East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 23, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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    Men's Trousers
5 00
Bae & Daley
One-Price Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers
.MONDAY. FKHUUAltY 23. 1903.
Two members of a hunting party in
Mississippi were froen to death Sat
urday. Germany Is aiding the Venezuelan
rebels by failure to return the Vene
zuelan warships to President Cas
tro. Insane with jealousy and rage a
blind man at Wallace. Idaho, Saturday
mortally wounded Mrs. Hugh Smith,
of Black Bear, and took his own life.
Miss I.ulu Cole, of Now York City,
received on Valentine's day a phial
of poison by mail, and since then has
received letters threatening her life.
The American Labor Union, of Den
ver, has declared a boycott upon the
Colorado & Southern as a result of
the .strike of the blacksmiths on that
A fake lottery scheme has been un
earthed in New York, whereby thous
ands of people were victimized. Tick
ets were sold but no drawings were
ever held.
An epidemic of typhoid fever has
attacked the students of Cornell uni
versity at Ithaca, N. Y. Ten, so far,
have died. Most of the students have
left college.
The strike of the carpenters and
masons at Worcester, Mass., which
began the first of last September, is
settled. The unions were allowed an
increase in wages.
In his speech at the laying of the
corner stone of a war college Satur
day, President Roosevelt declared
that the United States had been forc
ed into the position of a world power
by the trend of events.
The railroad employes of Holland i
have decided to cease work with the j
object of preventing the adoption ofi
the proposed law prohibiting railroad
strikes. Ninety thousand men are :
out and the situation is critical.
M. A. Stinson and his 16-year-old j
son were asphyxiated at their home!
at Shawnee. O. T., by tho fumes of a!
stove. Mrs. Stinson discovered her,
husband and son dead, and was bare-,
ly able to reach the fresh air and save j
herself. 1
The statehood compromise which it
is expected will remove the blockado
proposes to admit, but two states.
New Mexico and Arizona will be ad
mitted as Montezuma and the Indian
Territory will become a part of Okla
homa in 1090, when the treaty obli
gations of the Indians are out of tho
Hotel Pendleton.
Mrs V Stebbs, Wardner.
O. S. Youngman, Portland.
A. Sinsheimer. Portland.
A. A. Grout, Portland.
12. H. Cobbs, Portland.
D. K. Hall. Portland.
John Wilson, Portland.
A. K. Lindell, Chicago.
M. H. Patton. Spokane.
M .Greer, Spokane.
B. D. ICellin, Spokane.
J. W. Harrick, San Francisco.
D. B. Leek, New York.
The smallpox quarantine on tho
Washington Agricultural college has
been raised.
The state of Oregon has paid out
$350,000 on the scalp bounty law since
it went into effect.
A leper of tho Darcy Island lazaret
to, near Vancouver, B. C, was found
murdered Sunday morning.
Tho libel caso against tho Salem
Journal in which Mary K. Gibson se
cured $1 damages will bo given a
John Nolan, of Spokane, has been
sentenced to two years in tho peniten
tiary for an attempted holdup on two
Spokano citizens.
S. Wright, a eamptender near Hag-
erman, Idaho, was shot and killed I
Sunday by Frank Hunter, a herder.
Hunter Is under arrest. I
Fred W. Hart, of Seattle, has been
arrested for embezzling $2200 In
trusted to his earn by tho Ney York
Lifo Insurance Company,
William Hayes, aged 15, a student
of tho Chemawa training school near
Salem, was run over and Instantly
killed Sunday by a Southern Pacific
Tho Seattle grand jury has returned
a true bill against Georgo Klnncar, a
wealthy property owner of Seattle, for
allowing his property to be used for
Immoral purposes.
Golden Rule.
W. P. Wright, Tacoraa.
W. G. Cone, Taconia.
W. J. .Moore, Spokane.
J. S. Hooper, Spokane.
A. T. Holmes, Farmiugton.
Charles Sanders, Walla Walla.
James Cedan, Walla Walla.
3. G. Williams, Spokane.
Sam Lee. Spokano.
T. Burns, Spokane.
A. J. Hall, Spokane.
G. S. Ackerson, Prescott.
L. Cunningham, Portland.
James Nelson and wife, Valley.
II. I .Ewing. Walla Walla.
L. Hingel. Vausycle.
J. C. Doering, Juniper.
A. l.arson. Juniper.
J. M. Willoughby, Cambridge.
George W. Marshall, Colfax.
S. J. Marshall. Coltax.
M. E. Marshall, Colfax.
H. Bobbins and wife, Baker City.
G. Saki, Arabia.
J. L. McKinnis, Elgin.
F. E, Hoberts. Portland.
F. J. Gardner, Portland.
Ben -Mitchell, Portland.
J. T. Tardner. Cass Lake.
C. Tedford, Cass Lake.
-Mrs. C. Person, Cass Lake.
II. T .Allerton, Cass Lake.
Mrs. H. T. Allerton, Cass Lake.
