East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 16, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 5

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The most lovely season of the year and with
it comes onr beautiful line of new wash dresa
gords for spring and summer.
The largest and most complete line, showing
the new patterns, new tints, in fact every
thing is new. See our corner window for
largt display and prices.
Choice mtats at Houser's.
Sea food fresh at Castle".
Try Qratz'8 clam chowder.
Oyster cocktails at Oratx's.
Hohbnch's baking Is clean.
Fresh Bsh dally at Castle's.
Clothing cleaned by Joerger.
Dost fhoo woik at Teutsch's.
Smokers' supplies at Nenman's.
Smoke the Pendleton Favorite.
Ladles' half soles 40c. Teutsch.
Have your shoes repaired at.
A gentleman's smoke. The Pendle
ton Favorite.
Itader has the best furniture polish
on the market.
Hays' cigar store, headquarters for
smokers' supplies.
Have you hnd your shoes repaired
at Teutsch? Try him.
Imported Hmburger and Swiss
cheese sandwlchej at Gratz's.
"El Sldelo." the best cigar made at
Hecs' cigar store. Court street.
For Rent Two furnished front
looms. Address Mrs. H. S. Dorinan.
The Oregon Dally Journal can be
found on sale at Frazler's book store.
Lot for sale; great bargain; Raley's
addition.. Inquire at 403 Alta street.
Fine toilet soaps, office Supplies.
World and Hicks' almanacs. Nolf's.
A surprise when you see that cozy
homo I can sell you for $1000. E. T.
1 Wade.
The Dalles, says that the orders for, TA? t 1 ..Z,
Demand for Fruit.
Hyion Murch. the nurseryman from)
-jlV, FEBRUARY 10. 1903
iiursery stock all the way from the
Cfscadea to the Bitter Root country,
are heavier this year than ever be
frue. The increase is most noticeable
in the lino of apples and cherries.
. .1 though in the towns there Is much
20 Celebration o&th anni- ,. nro nrnmnpnrnl atnrl.- nf HIrfnrmit
icundlng Knights of Pythias, 1 1;)n(ls belni? purchased. A peculiarity
of the sales is the inclination to buy
high-priced goods. Rare and choice
stock that frequently costs $1 a tree
ih frequently ordered. The primary
leason for this is that the people are
netting in better shape and can grat
ify theii tastes.
i Lodge No. 4.
r 20 Washington
1 assembly hall.
22, 23 Shooting
24. 25, 2C. 27 Modern
; log-rolling at Walla Walla.
25 Les boglns.
I County court.
1,6, 7 Horace K. Turner irt
It Christian church.
:i Knights of Pythias dis
tention. La Grande".
li-Modern Woodmen county
1.0. O. F. hall, Pendleton.
KS, 17, 18 Inland Empire
Irttate supreme court at Pen-
Association, Walla Wnlla.
l-Circutt court.
hterve Regulations.
itKttuy of the interloi has Is-
l-rktions for sheep and cattle
Hi Hp uapcaae wrest rps-rw
jtalnc the coming summer.
ka lor sheen is to extend
VUo October 15, and 97,-
I BtoVwrraltted to graze on
i reieri division. The cattle
ma will be from Juno 1
I. and 3500 cattle and
rate permitted In the north-
WEd 7500 In the southern
Firm Dissolved.
The firm composed of J. E. Ben
nett and R. E. Tnrbett, proprietors
of the Fair, has been dissolved, Ir.
Bennett selling his interests to Mr.
Tnrbett. The dissolution Is by mu
tual consent, Mr. Bennett desiring to
retire from active business. He will
1)0 connected with the business here
after In the capacity of salesman. He
in contemplating a trip to his did
home In Crestline, O. Mr. Tarbett
will make Improvements in the equip
inent of the Fair, made necessary by
the increasing business.
Vslunteer Barley.
