East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 18, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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    fe fix
The best there is in Canned Goods is the
When you want the best get Diamond "W. '
:to customers.
I line of Fancy Baking
Fiudes all the good
jgs. Our specialty is
apply weddings, par-
jind receptions with
Ks, cookies and dain-
'Aoicest material en-
to our baking.
last bread it is pos-
icto make.
er Grocery Co.
623 Main Street
Phone Main 51 1
Ifaualled for Table Use
blinds of imnorted lunches.
Wer WllrKf nrVraii onH
N at
n Streets near Postoffice
sers Custom Mill
Waltcri, Proprietor
"l7i barrels a day
i Hon An r.1 ...1. - . i
tohan' 0hopped Feed et
always get GOOD GOODS at Alexander's.
lexander Dep't Store
Showing the newest con-
ceptions 'in
Ffeiicl? and
' " 1
Look at our dollar Corset "
in the Window. 8
They can't be improved upon because the most select
:and vegetables that grow only are packed under this
rtm's Family Grocery and Bakery
This sale will be one of the
greatest opportunities to buy high
grade Muslin Underwear at low
prices, that has been offered the
ladies of Pendleton this season.
Our special sale confinues through
this week and you will have an
opportunity of getting just what
you want if you don't wait too
See our Window Display and
you will be convinced that this is
the place to buy your White
The Fait,
The Store That Saves You
Bargains in
Real Estate
I have a larger and better
list of h arms, ttock llanches
and City Property to sell
than ever before. Also a big
lot of land in the coming
wheat section of Eastern
of suffering from indigestion if you
eat what you want, or of starring
yourself to avoid such distress?
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets taken
after oatlnc will digest your food Der-
'fectly and free you from all the dls
) agreeable symptoms of indigestion
tand dyspepsia. Eat what you like at
'any time and take an Acker Tablet
, afterwaid. Positively guaranteed.
Your money will always be refunded
! if you are not satisfied. Write to us
for a free sample. W. H. Hooker &
Co., Buffalo, N. Y. F. W, Schmidt &
I Co.
Proposes to do Away With Desert
Land Act, Timber and Stone and
Also the Commutation Clause of
Homestead Law Make Actual Set.
tlement Necessary.
Washington. Feb. IS. The senate
committee on public lands has begun
providing tor the repeal uC the desert
land act, the timber and stone act
and tho commutation clause ot tho
homestead acL in accordance with
the recommendation of the secretary
of the Interior in his annual report
and In the message of the president
to congress. It Is hardly possible
that any legislation on this important
subject will be had at this session of
congress, now drawing to a close, but
the investigation put under way now
will help put the question In such a
position as to make action easy next
winter, should action then be deemed
So far as it is possible to know nt
this time the senate committee on
public lands is pretty evenly divided
regarding the merits of the questions
Involved in the Quarles bill. That
f lauds have been perpetrated under
existing laws by grasping individuals
and corporations is only too well
known. It is also known that tho
Quarles bill, if enacted, would stop
them; but it might also work much
harm to the public land states, by re
tarding their development and settle
ment, and the members of the public
lands committee, are therefore, study'
ing the case with much interest. It
is evident that they are anxious to
do the fair thing on all sides. The
majority of the members of tho com'
mittee come from states which would
be affected by the proposed legislation
and for that reason are thoroughly
familiar with the situntlon, and in
position to deal with it intelligently.
If it were in order to make a guess
as to what will be done, it might he
said that the Quarles bill, in its
present form will not pass. In some
modified form however, it may pass
at the next session. Conservative
sentiment in the committee inclines
to a repeal of the desert land act, or
to its radical modification; to the re
peal of the timber feature of the tim
ber and stone act, or to its amend
ment so that the price to be paid for
pine timber must be ascertained by
appraisement and to the modification
of the commutation clause of the
homestead law so as to have it apply
only to areas in certain specified lo
calities. If there is legislation next
winter it will probably be along these
The president has been made to be
lieve that the present laws are being
used in the interest of private greed
and against the true Interests of the
people, in which belief he is encour
aged by the secretary of the interior
and the commissioner of the general
land office. Having spent a number
of years in the public land country,
the president is quick to see the
points made against the law and the
need of changes. He ylll undoubted
ly renew his recommendations to con
gress at the next session.
Meanwhile Senator Hansbrough,
chairman of the committee, has writ
ten a letter to the secretary of the
interior, asking for full information,
and has received a reply which goes
into the question at considerable
length. This reply will form the
basis of the discussion in the com
Montana has probably been the
greatest sufferer from abuses of the
desert land act. The rich cattle own
ers of that state have used the act
as a means to possess themselves of
large bodies of grazing lands, and the
frauds in as many as half a dozen
Montana counties are said to have
been extensive and to have covered
a period of more than a dozen years.
