East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 06, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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'i't "
f '
vi 1
We Have Dedded to Continue
Our Sale of Boy's Clothing
Discount 20 Pe Cent.
S2.00 Suits SJ.60
$2.50 Scits S2.00
$3.00 Suits $2.40
$4.00 Suits $3.20
$5.00 Suits $4.00
Great reduction in L:neu
Winter Caps.
Baer & Daley
One-Pricv Ci-!u-M. Haters and Furnishers
The Kansas legislature it invesji-j
paling the eause of the eoal famine i
la that state.
J. Edward AUiiicks. of Delaware,
.has retired from the senatorial fight
in that state.
Hark Ha una has proposed a bill
gtanting pensions to all ex-slaves
ireed by President Lincoln.
Th (rtjrnian custom controversy.
regarding American wheat, has been
settled and the extra duty has been
Memorial services were help Thurs- r
day iu the New York Chamfcer ofj
Commerce in honor of the late Ab-,
ram Hewitt j
Trouble in Uruguay over the elec-!
tlen o a new president is becoming!
serious. The national .party threat-!
ess to rebel. ,
According to the Iron Age. the larg-;
est weekly orders in the history ofj
the steel truss were made Inst week .
in the iron market J
The United Ststes quarantine omV-J
iafe have declared .Manila to be free
from cholera. It is still epidemic in ,
other parts of the .island '
William Minntck. who was shot by
the raiders on his sheep ranch near.
Cheyenne. Wyo.. Monday, is tiead. A
.sheriffs posse is in pursuit of the
gang. j
A headend collision between two '
Urtrtl- 1,1.,.,, rrtlnK. f..lnn .. . , .. T. ,
,.. N. ?, , . . .,.. , ,
colate. N. M.. Thursday, resulted in
the death of five men and the injury
of several others. ,
The rumor that the empfss dow-
iter of China I dead is confirmed
The new? fs being concealed unl
.after the Chinese new year obeerv-
Jsimm C. Whiitaher. an oM soldier
W 7B.
uPhe tolerated trades of L Grande
vrtll bur a iot and build an aasembb'
ball thte snrine
Afwe is to nave a new carriage
,i i.v Tk. rrv.iiic tnr.
and ortmn factory Th? Corvallis fac-
tlT will be moved to that place and
gfatly enlarged.
The Onion Woolen Mills, after n
'mm of six wk4 f.r repair and
lovement. have starte-.l np agHln
wtSi an Incraased 'orce
wwi an incraaseu .orce
.A Seattle saloon was held up in
uajrtight Thursday and Uie natteader
oBiel of sao in casn. tne two tod-
tmns, who were cloetly
rnaafied. es-
Frank L. Clifton, of Albany, ha
keaa anented for burglary-- He bad
tefeii articles in his possession be-
KBging to we aidqbj toaging norae
rotated Monday night.
w t, .i u .ha . uL
.11. . Si .
Imme In Salem. Thuroday
.Mr. Grillv was the old at t
Salem. Thursday morning.
man In
arloa county. He came from Jan
m to. Oregon in l&iu.
V. I). Wtttar, an inmate of the Se
attle eity Jail, committer suicide
ThiKSday by hanging blnwelf with a
if.pe made from the bed ckilbing.
Walter was suffering from delirium
E. A. McPhersou, of Portland, has
been appointed to succeed A. C. Dil
ley as assistant warden of the peni
tentiary. Dllley was suspended dur
lac the scandal investigation at the
state prison .you need the papers. East Oregoni
Whlte, the eseaped trusty of the an office' '
Oregon penitentiary, who was accus
ed of complicity la the recent scan-
. X u, , , a . i 2 rl
night while attempting to . burglarize
a dwelling In Polk county.
Samuel Daniel, a pioneer minister
of Willamette valley, died at the
home of his son, W. E. Daniel, of
Montevllla, Or.. Thursday. Mr. Dan
iel was born in Ohio In 1823, and em
igrated to Oregon in 1870.
