'5 Von always get GOOD GOODS at Alexander's. $ FASH ON PHASES DEEP HIP WW Showing the newest con ceptions in Ffencfe and Corsets Look at oar dollar Corset in the Window. WASH GOWNS ARE THE "HERALDS OF SPRING.'' The best there is in Canned Goods is the DIAMOND W" BRAND They can't he improved upon because the most select hits and vegetables that grow only are packed under this file!. When you want the best get Diamond "W. I FREE ENLARGED OIL PORTRAITS. We are st.ll giving am to customers. I'ai'tin's Family Grocery and Bakery BAKING tur line of Fancy Baking deludes all the good Ij&itigs. Our specialty is iisupply weddings, par- ! is and receptions with lies, cookies and dain- 'ichoicest material en- cito our baking, joest bread it is pos it to make. r Grocery Co. 623 Main Street Phone Main 511 ASK FOR chlitz Unctewea? Sale This sale will be one of the greatest opportunities to buy high grade Muslin Underwear at low prices, that has been offered the ladies of Pendleton this season. Our special sale continues through tins week and you will have an opportunity of getting just what you want if you don't wait too long. See our Window Display and you will be convinced that this is the place to buy your White Goods. The Fait, The Store That Saves You Money. Bargains in f BEER THAT MADE Iwaukee Famous ftaqualled for Tablo Use Real Estate I have .a larger and better list of Farms, Stock Ranches and City Property to sell than ever before. Also a big lot ot land in wheat section Washington. me coming of Eastern kinds. of imported lunches. Iiener wurst, sauerkraut and 't at MLER & GO'S 'in Streets near Postoffice N. Berkeley Nasal In I its etagea tbcro ehoald bo cleanliness. Ely's Cream Ualn cleaufes,ootheTOntlhciIi the diseased membrane. It cures catarrh anil tlrit en away a cold "In the bead I quickly. Creiun Halm la placed Into he nostrils, spreads I over tbe membrane and Js absorbed, llellef la Inv Ners Custom Mill Ijred Walters, Proprietor tjr "Changed for wheat mediate and a cure follows. It la not drylng-nloea Fi Mill Feed Cliimnml WapiI n- Prouuc' "ucc"",b- "rK '. o" eeoia ai urug- hand ' """P61 Jfeea elc tfstsorbrmalli Trial Site, 10 centa by mall ELY BIlOTUSns. 60 Warren Street. New Yorfc New Muslins and Mercerized Fabrics Are Cool and Restful White Satin Takes the Place of Taffeta Jackets Without Collars Very Modish. New York, Feb. 2d. In Lent the well-dressed girl plans the frocks and frills which stimulates the young man's fancy to "thoughts of love" in the spring iimo. The first real heralds of spring this year are tno wash gownr in name only which promise to create a fu rore unequaled in the history of dress. The new falirlrs which are heavy enough to require no linins; yet sufficiently pliable to adapt them selves to the predominating lines of slendorness and grace havo taken to themselves entirely novel complex ions and airs. Not onl yare solid col ors seen, bu; mixtures are prominent and there are new Scottish effects dotted and stripes with the rold hues 1 to lend variety to the regulation de signs. There is an atmosphere of distinct novelty about summer frocks. Every thing Is designed to suggest comfort and surcease from worry lest they crumple or soil even though thej A grass-green linen through which pale blue is rostfully mingled has In sorted scams, the Insertions being of strips of coarse lace. The design of tlie lace is of squares in tho cemor ol which is a circular ornament which hns been worked over In black silk There are long green sleeves and un dorsloeves of white lace. The collar is of tho stock variety carried out in worked lace. Either of the two very pretty hati) may complete this costume. Tho for mer is oi dead-white, dull-finished rice straw and trimmed with roses, violets and leaves; the latter is a rough shiny tuscan adorned with green vel vei uows and cream lace over prile nine ciunon rosettes. The new muslins and mercerised fabrics aro cool nnd restful and for this renson nra much in demand. The main idea of the summer woman of fashion is to look summery, but not vivacious, for vivacity is a mistake on a grilling midsummer day, no matter how charming she may be. A dainty flock designed for one nf the fortunate few who can shift their quarters South to avoid tho blister lng winds of March is a mass of cine lingerie tucks in cream muslin with lace insertions and a deep flounce at tno foot of the skirt of white mousse line do soio on which aro annlinues of pink flowers graceful sweet p?a una green leaves. . .1 , . , . Auuiuur imisnn roue is or cream white and black embroidery. Tho combination Is very Frenchy and fetching and the embroidery is thick and sou, line the old-fashioned kind that adorned the gowns of our moth ers years ago. i'-asnion is turning to nualnt and picturesque tilings. There were sashes last year. They are here again mis season with fringes and hand paintings for the early frocks of llnnn. Some are daintily designed of Chine