East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 14, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
Tonight and Sunday genorally
MHf.TnV..' by carrier t
, fair.
NO. 4007.
Iiendment Giving Home
; to Cities to Be Submit-
to Oregon Voters.
Bill, Which Tad Promls-
Strife, Indefinitely Post
Pierce's Dill Concerning Re.
i incorporations, Passed.
I; Or., Feb. 14. The senate
,i working humor Thursday
Within tho hour and a
ping which tho session contlnu-
i wore passed. Within the
two measures met tho ig
fate of indefinite post-
Ut Thoy wore the osteopaths'
IJIulkoy's bill to give option
lectors ot towns as to whether
i for tho sale of liquors there-
I committee having In charge
n warehouse bill was not
t'n report, and consideration of
ssure, which had been made
J order, was postponed.
Osteopath Bill Dead.
lell's bill for creation of a
i osteopathic examination and
Isle the practice of osteopathy,
been the subject of more
iSscord over sinco Its introduc-
i reported favorably by 'the
j(f the Judiciary committee.
reporu-unfavorabie, -mso
ted. Hand moved the
,tt tho minority report, and
carried. Myers moved
he made a special order
n. Smith, of Multnomah, who
me of tho strongest oppo
site 1)111, and Pierce, thought
kmsrashould bo considered and
Swsnw. and Smith maae a
fcis,ViAwas out of order, to
Bat ltd Vers' motion to make
wllnpoal order for tomorrow
lei lost, and before any-
relitmli open discussion of the
srwsMon moved Its indefinite
sjMtfut, which was carried.
listiere is little likelihood that
i osteopaths will get recognition
(tats of the state this year.
I M Heme Rule Bill Passes.
Ifeft bill to submit to tho voters
etitiitlonal amendment to grnnt
a rale to municipalities was pass
opposition. Tho main
e of the pionosed home rule is
Incorporated towns and cities be
PM to adont now charters or
P eiistlnc ones without anneal
It legislature.
Govern District Attorneys.
a'ck's bill was passed to
the law to provide that District
ffjs must advise all county of-
their lespectlvo districts on
I nutters which may arleo, and
tie for or defend such counties
cases at law without conipen-
other than that provided by
Itgular salaries.
Limit County Expenditures.
bill to provide that nil quus-
"es of Multnomah county to
pounts raised by jtho annual tax
to yrovide for tho levying
4-mlli additional tnx in cases
agency, passed unanimously.
Explosives for Children.
(Multnomah) bill to pro-
sale ot daneorous oxnlosives
wen was tho next measure
'Pi dm! nnon n lirlnf ovnlnlin
senator Smith of Its objeet, it
Hunt's Ballot Bill.
Wl lto nrovldn thnt all nues-
wanted to the people at nn
WCIUUImr mioallnno nt nnn.
1 amendment, be placed at
'VI inn nlllnlol l.nllnt Inatnni
rtt bottom, as at present, and
'tiffin fn. t. nil 1 ' ...
"v tut uauu juiuiutll puny
on tho official ballot, with
ie party namo over it, be
I UlQ linllnf nn M, 1 1 on,, nnr.
"ting to vote n Htrnlclir nartv
J"'J do Bo merely by marking
""m such circle, was passed
Rtllalous Incorporations.
tv. J". to anond tho law gov-
- aoiamg in trust for church
n i ?f nrPorty hy certain
" was passed. It Sim'
"US tin c.an.n i..n i
l!J 7 1IWVUUHU 1U iiiid
oy certain church offlc
ers, and will make tho Oregon law
uniform with the laws of neighboring
For New Judicial District.
Itand's two bills providing for di
vision of the existing eighth Judicial
district, Baker county to compose
the eighth and Union and Wallowa
tho ninth Judicial districts, were pass
ed, over the opposition ot Wade, ot
Union, who declared there waR no
good reason why such action should
be taken.
Mrs, McHenry, of Howard, Kan., Imi
tates Carrie Nation and Starts in to
Clean Out the Topeka Saloons.
