East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 12, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 5

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    Lee Tmth
Just received, the moat compleeline.of
Kmbroicleries in the city.
For fine'clisplay and prices.
Last week in Muslin Underwear Sale
A few good BARGAINS left.
For display and prices.
Lee Tetufeglni I
iDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1003.
12, 13, 3 -1 County Sun-
bool Union convention, Milton.
larr 13 Moot court, (hlgh
lusemuiy nan.
20 Celebration 39th anni
r founding Knights of Pythias,
Lodge No. 4..
20 Washington Guards,
assembly hall.
sj 21, 25, 2b, 27 Modern
i log-rolling at Walla Walla.
25 Lent begins.
j J County court.
1 7 Knights of Pythias dis
tention, La Grande.
it-Modern Woodmen county
llO. O. F. hall, Pendleton.
lilt, 17, 18 Inland .Empire
f Association, Walla Walla.
ol-Circult court.
Car of Hides.
T. J. Berg, representing Hellborn &
Co., of Portland, will ship from here
this week about three-fourths of a car
load of hides and pelts, the accumula
tions of a month among the local buy-
ers. Jack Brown furnished three tons.
; This amount "Is considerably less than
j the amount taken out of here per
I month on an average, owing to the
I heavy proportion of beef hides usual
ly sent. At this time the beef hides
are off In quality and quantity owing to
the prevalence of grubs. Of course,
the same condition prevails every year
at this time. Of course, too, the price
quoted for green beef hides Is less now
than two months ago. Mr. Berg's
three-fourths carload of hides and pelts
represents an expenditure here of over
Attttrike Made on the Three
Hundred Foot Level.
to will be interested to know
twit the richest strikes ever
hi He Golconda mlno near
fctu uncovered Wednesday
iwm io vei.
f lien ita is four to five feet
Wtti j itat is known as the
isi fa in tfo mine. The entire
Misfphide ore anl assays
Mfntifm per ton.
tcatur lias shipped ore dur-
iltepjst week that averaged $83
ia One shipment of 40 tons re-
e Colconda !s fastly developing
BOieoftho best paying properties
a bumpier district .and this phe-
1 strike is not a surprise to
i are thoroughly acquainted
e mine.
Blhe Kilties" Rass Through.
aifcclal car hearing the "Kilties;
i tand, arrived on No. 5 this
us and was attached to the Spo-
to he set out nt Walln
The company cives a corform-
a that city tonight.
he coffee habit is quickly over-
uy mose who let Graiu-O
its place. If nronerlv mnd
files like the best of coffee. No
coffee comnares with it in
rajwtiero ; 15c. and 25c pr pckge.
Moot Court.
The moot court by the students of
the city high school will take place
tomorrow evening, at 7:30 o'clock, in
stead of in the afternoon, as was orig
inally planned. The trial will take
place in the high school assembly hall,
and no admission will be charged.
Everybody Invited and made welcome.
The defendant will be Se Williams,
and his attorneys Dell McCarty and
Nellie Jay. The state's attorneys are
Robert Cronin and Myrtle Dizney.
Judge, Olln Ainsplger; clerk, Effle
Smith; sheriff, Milton Shaw; bailiff,
Blaine Hallock.
Rio Grande Official Here.
E: D. Duffy, tho genial travelling
freight agent of the Denver & Rio
Grande railway system, for the Pacific
Coast, is in the city -today in the in
teiest of his department. Mr. Duffy's
headquarters are In Portland and his
torritory covers tho entire Nothwest.
He is highly pleased with the business
prospects before Oregon and antici
pates the largest immigration this year
that has yet come to the West In any
one season.
Contest Called Off.
A land contest case between William
Stewart and. R. E. Porter, of M,each
am, which was to have been heard be
fore John Hailoy, Jr., United States
commissioner, yesterday, will he heard
later. Stewart filed on a timber claim
but did not comply with the law. It
seems, and Poret located the land and
will file a contest.
Cheap Rates Westbound.
Prom February 15 to April 30. 1903.
inclusive, the O. R. & N. Co. will
have on sale tickets from Missouri
River points to Pendleton for $22.50;
from St. Paul, $25.00; from St. Louis,
S27.K0. Call on the O. R. & N. ticket
agenrfor all particulars.
The Dally East Oregonlan Is on sale
in Portland at the Rich news stand
m Hotel Perkins, and at the Hotel
Jr bunch $ .25
Per dozen . ka
MhllL X . '
Kii w narcissus, per dozen. 1.03
. Pink, wwl ..i.H
iPMdoziu, $2.60 to. ... ... 8.00
Primrose, eaou, 25o and 30o.
Ovnlamen Cineraria. lare flowering
plant, eaon,'COo,
Uerantuins, eaou, ioo ana up.
Fuouias, each, lto and up.
Oxalls Bulbs, per dozen, 25o to 45c.
T.at vmir vnlnntine be a basket Of
flowers or a flowering plant.
JkJteioHs Hot Chocolate and Beef Tea, 5 cents.
