East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 12, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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Vici Kid, Calf, Kangaroo and Cordavan.
Boys' Shoes, $(.25 to $2.25.
Men's Shoes, $iAO to $4.50.
Our Shoes are worthy of your inspection be
cause they are money savers.
Bae Sl Daley
. n . .11 ..l.:
S 1 l list' i 'iniiiM.-j,
The Mercantile Trust Company ami
J. Edward Addlclis were Tuesday en
joined from selling $5,000,000 of se
curities of the Hay State Gas Com
pany, of Boston.
The coast nnd geodotlp survey says
the earthquake felt in the South Seas
on January 13, was xalso felt nt the
observatories at Baldwin, Kan., and
Culttenham Mil.
O. F. Bowers, of Oklahoma City,
formerly immigrant agent of the At
chison, Topeka & Santa Fe railway,
has been indicted for issuing fraudu
lent cheeks to the amount of $5000.
An application was made at Tren
ton, N. J.. Wednesday for a receiver
for the Indian Territory Illuminating
Oil Company, on the ground ihut
100,000 shares of stock were fraudu
lently Issued.
The Louisiana Purchase Exposition
board of directors yesterday voted to
organize an international congress of
art and science in connection v-ftri the
exposition and set aside $200,000 for
the purpose.
The corporation of Dover, England,
after a heated debate Tuesday, ac
cepted Andrew Carnegie's offer of
$50,000 to found a public library in
Dover. The mayor cast the deciding
vote in favor of acceptance.
When the transport Prairie sails
from the Brooklyn navy yard today,
she will carry $3,000,000 of Uncle
Sam's curiency, which is to pay the
officer? and crews of the ships of the
North Atlantic squadron now on the
West Indian station.
A boiler explosion in Charles Hel
minger'o foundry at Adell. Wis., Tues
day, lUUtd Baymond Whiting, aged 8.
fatally Injured Mrs. William Burke
and David Haft, and injured four other
persons. The foundry and a hotel
were damaged to the amount of $25,-'
A bobsled loaded with ypung people
ran Into a Colorado & Southern switch
engine at l.eadvllle. Colo., Tuesday
night seriously injuring six people. 1
William Tappin had his hip broken '
and Charles Holden and Alfred Cully
bad their backs broken and are not '
expected to live. The other members
of the party are severely bruised. i
A bill ai.proprlating $5,000 for a
summer normal school at Newport,
has parsed the house.
F. Hawley. of Sumpter, has been
sued (or $10.0ii0 damages for breach
of promise, by Mollle Tuggie.
Artesian water has be?n 3trncl; on
the Washington side of the Columbia
opposite Cast'f Rock, Or.
Platinum has ben discovered in
largo quantittpp in the Calico mining
district of Jofiophine county.
Another rich strike was made on the
300-foot level in the Golconda mine,
Wednesday. Assays run $300 per ton.
It lg a penitentiary offense to steal
a bicycle. This bill has passed both
houses Hnd a va!ts the governor's sig
ncture. Arizona and Nevada have oppressed
a willingness to subscribe to the Lewis
end Clark fair fund, with a nuall ap
propriation. Fred Fletcher, n Lakevlew stage
driver was lost In a severe snow storm
and almost frozen to death before he
reached a settlement.
The condensed milk factory at For
est Grove Ib now In operation It will
distribute $30,000 per .month nmong
the farmers of that vicinity.
John Usher, a pioneer of Linn coun
ty, died at Albany Wednesday. Ho
has resided In that county for 30
years. Usher was a native of Sweden.
ntt.n . r , t i
1J1U LC1III fll 3UIIlllt3l riMWUIll UN BLilLtt
barber examiner, expires March 1. J.
C Wise, H .A. Wolf and William Wan
ner, 'of Portland, are candidates for
the position.
11..44 1
a.tueis mm runiisuurs
Hotel Pendleton.
W. T. Elwager, Spokane.
M. H. l'atton, Spokane.
N. !!. Clem. Spokane.
John Biitdn, Kansas City.
A. J. Suhl, Chicago.
C .Grass, Pennsylvania. 1
E. O .Cohen. San Francisco.
A. Y. It. Kelly, San Francisco..
John S. Mitchell. Portland.
It. G. Merrill, Portland.
E .B. Duffy, Portland.
J. W. Casey, Portland.
C. J. Freese, Walla Walla.
H .Brash.
F. T. Rust, Leadvillo.
C. F. Gilpin, La Grande.
George Conser. Heppner.
G. E. Radfleld, Heppner.
G. S. Youngman.
Golden Rule.
William Winship. Athena.
F. E. Flint. Athena.
G. I). Foster. Athena.
L. E. Welker. Athena.
George Armstrong. Butte.
F. It. Gulllson, Antelope.
G. H. Robinson, Antelope.
Mrs. Clarkson. Pilot Rock.
G. W. Williamson, Spokane.
G. W. Horn. Pilot Rock. '
John Pond. Athena.
W. H. Pinkerton, Athena.
J. McCoy and wife. Echo.
J. L. Roe, Frecwater.
W. L. Rice, Lansing.
W. M. Saunders, Boise.
Ida Pool. Lincoln.