:2i;ea, io lives six miles
Uttecity has In this Reason
in acreage of wheat and bar-
'bf last year. 400 acres' of
fiM UOO ai'.w-E of wheat. Last
fiime ar.-eagp of wheat aver-
Itoiicls per acre, and he sold
In averagi price of 52 cents
pioliimer and is said to he
iTOlunteer and Is said to he
re Attractive
KUUao and
-Lost A ladles' gold watch; filnder
please return to this office and receive
The song and prayer service at the
West End Chapel will be on Tuesday
Wood and coal by car lots a spec
ialty. P. P. Collier & Co., 'phone
Main 1121.
Wanted A young lady whose home
Is in the city, as a companion. Apply
at this office.
A chance of a lifetime to get a
! sewing machine for less than cost, at
Jesse Falling's.
Lost Gold nugget pin, crescent
shape. Findei please return to 520
Market street.
Cut this out, take It to Rader's
furniture store and get a bottle of
furniture polish free.
For Sale Residence with one, two
or three lots, located at B17 Jane
street. Call at house.
The "Stanford Folders" for photo
graphs, six different sizes, the latest
mounts, at Wheeler's.
For Rent Two furnished house
keeping rooms, use of bath and tele
phone, 520 Market street.
Beautiful 5-room cottage, two lots,
shade and fruit trees, nicely located.
Reduced to $1500. E. T. Wade.
Rev. Jonathan Edwards will give a
lecture on George Washington, at the
Congregational church SundRy even-
For Sale Brick building with
basement, 50x90, on Main street. Good
property at a bargain. Easy terms,
E. T. Wade.
See W. B. Jenkins for door name
plate, signs, numbers, etc. Newest
novelties. Prices low. Office, Commer
cial Association.
The Eheiift's oillce will be ready for
the receipt of taxes on Monday, Feb
ruary 23, the lolls for 1902 now being
on fire therein.
At the ThuisOay ovenlng 3ervice of
the Congregational church the matter
of how to observe the Lenten season
will be decided upon.
For Sale Two nice residences on
Main street, well located. Good bar
gains for someone. Inquire 327, cor
ter Main and Bluff streets.
Beginlng Friday, Feb. 6., I can sell
any lot In McCalllster's new nddltlon
r.i the owner's pnee. $50 up ir $300
"Let me see, wasn't it Longfellow Call at the postofflce. N. T. Conklln.
who wrote about that old mill nt New-1 lecture. "The Hand, the Head and
said the long-haired man. . th(, Htsart." bv Rev. Andreas Bard, at
Warm Weather Welcome.
Oscar Bittenger, of Middle Cold
Springs, reports wheat green and
healthy, and a good stand generally.
The stock is all in good condition,
and no diseases prevalent among
them at all. The protracted cold
weather and snow were responsible
for the forage being Ted out pretty
ciose and the open, warm weather la
'.crv welcome I., the stockmen.
A son has been born to Charles
Finch and wife, of 621 Maple street.
Gus and Fred Hill, the brothers,
who live three And a half miles west
of the city, have Just finished a 12
room residence.
Elizabeth A. Jay has sold to Harry
Gibson for 51.000 lots 13 nnd 14, block
177, In Reservation addition. The
property lies at the southeast corner
of Bluff nnd Thompson streets
Attention Knights. Damon IJodge
No. 4, K. of P., will have work this
evening in the third rank. All knights
are requested to bo present. W. J.
Keyes, C. C. R. Fletcher, K. R. S.
The largest public fale that has
ever taken place in Umatilla county,
will be the one at tho ranch of G. W.
Rigby, six miles north of Pendleton.
See display advertisement in this
John Sweeney has bought of the
Balfour-Guthrie Investment Company
100 acres of section 32, township 6,
range 37, paying therefore $2,000. The
property lies seven miles east o.
Freewater. ,
Henry C. Craig has sold, to George
K. Light rrii- $750, the east half of
lots 12. 13 and 14, block 50, In Reser
vation addition. The property lies nr
the southeast corner of Altn and
Star streets. j
Viola Smith has purchnsed of Mar-j
tin S Hawotth, the consideration be
ing $l,SO0, 1C0 acres In section 3,
township 4, range 31. The place lies
12 miles noith and eight miles west
of the city.