Sweaters and
Hotel Pendleton.
P. Clark. Portland.
A. Puidy, Portland.
J. Fowler. Portland.
B. May. Portland.
R. W. Blakley, Portland.
J. H. O'Nell. Portland,
fe. H. Burke. Portland.
J. J. Burns. Portland.
X. R Clem. Spokane.
A. W. Tickner. Spokane.
G. K. Burton. San Francisco
W. H. Coffee. San Francisco
M Hanack. San Francisco.
C W. Handerson. San Francisco
Don McKay. Denver.
Max Wolfe. Cincinnati.
H. A Steen. New York.
E. G. Smith. New York.
C. C. Barnard. New York.
S. S. Newburry. New York
Charles Breek. Baker City.
U E Royce. Sumpter
Mrs G W. Welts. Heppner.
Golden Rule.
F J. Ganlner. Portland.
.Mrs. C. A. Davis. Bnker Ciiy.
E. G. Smith. New York.
.Mr. Barnhart. Valley.
C. N. Daniel. San Francisco.
C. 1 Downer. Spokane.
W. D. Marks. Spokane.
G. W. Williams. Spokane.
S. A. Frans. Spokane.
H. Bamhart. Valley.
J. H. Dosier and wife.-Valley.
Ed Storio. l.a Grande.
J. E. Cleghorn. Echo.
Oliver Lynch. Umatilla.
J. A. McLean. Lebanon.
E; C. McLean. Lebanon.
G. D .Galley Portland.
How's ThlsX
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
fot anr 0, catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
kn. i.
Cheney far the past 15 years, and believe
etiJaV '.naScla.'iy
carry ont any obligations made by their
WXST A TRl'AX. Wholesale DrosgrtsU.
Tol-Mlo. O.
?,i"le ?ro8J&Jr?l,!0L 0 , . ...
rtM of the system. T,imontal3MQt
HaTl'a Family nils are the best.
Real Estate Transfers.
.lohu M nnzier has imiiclit of .
Charles B. Haworth. the cotisidera; through which the sun vainiv tries to
tlon beinz SRim the northwest ouar-lhow itself occasionally. The fog
tlon being swwo. the northwest quar
" and the west half of the northeast
quarter of section 2. township 4.
nd "uSfJl .7
f sef' ad the northeast quar-
southeast quarter of aec-
titm Si towr.hip range 31. the
s&me comprising 44rt acres and lvinc
fi,x mMeg goathwest of Juniper post-
office The lrans,er was effected
,htough E. D. Boyd's agency
Through E V. Boyd's agency, land the Columbia river U teached
Charles B. Hawortb ha? bought off some tlmn m the night The bar is
John H. Doier for $1000. the fraction- j
a part of the northeast quartor of I
section 1. township 2, range and
the west nail oi tne norinwesi quar-1 jk
ter and the northwest quarte- of the
southwest quartet of section 6. town-
. - , ,A TU nn.wru. li.
""" CKraf l"
Cheap Rates Westbound.
From February 15 to Anril 30, 1903.
Inclusive, the O. K. & N. Co. will
hr.ve or. 3ale tickets from Missouri
ti.. tn p.nribtnn fnr S? Sflr '
from St Paul J25.00; from St. Lonls.'g
527.50. Call on the O. B. & xV. ticket 1 g
agent for full particulars. jg
Old Papers.
While they last. 25c for a
l.ireo i
bundle of old papers
Good to light
your fires with. We need the room
Ten Dollar Reward.
Last May, one bay horse;
weight about 1200 pounds, branded
e K"1 Bhntlll, Jm. ' --hed
65 on left shoulder, mane reached
last spring. Will pay above reward
for return of samo to Purl Bowman.
