1 Uncle Sam says it's all right Uncle Sam. In the person of ten of bta government official. Is always tn chares of every department of our distillery. Durlnir tho entlro process of distillation, after the whiskey Is stored In barrels In our warehouses, during tho seven years It remains there, from tho very (train wo buy to the whiskey you ret. Uncle Sam is constantly on the watch Wo dare not tako n gallon of our own whiskey from our own warehouse unless he snysltt's all right. And when he does say so, that whiskey goes direct to you. with all Its original strength, rich ness and flavor, carrying n I'NITKD STATES HKG1STEKKD DISTILI.EIl'S UUAIIAN THK ot l'UKITV and AOK, and saving the dealers' enormous profits. That's why UAYNEll WHISKEY is the best for tnodlclnal purposes. That's why It is preferred for other uses. That's why we havo over o quarter of 11 million satisfied customers. That's why YOU should try It. Your money back If you're not satisfied. Direct fp&m aap distillery to 00 Saves Dealers' Profits I Prevents Adulteration I HAYNER WH PURE SEVEN-YEAR-OLD RYE A FULL $J.Q0 EXPRESS t QUARTS We will send rou FOUR FULL QUART DOTTLES of IIAYNER'S SEVEN-YEAR-OLD RYE for 11.00, and wo will pay tho express charges. Try It and If you don't find It all light and as good as you ever used or can buy from anybody else at any price, send It back at our expense, and your 14.00 will be returned to you by next mail. Just think that oner over. How could It be fairer? If you aro not perfectly satisfied, you are not out a cent, lletter let us send you n trial order. If you don't want four quarts yourself, got a friend to join you. Wo ship In a plain scaled case, no marks to show what's Inside. If you can use SIO Quarts or can get some of your friends to Join you, wo will send you (unrtH for 810.00 by Freight l'repntd, thus saving you Sl.OO. Wo have been In business over Si years and have a paid-up capital of toOO.OOJ.OU so you run no risk. Write our nearest office nnd do It NOW. THE HAYNER DISTILLING COMPANY 8T. PAUL, MINN. DAYTON, OHIO ST. LOUIS, MO. no DisTnxinr, Tkot, O. Established 1S6 I FRAZER OPERA HOUSE S I BAKf R & WELCH, Algrs, MARK AtOORHOUSE, Local Mgr. s F EE EB. 23 One Night Common Sense Prices 25c, 50c, 75c To Sec SAM MORRIS as MOSES LEVI In j I THE PEDDLER'S CLAIM ! t SUNDAY AT I THE CHURCHES Church of the Redeemer Early celebration of holy communion at 8 J a. m. : morning prayer, litany and ser- tnon at 11 a. m.; Sunday school at 10 a m Hvpnlng prayor and sermon at 7 30 o'clock V. R. 1'otwlne. rector First Baptist Church PreaehtilR at 11 o'clock, subject, "The Christ lan's Heritage." In the evening the. subject will be. "Some Lessons From Marconi's Wireless Telegraphy." A rordiul welcome to ill! who may at toml the services. M. E. Church, South. Sunday Serv ices as follows: 10 a. m. Sunday k. bool. I. K. Earl, superintendent; '1 a to preaching by pastor: 0:30 p. m. Emvorth League. subject. "Dr. Oarles Taylor. Missions." Leader. Mi -s Mary Uust; 7:30 p. in., preach ing by pastor No prayer meeting on Thursday night on account of Union ; meeting Next Sunday quarterly i meeting E H Jones, pastor. ' Congregational Church Sunday ! services as follows: Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Morning worship and preaching at 11. Subject of discourse "Spiritual Worship." Christian En deavor meeting at 0:15 p. m. An eve ning with homo missions. Leader, Mrs Ualley. Evening service at 7:30. Address on George Washington, his message to the present generation. A cordial welcome to all. Jonathan Ed wards, minister. West End Chapel Corner West Wnhh .ind Mnnln streets. Sunday! school at '-':30. Song service on Tues-j day evening. Methodist Episcopal Church Tho revival meetings aro gaining in inter est and power. Several have been converted during tho week. These meetings will go forward indefinitely. Plan of services as follows: Preaching this evening at 7:30; Sunday, 7 a. m.. sunrise prayer meeting: 10 a. m., Sunday school; 11 a. ni., preaching by Rev. Edward Baker: 3 p. m.. Pen tecostal meeting; 0:30 p. m., general evangelistic service. A cordial invi tation is extended to the general pub lic. Robert Warner, pastor. First Presbyterian Church 10 a. m.. Sunday school; 11 a. m sermon, "The Fall, or the Entrance of Sin In to the World": 3 p. m., Junior En deavor; 6:15, Senior Endeavor; 7:30 p. m., sermon. All aro welcome and strangers are especially invited. Rob ert J. Dlven, pastor. THE BEST MFG. CO. Are in the Field with the Latest Improved Side-Hill Combined Harvester It is a success and works smoothly and perfectly on all hills. These machines have been thoroughly tested and are guaranteed to be the simplest and best com bined harvester on the market. THE BEST MANUFACTURING COMPANY manu factures a small side-hill Combined Harvester and a large one; also their celebrated Steam Harvester The merits of which are well known in Uma tilla County. THE BEST MANUFACTURING CO.'S Machines are