ENINBED1TIQH DAHY EVENING ED1TI0M BVVVWVVVWVAWVWvWAVl DAILY Eastern Oregon Weather fcllffrfdat your rMldenc in J buslneii 2 TP gj UU"UV" Tonight nnd Tuesday fair; J5c A WEEK, warmer. for., is- PEHTLETOK, UMATILLA COUNTY, OHEGOX, MONDAY, FE1VRUABY 16, 1908. NO. 4 008. SENATOR YET L to Appear That the islature Will Wait Until .Last Moment. ES ARE CONSIDERED FAVORABLE FOR FULTON. ah Delegation Again Stands Maor Williams Senator U' Road Brand Bill Is Killed Itcmmlttee. , Feb. 16. There is no change oote for Konator. It is cxpect- Ijk the election will not occupl Lth last hours of the session, l Mils Friday night. Fulton's arc considered good. The. llcr senator today is as follows: 32 17 16 15 nng i 7 a! - 90 Ore., Feb. 13. (Special ndence.) The heavy repub- ajorlty was today lined up to ter a knock-out blow to the it aroused the Oregonlan and isalB as has no other measure in this legislature. Every 8 since Senator Pierce intrc- iis Associated Press bill, the aper' has devoted a leading of about a column and ft.haU' Ion of this bill. The re- caucussed last night and to give the measuro decent Senator Pierce called up his report today and made an nlea for Its adoption, but It & talking against a stone wall. McGinn, the neavy-woigui of the Oregonlan on the i tie senate, with uplifted arms ktte&ive mien, declaimed in sola Vines against the attempt fettvi.i'om the Oregonlan the cr&ii rfvllege of Associated Tmtm in Portland, a condition flAJaStt in no other large cuy in etwirr, Pres. Brownell went on far snd took occasion to put n'fht with the man in tho is. lit diicusslon lasted 45 minutes tie division was strictly on par tm. This makes Pierce's thirci ij report from the judiciary it has caried his point twice. Road Brand Bill. ator c. J. Smith's road-brand nery meritorious measure, was s or the house ommit'ee o.i rttare. which is composed of Western Oregon republicans B. 36, another one of Senator i mpasures, -which empowors ioard of medical examiners to is- Ewnses to physicians holding cites from the boards of other i that gram this state tho same on, passed the house with in its favor. bill 73, relating to licensing warehousemen passed the sen- The bill as amended re- any one desiring to engage ill warehouse business to file n trying in amount from $1000 to with the county court. The must now concur In the amend before the bill becomes a law, J. N. S. BEET SUGAR MEN SHOW TEETH. They Grow Angry at Attempt to Pass Phlllnnlnr Tariff mil I - ---r-r---- -.. Washington, Feb. 16. The beet sugar Interests shojved thel- teeth Saturday during an attempt to pass the Philippine tariff bill. Senator Lodge frankly announced that the Philippine bill could not pass unless tho tariff of 60 per cent of the pres ent Dlngley rates was retained on suger and tobacco. Senator Foraker objected to this statement very strongly and indicated a desire to make the tariff 25 per cent, ns in tho house bill. Then it was that Patteri-on and Tel ler, of Colorado, democrats, announc ed their unalterable opposition to a Mil which would take any protection off of sugar or give the Philippine Islanders access to the United States n'arkets. Patterson declared that the Philippine Islands would supply tho 1,'nlted States with sugar If free trade was granted to them, and this, h3 said, would destroy the Louisiana and the beet sugar interests of the West. Teller seconded him, and It became evident that any proposition other than that dictated by the sugar trust could not go through. It is apparent that if the bill passes pny effort to amend It beyond what the beet sugar interests agreed upon will prove fatal to It, and the rates will remain as now 75 per cent on all articles. HOUSE SESSION, Bill Passed to Make Railroads Use Automatic Brakes on All Cars. Washington, Feb. 16. The house passed a bill making more drastic the rules compelling the railways to place automatic brakes on all cars. I ittletield arose and made reply to Sulzer'e Saturday speech, In which he had attacked him. READY FOR TROUBLE'STORMS IN ERST GRAIN MARKET8. All Commandants