Topoka, Kan., Feb. 14. Mrs. J. A.
McHenry, editor of a temperance pa
per called "The Searchlight" a tem
perance worker from Howard, Kan.,
and a former associate ot Carrie Na
tion, ran amuck here this morning,
and smashed tho windows out of six
saloons. She was arrested.
Auto Show at Chicago.
Chicago, 111., Feb. 14. The doors
of tho Coliseum opened today on the
greatest show of automobiles ever held
In the West. Evory foot of space In
tho big building is occupied, which
means that thoro are twice as many
exhibits as at last year's exhibition.
In addition to tho display of sclf-pro-pcllors
,the show has atracted scores
of men Interested in automobiles and
next week they will assemble in con
ference for tho discussion of the good
roads movement. Albert B. Shattuck,
president of tho Automobile Club of
America, and General Boy Stone, tho
government's good road export, will
address the meeting.
Daniel Hanna and the Manager of the Hocking Coal Company
Assault a State Senator.
Quotations Furnished by the Coe
Commission Company D, C Sulli
van, Manager, Room 4, Association
Chicago. Feb. 14.
May July
Charleston, W, Va., Feb, J i. Dan,
the son of Senator HBnna, and John
Winder, the manager of the Cana
wah & Hocking Coal Company,
emerged from a gambling house early
this morning and hailed o passing
cab In which State Senator C.ildwell
was returning home from the legisla
tive ball.
The cabby told Hauna and Winder
he could nut take them. They torn
polled him to top, dragged Caldwell
out of the cab and beat him so uadly
that he required the care of a physic
ian. They left him In the street ami
compelled the cabby to drive them to
the depot, where they boarded a pri
vate car and pulled out for Ohio.
Warrants were sworn out and a
telegram sent to the officers at Pleas
anton to arrest them when they stop
ped there, but pressure was brought
to bear by moneyed men and an of
ficial message followed the first coun
termanding It.
There Is great Indignation here.
The state legislature may demand an
investigation why tho arrests were
not made.
Minneapolis, Feb. 14,
May "G7i
July 76V4V1
New York, Feb. 14.
Wheat Opened.
May 81
July Si
May 51
July 49
Susan B. Anthony Is 83.
Rochester, N. Y., Feb. 14. Presents
and messages of congratulation are
being received In large numbers by
Susan B. Anthony In anticipation of
her eighty-third birthday, which falls
tomorrow. The venerable leaucr of
the woman suffrage movement has
completely recovered from her Illness
of last year, which at one time was re
garded as alarmingly serious. Hor
wonderful health and spirits seem to
be proof against time and disease,
and so lightly do hor four-score years
rest upon her that she is still in the
habit of working as she has worked
during the last half century that is
to say, as If there were no limit to
hor capacity.
Lillian Ventura, Who Was Kidnap
ped by Mother From the Father,
Is Allowed to- Go to the Mother.
Des Moines, Feb. 14. The court to
day gave the custody of little Lillian
Ventura to her mother. The child
was kidnapped by the mother from
tho father, who Is an eminent linguist
of Stanford University. Prominent
persons, Including President Jordon,
Mrs. Hearst, Governor Cummins, of
Iowa. W. D. Howells. actor Salvlnl
and others were dragged into the
case. When the child was stolen
from San Francisco th-e last legal bat
tle began which has continued stead
ily ever since. The court in its find
ings, entirely ignores the charges .tor
faithlessness and improper conduct of
the mother.
Fire Destroys Eight Residences in
Pennsylvania Town at a Loss of
$50,000 Members of Crag Family
Hurt and Killed.
Tarentum, 'Pa., Feb. 14. In a fire
at the Crag residence this morning, a
boy aged 12, was burned to death.
The father was fatally injured by
Jumping and a girl R years old, had
her skull fractuied and was fatally in
jured by falling from a second story
window. The mother was severely
Injured by jumping. Seven other res
idences were destroyed. The loss was
Mother and Son Found Dead in a
Room in San Francisco Key to
Gas Stove Open.
