East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 06, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 5

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    Lee Teimfeclh
Drummer's Samples
kilk g Wool Waists
Only a small lot bat evervone a bargain. Come
, ' (. i
tfiy Of your size may cx; soio.
DAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1903.
right hand grasping the gun
stock and his left grasping the bar-
Orossehraig was carrying his
gun in a good deal the same position.
The two Browns and Simpson
heard Grossehmlg cock his gun and
stopped, thinking the latter had seen
game. All naturally looked in his di
rection. As they did so Grossehmig's
gun went off while resting across his
left arm. The entire load of shot was
discharged Into Brown's two hands
and aealnst his eun. which he was
klSCE BROWN SHOT carrying. Of course he droDDed the
Grossehmlg immediately explained
It Were Members of a Hunt-, and insisted that he had cocked the
thrtv Brown Rece ves Load of B" atxiuemuii. tiis gun was a
;in His Hands.
breach-loading shotgun, and to be
firprt tho trlr-ror mnqt ho rnnt flrct
e Brown aged 21, of Combs Tne Browns ciaIm tnat eary j thg!
. : u , , " ..hunt Grossehmlg had said his gun
luUtJ ?cl?k' ,out was loaded "K-ith double B shot, but
with his brother Charles, ! u--, ftftep th KhnotJni? h th
fsiew. Ivfn Simpson, andun .aE ioaded wlth No. 2.
Grossehmlg, the man whose! They' also claim that had not-Clar
is; off and did the damage. Ience stopped when he did, as did
te were walking in a bunch i the ntws. when at the click of
feanvon. lookinc for duclis, nchni v,n
stas in signi ox uie ume u 0l Bnot WOuld have gone directly into
ng. uiureuc oruwu his body,
iizhtly in front of Groseh-
BlMUt ieei to me miier o town as S0)n ag a wagon couid De
ns carrying ms Buu, a iu- T,roCured. and his lacerated hands
ews his left arm and with were dressed Dy Dr. Rlngo.
- - - " I None of the shot were extracted,
, as tne bands were Dadly swollen.
Dr. Rlngo states that in his opinion
j there is some danger of blood pols-
AQk X I onlng on account of the shot being
1J """ I ejected from a brass shell, which
wuiua nui maKe any ainerence naa
j he received the load from a greater
(distance. Grossehmig's gun was a 10
I gauge.
The line of Geo. C.
Whitney & Co., from
loc to $3 oo
' Shingle Mill at Alba.
There is a new shingle mill at Alba,
i built and owned by Clark & McDer-
I midt. It is nearly ready for use. It
is equipped with new machinery and
! engine, and a3 a side issue has
: chopper for grain. The building con
taining the new plant Is 40x00 feet.
The new mill will be put In operation
as soon as spring opens.
reliable druggists
Phone Main 851
Good Logging.
G. E. Stockcr, of Alba, was In town
(yesterday. In his opinion there will
' be a half million feet of logs at Ve-
i brock & Schmidt's saw mill by spring
,and the number may reach a million.
There has been plenty of snow since
,the first of December for logging,
and every advantage has been taken
of It.
' Rev. Lake to Preach.
I ReV. Lake, the rector of The Dalles,
will preach in the Episcopal church
in this place Sunday next at 11 a,
. in. and in the evening.
8ee W. B, Jenkins for door name
plate, signs, numbers, eta Newest
novelties. Prices low. Office, Commer
cial Association.
M germ diseases can be prevented by using a good dis
jnt in time A good disinfectant must be prompt and
Be in action, free from odor and cheap.
.UBRO'S DISINFECTANT Is free from odor, prompt and
Me in action and cheap. It purines the air, deodorizes and
-is anything it is applied to.
B Me Sole Agents Price 35c a quart bottle, or three
r5 for $1, delivered to any part of the city. A quart makes
"Wlons of disinfectant.
from Main St., Toward tne iourt House
J. A. Howard, farm loans.
Sea food fresh at Castle's.
Try Graft's clam chowder.
Hohbach's baking Is good.
, Oyster cocktails at Gratz's.
Hohbach's baking Is clean.
Fresh fish daily at Castle's.
Clothing cleaned by Jocrger.
Smokers supplies at Ncuman's.
Smoke the Pondleton Favorite.
For shoe repairing see Teutsch.
Big underware sale at Teutsch's.
Hohbach's baking is unsurpassed.
We are still repairing shoes at
A gentleman's smoke. The Pendle
ton Favorite.
Hays' cig&r store, headquarters for
smokers supplies.