T nnrnmr'e tf"'krtrfaf f"!arOS
101 Chocolate and Bon bons. Home Made Candies in boxes,
ioc up; also an bulk.
Stene C
Men's shirts, Teutach's.
Sea food fresh at Castle's.
Try Gratz's clam chowder.
Oyster cocktails at Gratz's.
Hohbach's baking is clean.
Fresh fish dally at Castle's.
Clothing cleaned by Joorger.
Hohbach's bread is the best.
Smokers' supplies at Neuman's.
Smoke the Pendleton Favorite.
For shoe repairing see Teutsch.
Big ' undorware sale at Teutsch's.
We are still repairing shoes at
A gentleman's smoke. The Pendle
ton Favorite.
Alfalfa hay for sale. See Dave In
gram, this office.
Hays' cigar store, headquarters for
smokers' supplies.
For Sale A fine new folding bed.
Apply at 211 Court street.
Imported Hmburger and Swiss
cheese sanrtwichoj at Gratz's.
"EI Sidelo," the best cigar made, at
Rees' cigar store. Court street.
For Rent Furnished rooms; 723
Aura street, corner Court street.
If Its Hohbach's baking it is good.
Always use it. You'll be satisfied.
For Rent Four-rooms house, near
academy. Inquire at E. O. office.
For Rent Two furnished front
looms. Address Mrs. H. 3. Dorman. 1
The Oregon Dally Journal can be
found on sale at Frazler's book store.
Lot for sale; great bargain; Raley's
addition. Inquire at 403 Alta street.
A surprise when you see that cozy
home I can sell you for $1000. E. T.
Large line onion skin tablets, also
Crane's and Hurd's fine stationery'
Wood and coal by car lots a spec
ialty. P. P. Collier & Co., 'phone
Main 1121.
Wanted Work, houskeeping or
cooking. Call or address 801 West
Alta street.
A chance of a lifetime to get a
sewing machine for less than cost, at
Jesse Falling's.
For Sale Residence with one, two
on three lots, located at 517 Jane
street. Call at house.
The "Stanford Folders" for photo
graphs, six different sizes, the latest
mounts, at Wheeler's.
For Rent Unfurnished rooms,
suitable for light housekeeping; call
at C23 Johnson street.
A fine square second-hand piano in
good condition. For sale at a bargain.
Inquire at E. O. office.
Girl wanted at once to do general
housework In small family. Call at
Thorkelsen Piano House.
The architect's plans for the Roesch
brewery arrived today. Louis Lehle,
of Chicago, is the architect.
Beautiful 5-room cottage, two lots,
Ehade and fruit trees, nicely located.
Reduced to $1500. E. T. Wade.
Valentine social at parish house by
Parish Aid Society tonight. All cor
clially invited. Excellent time assured.
For Sale Brick building with
basement, 50x90, on Main street. Good
property at . a bargain. Easy terms.
E. T. Wade.
See W. B. Jenkins for door name
plate, signs, numbers, et6. Newest
novelties. Prices low. Office, Commer
cial Association.
For Sale Two nice residences on
j Main street, well located. Good bar
gains for someone. Inquire 327, cor
i.er Maiu and Bluff streets.
To all members of the Pendleton
Camp No. 41, W. O. W. There will he
something interesting doing on Satur
day night. Come out one .and all.
Lecture, "The Hand, the Head and
(he Heart,' by Rev. Andreas Bard, at
the Presbytorian church Friday even
ing, February 13. Admission 25 cents.
Beglning Friday, Feb. 6., I ran sell
any lot in McCalllster's new addition
at the owner's price, $50 up ir $300
Call at the postofftce. N. T. Conklln.
Lady Maccabees will have a basket
social Friday evening, February 13.
Everybody Invited. All ladies asked
to bring baskets containing lunch for
The Alert Hose Company dance, in
Armory hall, will take place Febru
ary 17. The proceeds will be devoted
to the purchase of rubber coats for
the members.
The drying bin at the Woolen Mill,
when rebuilt, which it will be immedi
ately, will be made of brick and lined
with cement. It will, of course, be
completely fire-proof.
"The Hand, the Head and the
Heart" Is the subject of Rev. Andreas
Bard's lecture at the Presbyterian
church next Friday evening. Don't
miss this treat. Admission 2 Scents.
Crowner Bros, have moved theft
sugar, salt and flour business from
the corner of Webb and Cottonwood
streets, to 117 West Webb street, two
doors west of the W. & C. R. railway
ticket office.
If you need matting, wood fibre
carnet. art snuares. rues, lace cur
tains, nictures. rtlcture frames, wall
paper, sewing machines or other ar
ticles in my stock, now is the time to
Invest. Everything must go. Jesse
Choice moats at Houscr's.
A good secondhand piano for sale
cheap. Thorkelsen Piano House.
You always get choice meat at Hou
ser's. Alta street, opposite Savings
Royal Atch Chapter of the A. V. and
A. M. will initiate several candidates
Trlday night.
For Rent The storeroom on Main
street, now occupied by A. Rohde. In
quire of Chris Ranley.