handled in Umatilla County by Local Agents The Gasoline Engine is man's most handy companion. See the Improved THEME Gasoline JSnfime It's something new. Requires no packing and has no stud bolts to twist off. Let us show you our irrigation plant. Irrigaticn in this country means wealth Withee, 3hecer LADIES, TAKE NOTICE I Attention, now. ladira, all happy and gayl Jut; tee my Ust otter I Hut Two Bits to pay For a beautiful photo, full i ablnet mo, That would make your belt fellow Juit open bla erci. .lust out the K. O, at DanoerN old stand, You will in our exhibit o beautiful and grand. We will there try to pleaie yon, the belt we know how, With th;tt idine pleaiant imile and an utilities bow. It matters but little how old you may be Whether iwettrlxlcen or agu twenty-three lie you handiomo anu WH, or as cute aa an elf, You will get a nice photo of your tweet little self. Our work li Kjkst Class and to fine yon mint know, That all the brat people know Jmt wbera to po. Through the whole month ot March we will lug you t li song, So bring your beat fellow and com right along DANNER, tt& E. Wefcb St. Christian Socialism. The Pendleton socialist local will not meet tomorrow, but will meet Monday evening at the courthouse at 8 o'clock, to hear Rev. Jonothan Edwards and others speak on the sub ject of Christian socialism. This Is an open meeting to which the mem bers of the ladies clubs are especially invited. GEORGIA Y. M. C. A. Most Notable and Largest Meeting in History of Organization. Columbus, Ga., Feb. 21. The Geor gia Young Men's Christian Associa tions began here today a convention which promises to be the most nota ble, as It is also tho largest in tho history of the state organization. Tho day was devoted chiefly to tho re ception of the delegates, including representatives from Atlanta, Augus ta, Savannah and other cities through out the state. A big dinner and re ception this evening will mark tho formal opening of the gathering. To morrow the pulpits of tho local churches will be occupied by eminent religious workers who are to tako part In tho convention. The busi ness sessions will occupy Monday and Tuesday. Tho various officers and committees were at work today put ting the finishing touches to their re ports, all of which will tend to show tho flourishing condition of the organ ization and gratifying numerical prog ress since the last state convention was held to years ago. Yankee Banquet in London. London, Feb. 21. For tho first time in three years there is to bo a great banquet here in celebration of Wash ington's birthday. Tho American So ciety has decided to bo patriotic onci more, and tho Hotel Cecil will bo tlm scene of a notable gathering. No less than 450 notable men and women will bo present, including all the officials of tho United States embassy, as well as tho consulate, In addition to many distinguished English guests. Tho American women to whom most cred it Is due for arranging the celebration aro Mrs. James Speyer, Mrs, Tlonalds, Mrs. Lafayette do Fieso and Miss Ag nes Tobln. Theta Delta Chi Convention. Hoston, Mass., Feb. 2i. From Maine to California, Greek letter so ciety men havo gathered in Boston for tho 55th annual convention of the Theta Delta Chi fraternity, one of tho most prominent of college socie ties. Tho charges at Harvard Uni versity, Boston University and Tufts College are acting as tho hosts of tho occasion. Tho sessions began at tho Hotel Bellevuo today and will con tinue until Wednesday of next week. "Deaf. iMns. Pinkham : It is with thankfulness I write that Tallin 13. IMnkiiuiii'M Vejretnbh'. Coiniiouml has been of the greatest help to me. 3l work keeps 1110 standing on my feet all day and the hours are long. Some months ago it didn't seem as though I could stand it. 1 would get so dreadfully tired and my back ached so I wanted to scream with the nain. When I got home at night I was so worn out I had to go right to bed, and I was terribly blue and downhearted, l was lrregii Lir and the How was scanty, and I was pale and had no apimtito. I to.cl a girl friend who was taking your medicine now l leit, ami sue saiti i ought to tako it too. So 1 got a bottle of L..vdiu 15. JMnkluuii's Vege table Compound and commenced to take it. It helied me right oil. After the tirst few doses menstruation started and was fuller than for some time. It seemed to lift a load oil" me. My back stopped aching and I felt brighter than I had for months. I took three bottles in all. Now I never have an ache or pain, and 1 go out after work and have a good time. I am regular and strong and am thankful to you for the change. "I recommend Itlia 12. IMnklmin's A'ejretuble- Compound when, over I hear of a girl suffering, for T know how hard it is to work when you feel so sick." Miss Mamik Kuihns, S53 9th Ave., New York City. Women should not fall to profit by tho experiences of these women ; just as surely as they were cured of tho troubles enu merated in their letters, just