of the Tork- ish Army Ordered to Pre pare for a Campaign. All Communication With the Outside World Has Been Practically Cut Off. Quotations Furnished., by the Coe Commission Company D. C. Sulli van, Manager, Room 4, Association Block. Chicago, Feb. 16. NEGOTIATES FOR FRIENDLY 1 ACTION OF GREAT BRITAIN., SLEET AND SNOW VISIT OHIO AND KENTUCKY. Under Secretary of Foreign Affair in Italy Declares That the Policy of That Country Will Be to Prevent Any Modification of the Status Quo. Constantinople, Feb. 16. Military activity continues. For fear of a Balken uprising all commandants, have been ordered to prepare for a six months' campaign, London, Feb. 16. Musurus Pasha, the Turkish ambassador to England, Is negotiating with Lansdowne to se cure the friendly action on the part of Great Britain in the event of trouble In Macedonia. Rome, Feb. 16. The under secreta ry of foreign affairs In. the chamber today said the policy of Italy in the Balkins vould be to prevent any mod ification of the status quo to the ben efit of any power. It Indicates that Italy will protest against, any distri bution of favcrs. DAY IN SENATE. SUICIDE OF LOCAL MANAGER EMIL SCHIMPFF, OF ASTORIA, SHOOTS HIMSELF Worry Over Shortage of the Compa ny's Accounts Said to Have Been the Cause. Astoria. Feb. 16. Bmil Schimpff, of Scranton. Pa., the manager of the North Pacific Brewing Company, of this city, committed suicide this morning. He had been about the of flee as usual and walked into the barn and fired two bullets Into his brain. Three other cartridges were snapped, but failed to explode. Wor ry over shortage in the company's accounts through crookedness of the cashier, is said to be the cause. He j was 34 years of age and unmarried FAILED TO RESPOND. Wen today AN INVESTIGATION. U Taking Steps to Determine 1 to Status of the Island. "ilngton, Feb. 16. Tho com- on Cuban affairs favorably re I the senate substitute for the k resolution. It requests the If not lncomnatable with interest, to inform congress ab status of the iBle of Pines; ' P'Vernment exnrclKfta nnthnrltv Jt protection is being given interests there, etc. Men Ind orse Socialism. 5"ati. Feb. 1fi Thn nrnu-nrv ' convention Saturday unan- " Indorse a Kcnlnllnn fonnp. "dallnm. The cnnvnntlnn nriv ftfter KclfWInc Trwll Place for holding the next con- ' 13UJ. 1 Horse T v.or. i . j... u.. , . tv m cm urj- unj . . wroie that i i iu Chicago Dally News. Young Vanderbllt Has an Attach ment Served for Him in Case of Canfield Gambling House. New York, Feb. 16. The case of Bucklln, the manager of Canfleld's gambling house, was called this morn :ng In the criminal court. A further adjournment was taken until Monday. A number of witnesses including Reg' insld Vanderbllt, failed to respond to their names when called off. Attach ments were Issued for them. COMMENCE FINAL WORK. Anthracite Commission Will Have to Review the Testimony of 570 Wit nesses. Washington, Feb. 10. Carroll I), Wright returned to the anthracitf eommlssion. They moot here Thurs day, when they commence their final York. They have to review the tes timony of 570 witnesses covering 10. uflO pages of typewritten paper. Perry May Not be Tried, Cambridge, Mass., Feb. 16. The case of George L. O. Perry, the young i.egro chaigd with the mur1er of Miss Clara O. Morton, in Waverly last November, was on the court cal endar for hearing today, b'lt Is re garded as unlikely that the trial will take place In the near future, If at oil. Since his Imprisonment last fall I he young negro has been seriously HI. and at times his life has been despaired of. His condition Is still legardod an critical. In his rational moments he has insisted thut he is innncenr or the- charce against him tnd declare-o that the watche? which ho pawned, and which were Identified ae the property of the several young wnmon assaulted and robbed In Wnv- oily were given to him by an unknown party to dispose or. Tne ainnoriuca Kallm-o thnt Perry if he was guilty ot oil was not thn nrinctnal In the crime'and should ho die there would he small lope of bringing tne reai culprit to Justice. 