San Francisco, Fob. 14. Mis, Floiu
Tilley, aged 75, and hor son, William
G. Tllloy, aged 43, were asphyxiated
last night In tho samo room. The
key to the gas stove was found open.
It was clearly accidental. Tho wo
man was 111 and her son was acting
as a nurse.
Fund for Logan Monument,
Murphysboro, 111., Fob. 14. To raise
a fund for tho erection of a monument
to General John A. Logan the school
children gavo an entertainment today
and also rccoived some liberal con
tributions. General Logan was bom
and reared In Murphysboro and the
old log cabin In which he was born
Ht 111 stands on Eighteenth street.
Ships of Allies Have Been Ordered to
Withdraw From Venezuela.
London. Feb. 14. Instructions have
bten telegraphed the blockading
squadron of Venezuela to withdraw
the ships in cor.sequence of arrange
ments completed last night !n Wash
ington. Orders Sent,
Washington. Feb. 14. the state dc
partment received a cablegram from
the London embassy saying that or
ders were ent this morning to all
commanders, of the blockading squad
rons to raise the blockade immediate
Opened. Closed.
77 77
74 74Vi
45 45fc
43 43
3C sc4r
33ffi 33Ui
1705 1715
1647 1C50
Great Northern Gives 20 Per
Cent Advance in Wages to
Its Telegraphers.
closing May wheat, fiat
Wheat In Chicago.
Chicago. Feb. 14. Wheat 77o
per bushel.
Was Run Out of Chicago.
Chicago, Feb. 14. Arnold was run
out. of this city four years ago for
working an alleged wire tapping
scheme. He got a syndicate to back
him for $15,000 and was being made
touts and bookmakers.
In Kansas City,
Kansas City, Feb. 14. The branch
officers of the Turf Investment Com
pany here, aro thronged with peoplo
hoping to get returned a portion of
their money, hut nothing Is being
paid out. The losses probably
amount to nearly a half million dollars.
In St Joseph,
I St Jobeph, Feb. 14. Tho Investors
of the different turf companies hero
lose nearly $50,000.
Was the Day's Record of the Duelling
Ex-Mayor of Algiers Today.
Paris, Feb. 14. Max Reigis, the
duelling ex-mayor of Algiers, broke
his record this morning by fighting
threo duels. As usual, no one was
hurt. In the first combat each drew
blood. Then they challenged each
other to death. When It became ap
parent that they might possibly hurt
each other, the seconds interfered,
In the second duel Reigis nearly losr
his voice as he occupied the entire
time shouting curses while the hnttle
was raging.
Copies of it Given Out to the Press
This (Afternoon.
Washington, Feb. 14. Copies of
the protocol signed by Minister Bow
en with 'Great Britain and Italy were
given xo the press this afternoon.
They 'differ only in small details.
Great Britain agrees not to ask anv
carnages for subjects caused by the
blockade. The details are practically
those made public heretofore.
British Seize the Town of Kanov in
Zegzeg 300 of the Enemy Killed.
London, Feb. 11. The colonial of
fice says a dispatch from Governor
l.udgard of Northern Nigeria states
that a battle was fought in the Su
dan, February 4. Colonel Moi eland
telzed Kanov in Zegzeg. The British
less was 14, tho enemy's 300 killed.
The emir Is Haelng northward.
Big Meeting of Engineers.
Waren. O., Fob. 14. An interesting
meeting was hold here today by the
Ohio Society of Medhanlcal, Electrical
and Steam Engineers. The visitors
were cordially greeted by Mayor
Thompson, to whose address response
was made by Herbert E. Stono, of
Boston. Thehe formalities concluded
the society took up tho reading and
discussion of papers on topics of gen
eial Interest to the profession. Tho
participants included prominent engi
neers from Canton, AcUron, Cleveland
and other cities of tho fctate.
Conreld Selected.
New York, Feb. 14. It Is announc
ed this morning that Helnrlch Con
reld, tho manager of the living Place
theater, has been selected to succeed
Grau in tho Metropolitan Opera house
for a term of five years.
