Pyrography Pyrography Just arrived from the East, a targe anil complete stock, including Burning Out fits complete. Pieces for btirning,staniped and unstamped, Nut Bowls, '-Picture Frame, Tobacco Jars, Taliourettes, Bread Trays, Pipe Racks, Stems, Etc. These pieces are made from genuine bass wood and are verv fine. BROCK & McCOMAS CO. DRUGGISTS THURSDAY FKUUUAUY 19. 190:. I nala, scapegoats and outlaws shoulit be reformed by the country that gavo them their devilish Inclinations. The shadow of that dark home should be falling omnlously upon tho senatorial situation by this tlmo. It will bo a dark horse, or no horse, from the present outlook In the Augean stable at Salem. THACKERAY ON SUCCESS. I have seen too much of the suc cess In life to take oft my hat and huzza to it as It passes In Its gilt coach, and would do my Httlo part with my neighbors on foot that they should not gape with too much won der or applaud too loudly. Is It the Lord Mayor going In stnto to nitnee pies and th mansion house? Is It poor Jack of Newgate's possession, with the sheriff and Javelin men con ducting him on his last journey to Tyburn? I As Columbus and Magellan crossed the seas and braved the sullen ocean, so Lewis and Clark took up the unfinished work of exploration, and traversed the wilderness in search of new worlds of wonder. No less startling was flie tale of their overland journey. Its triumphs. glory and fruition, than that of the Ganoese. Eva Emery Dye. ' A PEOPLE OBLITERATED. ler cites that In lane county in 13 districts only three mnnth3 of sclwol a year are taught, and in 19 only four months yearly are taught. In Linn county, 21 districts have but three months a year, and 19 districts butjmc four months a year. Similar coudi 'tions prevail in other counties. While it is not possible to give too much attention to the normal schools nnd state institutions of learning. It should be borne In mind by tho leg islators that fully 90 per cent of the children of the country get all their education In the public schools. While large appropriations are be ing made for state schools, the great basis of popular government, the pub- lie school, should not be neglected. I look into my heart and thfuk I nm as good as my lonl mayor, and know t am as bad as Tyburn lark. Give me a chair cuid red gown and a pud- iling before me and I could play the part of alderman well una sentence Jack after dinner. Starve me, keep from books and honest people, educate me to love dice, gin nnd pleasure, and put mo on Ilounslow Health, wjth a purse before me. and I will take it. Thnckeiay. in "Henry Esmond." Enjoy your leisure time at ROBINSON'S AMUSEMENT OTTO MIESCKE UNDER W. &.O. R. DEPOT First-class Bowling Alleys Best Billiard and Pool Tables Shooting and Throwing Galler ies. Musical entertainment nvcry evening. Best order maintained Temperance refreshments and cigars. Drop m and while away you spare time. 0 THE FILIPINO LABORER. Between ,1S52 and 1SSS I spent more thrtn -0 years in the Philip 1 ines. During those years all the agricultural labor was done by 'Filipinos. ! The conditions in Lane and Linn England simply brushed the Boers counties arc found in every county as a people, from the map of the jn the state. The school term Is world. pinched down to the narrowest limit. They are dispersing to overy civil- Wages are reduced, that the term be ized land. In hopes of finding a rest- lengthened a few days, until teachers ing place, free from her domination, are absolutely forsaking the profes Their civilization is laid waste. The slon. Three, four, and at the outside national spirit is forced to a submit- five months of the year are set aside slon that Is worse than open rebel- for the education of the masses. This lion. Their fields ana flocks are tte- short nerlod is based unon the iin- stroyed. What was once a bee hive certainty and fluctuation of assess of Industry and contentment, is a ments. In the fear that a surplus of1 land of desolation nnd mourning. 