I MEN'S AND BOYS' SHOES LIGHT, MEDIUM AND HEAVY WEIGHT Vici Kid, Calf, Kangaroo and Cor da van. Boys' Shoes, '$ J. 25 to $2.25. Men's Shoes, $1.40 to $4.50. Our Shoes are worthy of your inspection be cause they are money savers. Bae & Daley One-Price Clothiers, Hatters and Burniahors iVVVVVVvSWWVVVVVVVVVVVVSI MAY FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1903. GENERAL NEV6. TUo senate committee on interoco anic canals has referred to a sub-committee tho bills fixing salaries and residences of Isthmian canal conimli1 sloners. The resignation of Jlidshipman Pearson from the Naval Academy at Annapolis, because he was hazed ias been rejected by Superintendent Brownson. Rev. Thomas A. Perryman presi dent -of the Creek House of Kings, died Wednesday. He was a full blood Creel; Indian and had been a leader in the Creek nation for 30 years. The executive committee of the New York Clearing Houso Associa tion adopted amendments to the con stitution regulating the surplus trust reserves of trust companies. The San Francisco Brick Comp'-ny has violated the labor law and the United States attorney has filed 15 complaints against the company. The penalty In each case is $1,000. All the cotton mills of the Cocheo Manufacturing Company at Dover, N, H., are shut down owing to a strike of 250 spinners and carders to enforce pay for 20 minutes' overtime. A syndicate has been formed includ ing practically all the French naviga tion companies and representing ships of 1,500,000 tons. It is headed by M. I.ebon. ex-minister of commerce. A representative of Korea Is in this country to contract for the making of idols to be used in his country and China. New York and Philadelphia firms are bidding for the business. Four deaths due to the recent bliz zard are reported in New Brunswick. The fiiot train for six days reached St. John Wednesday. Railway traffic is still delayed by heavy snow drifts. General Ricciotti Garibaldi, a son of the great patriot who raised a force of Italian volunteers for Greece dur ing the Greco-Turkish war. is organ izing a volunteer expedition to assist tho .Macedonians. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Hotel Pendleton. F. A. Peters, Portland. T. Alaher. Poitland. C. it. Smith, Portland. W II. Mcintosh, PortlanJ. G. T. Williams, Portland. F. S. .Mc.Mahon, Portland. T. T. Burns. Portland. K. H. Burke, Pottland. J. Shuerman. San' Fiancisco. J. A. Dunlap, Now York. J. H. Young, St. Louis. S. W. Cole, San Francisco. J. Davis, San Francisco. F. A. Johnson, i.ouisvllle. F. F. Farrlll, St. Louis. J, -A. Harbke. lone. R. H. Castou. Spokane. S. S. Gill, Spokane. G. C. Moser. Spokane. W. IS. Jenkins, city. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. Multnomah county fruit growers are preparing to establish a free market place for members of the association in Portland. A. C. Smith, of Salem, who gave checks for sums due on a gambling debt, and afterward drew his money out of the bank and refused to honor them, was released from the change of Issu'ng botus checks, Thursday. Joseph Yowell one of the oldest pioneeis of Union county, filed in Union Thursday, aged "0 years. .Mr. Yowell was keeper of a toll gate on the Halllv stage road east .of Union, 35 yeais ago. Jake Shafer, a Russian baker, wai caught iu the act of stealing clothing from the White House clothing store at Walla Walla. Thursday, and con fessed to stealing $85 worth of goods , within the past week. A human skull and backbone, sup posed to- be the remains of a man iiameil All'.iard, were found in tho Santlani Thursday. Millard disappear ed from Swe" Hpme a year ago biuI has never been heard from. Sharlotte Grimberg, tho wife ot a sailor, has sued tho Columbia River Packers Association for $5,000 dam ages, for the death of her husband which' was caused by the unsafe rig gins of tho vessel breaking with him. Golden Rule. R. H. Simpson, Baker City. A. F .Bernard, Portland. K, Taulan, Denver. J. C. Bowman and wife, Salt I,ake, S. 1j. Bowman, Salt Iake. F. C. Bowman, Salt Lake. C. L. Bowman, Salt Lake. James Pond, city. Mr. Wright, Valley. Fred King, The Dalles. Joe Pentelen, The Dalles, J. W. Lusk, Ii Grande. Mrs. F. Nagel, Gcncssee. F. R. Nagel, Genesee. Joseph Morsch, Gcnessee. J. T. Taylor, Farmington. W. Moak, Telba. Fred Burdlc, Genessee. Mrs. C. K. Hibbs, Genessee. Maude Burdlc, Genessee. C. L. Sulard, Halstead. B. B. Larron, Halstead. N. A. Rasholt, Halstead. K. O. Slette, Halstead. J. W. Koontz, Tho Dalels. W. W. Wheeler, Portland. W. H. Roche. Sumpter. C. B. Masson, Portland. J. G. Helfricb, Spokane. Charles Austin, Spokane. " Joe Lleuallen, Weston. C. Keysers, Helix. -' Georga Ness. Cold Springs. F. J. Gardner, Portland. Mrs. W. D. Benedict, Kcho. A. H, Robinson, Echo. E. I j. Johnson, Denver. H. E. Davis, Salt Lake. M. .M. Alorris, Tacoma. J. E. Rogers, Seattle. R. J. Guild. Baker City. NOT ACCEPT JUDGE LOWELL HESITATES TO