C. C. Morse, of McKay, will build a
residence this spring.
Something new. slrt waist silk suits
at Eben's suit house.
R. P. Moody, of McKay, will build
a residence this spring.
For Sale A fine new folding bed,
Apply at 211 Court street-
Imported llmburger and Swiss
cheese sandwlchea at Gratz's.
Smokers enjoy a good smoke.
That's, what they get at Roes'.
For Rent Four-rooms house, near
academy. Inquire at E. O. office.
The scarlet fever quarantine of Hal
btewart's residence has been raised.
For Rent Two furnished front
looms. Address Mrs. H. S. Dorman.
Lot for sale; great bargain; Raley's
addition. Inquire at 403 Alta street
The Oregon Dally Journal can be
found on sale at Frazlers book store.
Robert Mayle, of Birch Creek, late
ly sold a quarter section of land for
"Black Rock," new cloth binding,
only 33c. Nolf's book and stationery
A surprise when you see that cozy
home I can sell you for J1000. E. T.
Wood and coal by car lots a spec
ialty. P. P. Collier & Co., 'phone
Mam 1121.
Ed Eben's muslin underwear line
Is bigger, newer and cheaper than
There will be no Sunday school
next Sunday at the Episcopal church
on account of sickness.
For Sale Residence with one, two
or three lots, located at 517 Jane
street. Call at house.
The "Stanford Folders" for photo
graphs, six different sizes, the latest
mounts, at wheelers.
Roach Bros, are full feeding CO
head of beef cattle at A. Rhodes
place on McKay creek.
or Kent unrurnisned rooms,
suitable for light housekeeping; call
at C23 Johnson street
W. L. Rhodes will build a residence
at McKay this spring on the reserva;
tlon land he is proving up ou.
Beautiful 5-room cottage, two lots,
shade and fruit tree3, nicely located.
Reduced to $1500. E. T. Wade.
For Sale Brick building with
basement, 50x90, on Main street. Good
property at a bargain. Easy terms.
E. T. Wade.
Helix, since its incorporation, is
putting on metropolitan frizzes. Is
building sidewalks and crossings "all
ever the town," and a calaboose.
"Hank Wells and Dean Shull moved
the little building they have been
using as a short order house, last
night, directly across the steet.
Beglning Friday, Feb. 6., I can sell
any lot In McCalllster's new addition
zt the owner's price, $50 up tr $300
Call at the postofflce. N. T. Conklln.
Roscoe Bryson will build upon the
two lots he recently purchased of J.
F. McCarthy, in Swltzler's addition.
The consideration for the lots was
?500. j
George Howlln yesterday, through!
E. T. Wade's real estate office, dls-
river, to G. B. Carrier. Consideration!
$2500. '
The new bridge across McKay
Creek at McKay postofflce, will be
ready for travel next week. Captain
Hanna Is the contractor. It will cost
about '$200.
A. Rhodes, of McKay, is reirodellng
and repairing his residence and will
do the same by his barn. some time
this spring. Mr, Rhodes reports that
all kinds of stock are doing finely
on Upper McKay.
If you need matting, wood fibre
carpet, art squares, rugs, lace cur
tains, pictures, picture trames, wan
paper, sewing machines or other ar
ticles In my stock, now Is the lime to
Invest. Everything must go. Jesse
The ladles of Anita Council No. 6,
Degree of Pocahontas, will give a bas
ket social Monday evening, Feb. 9th.
Everybody is cordially Invited. Danc
ing will be the main feature of the
evening, the hall is perfectly safe.
Music Kirkman's orchestra.
Five Men Charged With Vagrancy
Disposed of Two Go to Jail for
Five Days and Three Move on.
Five vagrants is tho record tor this
morning In. Judge Fltz Gerald's court
They were rounded up last night by
the marshal. All were sleeping In
saloons. Two of the five bore every
appearance of being genuine hoboes.
They were Charles Bucks and August
Sprlngmeler. They refused to either
plead guilty to tho general charge of
vagrancy or agree to get out of town.
Each was given five days In the city
Jail. James Moore, J. E. G.mlt and
John Vlvene pleaded guilty and all
were given their liberty conditioned
upon the promise to get otu of town
at once. Vlvens claims to havo somo
small business Interests at Wallace,
Idaho. '
Grain Warehouse.
A. B. Cooley's (train warehouse will
bo completed In about three weeks,
provided some delayed material ar
rives Immediately. That is, about
three weeks more labor will bo re
quired to finish It Tho building Is on
Mr. Cooley's ranch, on Middle Cold
Springs, about 13 miles from tho city.
