East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 19, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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    Bl,V8y8get GOOD GOODS at Alexander, g
Jexander Dep't Store
Showing the newest con
ceptions in
Ftench and
Look at oar dollar Corset
in the Window.
The best there is in Canned Goods is the
They can't be improved upon because the most select
feu and vegetables that grow only are packed under this
When you want the best get Diamond "W.
i to customers.
irtm's Family Grocery and Bakery
ar line of Fancy Baking
eludes all the good
ngs. Our specialty is
supply weddings, par-
its, cookies and dain-v
ichoicest material en-
jfato our baking.
Sbest bread it is pos-
Hi; to make.
Bier Grocery Co.
623 Main Street
Phone Main 511
This sale will be one of the
greatest opportunities to buy high
grade Muslin Underwear at low
prices, that has been offered the
ladies of Pendleton this season.
Our special sale continues through
this week and you will have an
opportunity of getting just what
you want if you don't wait too
See our Window Display and
you will be convinced that this is
the place to buy your White
The Fair,
The Store That Saves Yot
Bargains in
ch I itzlRea Estate
Equalled for Table Ue
1 kinds of imported lunches,
fiener wurst, sauerkraut and
iut at
I have a larger and better
list of Farms, Stock Ranches
and City Property to Bell
than ever before. A lso a big
lot 01 land in the coming
wneat section ot Eastern
Mrs. George Injured by Falling From
Church Steps Sewing Machln'
Man Working the People Mr
Smith has Smallpox.
Milton, Feb. lS.r-C. P. Strain, the
county assessor, spent Sunday ana
Monday In Milton and vicinity.
Mrs. Amos Demans broke the front
axle of her buggy last Saturday, while
on her way from town, precipitating
its oceupants to the ground without
North Milton is taking the lead In
the building line this winter. Pour
new houses have already been built
and two more are under construction.
Tlllio Bolus has driven about .60
head of cattle from his mountain
ranch to North Milton, where he has
about 200 tons of wheat hay. He will
feed until lie can drive to the moun
tains. lowis Beardsley has fitted up the
1 room recently vacated by Mrs. Ma-
lone and will put In a stock of cigars,
tobaccos and confectionery.
G. A. Nichols, of Union, has engag
ed Henry Samuel as foreman on his
stock ranch, where lie will move his
family in about 10 days to assume
his duties.
Mrs. D. E. George, whose barn was
burned last week, received a bad fall
while coming down the steps at the
Christian church, a few days ago,
spraining her wrist badly.
Some of the Milton girls that visit
Freewater quite fiequently, will not
go again soon, no doubt. On their
way home last Tuesday night several
ghosts appeared from their hiding
places. The poor girls almost had
A Wheeler & Wilson sewing ma
chine agent is working the people
here to the tune of from $25 to 40
more on each machine than you
would have to pay your local agent
right here, and on the same terms
that be offers.
President W. C. Howard, of Colunv
bla College, has decided to have the
primary grade taught in college from
this date, and has made a contract
with Mrs. Howard, of this city, to take
charge of the same, when she present'
ed him with an eight-pound girl last
Tuesday morning.
Postmaster Vinson, of Freewater,
has had the office furniture in the
office all cleaned and painted, which,
with Mr. Vinson as postmaster, add?
much to its appearance, in fact, so
much that several parties who have
gone to get their mail, but on oncn
Ing the door and seeing the change,
closed It again, saying as they did,
"I guess we're In the wrong place; its
House Was Infected.
Last December Mr. Smith's folks,
in Milton, had the smallpox and Mrs,
Smith died. Mr. Smith wasn't at
home at the time, but after the quar
antine had been raised he came home,
and in about 20 days he took down
with it and Is about as 6ick as any
one that has had it, this winter. It is
supposed that the house was not
thoroughly cleaned as it should have
been, and he caught it from germ's
left in the house not killed.
Discord at Ferndale.
As far as the Ferndale school is
concerned, harmony prevails, buf the
discord Is over the location Of an
other room for a third teacher. Those
who are Interested in the cause of
education and are In a position to
see the advantages derived, from hav
ing a graded school, want another
room added to the present building,
but the other faction can't sec this,
and think that a new house ought to
ue built about one mile south of the
present one for primary pupils alone.
Hence the confusion. A special elee-1
tlon was called to vote on the aues-
tion and the latter won by a small
majority. Now the opposite side rte-'
clares the election illegal, as it wasn't
conducted according to law. Just
what action will be taken awaits fu-
tiro developments.
with her mother, has been in Wash
ington for aotne time, will attend her
sister as flower girl. Tho Russian
ambassador will act as tho father of
honor, with Mrs. John H. Mclean as
the mother of honor. Mrs, McLean
bas been selected for, tho honor be
cause her sister, Mmb.Bakhmtleff, Is
the wife ot the Russian diplomat,
high in the favor of the czar.
