4 J. HEN'S AND BOYS' SHOES LIGHT, MEDIUM AND HEAVY WEIGHT Vid Kid, Calf, Kangaroo and Cordavan. Boys' Shoes, $.25 to $2.25. Men's Shoes, $ t. 4:0 to $4.50. Our Shoes are worthy of your Inspection be cause they are money ' savers. Bae? & Daley J:je-Prioe t'lothirs, Hatters and Furnishers HOTEL ARRIVALS. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 9 1903. GENERAL NEWS. A coal famine esiats In Caracas, and the city Is without illuminating gas. Lee Hall, a negro, who shot and killed a sheriff at Dublin, Ga.. last "Wednesday, was taken from the jail and lynched Saturday. William Hooper Young, the Mor mon on trial for the murder of Mrs. Pulitzer, was declared sane? Saturday by a commission in lunacy. The heirs of Captain Daniel O'Keefe who was long known as King O'Keefe of Yap. have sent a representative to that island to look after his estate. The South Carolina legislature has passed a law prohibiting child labor , In textile manufactures and mines.! After May 1 the age limit is to be 10 years. The railway strike in Montreal has ! settled Saturday. The company pranted the men's demands. 1. e., an increase of 10 per cent in wages and to permit the organization of a union. In a fierce battle between United States deputy marshals and a band of hore? thieves at Blue Jacket. I. T., Saturday two of the band were in stantlv killed and another surrender ed to the officers. In a head-on collision between i passeng-er and freight train on the' Vanda!: near Terre Haute. Ind., Sat urday night, the engineer and fire man of the passenger were killed and a dojn passengers injured. The foal operators in conference with tut miners at Indianapolis, con ceded '? the demands of the miners, saying that the conditions of the in dustrial world and the roal market were s :ch that they were compelled to acciJc. The sultan of Turkey has ordered the immediate mobilization of 240.000 troops for a military demonstration in Hotel Pendleton. A. R. Grant. Portland. C E. Dickey, Portland. G. S. Youngman, Portland. G H. Richardson, Portland. .1. P .Newell. Portland. G. W. Harris. Portland. A. Nylander, Port law. A. E. Gebhardt. Portland. W. D. Doer, Portland. J. J. Ballaxay, city. C. B. McGhee, Weston. W. H. Jenkins, city. Nellie M. Stevens. Weston. W. B. Jenkins. F. A. Holmes. Colorado. W. A. Allen. Chicago. G. T. Edmiston, Wallace. H. G. Jackflon. Walla Walla.. S. S. Gill Spokane. TEACHERS TO MEET INLAND EMPIRE ASSOCIATION TO HOLD SIXTH ANNUAL. structed under which Mr. and Mrs. Ankeny received their friends. Early in the evening great throngs of people cowiled the hall, and for two hours the crush wns almost unbeara ble. Thousands of people nsneA the nrch and greeted the new senator and his wife. In the banquet room punch was served null tho Ninth cavalry or- Many Noted Educators to Gather atj "B oTta SS, Walla Walla E. Benjamin An;t(?nt ,llltienp was Indulged In until drews, of Nebraska, to Deliver Two I midnight. Addresses. ' The Inland Empire Teachers' As-1 CARNIVAL A SUCCESS. sociatiou is now making elaborate nrnnnmtlnnc fnr tho sixth nnnlml ' meeting to be held in Walla Wulla.j April 16. 17. IS. 1903. Red Men of Walla Walla and Their' Merrymaking,, j Walla Walla. Feb. 9. The Red This association wns organized Ip Men's carnival closed last night, after Spokane In December. 1S9G. and has a week of most successful ruerrymnk-j held meetings successively at Pull , ng. Financially, the carnival proved I man. Walla Walla. Pendleton, Mos-ja success, while the features Intro-' cow and Spokane. Its mernbershlpj duced were so good generally that ! includes all the leading educators o' j every one voted the affair a splendid j the Northwest and the former meet-, success from the standpoint of amuse-1 Ings of the association have been ment. j largely attended by teachers fromj Each evening last week from 1,500 each state represented. i U 2.500 people would crowd the a-' At the Spokane meeting last April I mory and engage in merrymaking. 1 WO teachers were present, an the while the Walla Walla Military band management is now assured of an at- would give splendid concerts. Battles' tendance equal to. or larger than this : 0f confetti and other forms of at Walla Walla in April. j amusement were indulged In freely Among the well known teachers and;uiss Anna Ames was crowned queen, educational workers to be present are j an,i reigned with due splendor. At the following: J. H. Ackerman. state ( the close the body voted Miss Mar superintendent of Oregon: J. A. Mc-jgaret Wooden the moat popular Lean, president of the Idaho State . teacher in the public schools and the; University: J. F. Saylor. superintend-f Order of Eagles the most popular Golden Rule. T. W. Lusk. La