The committee of tho Cuban con
gress has reported a bill providing
for a five per cent bond Issue of $35,
000,000, of which $4,000,000 will be
used In aid of agriculture and the re
mnlndor In paying soldiers of the rev
olution and their heirs,
Pilots Sell Jobs.
Washington. Feb. 14. Before the
senate Investigating committee Pilot
Commissioner Alexander testified that
the two other commissioners received
$4,250 for appointing Pilot Tyson
Tho commissioners divided the
money. Pilot Barber told now pilots
sold their Jobs. Captain Anderson
nnirt 3.000. Wallace $4,000 ana an
London's Poor Meet at Trafalgar
Square Will Parade Every Day.
London, Feb. 14. There was a
mooting of 1,000 of London's poor on
Trafalgar Square today. The police
pxpected troubl' and had out 200 ex
tras. The speeches were mild, how
ever, merely depicting the sorrows
of the unemployed. They decided to
parade each day.
Lake Freighters Sold.
Erie. Feb. 1. An official said to
day that only a few miner details re
mnlned to be considered before tho
tiunk linej of the east lako would
get control of Hill's great lako freight
boatB. The price Is nearly f 3,000,000.
Famous Soldier Dead,
lxinaon, Feb. 14. Field Marshall
Sir John Listern Simons, a Crimean
leader and one of England's most fa
mous noldierF died this morning, aged
War Department Says That Unless
the Exposition Appropriated $200,
000 for the Purpose, No Exhibit
Will Be Sent.
Washington, Feb 14. Secretary
Root cables Governor Tatt today to
suspend all propositions for tho Phil
innino exhibit nt St. Louis heennse of
I tlirt oorlnun rnnH!Mnn nf ihn flminnnH
In the islands.
The war department says that un
less the exposition appropriates $200,
000 no Phllipplno exhibit will be Rent.
Cure for Splnal-Meningltls.
Llsbo.i, Feb. 14. Dr. Laplerre, the
famous Portugese savant claims to
have discovered a serum cute for
ct-rebro spinal-menlngltls.
Archduchess Dead.
Vienna, Feb. 14, Archduchess Eliz
abeth, mother of the Queen Mother of
Spain, died today of pneumonia.
Austria and Spain are In mourning.
Jameson in England.
London, Feb. 14. Jameson and Bolt
nmved trom Cajo Town today. The
latter is nearly recovered from his
recent illnchs.
To Visit Louise.
Geneva, Feb, 14. The mother of the
former crown princefs, Louise, Is ex
pected In Geneva shortly to visit her
Lighthouse at Everett.
other $3,000 for his Job. The pilots werP adopted today appropriating
resigned, but it is not shown whether 22,000 for the construction of a light
tho commissioners got any of thatjBgnal gtntlon near Everett, Wash,
The estate of Norman Kittson,
Jury Disagreed.
Indianapolis, Feb. 14. The Jury In
the Alexander grave robbing case
disagreed. They asked to be discharg
ed. Tho judge sent them back to the
jury room until they can agree.
A Department of Commerce.
Washington, Feb. 14. The presi
dent signed the department of com
merce bill this morning.
valued at over $3,000,000, has Just
been closed In the probate court In St.
Paul, nearly 15 years after that well
known capitalist died on a train be
tween Chicago and that city.
The number of employes in the
Now York municipal service haa
reached 45,299. of whom 12,000 are
teachers and 10,000 members of the
police and fire department.
It Was Reported That Telephono
Lines Would Be Put In and That
Hill Would Oppose the Demands
of the Operators.
Poitland, Fob. II Tho Oreot
Northern has acceded to the demands
of tho telegraphers In Its employ,
giving them almost a 20 per cent In
cicaso In wages. When a committed
of tolographors from the O. R. & N.
picsonted a new agreement and :ked
for Blmllar concessions a short Onto
ago Its members wore given to under
stand that If tho Great Northorn
granted tho Increase asked, tho O. R.
& N. would do likewise. The commit
tee went away dissatisfied, not ox-
pcctlng tho Great Northorn 10 mako
any concessions whatever.