The Dally East Oregonian la on sale
In Portland at the Rich news stand
In Hotel Perkins, and at the Hotel
FROM'FRISCO'S SUNSHINE 'sun makes Its appearance onre morefl
TO PORTLAND'S MISTS.! "' Ty welcome A number of
; ships are met being towed down the)
San Francisco Bay and the Golden
Gate Along the California Coast
Across the Bar of the Columbia
StoD at Astoria Up the River to
Portland. j
th.nl.;. CWuun Puh 4 Kilt ttl
Liitii. .um ii ih niwnn i
trip from San Franlso to Portland
is getting out through the OfalUeq
If the traveler has not already
.aiiKe. th- iniinr.n. .,r Pmn.
. kl ..m,w
or shiiw of all nations through which'
the steamer wends its Ti-ay from the
wharf to the gate will give him soim
idea of it From Liverpool- Glascow.
Bremen. Havre. Hong Koug. Mel
t-ourne ant' the Islands of the Sea
they are all here. Some are being
towed to the wharves to load others ,
are already loaded putting out to sea
Some iu drydock undergoing repairs,
and many others anchored In the bay
waiting to receive or discharge car-;
goes Steam launches Hitting to and I
fro. Ferries coming or going to thei
Oakland Two of Uncle Seam's battle-,
go. to make up rather an animated the throat. There's a Cold
picture not soon to be forgotten. , , . , . i . i.
a day of bright sunshine made a, behind that and a weak spot
pleasant start for the trip. The Call-, jQ je strengthened,
fornla coast was plainlv to be seen' . ,
all day with dwelling houses here ! Cough mixtures get as tar
and there. On the other side as far p . .. i i;, e-n:nn in
as the eye could reach a broad ex-, S the tickling Sensation in
panse oT smooth nnd sunlit water andj tJle throat that is where their
out there somewhere it surely does 1
not require a very- violent stretch of! work Stops. I hey may re-
Str theTslands TSTmSZti V the th,V do
of which so much has been written! not Clire the Cold and Cer
in poetry and prose. ' . , ... , , ... . i
That route-is barred to steamers, j tainlv Will not build up the
you'll never lift again 'system. Their action is
The purple-painted headlands or the J
lordly keeps of Spain: , therefore merelv local and of
They're Just beyond the skyline, how
e'er, so far you cruise.
In a ram you damn you liner, with
a brace of buckine screws.
when you're threshing crippled
with broken bridge and rail
a drosue of dea.l convictions to
held your head to gale:
cm your neaa 10 fraie;
Calm as the Flying Dutchman from
truck to taffrail dressed.
You'H see the old three-decker for'
the Island of the Blest
Hull down, hull down, and under she
dwindles to a speck. I
With noise of pleasant music and;
dancine on her deck:
All's well, all's well aboard her: she's
dropped you far behind.
With a scent of old-world roses
through the foe that ties you
Her crew are babes or madmen; her
port is all to make
You're manned by truth and science.
and you steam for steaming
We'll tinker up your engines, you
know your business best.. j
She's taking tired people to the Is-i
lands of the Blest. I
Night comes and a light house ;
somewhere on shore sends out It :
friendly warning across the water.
that othors 1eaide8 ourselves are or.
cunvine floatinc homes. Moromg
J brings fog. rain and wind and the
! crowd a' the breakfast table is con-,
Isiderably diminished. The rain lasts'
oflnetrly all day with a sullen sky i
netrly all day with a sullen
liftt longe enough to sbow a rockv
roastline on which the waves are
dashing themselves into spray. The
change from yesterday sunshine to
this fog and rain is decidedly cepress
sng and the probability of the Islands
of the Blest being anywhere In the.
neighborhood is decidedlv vague )
But in spitt of foe an.i head win !
steady progreis is made northward.
dechWR choppy and is no: crossed
. i
Ji?s??SS.V.,S..iT...i - Si
Ont of My fom
-tnna Kstbvilne if-
it The Blue Flor Heary Vn Dyke.
S CcellFJIrion Crawford.
if A Captared SuU CUa ThOJ. .Velion
ATery-KiiMOcmstiurt rneipj.
'ohn 0.thfi G.rteFr.nk 8tuCk.
ixietuof Oat wit-EJU Hls?inn.
ig TheOlrl Pnpoition (teorgeAde.