It Is 40x100 feet In size, and will
nave a capacity of 10.000 sacks O,
W. Brown, of Pendleton, Is the over
seer having tfie construction In hand.
Where the Timber Goes.
The Rooth-Kpllv T.limhnr Pntnnnnv
- - - 1
Of Eucpne Oreirnn nvnnM tn put In
1903 about 120,000,000 feet of lumber
ai tneir mm. tms win beat tho rec
ord of the output of any one company
In Oreeon. If this comnanv should
cut 100,000,000 feet annually for 99
years, they will still own enough tlm-
bpr tn llppn thom rnnnlnp" nimtiinr
Tear. Peonlp whn prill flip Hrpirnnlnrts I
mossbacks will have to apologize. f
baiem journal.
It Pays to Trade at The Peoples Warehouse
Ends of TABLE LINEN at afxmt half
TOWELS, of which there are only a
few left of a kind.
DRESS GOODS remnants at half
price, and some even less.
Watch this space; new Items every
Agents Batterlcfc's Patterns.
Will Visit Pendleton.
J. V. Tallman Is In receipt of a let
ter from Duane Spalsbury, of Ypsl
lantl, Michigan, stating that he and a
large party of friends, all old friends
of Mr. Tallman, will arrive In Pendle
ton next Sunday. They are ou a gen
eral tour of the West Mr. Ttallman
states that of the party of 22 men,
who, with their families, came
through here from Michigan last fall,
everyone has Invested somewhere In
the West aa a result of the tour.
Going to California.
G. E. Stocker, of Alba, has 38 head
of milch cows. He prefers grade
sorthorns for the usual reason, ihey
bring a good price for beef when no
longer needed for milk. Mr. Stocker,
who owns 520 acres of land and 75
head of cattle, intends to sell out and
move to California, to what part of
the state he does not know. In about
a month he will go on a prospecting
tour through .California.
Stock of Hardware.
Robinson & Ripper, the Echo Land
& Lumber Company, have just moved
into their new business house In
Echo. The building, which Is frame,
Is 24x70 feet In size, and will be used
for a storage house for side lines car
ried by lumber dealers, and the firm
has also put In a large stock of hard
ware. V
Duprat vs. Duprat.
Judge Thomas Fltz Gerald today
filed a petition for divorce by Frank
Duprat against Sarah Duprat Mr.
and Mrs. Duprat havo two minor
children. The general grounds for
the petition are Incompatibility of
Several thousand unemployed per
sons marched through the streets of
Valladolid, Spain, Wednesday de
manding work or bread. They were
charged by the police and many were
For Ladles Have Arrived
Boston Store
Where Whole Families are Sho,
The Nolf Stores
Violin, Guitar, Banjo and i
Mandolin Strings, in steel and
gut at 3c to ioc. ,
Fancy and comic styles
from one cent up. It will
pay you to see our fine assort
The Delicacies
of the season arc always
found at our restaurant.
At present we have
Finest Oysters Frog
Legs $ Clams $ Crabs
f and Lobsters $
and other salt and fresh
water foods
The French
We carry the largest stock
in Eastern Oregon. Fresh
seeds at less than exclusive
dealers. All 5 cent packages
2j cents.
We are headquarters for ,
School Books and Supplies. ;
, Telephone Mala 4
U. 8. Supreme Court
U. 8. Patent Offlce
Trade Murli tnd Copyright
T ;'tb.8t. N. W.. Wutblotfton, V. (
"That Tired Feeling"
It gives the carpenter and
builder when he has to use
poor tools There is no ne
cessity of itl when you can
buy the very best that is
made at bed rock prices from
our superb stock. Our as
sortment of high grade tools,
builders' hardware and
everything that i embraced
in the line of hardware you
will find here at prices that
can't be duplicated.
8 '-'ff-jfc '
We have the largest stock of carpets, outside of Portland, in
the state. This is an undisputable fact, We offer better bar
gains than can be had in Eastern Oregon, another fact which
is proven by the low prices we are offering,
Next door to Postoffice.
We announce that we have opened undertaking parlors in
connection wjth our furniture and carpet store and will answer
calls day or night. Phone Black 373.
We have bought of the Allen Brothers, their interest in the
Wood business, and now we aro ready to furnish the beat
dry wood on short notico, Office 638 Main Street.
Phone t2t. P. P. COLLIER & CO.
i.ii.'Vwiii mi i I 1. : I - rmune t 1 " .gf-g1
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