Asa LeGrow, Walla Walla.
George F. Saunders, Boise.
Calvin Cole, Valley.
O. A. Bennett, Yreka.
S. C. Benietl, Yreka.
E. M. Bennett. Yreka.
F. Bengle. Dayton.
II. L. Clillds. Los Angeles.
Mks Eastman, Walla Walla.
S. A. Mcore. St. Louis.
A. II. Baylon. Portland
C. B. Ccllahan, St. Louis.
W. R. Kirkpatrlck. SI. Louis.
Ed Cohen, Chicago,
Sam Lee. Spokane.
Gus Harris. Walla Walla.
G. A. Curry. Athena.
F. J. Beale, Milton.
G. L. Doyle. La Grande.
A W. Tlchner. Spokane.
S. A .Frans. Spokane.
How's This?
rte offer One Hundred Dollar Reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured br Hall's Catarrh Cure.
T. J. CHBNIjy & CO., Toledo. O.
We, the undersigned, have known F. 3.
Cheney for tbe past IS years, and believe
blm to be perfectly honorable In all bust
nt'BS transactions and financially able to
carry out any obligations made by their
WEST & TllUAX, Wholesale Drngglsta,
Toledo. O.
Wholesale Drusulsts, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally,
acting .directly upon tbe blood and mucous
surface of the system. Testimonials sent
free. Price 75c per bottle. Hold by all
L rutjglsts.
Hall's Family Tills are tbe beat.
Cause for Indignation.
There was a very strong feeling in
Lane county toward lynching "Ed"
Lyons, the murderer of Sheriff With
ers. Extra precautions were taken,
however, and 16 or 20 extra policemen
were put on duty Monday night. There
was much cause for public Indigna
tion to be aroused, as Mr. Withers
was one of the best sheriffs in Ore
gon .nnd his death is a great loss to
the state. A term of circuit court will
be held nt Kugeno In March, at which
tlmo there is no doubt the full penal
ty of the law will be passed upon the
murderer. Roseburg lie vl siv.
Nearly Forfeits His Life.
A runaway almost ending fatally
started a horrible ulcer on tho leg of
J. B. Orner, Franklin Grovo, 111, For
four years it doOed all doctors and all
remedies. But Bucltlen's Arnica Salvo
bad no trouble to cure him. Equally
good for burns, bruises, skin erup
tions and piles. 25 cents at Tallman
& Co'a drug store.
A. J. Snyder, of Lebanon, - is tho
owner of an unusual freak in tho way
of a lamb with six well developed
legs. Tho two i extra legs protrude
Iroin the left shoulder blade.
Representative of Manufacturing Co.,
Gives Detailed Description of Ma
chine, Which Costs $3750 Main
Street to be Graded Sisters of St.
Francis Protest Against Improving
Dyers' Lane.
Thete were present at the council
n.eetlng last. night Recorder Kits Gei
aid, City Attorney Carter, Street Com
missioner Fee, Fire Chief Witheo, and
Councllmen Sommervllle, Clopton.
Johnson, Swltzler and Dickson.
G. W. Evans, lepresentlng tho Bul
inlo Pitts Manufacturing Company,
outlined the terms upon which Ills
company would furnish a 10-ton steam
toller. The cost of such a machine
vouhl be $3,750 cash laid down hero.
There was practically no diffeience In
the piiw of the machine If bought on
time, except that the company natur
ally want interest on their money. An
other proposition was to lease the ma
chine vlrtuolly on ft trial for two yeais
but It would not cost any lqss If
bought under either a time agreement
ov under a lease.
Such a machine as it seems likely
the city will need, while it is called a
10-ton machine, really weighs when
empty 21,000, and when the coal tank
and water tank are both loaded, ready
lor operations, it weighs 27,000
pounds. The price given, $3,750. in
cludes pump, hose, tank and all fix
tures. A wheel attachment, by which
a rock crusher can be operated with
Its power will .cost $100 extra. The
bin, which is a part of the outfit, will
hold S00 pounds of anthracite or 500
pounds of bituminous coal. Mr. Evans
also stated that the engine would con
sume all the way from 500 to 1.000
pounds of coal per day of 10 hours.
Its working capacity he stated to bo
one ordinary block per day; that Is,
it will start with the untouched sur
face of spread rock and leavo it ready
for travel, one ordinary block per day.
He credits' it with a capacity for
rolling down ready for travel 100 tons
of rock, every 1G hours. Also that it
has a traction power equal to 20
horses. The point being raised of
whether it could climb the hills on
either' side of the city, Mr. Evans as
serted, and exhibited photographs sup
posed to substantiate the claims, that
it could, with its own motive power,
climb a grade of 28 feet to tho 100
Evans concluded by stating that his
company would at any time pay the
transportation of a committee to be
appointed by the council, from Pen
dleton to Portland to seo the machine
in actual operation. Tho council toolc
no action. It would probably have
taken action had not the mayor and
two of the council been absent. As
it was, the subject was turned over
Liquor Licenses,
The applications of Morgan & Bo
Bart, Russell & Co., and Gus Stangier
lor licenses to sell liquor, were favor
ably passed upon, and an order made
In each case for the license to be is
sued. Each application was accompa
nied by a bond, which was approved.
