to construct a barrel flume, and the area to be irrigated comprises lfi.OOO acres. MORROW COUNTY WELL IN THE OIL FIELDS. Columbia River Development Com pany Discovers Strong Artesian Flow May Prove to be a Solution of Irrigation In the Adjacent Dis trict. Ros Beardsley, of the Columbia River Development Co., was In the city this week for the purpose of leas' ing more lands in the Castle Rock oil district on the Columbia river, says the Heppner Gazette. Mr Rpjirdslev stntps Hint tlio mm pany is very much encouraged over tile oil prospects. An oil expert from Ohio, who recentlv inspected the clis ti let has mnde a very encouraging re port. The Columbia River Development Company, composed of Heppner and Arlington people, was organized last spring, and has been boring with a churn drill. Two wells have been bored, the first one at Alder creek where a hole was put down 100 feet. The drill was moved to the mouth of Dead Can yon. When the drill reached a depth of 114 feet at Dead Canyon, there was such a flow of water that drill opera tions wore stopped. Tho water still continues to flow and In spouting out or the groud makes a noise that can be heard for quite a distance. Drill operations will lie commenced again In a few days. Whether oil is found or not, the discovery of artesian water In this portion of the country along the Co lumbia, known as the sand country, Is of no little importance. The appli cation of water would transform this now barren waste Into a rich and pro ductive district that -would support thousands of people. Already tho discovery of water has created quite an interest in this dis- inci. oeverai surveying parties are now on tho ground and the land Is being taken up. Abovo Coyote and Long Island op erations will be commenced In drill ing for water. Arlington and Dalles parties will soon commence drilling about five miles south of Castle Rock. The artesian water found bIiowh a temperature of 09 degrees. As the altitude is only from 200 to 300 feet abovo the sea level in a good portion of the sand country, it Is thought there will be plenty of water on both sides of the river wherever wells are drilled deep enough to bo on a level with the river. Notice. vve. tno underslEiiod. win ho in rencueton within a few weeks, for the purpose of purchasing three hund red (duoj more or less head of horseB, lor ine unneci stales cavalry, there' tore, would instruct owners In this vicinity, to get their horses In proper snape to conionn to the following ro qulrements: uejuings Iioans, light and dark sorrel, and other hardy colors, They must be sound, gentle under the sad- cue, with free and prompt action at the walk, trot and gallop; without de lect or blemish; of kind disposition, to weigh not less than 950 pounds, nor moro than 1150 pounds, from 15 nanas l inch to 16 hands high; from four (4) to eight (8) years of age; suitable tor the United States env- airy. We will notify you later, the date we want the horses brought In for Inspection, Yours truly, HENRY OLDENSTADT, HERMAN METZGER, For further particulars, write to Herman Metzger, Portland Ore. Ladles' half soles 40c. Teutsch. T ITER Wasting Away. Lack of fat in the food is the beginning of a wasting con dition. So many people that we meet are thin and keep getting thinner. Perhaps there are some in your own family. Look for the cause and it is more than likely you will find that such people do not eat the fatty portions of their food. They either will not or cannot cat fat, and yet it is the absence of this ele ment in their ordinary food that causes a wasting con dition. For such people we offer Scott's Emulsion as contain ing in the most palatable and easily digested form the element of fat they need. It supplies, and more than sup plies, the lack of fat in ordinary food. A small quantity (a teaspoonful for a child and a tablespoonful for an adult three times a day) will enable the body to get the strength and proper fat supply that it needs. Scott's Emulsion is cod liver oil so prepared that all of it is utilized by the system. Raw cod liver oil is not only repulsive to the taste but only a part of it is taken into the system the weakened organs being unable to digest it all. The emulsion passes almost immediately through thestom ach and into the blood. The stomach is scarcely aware of its presence there. It shows itself first in the nourishment it affords and the new strength that it gives. The weight gradually increases and the flesh becomes firmer. It is the return to health ; the stop ping of the wasting condition. Scott's Emulsion has supplied the elements of fat that the body needed. It is not a question of how much you eat or can eat or even of appetite. It is rather what becomes of the food. Does it contain the proper nourishment and the right proportion of fat? If the food does you no good it does you harm, for digestion is work, and when the body is in a wasting condition the stom ach must work to some pur pose. Scott's Emulsion saves a great deal of this work, and what is more makes it effec tual. We piace on every package of Scott's Emulsion our trade mark label of a man with a big fish on his back. It is our personal guarantee that the emulsion is right in every respect. If this label is miss ing you are not getting the genuine Scott's Emulsion, which means that you are not getting the full value of the oil or the kind of a prepara tion you need. We'll send you a sample free upon request. SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl St., New York. Dally Et Oreaonlan bv c.rrl.. only 15 cent wtok. Enjoy your leisure time at ROBINSON'S AMUSEMENT PARLORS UNDER W. & G. R. DEPOT First-class Bowling Alleys Best Billiard and Pool Tables Shooting and Throwing Galler ies. Musical entertainment every evening. Best order maintained. Temperance refreshments and cigars. Drop in and while away your spare time. LET US FILL YOUR BILL FOR LUMBER We can supply you with Building Material of all descriptions and save you money. DOORS WINDOWS Building paper, lime, cement, brick and sand. Wood gutters for barns and dwellings a specialty. Oregon Lumber Yard Alta St., Opp. Court House ; LOSSES ALWAYS MET PROMPTLY By the Fire Insurance Com panies we represent. Our companies stand first in the world. Hartford Fire Insurance Co. 2,259,070 Alliance Assurance Co 29,030,003 London & Lancashire Fire Insurance Co 2,5-14,083 North British & Mercantile Co 10,095,974 Itoyal Insurance Co 22,897,163 FRANK B. CLOPTON AGENT 800 MAIN STREET The Columbia Lodging House Newly Furnished. Bar in connection. Bet. Alta & Webb Sts. In Center of Block. F. X. Schempp Proprietor GOOD SOUND WOOD Is always received when you place your order with us. Fir, Tamarack and ..Pine., Why buy poor coal when you can get the best for the same price? Laatz Bros. Telephone Main 5i i I" I' If fi f J' h 1 . ! til i