ACT AS COMMISSIONER. Fair Appropriation Bill Allows No Sal aries to Board Only a Rich Man Can Afford to Lose the Time Board Will Not Organize Until in May. Judge Stephen A. I,owell hesitates seriously about accepting the appoint ment of commissioner for Eastern Or egon for tho Lewis and Clark Exposi tion. Judge Lowcjll regrets that his means do not warrant the expendltuie of time and energy which tho law Im poses upon the commissioners! who will receive no salary. The appropri ation allows them only their hotel bills and railroad faro does not remuner ate them in the least for their out lay of time, which will bo very con siderable, if they oven attempt to ex ecute the amount of work which tho law requires oi them. Mr. Lowell declares that .no man who Is not independently rich can af lord to undertake the duties of exposi tion commissioner. Of the 11 mem bers of the commission, 10. live west of the Cascade mountains. What he thinks Is obviously an error in the enactment of the commission bill Into law prevents the organization of the commission bclore May 23, which will help embarrass tho members by crowding their labors into too short period of time. .Mr. Lowell did not go to Portland to meet with the other commissioners and the other officials of the exposition board, on account of the oveilani! train upon which he expected to go being so late arriving here he could not get through to Portland in time WARD'S MINSTRELS. This Aggregation of Artists to Appear In This City Next Monday. "It's tho man behind the gun who does the work" Is n saying that has gained circulation recently from tho fact that uowoy, bciuey, uampsuu mm all the great commanders, are receiv ing niihllr nralsc. and tho men th.it actua'ly did the work are only lecognlzed collectively. The fact re mains that the sturdy sons of Amerl f.'.n fathers and mothers stood behind (he smoking cannon stripped to th( n-nuts henrinimi with mrwuer. in 'inn- oar ni-nrv mlniltn nf a shell 01 small shot tearing through tnoir rnnus, ami mullnc thrm to instant deaths and .diH they stood loading and nring. ami the favorite song ot tho brave men lchlnd the gun was, "What the H n, Wn film?" it Is said that while one of theio l-.eioes lay dying ,on tho deck "while the surgeon was endeavoring by his i.ilnlstratioi.s to sooth his terrible pain's, a comrade knelt by his side nnc! r-sked if theie was any word ie desir ed to bo sent to tho loved ones at home. Tho poldlor raised himslf on his elbow vlth a supieme "ffort and diawing a little package iiom ms pocket haidcd ft to his friend, and c.nli "filvn this to mv brother' It contains two tickets to Ward's ruin Bm1a mid T don't want him to miss It," and he died with a beautiful smllo on his face. The date of this at traction will be .Monday, February 1G. ai tno r-razer. TO INVESTIGATE ROCK CRUSHER Baker Citizens Now In Portland on City Council Business. Councilmen H. S. Bowcn, R. D. Car ter" and L. Crabill,.ot Baker Citv, pass ed through yesterday evening on ther way to Portland for the purpose of witnessing experiments with the reck crusher, which has been taken under advisement by the city council of Pendleton. The Bakei City council has been censidering the purchase of a crusher and this committee was sent to per sonally investigate the merits of the, machine and the work it Is capable of doing. While in Portland this committee will also investigate the management of the Portland sewer system with a view to impioving tho system at Baker during tho coming summer. Baker also expects to pave or use crushed rock on all of her principal streets within the next year. Sick Headache absolutely and per manently cured by using Mokl Tea, A pleasant herb drink. Cures con sttpatlon and Indigestion, makes -you eat. sleep, work and happy. 2E cents and 50 cents. Write to W. H. Hook or & Co., Buffalo, N. Y., for a freo sample. F-W. Schmidt & Co., drug gists. Dime Social. The "Reds" of tho Christian Sunday school will entertain tho "Blues" and their other friends In tho lefcture room of the church Friday evening, from 8 o'cloo kto 10:30. Refreshments will bo served and a pleasant time Is anticl pated. How's This? We offer One IIuiHlrwl Dollars Itewaril frr any can- of raturrli that i-annot bo cured by Hall's Catnrrh Cure. F. .T CHUNKY & CO., I'rops., Toledo, O. We, the uiiiJei-plxned, have known K. J. Cheney for the lust !." yearn, and bellero him perfectly honorable In all business tranttactlonx and financially able to carry out any obllKatlonx made by their Arm. WICST, & TltlTAX, Wholesale DniKglstn, Toledo, O WAI.DINd. KIN.NAN .1. MAHVIN, Whole sale DrugKlsts, Toledo, O. Hall's Catnrrh Cure 1 taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system I'rlce 75c per bottle. Sold by all drusrslsts. Testimonials free. Hall's Kainlly Tills uie the best Cheap Rates Westbound. From February 15 to April 30, 1903, Inclusive, (he O. R. & N. Co, will have on sale tickets from Missouri River points to Pendleton for $22.50; from St. Paul, $25.00; from St. Louis, $27.50. Call on tho O. R. & N, ticket agent for all particulars. Nearly Forfeits His Life. A runaway almost ending fatally started a horrible ulcer on tho leg of J. B. Orner, Franklin Grovo, HI. For four years It defied all doctors and all remedies. But Bucklen's Arnica Salvo had no trouble to euro him. Equally Tho mother of Elliot Lyons, the good for burns, bruises, skin erup murderer of Sheriff Withers, of Lanoitions and piles. 