1 Philippine Coinage- Bill Passed With an Amendment. Washington, Feb. 16. The sonata today passed with amendment the Philippine coinage bill, which has al- The amendment offered by Patter eon, of Colorado, was to authorize the president to Invite the gold and sliver standard governments to appoint a commission which shall devise ana suggest a plan by which a fixed com mercial exchange might be establish ed. Dubois, of Idaho, offered a free silver substitute which was rejected without dhislon. Berthing of Battleships. Washington, Feb. 16. A resolution offered by Hale, was passed directing the secretary of the navy to notify the senate what Improvement would be necessary for the Brooklyn water front at the navy yard for the proper t;rthing of battleships and fleets. Ne wBrigadiar-General. Washington, Feb. 16. The presi dent sent ihe nomination to the sen ate of Colonel Wallace Randolph, now chler of artillery, to be made brigadier-general, Heaviest Storm In Many- Years is Sweeping Kentucky Much Suffer ing and Loss of Property Appre hendedHeavy Snow In Indiana. Columbus, Feb. 16. All communi cation with the outside world has been practically cut off by sleet breaking the wires. Trains are running slow nnd many' are abandoned ns even the lailway wires are down. In Kentucky. Bowling Green, Feb. 16. The heav iest storm for years is sweeping Ken tucky. Much suffering and loss is ap prehended. In Indiana. Alexandria, Feb. 16. The roof of the Republic Iron and Steel mill col lapsed early thlb morning under tho weight of snow, u resulted In heavy aamagc. Four hundred men are thrown out of work. Blizzard Continues. New Yoik, Feb. 16. The blizzard continues. Street traffic is blockaded and all wlie communication is serl ously interfered with. In some direc tions it Is out off. Wheat- May .... July .... Corn- May .... July .... Oats- May .... July .... Pork- May .... July . . . . Minneapolis, Feb. 16. Wheat Opened. May 76 July 76-HH POPE MAY LIVE A CENTURY. Opened. 77i 74V4 45 43 "33 H 1712 1667 Closed. 77!s78 74K 45 43U. 3GirW 32-t; 1735 16S5 Closed. 76 76-tt WANTEDTOGETRICH People ot St Louis Woro Done in Approved Style by tho Turf Companies. ARNOLD ESCAPES TO MEXICO WITH $5,000,000 IN CASH. STRAIGHT HOMESTEAD LAW. Favorable Report on Bill to Repeal All the Side i.lnes. Washington, Feb. 16. The senate committee on public lands Snturday, after an animated controversy, decid ed to favorably report Senator Quar tos' bill repealing tho desert land law, the timber and stone entry law nnd the commutation provision of tho homestead law, leaving only the straight five year residence home stead law under which the public lnnds may be taken up for homes. TREATY SIGNED. Cuba Grants Coaling Stations to the United States. Havana, Fob. 16. At noon today President Palma nnd Minister Squires signed a trenty giving the United States naval Btutlons at Quan- tanamo and Bahla. Every request of the American government Is granted UTTER WON'T BE DROPPED His Physicians Say He Gains Vigor Each Year. New York, Feb. 16. The Tageblatt publishes a nio&t remarkable Inter view which its Rome correspondent lind with ihe pope's physician, Pr.- lessor MB7zaioni, regarding his holi ress" health, taye the Herald's Berlin correspondent. "What? The pope ill," laughed the proressor. "He Is so well that Ave might envy him. Except for a slight hoarsenebs, which Is easily cured, nothing has ailed Ieo XIII these last two years. "He is truly a phenomenon. He prows older in years, but, paradoxical cs it may seem, he appears to gain In vigor each yeai. Mark my words, the pope will live to be 100 years old, prd longer, and even then he will enjoy life cs he does today. Really, cr.e can hardly believe that Leo XIII bhould ever die." VENICE IS DRY. I PENSIONED WIDOWS. Steamers and Gondolas Are Sticking In the Mud People Are Amazed. Venice, Feb. 16. For two days a most remarkable occurrence in con nection with the tides has' created amazement and great Inconvenience l.c-ie. The waters hae ebbed to sea ward so rapidly and in such volume that they left all the canals Including the grand canal, almost dry. Steam ers and gondolas stick In the mud until the water returns Foundations of palaces and houses are exposed. 