A pretty feature of the weddtng will
be the presence or a royal page, clad
in while, satin, bearing upon a white
silken cushion tho go'den Image, the
Ikon, which Is in every room of a Rus
sian home. This page will be the S-year-old
son of Mmo. von Krouter.
The bride will wear a trailing gown
of white satin lace, with silver trim
mings, and will carry a bouquet of
lillies of the valley. Chief anions
her jeweled ornaments will bo tho
gift of the bridegroom, a magnificent,
collar of. diamonds, which clasps in
rront with a device or rubies worth
the price of a province. The other
Jewels to be worn by the brido will be
the Rur.slan ambassador's gift, ear
rings of solitaire pears, or unusual
tho, surrounded with diamonds. The
gift of the Countess Casslnt is a rink,
of pigeon's blood rubies, set In
diamonds. Tho other wedding gifts
from relatives in Europe have been
sent direct to Korea, where -Mr. Pav
low will tako his brido after a brief
honeymoon trip to Niagara Falls.
Mile, des Planqucs, the bride-elect
has been a guest since early winter
of tho Countess Casslni. Since com
ing hero she has created a stir in
scciety circles because of her great
beauty and her social position. Her
father is the Russian-Chinese banker
in Japan. She is blessed with a fine
figure and profusion of dark hair. She
has a high color, which goes to maite
up an unusually striking appearance.
Alexander Pavlow is a man of dis
tinction in the Russian diplomatic
corps, and is considered one of the
leading younger members. Rumor
has it that he was enamored of the
Countess Casslni, and pressed his
suit hard, but meeting with failure, lie
turned his attention to her young
fiiend with bottor success.
Motion for a New Trial In the Hum
phrey Warehouse Case Overruled.
Petition for rehearing In the case
of State vs. A. M. Humphrey, appeal
from Marion county, denied. This Is
the warehouse case on which the de
fendant is now on bail. Humphrey is
under sentence of two years on u
charge or larceny by bailee, in cus
tody or grain stored, and is under
bonds in the sum or $2000.
nouert reary tninkB he can
reach the pore If given backing to the
extent of $200,000.
Cheap Rates Westbound.
From February 16 to April 30, 1903,
inclusive, Iho O. R. & X. Co. will
have on salo tickets from Missouri!
River points to Pendleton for $22.50:
uuiu ow i. mil, fo.wi irum 01. iuuib, i
$27.50. Call on tho O. R. & N. ticket
agent for all particulars.
Application for the appointment of
a receiver for the Monmouth Trust &
Safe Deposit Company, of Asbitry
Park, N. J., was made yesterday. The
liabilities are given at $279,168; as
sets, $4S5.0B0.
hr? 2
The Best Hotel In Pendleton
ami as good n any.
$5wvr i
Miss Alice Bailey, of
Atlanta, Qa., tells how she was
permanently cured of inflamma
tion of the ovaries, escaped sur
geon's knife, by taking Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
" 1 had suffered for three years with
terrible pains nt the time of men
struation, and did not know what
the troubto was until the doctor pro
nounced it inllnmnintioii of the
ovaries, and proposed an operation.
" I felt so weak ami sick that 1 felt
sure that 1 could not survive tho or
deal. Tho following week I read an
advertisement in the paper of I,vlift
E. Pinklinm's Arcrotnllo Com
pound in buch an emergency, and so
I decided to try it. Great was my joy
to find that I actually improved after
taking two bottles, and in the end I
was cured by it. 1 had gained eighteen
pounds and was in excellent health."
Miss Ai.ick Haii.kv, SO North Boule
vard, Atlanta, Ga. fSOOO forfeit If original
of abov tetter proving genuineness cannot be pro
duced, The symptom of iiilliuiimution
and dicns of tho ovnrlen nro
n, dull tlirobliliifr until, nccoiu
pnntod by a sense of tondorncss
and heat low down in the side,
with occasional shooting pains.
Tlio region of palu sometimes
shows some swelling.
I BAKER & WELCH, Mgrs, MARK M00RH0USE, Local Mgr.
at -
One Night Common Sense Prices j
25c, 50c, 75c j
1 8 Hi- I LUULLI a LiLAiri
Headquarters for Travoling Men.
Commodious Sample Rooms.
Rates $2 & $2,50
Special rates by week or in outli
Excellent Cuisine.
Prompt .Dinlngroom wrviee.