25 cents at Tallnian county, Is now expected to die at nay& Co.'s drug store. time. She is under arrest, but is uri consclousrmost of tho time. She ind Lyons' wife held the sheriff while Lyons shot him. Three sailors on the barkentlno Amarath, were brutally beaten by sail or boarding houso keepers of Port land, Thursday. Ono of the sailors haB not been found since tho encounter, and is thought to be dead, in tho bot tom of tho river. For Sale. $3,750, two houses and 75x100 fee', on Garden street. Rents for $33 per month. Address J. M. Leezer, 2B9 Clhy street, Portland, Or. f 2 Ifenry Thlbeouf, tho suspected French murderer, and Mario Pietto, bis suspected accomplice, will bo re turned to Paris from New York, Largest Timber Shipment. The largest single contract for Ore gon timber that has yet been recorded is that of tho Oregon Snort Line Rail load company with a Portland sawmill firm for 2000 cars of piling. ThU ship ment of piling has bee.i passing over the O. R. & N. for tho last 10 months, as fast as the millers loaded it. Tho piling is of Oregon fir, ranging in length from 50 to 70 feet and ono length of piles is loaded on two flat cars. This timber is being used on a oiec of new track, which crocs-es a portion of Salt Lake, where for 22 miles th" road will rest on piling. From Tour to 10 cars of the giant stick i pass thnjugl, Pendleton each day. Used to Cramped Quarters. Husband (Inspecting house and lot, with a view to purchase) The lot is absurdly small, my dear; scarcely big enough for a flower bed. Wife (fresh from flat) Er couldn't we have a folding flower bed? Smart Set. Tho county court of Linn county awarded Mrs. Harriet Riley, of Port land, tho sum of $2,000 for damages sustained in a bridge accident on a county road last summer, A span of a bridge over Owl Creek gave way precipitating a carriage in which Mrs. Hiley was riding, into the mud and water, Injuring her permanently. If you are troubled with impure blood, Indicated by sores, pimples, headache, etc., we would recommend Acker's Blood Elixir, which wo sell undera positive guarantee. It wll lal- ways cure scrofulous or syphilitic pclsons and all blood diseases. 60 cents and $1.00. F. W. Schmidt & Co., druggists. Valen tines... The line of Geo. C. Whitney & Co., from ioc to $3,00. Cupid s Errand BE ONE OF THEM AT F. W. SCHMIDT & CO, RELIABLE DRUGGISTS Phone Main 851 IVALENTiNES Fancy Imported New Designs Rare Beauties Prices 1 cont and up. Take a look at the dis play in our window. I FRAZIER'S I Book and Stationery Store ARE YOU READY-TO BUY REAL ESTATE ? THEN LOOK AT THIS LIST A lodgiug house, 14 rooms and lot, very eentrally located, $2500. A lot ubout three blccks from Main street, $260 A house, 8 rooms and lot, live blocks oil" Mala street, $1100. Other houses and lots from $600 to $2500. Single lots from $125 to f300 accord ing to location. Four lots together $600. 8lx Jots together, $860. Fourteen lota together, whole block, 1600, Will sell for cash or on easy terms. Will explain and show property up on application. Pendleton Is growing rapidly and investments now will, in my opinion, prove profitable. To the average man In the West, tho surest way to prollt Is in real estate Invest ments. G. D. BOYD, III Court Street Shirt 'LION BRAND' 77?AOE MARK 5? Ear'y arrivals oil spring MEN'S SI I n nntuot 1 -ncai aligns! v atttad eye and lighten the are now on disphy. SALE OF SHIRTS $.25 S Values of oaf Best Lines of ) tff I $1.50 ) Shirts left after fall business i "PM WINDOW TONSTO Poultry Supplies 1 have iust received a shioment of Incufcators. 5rnnilir; anil Cirpon llnni P.nttfirs. The raising of poultry is a paying business, and a few dote carefully invested will bring many in return. I have a first-class line and it will pay you to ex amine tne same hetore buying enewnere. T. C. TAYLOR THE HARDWARE 74 J Main Street tgBBggBOEignBBBg:: Our Banner Month, We are trying to make this ow Rann. 1Utn,tU J J. nfrW to 00 SO j make money by investigating THERKELSEN'S PIANO HOUSE, 315 East Court Street. Have Your Water PipesxExaminecJ and Repaired Delay will lead to serious breaks. First-class work guaranteed by BECK, the Reliable Piamhei Court street, opposite the Golden Rule no LJlMf rN. Wl I expect people to kl IWVV UJ J KJU you have to sen i The new store can never be known nnless It advertises L. V LJ you nave i" "" ADVERTI 1