In fact, It wae roported from both
Spokane and Seattle that James J.
Hill was ptcparlug to opimso tho oper
niois hy having a telephone lino es
tablished connecting nil tho- points
along tho road, with the avowed ob
ject of doing away with tolegraphlc
communications as n measuro of dls
pntchlng trains. ThlR dono. It was
then held that It would have been an
easy matter to dispense with telegrn.
piers and put In their places tele
pl one operators. Railroad men gener
ally pronounced this plan Impractica
ble, and nothing further was heard of
the proposed change.
The New Scale,
A committee from tho O. It. & N.
telopraghers will probably confer with
President Mohler and Superintendent
O'Brien again soon to ascertain If thoy
aie to lecelvo their promised ralso. A
copy of tho now scale on tho Great
Northern Is as follows:
"All telegraphers will ho considered
In lino for promotion, ability and con
duct warranting.
"Artli-lo II. All telegraphers will be
given a fair trial, and, If not wills fac
tory with the decision, huvo tho right
to appeal to a higher authority without
fear of prejudice.
"Article HI. Tho company agrees
to lecognlzo tho grievance committees
of tho Order of Railway Tolographors
and will not discriminate agaltiHt mem
bers of that board.
"Article IV. One hour for dinner la
granted. If business prevuuU tho op
erator from getting his hour for din
ner overtime In paid.
"Article V, The operators will not
be required to hamllo switch lamps or
pump stations without Hupuraln compensation."
Quay Will Call Up the Statehood Bill J
Every Day.
Washington, Feb. 14. The senate'
today agreed to tho house amend-1
inents to tho Wllklns anti-trust meas
ure as it passed the house yestordaj.
Senator Quay gave notice that
hereafter he would ask that the state
hood bill bo called up each day Im
mediately after routino buslnoss. The
bill was taken up then and put asldo
for tho Indian appropriation bill.
Tons of Peanuts.
Walla Walla, Feb. 14. Twenty-two
tons of peanuts, a whole carload, dl
lect from tho fields of Virginia, were
received at College Place, consigned
to Walla Walla College. Tho nuU
will bo manufactured Into butter In
the health food department of tho
Arnold Is Missing.
St. Louis, Ko'j 14. Arnold and Olli
of tho Turf Investment Company, aro
still missing. A committee appoint
ed by tho state senate to Investigate,
arrived this morning and begins an
examination of witnesses today.
The St. Louis churches will ask
Rev. G, Campbell Morgan, D, I)., to
Itad the evangelistic work at tho Ht.
Louis fair, for which they will raise
From facts gathered In the last bIx
months tho remarkable condition is
revealed of tho existence of more
chiid labor in New York city than in
all the states of tho South combined.
All Lines of Labor Well Organized in
Southern California.
George H. i'urlnger has returned
with his family from a visit to South
ern California nnd with his father at
Is Angeles, Mr. I'erlnger nayn that
times are quit" good In that part of
California. This Is largely duo to a
very unusiiul amount of rain during
tho past few months. This has natur
ally stimulated real estate and also
every other lino of bulHonss Mr i'er
lnger reports thot the labor unlonH
are experiencing a great revival In
Southern California, Nearly every'
form of Industry Is organizing now
that has not before boon organized.
One roxult, ho states, hu boon to
mako capital timid ami moro or less
resentful, as tho tnnnled men claim
that tho unions aro unjustifiably ag
gressive and unreasonable Tho
unions are gaining In Influtmce very
Pound Social,
The parishioners of Father Neato
surprised him last Thursday night
with a pound social which was attend
ed by so many peoplo the parsonagt
was crowded. A social organization
was effected of tho members of tho
church, of which the following aro
tho directors: Mrs. T. Fllz Gerald,
Mrs. A. J. Blakley, Mrs, K J. 8om
mervlllo. Jarnob Nelson and Thomas
Fltz Geiald. Tho noxt social will bo
hold at the residence of Father Neato
Thursday evening next.
!-,iE .