C. Hendrlcks.cn. of Grensewood,
will build a i evidence a $3 'W0, 10
looni house the coming spring. The
rontract Ms not yet let. It will be
rne of the most commodious resi
dence? in that part of the county.
Thomas Kur, of Middle Cold
Springs, is building a framo building
into which he will put an entirely
l'cw feed grinder and choppii which
is to be run by steam. Tho motor
will be nis threshing machine engine.
Caldwell Bios., who live on McKay
Creek, three and a half miles, from
town, are building a cottage 2424
feet, in which they will reside with
their mother. They are also buying
a laige amount of ornamental shrub
bery with which to decorate the prem
W F. Earnhart leports the follow
ing transfera of lots In the McCnllis
ter addition: Lots 7 and 8, block 13,
to H. E. Collier for $275. Mr. Collier
Is also the purchaser of lots 5 and fi,
block 12, the consideration being
$250. James Brown bought lot 3,
block 13. paying therefore $200.
S It Pays to Trade at The Peoples Warohonse
Everyone wears them and if you are not
over particular we can sell you a shirt
for if,c, a better one for soc and (hen (or
75c, ti.oo or $i-2$ apiece. For the above prices we have them
soft shirts, collar and cuffs all together, soft bosom witli laun
dered collars and cuffs, soft or stiff bosoms with separate cuffs
and collars, but
Damaged by River.
Joseph Snyder, who Uvea three
miles west of the city, lately pur
chased 22 acres off the Bryan farm.
He will the coming spring build an
nddition to his residence. Mr. Sny
der reports, that the river Is cutting
on the Daniels place, occupied by
him, and that rip-rapping will proba
bly be necessary soon to stop its depredations.
Allen Near Elk Grove, February
S 1903, Vernle T., youngest son of
Mlllsle and Mary L. Allen, brother of
Cleveland, Wager and Alwllda Allen;
a native of Echo, Or. Age 4 -years
and 3 montliR. Passed away after
! two weeks' illness. His death was
caused by eerebro-menlngltis.
old man," replied I the presbyteriau church Friday even
d cult. ' Longfol-1 Vfiliruarv 20. Admission 25 cents.
Uticr r-,1t., i i....t, 1 port?"
ratii..ni-,.r,M R.-,K. o.i.i i.nt Say. you're mixed
f'fcttoccKil Tla,..Cn A aiir. the gent in the lOUU OUll. JOngI01- . Pnl.Minn. 9C A.lmlcnlnn K ffnt
Itehoiiynnfe. No trouble, less ex- low was the horse that won the nanui- ,
jiiifMLiv. inPnnrFm iF iu can once. Anvway. l never nearu oi , "-. v-.r-,
"0, OmiiL'H. fitmwhmrv. Ttium. n mill l.filn' nulled off at Newnort." 1 Armory hall, will take place Febru
'.cn...-. " r 7 . . - til-., If Tho
Manhattan Shirts
Are different. They are all colored and we have just received
this spring's styles The prices are
$1.50 and $2.00 Each
g We have a few that are a trille higher
If yoa want a Stylish Shirt, wear the MANHATTAN.
8 If yon want a Good Fitter, wear the MANHATTAN.
It yon want a Good Wearer, wear tho MANHATTAN.
If yon want FaBt Colors, wear the MANHATTAN.
jS Shall be pleased to show them to you wnether looking or
5 buying.
1 mr nrnm ro uanninnpr
g - ' - . . w w
I Men's Outfitters.
Germany Will Immediately Resume
Diplomatic Relations With Vene
Berlin, Feb. 10. The relchstng to
day recehed an announcement of
(he settlement of the Venezuelan dif
ficulty. Diplomatic relations will bo
immediately resumed with that coun
"When You Need
A Plumber
the chances arc you need him
pretty badly. And why not
get a good one? it docsti't
cost any more, We make a
specialty of fine sanitary
plumbing and enjoy a icpu
tation for skill nnd reliability
second to ncne in the busi
ness. All work done by us
is warranted to be strictly
first class. And our charges
are low always
W. J. Clatke & Co., Court Street
Maccabee Notice.