E. T. Wade's real estate agency
sold for Charles Tabor lot 7, block 3,
in Raley's addition to Patrick Enrlght,
and lots 5 and 6, in block 1, in Liver
more's addition for Hilton and Harri
son, to George Hamblln and wife.
It Pays to Trade at The Peoples Warehouse
Improved Machinery.
H. B. Nelson, the manager of the
Weston brick yard, will rpturn about
the 20th from an extended tour of the
east and middle west, where he went
to Inspect the most modern processes
for making brick. He invested In Im
proved machinery, among which Is a
pressing machine, which will be put on
duty as soon as the wards aro opened.
It Is expectod tho product of the yards
after the installation of this machine
will equal the production of the Seat
tle manufactory. The Weston yards
will he opened earlier than usual this
season In expectation and readiness
lor a largely Increased output tho com
ing season. The intention is to have
50 men employed in the yards tho com
ing st'a?on and to turn out 6,000,000
Familiar With Proceedings.
'The conclusion of Judge Fit Gerald
and the other members of the court,
which declared Mrs. Ida Poole insane,
Is that she has certainly been In courts
before on a similar charge. She
seemed familiar with the routine ques
tions asked and showed no nervous
ness or unfamiliar!!)' with any of cho
proceedings, or on account of the pres
ence of the officers.' It is stated that
the railway company refused to furn
ish her transportation after she fled
from the poor county farm the other
night, because her derangement ren
dered it unwise for the company to as
sume the responsibility for her trans
portation. It Is also said that the com
pany will furnish her transportation to
Lincoln. Neb., at any time she is In
a mental condition to travel by rail.
For the next live days, ending
we will continue this sale.
Saturday, February 14th,
ENDS OF DRESS GOODS at half price.
ENDS OP SILKS at half price.
FANCY HOSIERY broken sizes at half price.
63 MEN'S SUITS LEFT at half price.-
300 YARDS PERCALES at half price.
Our selling of LADIES' COATS has boen vory freo the past
week and until Saturday night will continue to Bell all of our
COATS AND JACKETS, short or long, at HALF PRICE. Lots
of things that wo cannot here mention are included in this
Valentine Ball.
The Protection Hose Company, the
oldest hose company In Pendleton, will
give its annual valentine ball Friday
evening, February 13, which will be a
very enjoyable affair, as -special efforts
have been put forth to make it a suc
cess. The committee on arrangement
is composed of J. L. Sharron, F. F,
Wamsloy and C. J..Greulich, which is
a' guarantee that everything will bo
first class and all will have a good
time. Klrkman's orchestra will furn
ish the music.
Declared Insane.
Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Ida Poole,
the demented woman, was declared In
sane in a court held by Judge Kitz
Gerald in the absence of County Judge
Hartman. Today she was taken to
Salem by Deputy Sheriff Davis, who
was accompanied by his wife.
Dime Social.
The "Reds" of the Christian Sunday
school will entertain the "Blues" and
their other lrlends in tho lecture room
of the church Friday evening, from 8
o'cloc kto 10:30. Refreshments will be
served and a pleasant time is anticipated.
Licensed to Wed.
A license to wed was issued today
to George A. Hart and Verda V. Stew
art, of Umatilla county. Walla Walla
Union, 1
The Boast of an Expert.
"This, ladles and gentlemen, is the
celebrated trick mule, Dot," Eaid uie
clown as the animal was led into the
ring. "After many years of effort I
am able to say I can make him do any
thing he wants to."
For Ladies Have Arrived
Boston Store
Whore Whole Families are Shod.
1 Agents Btitterlck's Patterns.
The Wonders ,of Science
Are astonishing sometimes,
but in no other science lias
been mote progress shown
than in the line of sanitary
.plumbing. Th health of the
community depends upon
having it properly and scien
tifically done by expert
plumbers that understand
their business like
The Nolf Store,
, Violin, Guitar, Banjo and
Mandolin Strings, in steel and
gut at 3c to ioc.
Fancy and comic styles
from one cent up It will
pay you to set- our fine assort
The Delicacies
of the season are always
found at our restaurant.
At present we have
Finest Oysters f Frog
Legs Clams f Crabs
$ and f Lobsters
and other salt and fresh
water foods
The French
We carry the largest stock
in Eastern Oregon. Fresli
seeds at less than exclusive
dealers. All 5 cent packages
We are headquarters for
School Books and Supplies. ,
Tolopliono Mulu 4
We have the largest stock of carpets, outside of Portland, in
the state. This is an undisputable fact, We offer better bar
gains than can be had in Eastern Oregon, another fact which
is proven by the low prices we are offering.
Next door to Postoffice.
We announce that we have opened undertaking parlors in
connection with our furniture and carpet store and will answer
calls day or night. Phone Black 273.
We have bought of the Allen Brothers, their interest In the
Wood InslneBs, and now we are ready to furnish the best
dry wood on short notice. Office 638 Main Street,
Phone it2i. ' P. P. COLLIER 8c CO.