H. E. Chafee. Cass Lake.
J .W. Koontz. The Dalles.
W. O'Connor, .The Dalles.
Frank Glass, Prineville.
J. F. Foss and wife, Mora.
E .Peoples, Mora.
L. C. Peoples, Mora.
M. J. Peoples, Mora.
O. E. Howard, Spokane.
S. A ..Miller. Milton.
H. Lloyd, Valley.
Mrs. H. Lloyd, Valley.
O. F. Thompson, Candler.
Mrs. O. F. Thompson, Candler.
S. C. Thompson, Candler.
F. H. Thompson, Candler.
N. O. Tate, Keystervello.
Nila H. Moorman, Keksterville.
F. E, Sly, Froquair.
Frank Nelson, city.
It. J. Ewing, Walla Walla.
J. M. Belt and wife, Starbuck.
H. P. Holf. city.
J. B. Holmes, Albany.
G. W. Ult, lone.
C. Davis, Portland.
A. Plummer and son, Portland.
Mokl Tea positively cures sick Head
ache, Indigestion and constipation. A
delightful herb drink. Removes all
eruptions of the skin, producing a per
fect complexion or money refunded.
25c and 50c. Write to us for free sam
ple. W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo. N.
Y. F. W. Schmidt & Co., druggist.
Executrix Sale.
The property of tho late William
Searcy will be disposed of at public
sale, Wednesday. February 25, at the
Searcey farm, 10 miles northwest of
Pendleton. The property consists of
horses, harness, wagons, header beds,
header and all kinds of farming Im
plements. Free lunch will be serv
ed. J, M. Bentloy, auctioneer.
Cheap Rates Westbound.
From February 15 to April 30, 1903,
Inclusive, iho O. K. & N. Co. will
liavo on salo tickets from Missouri
River points to Pendleton for $22.60;
from St. Paul, $25,00; from St. Louis.
$27.50. Call on tho O. R. & N. ticket
agent for all particulars.
j ty 13 years ago, and taught school
until four years ago, when ho bought
land on tho reservation, since which
I time ho has been farming success
j fully.
Purl Bowman's Family Have Scarlet
Fever Al Ragan Takes Contract
In Washington His Satanic Majes
ty on McKay Creek.
Tutullla. Feb. 22. Al Ragan hns
secured a plowing contract up in
Washington, where lie goes 'in tlu
near future.
Purl Bowman and his entire family
have been sick with scarlet fever but
are recovering.
A perusal of a descilptlon of the
skeleton lecently unearthed on Mc
Kay Creek, might lead to the conclu
sion that the devil had been interred
in that locality, but a McKay Creeker
says there is a very healthy represen
tative of his satanic majesty still do
ing business In that locality.
Al Hudson and Dave Nelson each
have a gang of men at work on a new
road which is being opened up to add
to tlie facilities for reaching Pendle
ton. M. J. Foster was up from ' Stage
Gulch yesterday and says the real
estate market in that neighborhood is
still active, tltree quarter sections of
land was recently sold to Eastern
parties for $7,000.
Thomas Lonegan has a well boring
machine nt work trying to secure a
more plentllut supply of water.
W. O. Rigby's sale on Friday was
well attended from all over the coun
ty, some of the stock being purchased
for far Yukon. The sale was conduct
ed by William Yohnha. who was for
10 years an auctioneer in St. Louis,
his father being an auctioneer before
him, and is still in tho business. This
is a case where heredity seems to
count for something, and the flights
of eloquence which extolled the char
acter of refractory mules and added
to their value In dollars and cents
on Friday, would have done credit to
the old gentleman in his palmiest
dnys. The sales of the various arti
cles amounted to about $0,000. SO per
cent of which was paid in ca3h. a very
creditable showing.
H. H. Nye and Son, of St. Louis, Stop
Over In Pendleton.
H. II. Nye and son Robert E. Nye,
of St. Louis, Mo., spent Sunday and
Monday in tills city, visiting rela
tives, whom they had not seen fur
many years.
Mr. Nye Is a cousin of A. W. Nye,
one of Pendleton's most highly es
teemed citizens and of Thomas P.
Nye. of Echo.
He has been in business in St.
Louis for a number of years and is
now on his way to Snoqualinle. Wnsh.,
where he will engage, witli his son. in
This is Mr. Nye's first trip West of
the- Rocky Mountains and he is de
lighted with the country and business
piospccts so far as he has become
familiar with them.
Robert E. Nyo has been in business
at Snoqualmlo for several years
They left on the morning train for
Echo, whero they will spend a few
days with Thomas P. Nye.
The gentlemen are highly elated
over the prospects ahead of the St.
Louis Exposition and feel confident
that it will be one of the greatest
events in the history of Missouri.
They also say that Interest in tbg
Lewis and Clark fair is constantly
growing in tho East and-that it is the
theme of conversation on all home
seekers' trains that aie now battling
westward among tho snow drifts and
t blizzards of Wyoming and Nebraska.