'school funds will be created, assess-' The advances of Englaud, in a re- ors vie with each other in keeping the concllfatory direction, only aggra--valuations of property low. j vates the general disorder. j As a result .the great institution. Well may Joseph Chamberlain say that Is the life blood of the nation i that all hope of reconciling the Boeis and the vital current of popular gov-' is vanished. Well may he surrender ernment. is made the toy of circum the vain ambition that would nurse stances and the plaything of poor tax-1 the triumphant spirit of this obliter- ation iaws. Large nppiopriations, ated people into a race of king-lovers. ave made for the higher institutions. Before they will live in the shadow anQ the basis of education is neg-' of royalty, they will forsake the land lected. of their fathers, surrender ever- cher- Oregon will never have a perfect' ished ideal of free government, and system of public schools until she I become wanderers upon the earth. passes a school law fixing a uniform,1 They have lived to cultivate free-' term of public school in each and dom. They have stood apart from the every district in the state, regardless! European monarcntes in south Africa 0f the number of scholars, location, for the very fundamental purpose of geography or taxable property. The founding and nurturing a government stte must say to the people: If Or of the people, by the people and for egon owes you an education, she will the people. deliver tho goods, no matter what tho If they cannot be free, they chooie surroundings, exile If they cannot give as a herlt- The school term should be fixed, age to their children Uie untarnish- compulsory attendance enforced, ed code of constitutional government school books published at cost by tho and personal liberty they become state, and the salary of teachers and wanderers. expenses of the school paid by the It remains for the future to 3ay c0linty. just as the salary and ex- whether England will repeople the penses of the county court are paid. iransvaal with as sturdy a race as jfake It a certainty that each child sne has obliterated, it remains for tho wm get a certain sufficient number of future to sar whether royalty and its months of school each year, regard attendant train of slaves and vassals, ieSs of the taxation laws, the whim of landlords and tenants, will ever bo districts boards or the scarcity of equal to the task of raising as high teahers occasioned by reduced a standard of personal valor and na- wages. tlonal purity as that Boer civilization it has overthrown. I once got a good lesson in man ners from nn old Filipino. I was overseeing some work which weut slowly and not to my liking. I slung out at tho men the word 'Bru tes!" (brutes). The old fellow ap proached mo politely, nnd said- "I leg vour worship's pardon; we are rot 'biutos, but we do not under stand the language your woishlp uses." I apologized, and 1 hope never to so fall in sense and politeness again. Ogden E. Edwards, In New York Nation. THE MASSES OVERLOOKED. George B. Cortelyou takes a placo in tho cabinet, with a wide experience in public affairs to guide his action?, Mr. Cortelyou's branch of national government can be made a blessing or a curse to the country, Just as the honesty or dishonesty of the secre' State Senator Miller -struck a note Wednesday that finds a response in every breast In Oregon. In his opposition to tho general ap- tary of commerco . exercised. The proprlation bill, he said he felt that raerglng. ot tne departwent of ,abor .oo raucn money was expended , tne oureau of ,s lllH a on normal schools and universities, beneficial move for tho labor interests and that the public schools were be- of tho country. The department of f!. ,abor. under 'he direction of Carroll Fully 90 per cent of the children D. Wright, has grown to be a strong of this state obtain all their education force ,n national attal. It8 efflclen In the common schools," said Sena- cy w, be dmnshed, whenever tho tor Miller. "I think the approprla- obJect ot th0 department 8 raade sub tions here contemplated for the bene- 8ervlent to the Interest of the cor At of the 30 per cent who obtain rations, which have labor history higher educations are much too to cover p Keavy. i oeueve in tho education of tho masses and I believe that a larger proportion of state moneys should bo The Japanese outlaws who have started a reign of terror In tho Jap- nipeuueu on meir education than Is anese quarters of Seattlo, bring to now done. I therefore vote aealnst minri fho this bill." j the characters of foreigners who seek in suostantiation or his contention admission to this country. Tho bad that not enough money is spent on tho elements of every race should bo education of tho masses. Senator Mil- taken care of at home. The, criml- Geu mm u Dyspepsia AMD Liver Disease cured or S. PIERCE'S NEI Discovery. " I was weak, uervous and dlxiy. with a fatlltill? sensation when walking." irrilM Jesse Clilldtess. Ekj. of Samuel, Sullivan Co., "Icnu. 'Could not walk any dU!dce; always felt bad alter eating; felt as though cotnclhioi? was sticking in my throat, al- with three ohvsicians but thuv did not relieve me. I grew worse and used everything I could think of; was nearly ready to jnve up and then home one told me that Dr. Pierce's medicine was good, so I began taking his 'Ciolden Medical Discovery.' 