ribbon and silk fringes sewn on. A novelty is to carry the ribbon around the waist twice and knit it low iue or directly in front. White satin is taking the nlare of laneia as a foundation material for point d'esprit, especially black. A particularly stunning sown in these tabrics has the bodice cut low in the neck and rather square. All the way around the neck si rips of black velvet aro caught here and there to finish it; from this the strltis ot velvet are stitched down over the satin, covered with black point d'es prit half way, about an Inch apart, then from the waist line the velvet Is stitched down between the stri ns of velvet from the top and coming up just as far as the other came down. The sleeves are of point d'esnrit. caught in full at the arm, while a black velvet sash encircles the waist. The bodice idea is faithfully carried out on tho skirt, the velvet being suicnea uown over the white satin with point d'esprit over it about 3 2 inches over the hips. This fits the hips like a glove. Prom this it is met by another series of rows of black velvet which slope outward and flare over the feet with a long sweep ing train in the hack, The ensemble of the skirt Is that of three deep flounces. The gown described will bear out the statement that simplicity is as far from the modistes' Intentions as It has been and if greater elaboration in any detail of dress Is possible, it may be looked for during the coming months. The cut of costumes, was seldom, if ever, so difficult as now. and this suggests the warning: unless a master of this art Is employed a woman will do well to select models that she is sure aro within tbe possi bilities of the amateur. The fate of the separate waist le lar irorn oeing secure, it is still per missible however, and that Is a good deal, though it has ceased to be smart. The nine-gored skirt Is universally liked by women of generous figure. Sido plaits, single, double or trlnle. afford a flare toward the bottom of each seam. The woman who Is short, however, should beware of the flounc ed effect, produced, at the .bottom of her skirt being placed too high. Nino The Children Enjoy Life out of doors and out of the games which they play and the enjoyment which they receive and the efforts which they make, comes the greater rart of that healthful development which is so essential to their happiness when grown. When a laxative is needed the remedy which is given to them to cleanse and sweeten and strengthen the internal organs on which it acts, should be such as physicians would sanction, because its component parts are known to be wholesome and the remedy itself free from every objectionable quality. The one remedy which physicians wind parents, well-informed, approve and recommend and which the little ones enjoy, because of its pleasant flavor, its gentle action and its beneficial effects, is Syrup of Figs and for the same reason it is the only laxative which should be used by fathers and mothers. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy which acts gently, pleasantly and naturally without griping, irritating, or nauseating and which cleanses the system effectually, without producing that constipated habit which results from tho use of the old time cathartics and modern imitations, and against which the children should be so carefully guarded. If you would have them grow to manhood and womanhood, strong, healthy and happy, do not give them medicines, when medicines are not needed, and when nature needs assistance in the way of a laxative, give them only the simple, pleasant and gentle Syrup of Figs. Its quality is due not only to the excellence of the combination of the laxative principles of plants with pleasant aromatic syrups and juices, but also to our original method of manufacture and as you value the health of the little ones, do not accept any of the substitutes which unscrupulous dealers sometimes offer to increase their profits. Please to remember, the full name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. is printed on the front of every package. In order to get its beneficial effects it is always neces sary to buy the genuine only. For sale by all re liable druggists. v.: ' .j'i'"1' 1.. , ... V"" -,rr t -, " '" ) ; ; k ? 1 ) ... C '"'V .Vi t V lAt ... . ...... .. .'11,'-- V iJi(. .'