Montana has also suffered to some
extent from abuses of the commuted
homestead law. In states further east
the operation of that law has been
satisfactory and its repeal or modlfl
cation will be resisted by residents of
those states. Settlers on land there
become permanent residents in most
cases and soon develop into well-to-do
citizens. Further west, where lands
are cheaper and settlers more scarce,
this is not the case, and It is to such
localities that the Quarles hill is in
tended primarily to apply. But the
question Is, how to correct the
abuses in states like Montana, Wyom
ing and Idaho, without doing harm
to states further east?
Sentiment in Wyoming is strongly
against the Quarles bill, because of
the domination of the grazing inter
ests, and Senator Warren of that
stato, who is a member of the public
lands committee, may be depended
upon to prevent a favorable report, if
within his power to do so.
We pell the greatest of blood puri
fiers, Acker's Blood Elixir, under a
positive guarantee. It will cure all
chronic and other blood poisons. If
you have eruptions or sores on your
body, or aro pale, weak or run down.
It is Just what you need. We refund
money If you are not satisfied, BO
cenU and $1. F. W. Schmidt & Co.
There were 1.2G9 commercial full.
ures during January, with aggregated
iiaDimies or ?i3,uuu,uuu.
Senators Flay Him for Not Doing I
Justice to Enlisted Men. ,
Salem. Feb. IS. Had Brigadier-1
General C. U. Gantenbein been pres
ent in the senate yesterday morning
he would have passed an uncomforta-i
b,o quarter of an hour. He was ccn
Mired most soundly by various sena
tors for having failed to do Justice to
the enlisted men in his "Oregon
Volunteers In the Spanish-American
war and Philippine insurrection," and
a resolution by Brownell was adopted
Instructing the secretary of state to
appoint a committee composed of two
enlisted men and one commissioned
officer of the Second Oregon to revlso
Oantenbeln's books and lender jus
tice to the ptlvntes who distinguished
themselves by meritorious services.
In presenting his resolution, Sena
tor Brownell arraigned Gantenbein
severely. Of every little fault or mis
demeanor of every enlisted man of the
Second Oregon, he declared, thero
was a nice bold record In clear, black
type in this book, but of the deeds of
valor and of the special meritorious
latlway bill upon tho understanding
that tho people or Eastern Oregon
would rather have that appropriation
that tho scalp bounty appropriation,
ami that the Eastern Oregon people
had agreed 10 give up the scalp boun-
ts law. He strenuously objected to
the bill being referred, but Insisted
that it he passed now.
Senator Williamson remarked that
the agreement to which Senator Crol-
crn referred was made only with Sen
ator Kuykendall. He said .that a
commltteo frcm tho Woolgrow ers" As
sociation desired to be heard upon
the subject.
The bill as then referred to the
ccmmlttee on irrigation composed of
Senators Williamson, Hobson and
Smith of Yamhill.
Later in the day the senate went
on record as lefuslng to direct a com
mittee to make a report, so that If
the irrigation committee was dis
posed to hold up the bill it could do
o. The senators who are pressing
the lepeal have no fear that the com
mittee on irrigation will hold the bill
an unreasonable time, hut the course
demanded by the Eastern Oregon
unators Is taken to indicate that
they do not consider the scalp bounty
leppal question as settled, but want
i' further .-cusidered.
If you desire a good complexion,
use Mokl Tea, a pure herb drink. It
acts on the liver and makes the skin
smooth and clear. Money refunded
if it does not satisfy you. Write to
W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y,
for free sample. F. W. Schmidt & Co.
Senate Goes on Record as Favoring
Revision of Public School Course
Salem, Feb. 17. Senator Miller is
of the opinion that the present pre
scribed course of study in the public
schools of Oregon is productive of too
muc hcramraing of juvenile Intellects
and that the senate or the majority
thereof, coincides in tliis view was
evidenced yesterday by the adoption
of a concuricnt resolution providing
that the superintendent of public In
struction be induced to revise the
course as at present constituted, ellm
inating some of the studies least
needed for practical purposes, and re
mining those which are calculated
best to equip children for wark In
every-day works of life.
The resolution also expresses the
sense of the legislature that the pub
lie school system of the state should
be fostered and encouraged in every
possible way.
Cheap Rates Westbound.
From February 15 to April 20, 1903,
inclusive, ihe 0. R. & N. Co. will
have on sale tickets from Missouri
River points to Pendleton for $22.50;
from St. Paul, $25.00; from St. Louis,
J27.50. Call on the O. It. & N. ticket
agent for all particulars.
The Klondike region has produced
JSO.OOO.OOO in gold.