Grading of Main Street.
An ordinance was unanimously pass
ed for the grading of Main street be
tween Jackson and Wilson (two
blocks) and for sidewalking Main on
Loth sides from Jackson to Washing
ton 3treet (one block.) The cost of
the improvement to be assessed
against tho abutting property. The
petition for tho same was filed last
Catholics Beg Free Water.
An address from tho Sisters of St.
Francis was 'introduced and read. Tho
address Is to tho following effect:
Trusting that In a few years we will
be better able to control tho debt con
tracted by us, incurred mainly for
tho improvement of the city and tho
benefit of its citizens, we petition the
city council to assist us till then by
allowing us free use of the city water
for the hospital. The address also sets
forth that owing to the present condi
tion of the finances of the order they
Fancy Imported
New Designs
Rare Beauties
Prices 1 cent and up.
Take a look at tho dis
play in our window.
Book and Stationery Store
find it impossible to meet the expenses
of lmproviug tho eastern end ot Court
ptreet. (or tho order's shnre of the
expense of the Improvement) accord
ing to tho present plans. Tho address
simply states that the order is unable
to bear Its share of tho expense, but
makes no suggestion ns to how It may
be relieved from the burden. Tho
natural inference is that tho order
would prefer that tho work be not done
at all for ilio present. Tho nddress
concludes with the statement that the
order is now making arrangements to
build 700 feet of siduwnlk on Court
stieet, anil "feels obliged to protest
against other Improvements at tho
presont time." Tho address was re
ferred, without discussion, to the
stieet committee.
Marshal's Report,
Tho report of tho clty marshal for
the month ot January Avas read and
appioved. It states that there were 53
ariesls during tho month for all kinds
of offenses. The total salary list
amounted to 5197.50. Wood for tho
jail cost $3, bread for tho Jail was pur
chased at an expense oi $2, and the
cab biro "for the jail" amounted to
Treasurer's Statement.
The city treasurer's statement for
the month of January made the fol
lowing exhibit: it too, was read and
.i t,t m.il Urtfinlrila .Tl:l1;lll. nn hand
I December 31, 1902, $10,97S.73; licenses,
$i,rSo.7u: taxes oi iuiu, $a..nuj
streets, $20.85; Interest on levee sink
Irg fund, John R. Brown note, $08:
fines, $377.75; cemetery, $15, total.
Liabilities Geneial fund, warrants
paid, $5,552.S0; balance January 31.
1903. $7,550.03. Total, $13,103.73.
Recorder's Statement.
Tho city recorder's statement for the
month of January was also read and
approved. The following synopsis
gives its leading features; number of
ariests, 52. Amount of fines collected,
$377.75. Number of jail sentences, 5.
Receipts from sale of cemetery lots,
$45; sale of dirt. $20.85; liquor II
senses (six) $1,050; express and track
licenses (21) $105; pawnbrokers' li
censes, (four) $12.50; shooting gal
lery license (ono), $7.50; bicycle li
censes (four) $0.25; ishows (nine) $18;
bill poster, (ono) $2.50. Total, $1,
SC1.95. Number of cases of contagious
diseases: measles, 13; scarlet fover,
13: smallpox. 5. Deaths from contu
pious diseases: scarlet fover 3.
Solomon Molkeleisen, an educated j
Russian Nihilist, comniltto! suicide!
in New York Tuesday,
The line of Geo. C.
Whitney & Co., from
ioc to $3.00.
Phone Main 851
A lodging liouw;, M rooms and lot.
very centrally located, $2500.
A lot about three blocks froai Main
street, $250
A house, 8 rooms .and Jot, live blocks
oil' Main street, $1100.
Other houses and lots from $500 to
Single lota from $125 to $300 aecord
Inir to location.
Four lota together $600.
Six lots together, $850.
Fourteen lots together, whole block,
Will sell for cah or on easy tonus.
Will explain and show property up
on application. Pendleton la growing
rapidly and Investments now will, in
my opinion, prove prolltable. To the
average man In tho West, the Burest
way to prollt la In real estate Inveat
inenta. U. D. BOYD, ill Court Street
$.25 S V allies of our Best; Lines of ) 0 4
$.50 I Shirts left after fall business Y
m-f a n n n n e b n n a ii
1- IfU II V j, TIJ 1 fUMC
1 have just received a shipment of Incubators,
Brooders and Green Bone Cutters. The nising
of noultrv is a naviiiL' business, and a few dollars
carefully invested will bring many in return,
I have a first-class line and it will nay you to ex
amine the same before buying elsewhere.
I 74 J Main Street
Have Your Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at
Delay will lead to serious breaks.
First-class work guaranteed by
BECK, the Reliable Piumhet.
-ourt'sireet, opposite me uoiueu xvui w.
VW i -you nave iw
The new store can never be
known nnless It advertises
in 1 1 ii ii ii n i
' v mil
paucrns that ..r.
eye ana hew .t
V a 1
AUven i