so certainly will Lyriin IS. IMiiklmiu's Aregetablo Compound euro others who suffer from womb trou bles, inflammation of tho ovaries, kidney troubles, irregular and painful menstruation, nervous excitability, and nervous prostra tion; remember that it is liydia E. rinkham's Vegetable Com pound that is curing women, ami don't allow any druggist to sell you anything else in its place. Miss Amanda T. Petterson, Box l!U, At water, Minn., says: "T)p!i lUiis. Tinkham. T hone that vou will publish this testimonial so that it may reacli others and let them know about your wonderful medicine. "Before taking l,ydiu E. JMiikham's Vegetable Compound I was troubled with the worst kind of fainting spells. The blood would rush to my head, was very nervous and always felt tired, hud dark circles around eyes. "I have now taken several bottles of I,ydia 15. lMnkbam's Vegetable Com pound and am entirely cured. I had taken doctor's medicine for many years but it did me no good. " Please accept my thanks for this most excellent medicine which is able to restore health to suffering women." No other female medicine in the world bus received such widespread and unqualified endorsement. No other medicine lias such a record of cures of female troubles, Those women who refuse to accept anything else arc re warded a hundred thousand times, for they get what they want a Mire. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Ilefuso all substitutes. SFflflft FORFEIT if wn cHiniot fnrtliutth proiluen th original letters and algEatnreaof 1 II II I above tilnmnilals, ublfh nil I prove their nbtnltile nnliieness. UUUU I.j.lU i:. l'lnkliam MfiUclnr Co., Lynn, Mum. i I I Vic MISS SARAH FINLEY Vice-President of the Palmetto Club, uzui a. 9 Memphis, Term. OF CAKDCI ha thoroughly Bcientifio and mod ern remedy, meet ing the needs of tho modern woman in the modem way without the torturo o an operation. WInoo Cardui ha3 cured them in tho pri vacy of their homes and it has found a place in the hearts o American women that no other medicine has found. In their graliludo over 10,000 American women havo written letters commend ing Wino of Cardui, Wine of Cardui meets their wants as no other mcdicino does. It sustains tho young girl at tho shock of her entrance to womanhood. Women who take Wino of Cardui have little discomfort during pregnancy and little pain at childbirth. When tho change of lifo appears they enter a happy, healthy old ago. Every month it comes to tho rescuo to assiet Nature in throwing the impurities from tho body. Miss Sarah Finley, of Memphis, Term., vice-president of tho Palmetto Club of that city, speaks for herself and many friends when she bestows tho .Vlii Sarah Finlti) following of Cardui: praiso on Wine Among the numerous mtdicints placed before suf fer!n; women for their relief none can touch McElree't Wine of Cardui. It towers above them all as a reliable female remedy. It timply drives pain and disease away and restores health in an Incredibly short period. I have taken great interest la this medicine for the patt two years, since it brought health and strength to me. I have also recommended it to a Dumber of my friends and they who have used it speak of it in the highest terms and I feel that it is praise well bestowed." If you aro suffering from female weakness Wino of Cardui is the medi cine you need. You can have health the same u Miss Finley if you will take the Wino of Cardui treatment. If you need ad vice further than tho complete direc tions given on tho bottle, address Tha Ladies Advisory Department, Chatta nooga Med. Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. WINEofCARDVI A million suffering women nave tounu rencr in Wino of Cardui. CTda signature in on every box of the genuine Laxative Hrnrnft-Oiiinino -rabies Wtho rcuody fhat cures r cckl la one !cy. HOTELS. "hoteT PENDLETO ! VAN DRAN BROS.. Prnr, I he Best Hotel In pend and ns good as any. Headquarters for Traveling uommouious Sample Roon Rates $2 & $2j Unfollll t-1 l,w lit. .. "I'- J ur in on in i Excellent (Julsiue. Prompt Dinlngrooni ser Every Modern Convn Bar and billiard room inconnl Only Three Blocks from GOLDEN RULE DDI Corner Court anil .obnson BtreolJ I't'ndleton, Oregon. j M. F. Kelly, Proprlotol HEATED BY STEAAl LIGHTED BY ELECTMCI1 Ainurlcnii l'lun, rato8l 45 toil nor iluv. Kumiiunii l'lun. rOu, "Ru, $1. Hpeomi nuH ny wo or iiiuhi. Free 'bus meets all tralnsl Cnmmprclnl trade solldte Fine samplel Special Attention Given Country j HOTEL ST. GEOR( CORNER MAIN AND WEBB GEO. DARVEAU. Prop. Elegantly Furnished Steam nt Ulan. Europe-.- . . Sample room in connection ROOM RATE 50c, 75c,. VHP PORTLAKI PORTLAND. OREGOI IKadquaner. . famllits an1 .11 limo to ihow room. uu r Y; modern TurVUb yKB"iSa THE ROYAL RESTAURA l have purchased tlie r..oi RpQt.mrant. ODJ Main streets doors north will serve the! ol W. where best 25 cent meal in tlie city. I will appreciate, your patronage and askj you to caiia--W "TOa.""u'i" sr-r-'.T