State Commander J. W. Sherwood
will be with us Tuesday, February 17.
Every Sir Knight should be present.
Business of importance.
J. S. KEYS, R. K.
GAME . .
We have received a second
shipment this vcar.
fi.48. At 1.95 we offer (
you Hardwood two sido ,
Game Board on which 25
games and more may be ,
played. '
The Delicacies
of the season are always
found at our restaurant.
At present we have
Finest Oysters $ Frog
Legs f Clams f Crabs
and Lobsters f I
lpucets. 10c.
Philadelphia Press.
A Good Tooth Brush.
rMhing everybody should have. A tooth brush that
pooi Dnstles is but little better than none at all.
jde tO Olir nrAnr in Prnnrn Tt ic a fniir-rnw bleached
. W.HW ''-V ' " "
1 put together in a workmanlike manner, guaranteed to
)our teeth 271 times without losinc a bristle. In other
I " is guaranteed three months, which allows you to use
e limes a dav nsp it altnr oarli mal. no matter how
pvoti eat
Twpnfv-flvp. Cents
I' best brush we ever saw for that price. It's a 35 cent
uuying in large lots and direct allows us to sell it at
J Look at it even if you don't want to buy now.
r From Main St., Toward the Court House
jary 17. The proceeds will be devoted.
. i to the purchase of rubber coats for J
'the members. j
I "The Hand, the Head and the I
Heart," Is the subject of Rev. Andreas
Bard's lecture at the Presbyterian
church next Friday evening. Don't
miss this treat. Admission 2D cents.
The art exhibit, March 4, C, C, nnd
7, will give the citizens an opportu
nity to see reprcductlons of the mas
terpieces of the world's greatest ar
tists; 1C0 pictures will be placed on
exhibition. '
A Christian Endeavor society of 15
active members was organized at the
Congregational church on Sunday
evening. A committee on nomination
was appointed and the officers will be
elected next Sunday evening.
It you need matting, wood fibre
carpet, art squares, rugs, lace cur
tains, pictures, picture frames, wall
paper, sewing machines or other ar-'
tides in my stock, now Is the time to
Invest. Everything must go. 1 Jesse
Falling. ;
For Ladies Have Arrived
Boston Store
Where Whole FamiHns are Shod.
la 1 lt ugt tuere
6houid be cluiu.ue-'..
Ely's Cream Itnln
the dUea-d Ul. 'iicu ic
Jtcaru catarrhal, tu. -d
iwajr a cold la Hit t J
Crt iim ltulm I. p'ia-d Into (bo nontriU, prtadi
orer tbe membrane and li abmrljcd. ItelUf la Itn
uiwllttteondacurefollon.. It la cot drying dot.
not produce tbctzlog. Large Size, W eenti at Dru
giata or by mall ; Trial Size, 10 cent by malU
ELT BllOTUEKa. 66 Warreu SUeet, Nw York.
GARDEN SEEDS Our fresh stock
is now arriving. We sell
nothing. but reliable seeds,
as hundreds of our custom
ers will testify. All 5c
packages garden or flower .
seeds, 2c.
Low jm'cess on seeds by
ounce and pound lots. Call
or send for new catalogue.
I and other salt and fresh
water foods
The Ffcnch
' velopes, size 6, this week
j " for only 69c,
The Nolf Stoe
Tuliipliono Main 4
We have ihe largest stock of carpets, outside of Portland, in
the state. Tin's is an unditputable fact, Wc offer better bar
gains than can lie had in Eastern Oregon, another fact which
is proven by the low prices we are offering.
Next doot to I'obtoffice.
We announce that wc have opened undertaking parlors in
connection with our furniture and carpet store and will answer
calls day or night, Phone Black 273,
We have bought of the Allen Brothers, their interest in the
Wood business, and now we are ready to famish the best
dry wood on short notice. Office 638 Main Streot.
Phone 2. P. P. COLLIER 8c CO.