Grande. J. H. Brown, Denver. R. C. Dunnington, Helix. L. E. Dunington, Helix. F. R. Dunington, Helix. J. M. Dunington. Helix. Joseph Rogers. WTalla Walla. Josie O'Shea, Walla Walla. L. H. Dame and wife, Spokane. Miss H. Elliott. Walla Walla. W. Lawson, Spokane. M. E. Johnson, Boise. S. C. Johnson, Boise. W. R. McRoberts. Spokane. William Moore. Spokane. G. W. Williams, Spokane. John E. Nelson, city. B. O. SUgle. city. ' Georgf G. Thomas. Sumpter. W. E. Bunker. La Grande. K .McRat and wife. Helix. Emma Farlinger, Helix. J. H. Ditner, Spokane. C. Cartel. Evanston. L. Ditner. Spokane. F. M. Ditner, Spokane. J. H. Beagle. John Day. M. C. Lacy, Spokane. E. D. Trenholm. Spokane. C. Eiberton. Haines. K. S. Jacobs. Unlontown. M. A. Illy. Collins. Mrs. G. W. Tucker, Moscow. H. J. Geer, Cove. Macedonia. Many of the soldiers ares semi-barbarous and hostile to Chris-: J- A. Nelson and wife. Valley tlens and another series of massacres L. Fee. Baker City. te expected. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. A. P. Kirkland. La Grande. A. E. McBreen, Portland. L. Cunningham. Portland. C. D. Rinker, Spokane. John Reynolds and wife, Weston. Mrs. W. H. Powers. Weston. Frank Nelson, city. W. S. Brcwn. city. E. C. Johnson, Proper. O. D. Teel, .Echo. G. D. Galley, Portland. Martha J. Robinson. Portland. Lewis Nixon, ex-chief of Tammany, and a prominent shipbuilder of New York city, is spending a week in Port-, land In the interest of shipping. The supreme court has decided to appointed a law student of Salem as ; court bailiff, to succeed F. C. Perrine, 1 !S2fjSL0 hm ,h3t 1,03,1,011 f0r! George H. Mather Denver! ! Maude E. Kelley. Salt Lake. F. A .ancroft. Portland's new post-' master, wag presented with a gold watch by his associates on the South- How's This? em Pacific, on bis retirement from the We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward serrtc of the road ' ,or ,nX of Catarrh that cannot be fttwTiit oi ine roun. cured by Uali'a Catarrh Core. The awed mother or Lyons, the F J. CUENRY & CO.. Toledo, O. horsethief, who murdered Sheriff 5 utff?it .JmJ; , , . . Cheney for the past 15 jean, ana hellere Withers, of Eugene, is under arrest him to be perfectly honorable In all boal for eorr. 'Sicily, but is too feeble to be ness transactions and Onanclallr able to removed from home. 0Dt "D o"itlon their firm. Governor Chamberlain is making a WEST & TRUAX, Wholesale DroiU, i i ii. . .. i . To!lo. O. lreuna: inxMi.gai.un ui me cuuui- WALnj.SG, K1NNAN A MAEY1N.I uviift hi uic uiuguu ijumicuudi j, iu Qojeaie uragguia, -ixueao, u. order to institute reforms mentioned nails. Catarrh Core ls taken Internally, ent city schools of Spokane- W. C Beach, professor of Political economy Pullman: R. B. Bryan, state superin tendent of Washington; A. H. Yoder University of Washington at Seattle and E. Benjamin Andrews of the state University of Nebraska. President Andrews will deliver two addresses berore the association, one "Problems of Greater America,' secret society. AT GREAT EXPENSE. I Smallpox Cost Walla Walla Nearly i $1,000 in January, i Walla Walla. Feb. 9. Smallpox I nnsf Wiillo Wnlln imnrlt- 1 llllft ilnrlni'l uponi , ........ , o 1 . -Inntiiitr nnil lint fnr n smvuri nrltl. and . - .... 1 1 .i . the second on the timely pertinent subject, "Can the Public School , Course be Shortened" Umatilla county teachers have sig nified their Intention of taking ad vantage of this educational meeting, and advices from Union and Baker counties so far indicate that the entire force of educators from those, counties will be present. FROM NEW YORK. cism of bills by the council the I amount would have been overreached. ! A large number of cases were treat- i ed at the pest house, and hut a small percentage of the cases in the cjty were beard of at the detention hos pital. The expense for the month was the largest yet contracted, and the council is at a loss to know what to do to clear the city of the disease and stop the burden caused by the pest house occupants. The city as sumes no part of the expense where a party is quarantined nt a private Mrs. Clark, of the Peoples Warehouse, j,olla"e Writes a Letter Telling of the Late; Styles. i Sheriff Withers, of Eugene, died The following letter has been re-Sumla' morning of wounds received celved from Mrs Clark who Is now in ; at the hands of E11I" Lyons, an es- New York in the interest of the Peo-'eaped horse thief. pies Warehouse: 1 The weather has been simplv dread- SsVBBMBBsWBMIIVBHHHnHHi ful here; when It isn't snowing the' wind is blowing a gale which makes, me long fof'dear old Oregon again. I spent three days during the past week visiting the importing houses on upper Broadway and Fifth avenue.' Found many beautiful models which, I am having copied in medium priced garments. The silk blouses and' Monte Carlos are marvels of beauty. There are tailor-made- gowns In all , the new materials, and an endless va-1 riety of separate dress skirts. Please say to my many customers! that I have them in mind while buy ing, and will show a better and more! varied line of costumes than has everi been shown in the city before. Have bought several imports from , Stein, Arison. and Collins. The sllkj blouses shown by this house are very j chic and their waists are perfectly, lovely. 