1 Oregon Legislature Appropriates $1,000 to Wives of Guards Killed by i Tracy. . Salem. Feb 16. The legislature iassed a bill to give f 1.000 to each of the widowb of Jones,, Tiffany and I'errell, thu guards kllle-J by Tiacy pnd Merrlll.on their escape from tho state penitentiary. SUES FOR DIVORCE. ADJUST AMERICAN CLAIMS. Solicitor Field and Minister Bowen to Get Up Protocol Between United States and Venezuela. Washington, Feb. J G. Minister Bowen, representing Venezuela, will this afternoon formally meet the so licitor (pf the state department, Fielc", to arrXngc terms of a protocol be tween the United States and Vene niela. They will provide for the ap pointments of a commission to ad just the claims of American citizen in Venezuela. Wisconsin Bowling Championship. Milwaukee, Wis., Feb. 16. Ar rangements are completo for the an nual bowling tournament of tbe Wis consin Tenpln league, which opens tonight and continues until Saturday. The tournnment this year promises to eclipse any of tho prevlouf .ones held here. The plan of giving more prizes has met with favor among tho bowlers, and more entries have been received as a result. The cities that have sent teams Include LaCrosse. Osbkosh. Racine. Waukesha, White water, Jar.csvllle, Bclolt, Greon Bay, Appleton. Fond du Lac, Kenosna, Marshfield, Manitowoc, Sheboygan, Madison and Columbus. ExtSenator Brown, of Utah, Brings Sensational Charges Against His Wife. Salt Lake, Feb. 16. Another chap ter occurred In the domestic troubles of former Senator Arthur Brown, re cently arrested by his wife on tho chage of adultery. Mrs, Annie Braa ley Is today filing a divorce by Brown against his wife. There are many sensational allegations, among others that she tried to poison him. nomination will probably be fent t' Employes of the North German Lloyd Company Go Out Because a Com rade Wat Discharged. Bremen, Feb, 16. Fifteen hundred dock laborers of the North Oerman Moyd Company struck today becauso a comrade was dismissed. After Governor Ames. Manchester, Feb. 16. Sheriff Del ger arrived with requisition papers for ex-Mayor Ames, of Minneapolis, this afternoon. Ames has been under surveillance for some time. His hear ing will be before Governor Batcbel dor at Concord tomorrow Ames will fight the extradition. Mr, Bacon When all Ihe fools are dead, I won't want to be alive. Mrs. Bacon Well, don't worry, you won i be. Yonkcrs Statesman. STATE SENATOR CALDWELL TO PROSECUTE AS8AILANT8 Dan Hanna and Winder Deny Having Any Knowledge of the Attack Say They Were In Their Private Car. Cleveland, Fob. 1G. Dan Manna nnd his companion, WIdnor, both do ny having any knowledge of tho Cold well attack They sny that they wcro i.ot out of their private car at that time. They know thnt the attack was made Saturday morning. A dis patch from Charleston, W. Va., sayt that Caldwell la still confined to his ted, but says the matter won't bo diopped. He reiterates that tbo men gave their names ns Hanna and Winder. Telegram Received at St, Lout From Parsons, Kan., Saying That tho President Had Passed Through That Town. St. Louis. Feb. 16. Tho grand Jury's Investigation Into tho turf In vestment companies was resumed today. Neither E. J. Arnold nor hit mnnngcr, I. A. Gill, havo yet boon lound for eorvlco by hto sheriff. From the correspondence and lit erature of tho firm seized as ovldence by tho grand Jury, It dovolops that Postolllco Inspector Georgo A. DIco recommended a fraud ordor against the concern after his Investigation. Instoad of tho ordor, it is stated, Ar nold & Co. received a letter from an Influential postal official which thoy used as nn advertisement. Tho writ ing of this letter and tho reasons for cverrullng tho rccommondiitlon of Inspector DIco will bo mado tho sub ject of a (.weeping investigation. Arnold & Co, omployed the best le gal talent In soveral cIUch to look after