I -T. Soar oi ft Single Note Amtlti Brr. c 1
V( FtncJt-Moll! Elliott SawelL i3 '
S MMh nd Roit Mry CJuImondelej.
. .... . - 2i. ,r. ....... ti i . 2
r eon org iiorxce unmer.
S IJitleWMMBlnJ-J.M. Birrle.
g The Splendid Idle Turtle - Gertrade
g Atbertoa.
S The Beaatlfal Mn. Moalton.
ft The Valinres Henry Sjtoc Uerrlmn
ITa,., With th Chin A mm T A
g Intrusion of Pjst Anthony Hope.
Book and Stationery Store
iti til daylight. A stop of two hours1 1
storla to unload freight gives ,
to get your .eet on solid ground
more, a privilege which is aj-
I reolated. The ride up the river is a I
pleasant change from the briny, the
river loaded with lumber ami otbe'l
Oreson products on their way to!
other lands. No other stops art made 1
end Portland is reached at 6 r
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
1 ue ueai auu muai "mum -...-
Pound in the world to conquer nclw.,
W pains. Cures cuts heals i
UlliUF UUU u uiovOj auwus i
n. masters piles. Millions of boxes j
sold yearly. Works wonders in boils,
ulcers, felons, skin eruptions. H I
cures or no pay. 2oc at Tallmun &
Co's drug itore.
S;x jurymen have -been iiupanneled ; i
in the Hooper loung case
Baok of
There's more to a cough
thjm the tjcUin!r sensation in
necessity very limited.
Scott's Emulsion does not
stop at the throat. It eases
tiiat too, but its mission is
beyond that. It not only
cures mc cuugu, uui u i-mcs
the cold which is back of the
cough. It searches out the
real cause of the trouble and
corrects the wasting and
weakening conditions. In its g
passage through the body it
distributes strength to the
worn out tissues, feeds the
blood corpuscles and tones fj
up the bodv. . There is noth- h
ing better than Scott's Emul
sion to build up a run down
system after a cold.
We will end a sample free to
anyone on request.
409 Pearl St., New York.
cure dyspepsia and all disorders aris
ing from Indigestion. Endorsed by
pnysicians everywnero. torn by au j
dmggists. No cure, no pay. 2o cents.
Trial package free by writing W. H
Hooker & Co..
Schmidt Sz Co..
All kinds of imported lunches,
hot wiener wurst, sauerkraut and
pigs feet at
Main Stet nr Pn.mffiM
N." Y. F. W 1
The Boston Store will
their Rummage and
Sale at the same
Ladies' Walking Skirts
Ladies' Heavy Grey Golf Skirts
Ladies' $X.00 Woolen Waists
Woolen Dress Goods Remnants
Ladies' $X and $t.25 Kid Gfovcs
(In Small SIzoh)
Children's Snort Jackets
Ladies' Short Jackets
Outing Flannel
0c Flannellcttes
Get a Ticket on the Rubber-
Tired Buggy.
Poultry Supplies
I ha'e just received a shipment of Incubate
Brooders and Green Bone Cutters. The ristsg
of poultry is a paying business, and a few doflits
carefully invested will bring many in return
I have a first-class line and itwill pay you to ei
amine the same before buying elsewhere.
j: 74 J Main Street
BAKFR & WELCH, Mgrs, MARK M00RH0USE, local Mi
"Above the Cloud?
The beautiful mplnilnms to he nrpsi-rted X PendMl
High School Talent, under direction of MISS SHEPHIK
Phis performance will be a revelation in manv wavs
See the High School Pupils and encourage a Cr
Proceeds for the High School Library
Specialties of a high order will be introduced
ADMISSION 25c and 50c.
Have Your Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at
Delay will lead to serious breaks.
First-class work guaranteed b
BECK, the Reliable PlWer.
Court street, opposite the Golden Rule Hotet
Babbit Metal SSA"
PpIc 10? P fl. Off
br t th 'KbH WB V"