- ; 4' ..Wij:...;' ... T-a-...iff'V '-".SS1 Vi v iV::.".! inches above the hem in front with the seams gradually ending higher toward the back will be a good plan for her. Soft greys and violet shades alwajs eeem appropriate In tbe spring time and this season we are promised all the mauve tones and cool, clear greens that we want. The yellow of the primrose and the cowslip will adorn our hats and cloth suits of "dy lug rose" and pastel blues amid the browny-greens that go well with foil age hats of green with a little red or rose in them. Almost without exception cotton and linen suitings, some with names that suggest woolen fabrics, will in entire frocks take the place formerly graced by tlie contrasting skirt and waist. Many of the linens come with embroidered band borders and they will contribute to shirt waist dresses as well as to more elaborate frocks. Jackets and blouses without col- If.rs are again to be modish lor spring wear and mni,y mohairs and cheviots used for spring tailor-made gownb, show these effects. The former. which have new faces this season will bo useful for simple gowns as well as for Fuits. The shops are deluged with pretty novelties among which are embroider ed cuffs and shirtwaist fronts which come in sets. Another lu designed especially for he woman n ith a short neck It Is a ready-made foundation stock. Lace collars are seen in almost (very shape except the sailor, which Is considered passe. Ribbon rosettes with ject buckles In tho center come at all prices for ... 1 ; u miming spring nius. Enamelled watches suspended from clasps that match the Dack of thj watches in design aro shown among (he gifts for Eastertide. MAUDE GRIFFIN "THE PEDDLER'S CLAIM." One of the Best Comedy Productions on the Road Next Monday Night. The author of "The Peddler's Claim," the play that the popular co median, Mr. Sam Morris, will be seen in at the Frazer opera house on Mon day, Feb. 23, was not satisfied with having poor Moses Levi, the hero of this attraction, simply accused with robbery and murder, but after many trialB in which of course, our hero is acquitted, he caps the climax by having a real live bear try and mal'o a dinner of Moses. It goes withou- saying that Moses objects to being served to his honor, Mr. Bear, so ho takes to his heels, and the near not willing to lose his lunch, takes after him, and if you won't laugh until you cry at the chase that follows. It will not be any Tault of Mr. Moiri and the bear. Celebration at "Pennsy." Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 21. The fac ulty and students of the University of Pennsylvania today celobrate.." George Washington's birthday In an elaborate manner, perpetuating a cus tom established ut tho university more than a century ago. Tho stu dents assembled on tlie eamnuB at 10 1 o'clock this morning and marched to academy of music, where tho ex ercises were held. I)r S. Weir Mit- For Squash Championship. New York, Feu. 21. The fourth annual squash tournament for the championship of the United States opened at Tuxedo today and will con tinue until the middle of the coming week. The mooting has attracted many of tho squash players of the country, tho number and prominence or the contestants giving evidence that tho game, though still in its in fancy, has taken a strong hold upon the fashionable set. The prize of the tournament Is the valuable cup that was presented by James Henry Smith in 1900. George I. Scott, of tbe New York Club, is now the title holdar and he will meet tho winner of the tournament In tho finals. Advisory CommltUe of Painters. Cleveland, O., Feb. 21. The advis ory committee of tho Master Painters Association of the United States and Canada met In Cleveland today and formulated a program of subjects to be discussed at the next annual con ventlon of the organization. The convention will bo held in Chicago the second week of September. (Mara) 1 imwf I no mcai in a aay nu tucn an enecl BBB on one's mood as breakfast. A well prepared breaklast food needs "Rr.nnnmxr m I Brand I Evaporated H VI CCUU H It adds a richness to your food issssf that nothing else can. It Is the best pan of cow's milk, Tell sssssl your erocer you wont to send sB your husband to business with a good breakfast and you need sssV Economy Brand. Be sure you fH see the above cap label be- sH (ore you buy. H HELVETIA MILE H CONDENSING CO. Highland, Illinob t chell delivered tho oration and Dr. Horaco Howard Furnoss acted as "public orator" in the annual con ferring of degrees. Among tho num erous men of note present wore Gov ernor Pennypackcr, General Loonard Wood and John F. Sargont, tho painter. A bill to enable Philadelphia to accept Andrew Carnoglo'B gift of $1, 500,000 for tho erection of 30 branches of tho free library was introduced In the legislature at Hnrrlsburg this week. Enjoy your leisure time at ROBINSON'S AMUSEMENT PARLORS UNDER W. & C. R. DEPOT First class Bowling Alleys Best Billiard and Pool Tables Shooting and Throwing Galler ies. Musical entertainment f.very evening. Best order maintained. Temperance refreshments and cigars. Drop in and spare time. whil 11 away your Gray's Harbor Commercial Co. We Don't Keep Everything Hut we uo Keep , kxk1 big stock of nice dry Flooring, Celling, JtuHtlo and Finish, In all grades. Also all kind of Dimension Lumber, In cluding Lath nnd Hhlngles. Our stock of Doom, Win down, Moulding, IJulldlng and Tar Paper aud Apple Boxes Is complete, and any one in need of L-umher will not be wrong In placing their order with the : : j Gray's llorbor Com. Co. Op?. Wt A C. . Depot I WHMWaHBMH I f