their business and watch for such developments. Letters aro said to havo been found from at loast one member of tho Missouri legislature pertaining to tho Interests of the com pany at Jefferson City. Later Escaped to Mexico. St. Louis, Feb. 16. Arnold und Cllll thu turf Investment men were Indict ed by tho grand Jury. A score of detectlvcB f-earched tho city, but fail ed to find cither. I-ntor a telegram was received from Parsons, Kan., that they passed through thcro Saturday night en routo to Mexico. It Is re ported that Arnold has $5,000,000 with him In curroncy of high denomina tions, which ho had heon gathering in antidilution of n crash PASSENGERS PANIC-STRICKEN. Stormy Trip of the Germanic Across the Atlantic. New York, Feb. 16. The steamship Germanic anived Saturday after what her commander. Captain Smith, said was not only tho roughest trip since the vessel went Into commis sion, but tbe stormiest voyugo of his career as a seaman. Great waves b-oko over tho port side and rolled the big steamer until sleep was Im possible for the passengeis. The liner made only five knots nn hour. The crew were called frequently to allay the alarm of tho panicky pussen ecrs. There were 29 persons in tho firBt cbln, twlco as many In the sec ond, and one of the largest steerage lists on record. The Immigrants wero panic-stricken. OH was thrown over the side of tho ship. The crew had to move about tho deck with ropes fatt ened to their waists. SECRETARY OF COMMERCE. Cortelyou Nominated for Position by President James Garfield, Jr., Will Be Commissioner of Corporations, Wuuhliigton, Feb. 1C. President Itoosovclt sent to Iho sennt-t tlilt morning the nomination ot George H. Cortelyou to bo secretary of tho now department of commorco, and la bor. It Is announced on high author ity that James Garfield, son of tho martyred president, tho now slvll korvlco commissioner, Is to bo ap pointed commissioner of corporations under tho now department The news of the uppolntmont wan confirmed at tho White House. Tho lound for service by tho Hhorlff. tho senate tomorrow. SHAFT IS BROKEN. COMPANIES RAIDED. Postal Authorities Undertake to Drive the Turf Investment Companies. Chicago, Feb. 16. Three mora turf Investment companies wcro raided tlfis afternoon by tho postal authorities. RYAN ARRESTED. Was Proprietor of a "Get Rich Quick" Concern In St, Louis, St. Louis, Fob. 16. Ryan, the pro prietor of ono of tho largest "get rich quick' concerns, wns arrested this afternoon. Arkwrlrjht Club Dinner. Now York. Feb, 16, Tho annual dinner of the Arkwrlght Club, to bo given tonight, promises to be the most brilliant given In the history of tho organization. The guests of hon or include Governor Odell, Rear Ad miral 8chley, Martin I. Knapp, chali man of tho Interstate rommerce com mission, and James L. Barbour ,of Hartford. Dispatch Received at Navy Depart ment 8aying That the Alexander Was Crippled. Washington, Feb. It!. Thn navy department today pxelvod a iltapa'ch form tho Delaware liienkwnter collier that tho Alexanders shaft wa'j brokon February 10, 100 miles east of tho Ba hamas. It whs signed by A i! am son, tho firut officer who was on board the Htiamshlp with Admiral Schley. The Aloxnnder was JubI completing a trip u rou nc the Hoin from tho Paci fic roast. Illinois Retail Merchants. Alton, III., Fob, 16, Tho Advanio gard of delogutc-a Is arriving for thu annual con volition of thj Illinois Itotall Merchants' Association, which begins In this city tomorrow nnd con tinues thrto days. Indications point to a largo htlondauco and thin, com bined with tho Importance of .hi sub jects to ho dlHCUHHcd, glvofl promlMi of tho molt iiotnhlo meeting In the history of ihe association, ' Veteran Fireman Dead. Chicago, Feb. 16, Donlu Wenle, Chicago's veteran fireman, tiled this morning of kidney disease. He was In the department 02 years, y.2 years as chief. Ho retired In- 1001. Sailors Remanded. Liverpool, Feb, 16. Tho four sail ors of tho barque Veronica, who woro charged with pliacy, havo nguln heon remanded loday for elaht day. .Ml