1 have taken seven bottles of that now and am as stout as ever, ami en Joying health as much as ever before. I worvca an summer ana this winter as much as any one. My case was liver dis ease aud nervous dyspepsia of which your medicine has cured me. In September iM D1V wHht 14' fltmtit nt nminH, rtrtw it is I9J. Plea: accept my sincere thanks." Is always received when you place your order with us. Fir, Tamarack and ..Pine., Why buy poor coal when you can cet the hest for the same price? Laatz Bros. Telephone Main 5 1 LET US FILL YOUR BILL FOR LUMBER We can supply you with Building Material of all descriptions and sa v e you money. DOORS WINDOWS B ti i ldin g paper, lime, cement, brick and sand. Wood gutters for barns and dwellings a specialty. Oregon Lumber Yard Alta St., Opp. Court House Gray's Harbor Commercial Go. We Don't Keep Everything But we uo Keep u good big stock of nice dry Flooring, Celling, Rustic and Finish, In all grades. Also nil kinds of Dimension Lumber, In cluding Lath and Shingles. Our stock of Doors, Win dows, Moulding, Building and Tar Iaper-aud Apple Boxes Is complete, nud any one In need of Lumber will not be wrong In placing their order with the : : : Gray's Harbor Com. Co. Opp. Ws & C. R. Depot LOSSES ALWAYS MET PROMPTLY i By the Fire Insurance Com panies we represent. Our companies stand first in the world. iiaruoru ire insurance Uo.fia,259,07(i Alliance Assurance Co 29,039,003 x.onuou s ijaucosmre Kire Insurance Co 2,544,683 ouriu nniuu cc .uercanuie Co 10,695,074 Koyal Insurance Co 22,697,153 FRANK B. CL0P.T0N AGENT 800 MAIN STREET Lumber, Lumber, Lumber. All kind? for all purposes. Sash, Doors and Blinds. Planing of all descriptions dont to otder. Don't place your order foi Building Material until you have consulted us. Pendleton Planing Mill Lumber Yard. ROttftT fOftSTER, Proprietor an; For the familj dinner plain cooking is the rule, hut the food itself should he of the best meat in particular, For that reason those who deal at our market never have cause for com paint as their meats are always ol the best and uniform quality-fresh and tender. OTTO MIESCKE COURT STREET Houscr's Old Stand I New.. DRIED FRUITS 25 pounds of fancy dried prunes only $1.00. We have Dried Goods Coming in dailv, i as Skirts, Shirt' yj Suits, Muslin (J wear, Shirt Waist Monte Carlos and derskirts. These a far the hest in stle price in town Ed Ebei 645 Main street. Nectarines Prunes Apples Pears Apricots Poaches Raisins Currants Figs THE 1 jwrem f Standard Grocery Court Street Low Sellers of Gro'ceries SMITH'S HARNESS IS THE BEST j No RoKgh Edges on Oar Laandrv 1 10 cut necks and wrists and "profanity, for we are care ironing collars, cuffs and t 1 r . ... anas 01 siurts. We wi pleased to call and get vour pie order and can assure you isfaction deliver it, too, li charge. TIIE'j DOMESTIC LAUNl Court and Thompson Sttj gjMade of be t material by best work men. If vnu need harness, Investi gate Call and examine our stock of single and double hartess, Baddies, whips and supplies and get our price. Repair wort done substantially and promptly. J. A. SMITH, 218 Court Street. Breakfast oods . . . All kinds of prepared foods and mushes. Finest syrups and buckwheat for cakes. Best hams it is possible to obtain. Yes, we have a full line of the celebrated Monopole canned goods. D. KEMLER & SON he Big Store in a Small Room. Alta Street, Opposite Savings Bank ORLAN CLYDE CULLEN OOUNBELLOR-AT-LAW U. 8. Supreme Court REGISTERED ATTORNEY U. 8. Patent Office U. S. and FOREIGN PATENTS Trula iUrki and Copyright l.flt. y. W, Washington. D. I Tho East Orenonian Is Eastern Ore. Bon's representative paper. It leads and the people appreciate It and show It by their liberal patronage, it Is the advertising medium of this section. Up-to-Date and Pe feet in Detail. Our line of Htnnhone and othal ular carriages and pleasure rigi.3 the requirements of every loj driving. Please censidor thlsj pacer card as a special in vital call anu examine me laiesi urnv our salesrooms. You will be dell nt what vou see. 4 Our Winona wagons have u and are up-to-date. They havol olad hub and patent outer bl blocks, impossible to spring or a axles. Easiest running wagon of market. Our Syracuse mow ri slickest thing in earth. N EAGLE BROTHERS Mover gatollne engln are tbe best. eg en u tor mem. Tons AND Tons Just car load received another! Poultry stock supplies at the Colesworth' CHOP MILL 127 nud 120 East Alta Street Dally East Oregonlan only 10 cents a wk. by cani 1