1 With kind wishes for all. I am, i Yours truly. ANNIE CLARK , New Goods Da nut new and very desirable good Ji spring, daily. This season we J maae special eiiorts to tind and I the Shirt Waists that have the J Shirt , Waists TM . Catch the Eye kl a Glance New Wash Goods in Ginghi Batiste Mills Lawns, Ducks, Pit Plains and Fancies and a great i other new goods are now ready your inspection at 1 he BIGBOSTONSTO Valen tines... The line of Geo. C. Whitney & Co., from ioc to S3. oo. Cupid's Errand IF U R YYY VISIT THERKELSEN'S PIANO 315 East Court Street. B 4 U By A Piano ot Organ AND HEAR THEIR Easy Payment Plan SENATOR ANKENY'S RECEPTION. i Walla Walla Tendered Her Distin-! gulsh'ed Citizen a Cordial Greeting. Walla Walla, Feb. 9. A splendid reception was tendered Senator and Mrs. Ankeny at Odd Fellows hall Saturday night, that being the first. Opportunity the people of Walla Walla had of expressing their appreciation of the vlctorj' gained by Mr Ankeny i at the legislature in the final settle ment of the senatorial struggle. The, large hall, was handsomely decorated with flags, bunting and potted plants, and an immense arch had been con- BE ONE OF THEM AT F. W. SCHMIDT & CO, RELIABLE DRUGGISTS Phorie Main 851 in his message to the legislature. acting directly upon the blood and mocooa orfat of the mtem. Testimonials nt No free mall bo will be furnish- 75c b0"'- 8o"1 " nalla Family P11U are the beat. ed by i".:- government on the Western rural deliver- routes. The govern ment furnishes a box of approved de sign, but the patron must pay for It. Cheap Rates Westbound, From February 35 to April 30. 1903. Mia. m. Kerns, oi Montana, was , inclusive, the O. II. & N. Co. will committed to the city Jail on charge. bxve on sale- tickets from Missouri of drunkenness. Sunday. She begged. River point to Pendleton for J22.E0: piteously to be allowed to go home; from St Paul $25.00; from St LouU, to her children while being put ln,S27.E0. Call on the O. R. & N. ticket prison. : agent for full particulars. The estate of the late Thomas H. . Tongue has been admitted to probate at Hlllaboro. and Is unofficially esti mated at J35.000. E. B. Tongue, & son, has been appointed admlnlstra-' tor. There Is no will. 1 A free fight between citizens of Pullman and students of the Wash ington Agricultural College, waa in dulged in Sunday over an article which appeared lc the college paper, criticising the commercial club. Old Papers. While they laat, 25c for a large bundle of old papers. Good to light your fires with. We need the room; you need the papers. East Oregonl an office. - The Dally Eaat Oregonian la on sole in Portland at the Rich nerra stand In Hotel Perkins, and at the Hot! Portland. VALENTINES Fancy Imported New Designs Rare Beauties- Prices 1 cent and op. Take a look at the dis play in onr window. FRAZIER'S Book and Stationery Store FOR SALE FINE RESIDENCE PROPERTIES Six room dwelling fioufx; and two Iota with pretty Hhaded lawn, on prom inent corner of court street, $2500. A flwpllfnrr wvaii frotou MiifMllt, located, with electric lights, bath and Kucmgc, wen anaueu iawu, tzauu. Six room dwelling, stable and two loU, 1900 A dwelling and lot, centrally locat ed, 1500. Other dwellings with lota from $700 to $1100. Single lots from 125 to $300. Will sell all my property on easy terms. The city is Increasing In population and valued In real estate are rising. Buy now before you have to pay more. Don't sit down and wait until real es tate goes higher. BUY NOW. C. D. BOYD, HI Court Street Poultry Supplief I have iiist rrpiupfl a :hinmHnt oi Incubators, UrnniUrC onI Hroon Dnnu ""titter"!. The tllSIIlg j of poultry is a paying business, and a le a carefully invested will bring many in return. I have a first-class line and it will pay you " w' amine the same before buying elsewhere. T, L TAYLOR THE HARDWARE 74 Main Street Have Your Water Pipes Examined and Repaired ; Delay will lead to serious breaks. First-class work guaranteed by BECK, the Reliable PfomM Court street, .opposite the Golden Kuie how bd you ADVcn 1 1 The sew store can never knows nnleM It advertises s