Every Modern Convenience
Bar and billiard room In connection
Only Three Blocks from Depot
Cornar Court ml Johnson SlreoU,
Pendleton, OrtKon.
M. F. Kolly, Proprlotor.
N. Berkeley
I. .
nm btrcets near Postofiice
In l its elagea there
thoultl be cleanliness.
T.ivfa fYfni.i Unlit
( -j -
' 1 1I10 dltcucd membrane.
KnM. ntuprh ami ilr.tr d
armers Custom Mill;s,rldin,1,e,'e,'a
rred Waltcrn. Pronrletor 1 Creum Calm Is placed Into (ho noetrile, spread
. tVfMVtVI . ...J I. A.A.I f.Hfl.lm.
HIV IMl linvwstln a J OTer lUU utcuiuiauo "M a aucuiireib in
!.?ia"8ed'Dr wheat
mediate aul a care follows. It is not drjlcg lon
IT. Mill ka r j ., . notprodoceaaoezlng. Large8fce, 60centatl)ua
tWhRnd ' CllPped Feed' etC BItorbym4ll;TrI1I8Ue,10cenUitymU.
I ELY uuomutuj.ou warren tueei.X"W
Washington Society People Much In
terested in Marriage Ceremony to
Be Conducted With the Rites and
Ceremonies of the Greek Church.
Washington, Feb. 19. Artisans and
decorators were busy at -the Russian
embassy today making the necessary
preparations tor the wedding of Mile.
Irene des Plangues and M. Alexander
Pavlow, Russian minister to Corea,
which takes place In the parlors of the
embassy late this evening. The wed
ding will be especially interesting to
society folk as It will be conducted in
full accordance with the rites and
ceremonies of the Russian church.
Bishop Tikhon, assisted by the Rev
Alexandre Hortovilsky, palor of ine
Russian church of Bt. Ntch'J-ia9 jn
New York city. The Presl dent
Mrs. Roosevelt the dlplon-" J
Largest Sale Ever Held in Umatilla County, Commenc
ing at 9:30 o'clock a. m. sharp.
The undersigned will offer IOr sale at his place, six miles north
east of Pendleton, to the h.Whest bidder, the following described
property, to-wit:
32 head good Work horses, Fine yoong stallion, foar
years old, 20 nead of good
young work mules, 20 sets
8i Wr namcss 8i wagons and grain racks, 6 gang
plows, 5 ieefl vvagons and racks, 1 barrel water tank and
wagr' -j hno-ffv 2 firilln. 42 irnn harrows. 1 headftr and 4
The ceremony win be solemnized by j t"0' j rouer 2 weed rakes, 2 weed cutters, 1 disc harrow,
1 right lap and seed attachment, b good milch cows and
other young stock too numerous to mention.
Terms of Sale
All sums under $20 cash in hand. For all suras over
&20 a credit will be given until October 1st, 1903, on ap-
uroved notes; notes bearinc 8 per cent interest. A dis
count of 2 per cent off for cash. Free Lunch will be served.
Amorleim lMun, r-utml '.ft to VU.OO
pur iliiv. Hilt
Kuropeau Plan, ftOo, 7Au, f 1. OO.
Spoclal rntcm by Aveik or month.
Free 'bus meets all trains
Commercial trade solicited
Fine sample room
Special Attention Given Country Trak
the cabinet families and
from rnIHon uMo(
r.;Mr;...r , :rt. ' I" be present.
. ?. .11 V -tended by Coun-
h.-H " iCh '' the Russian em
bassador, as maid hnnnp rr,.,, two
j he Miss de Smirnoff
bridesmaids wil"
aiitTMlle. hat
Jensko, daughter of the
jsul general in New York.
i-year i(.ter ot tho l)rldC( wno
Russian cor
Little Ml'
Wm, F. Yohnka, Auctioneer
G. W, Rigby
Elegantly Furnished
Steam Heateo
Uuropean Plan.
Block and a hall from depot.
Sample room in connection.
60c, 76o, tl.et
Americau Plan. It tier dav and uowa4.
Iludauattcra Tor touriaU and commercial lift-
elcra. B-cla1 ratca nihde to faiulllca and lo(1
geuUcratn. Tlie inanaitemcni will M p leaned
at all tlmea to ahow toorua and give pricta. A
modern Turklth kathealabllthnicntinlhc boUl.
II c. nuwiiKB, Manaeei.
I have purchased the
Royal Restaurant, on
Main street, 3 doors north
of W. '& C. R. depot,
where 1 will serve the
best 35 cent meal in the
city, 1 will appreciate
your patronage and &9k
you to call and see me.