The Same Mistake Is Made by the
Majority of People.
It's a common error
To plaster the aching back,
To rub with liniments, rheumatic
When the trouble comes from the
Dean's Kidney Pills cure all kid
ney ills.
Here is positive proof.
A. Ammann, shoemakor, of 1024
Santa Fe avenue, Denver, Colo., says:
When Doan's Kidney Pills stopped
an aggravated case of kidney com
plaint in the summer of 1S99, I made
that fact known to tho residents of
Denver so that others who bad kid
ney trouble in any of its various
forms might know what course to
pursue to get relief. Tho opinion I
then expressed 1b the same today,
aa it was when Doan's Kidney Pills
were first brought to my notice. I
have bad no occasion to uso any med
icine for my kidneys since, when
Doan's Kidney Pills affected a cure
In my case that cure was permanent,"
For sale by ell dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
N. Y., sole agents for the United
Remember the name DOAN'S
r.nd take no substitute.
The bones of a baby are
soft so very soft that at first
they can scarcely be called
bones. They grow hard in
time, but the period of their
growth is a critical one
Loose joints, bow-legs, en
larged head and hip disease
arc evidences of rickets. If
not checked they lead' to de
formities of a permanent
character. This is the natural
result of improper bone nour
ishment during the period of
bone development.
The child needs mineral
substance to harden the
bones and this is plentifully
supplied in the hypophos
phites of lime and soda con
tained in Scott's Emulsion.
The cod liver oil provides the
element of fat needed to rein
force the child's ordinary
food. "
Thus Scott's Emulsion
offers in a perfect combina
tion the very principles of
proper bone and flesh nour
ishment most needed by a
young child. The action of
the Emulsion is so mild that
the most delicate stomach
will accept and retain it
This makes Scott's Emulsion
of particular value to weak
children and very young
babies who are in absolute
need of a mild yet effective
Pale-faced children show
they are not getting what
they ought to get from their
food. They need Scott's
Emulsion to enrich their
blood and eive them strength
to start on the right road to a
neaitny growtn.
If a child is thin, backward
in trrowth. or slow in de
velopment it will be found
that Scott s Emulsion will
quickly help it. There is
nothing better for babies and
growing children than Scott's
We'll send you a sample free
upon request.
409 Pearl St., New York.
that gets your lungs sore and weak
and paves the way for pneumonia or
consumption, or both. Acker's Ena
llsh Remedy will stop the cough In a
day and heal your lungs. It will cure
consumption, asthma, bronchitis nnd
all throat aud lung troubles. Positive
ly guaranteed, and money refunded if
you aro not satisfied. Write to us for
free sample. W. H. Hooker & Co.,
Buffalo, N. Y. F. W. Schmidt & Co,
Gray's Harbor
Commercial Co.
We Don't Keep Everything
But we Uo Keep a good big
stock of nice dry Flooring,
Celling, Rustic and Finish,
In all grades. Also all kinds
of Dimension Lumber, In
cluding Lath and Shingles.
Our stock of Doors, Win
dows, Moulding, Building
and Tar Paper and Apple
Boxes Is complete, and any
one In need of Lumber will
not be wrong In placing
their order with the : : :
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
Opp. W; & C, R. Depot
omce. lurtio bundle of nenaoaceri. con
taining over 100 big paper ran be ob
tained for 25 c?nta a bundle,
For thq family dinner
plain cooking is the. rule,
but the food itself should
be of the best meat in
For that reason those
who deal at our market
never have cause for com
paint as their meats arc
always of the best and
uniform quality-fresh and
Hoaser's Old Stand
25 pounds of fancy dried prunes
only $1.00.
Wc have Dried
Standard Grocery ,
Court Street
Low Sellers of Groceries
Our Policy
Is to give big values for
your money, and stang by
every promise we make.
Our Harness, Saddles,
whips and other supplies
that go with our line of
business is the best it is
possible to make. Wc
arc satisfied with a small
margin of profit. Come
and let us save you
Harness and Saddles.
218 Court Street.
Reyairing promptly done
and prices right.
Foods . . .
All kinds of prepared foods
and mushes. Finest syrups
and buckwheat for cakes.
Best hams it is possible to
Yes, we have a full line of
the celebrated Monopole
canned goods.
The Big Store In a Small
Alta Street, Opposite Savings Bask
U. H. Supremo Court
U. H. Patent Ofllca
Trd Marka and Oopjrl(bU
7 I'.St. N. W.. WaHliliiirtnn. n. I'
The East Orenonlan Is Eastern Ore.
Don's representative paper, It lead
and the people appreciate It and show
It by their liberal patronane. It Is the
advertising medium of this section.