Returns Home. I
Charles Pierce, of Weston tlio
booming town of Umatilla county, is j
in tho eltv. Hi has Iippii wntchinirl
the lawmakers at Salem for the past
two weeks and will accompany ills 1 1
brother. Senator Pierce, back to t'nin
tllla. Oregon Dally Journal.
Piles Upon Piles of the Newest and Best
Immense quantities of new and beautiful effects ii
most cnarming uomesuc anu ioreie,n weaves.
The Season's Latest Novelties
And old time favorites, such as
French Canvas Cloth
Colored India Batiste
Mercerized Etamines
Polka Dot Canvas
Avcrn Zephyrs
Wool Challies in
Beautiful Colorings
Piques and
Basket Weaves
Dimities, Silk Mulls
Lawns and
Piles of other Weaves
See corner windo1
For Sale.
$3,750, two house3 and 76x100 ieo.
on Garden street Rents for $33 per
month. Address J. M. Leezer, 269
Clay street, Portland, Or.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Hew aid
for any case of catarrh that cannot bo
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
P. J. CIIKXRY & CO., Props.. Toledo, O.
We, the undersljjned, have known V. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, ami believe
him perfectly honorable in all business
transactions ami financially able to carry
out any obligations made by their Arm.
WKST & TltUAX, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo. O
sale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Price 75c per
bottle. .Sold by all druggists, Testimonials
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
A Wonderful Invention.
Science scores again. The Electiic
Body Coil and Invlgorator I will
visit any town in the state where elc-j
trie lights are used, and will treat 1
free of charge, any caso of acute rlieu-1
matism, which is in a helpless eondI-
tion, unable to stand or walk Ad
dress. Dr. J. if Hoyd. Temple Court
lilook. Spokane. Wash
Have your
shoes repaired at
Had a Very Enjoyable Visit to the
Old Home in Missouri.
W. W. Harrah and wife returned
Saturday night from a seven-weeks'
visit to Jameson, Mo., among tho
scenes of Mr. Harrah's childhood.
They left here on January S, and
enjoyed their trip very much, with
one exception. Their little son, who
had evidently contracted scarlet fe
ver before leaving Pendleton, died on
January 25, after a two-weeks' ill
ness. Mr. Hanah's parents are both liv
ing and a family reunion was held at
tho old home, at which all the near
and distant relatives of the family
were present.
He reports the weather very disa
greeable all through tho East. Heavy
snows and high winds followed their
train to tho very summit of tho Ulue
Mountains, and the only pleasant sun
shine they enjoyed on the trip was
encountered after the train started
down tho mountain this side of Ka
mela, into tho balmy springtime of
Umatilla county.
This Is tho first visit East in 11
years and tho changes made oven In
tho old settlements of Missouri are
very noticeable.
Mr, Harrah came to Umatilla coun-
All the popular works j
of fiction.
All the new books that &
have pleased the public, g
All the standard jjf
works. j
Our circulating library &
is growing in popularity
daily, g
It costs only a small g
sum to read any of the j
new books.
Come and investigate.
Book and Stationery Store
Paris Careen
Blue Stone
London Pur
ple Whale OU Soap
In any quantity,
at vert lowest
Phone Main 851
Garden Tools
: and Seed
I have just received a full line of Garden Cultivators
and Seeders. The above tools are the combined
seeder, hoe. rake and tilow.
I have also a full line of Choice Garden Seeds in
bulk, Grass Seed, Alfalfa, Timothy, Broom Grass,
Orchard Grass, Etc. Call and Get prices.
74 Main Street
Our Banner Month
BR3kt i
Four and a half lots with two large
pretty cottages, all well Improved.
Now rented for $30 month, $ 1500.
A lodging house, 14 rooms and lot,
very centrally located, $2500.
A lot about three blocks from Main
street, $250
A house, fi lunula imrl lnl il
off Main street, $1100.
utlier nouses and lots from 1500 ?to
Klncln lnta frrmi 10R tonn
Ing to location.
jvour lots together $000.
Six Iota together, $8.50.
Fourteen lots together. wimU iinb
$1600. " ' '
Will sell for cash or on easy terms.
Will AXrilnln mid ulimu nihA.I..
on application. Pendleton Is growing
rapidly and Investments now will, in
my opinion, prove profitable. To tho
average man in the West, the surest
way to proilt In in mil estato Investments,
C. D. BOYD, III Court Street
We are trying to make this our
Banner Month and in order to do so
are offering rare inducements. You'll
make money by investigating.
315 East Court Street.
Have Your Water Pipes Examined and Repaired
Delay will lead to serious breaks.
First-class work guaranteed by
BECK, the Reliable Plambe.
Court street, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel
UAA r I expect people to know wl
nvVV UJ I JKJ you have to sen ii you i
The new store can never be f ry f3 TT"I O; pi
known nnless It advertises MU V Cn I I W t !
iiOi'll iiMl' li"