East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 06, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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lAH-Y ......
Eastern Oregon Weather
TunlRlit fair, warmer, SAtur
day Increasing cloudiness
IJibr curler t
r t5c A WEEK,
XO. 4fl0.
Pierce Introduces Bill
tioning State Taxes
the Counties.
ion Bill Introduced Ap
for Indian War Veterw
Imported Adversely No
i in the Senatorial Situation.
t rlercc has Introduced a
i purpose of curing the de
ls present law ror tne appor-
:af state taxes among the
lt( the state. The present
tfcit In 1905 the state
iferr shall ascertain the av-
3t oi expenditures in each
lg t period of five years, and
j the state taxes In the pro-
I Nth county's expenditures
kfe total expenditure. The
i for oSy four annual re-
to 1305. so that It will
5Ie for the board to carry
provisions of the present
nor rierce proposes mat.
the levy be made at
iXio now provided, with the
i the change as to Baker
i cooties made necessary
hcexation of the Panhandle
itounty. His bill provides
iE9 the state board of levy
pte the avcrase expendl
feire years, and thereafter
h apportionment of state
larj the counties upon that
the men appointed by Governor
Chamberlain on the commission to
have charge of the expenditure of
tho $500,000 appropriation f6r the
Lewis and Clark fnlr u-ns mm
for Thomas Jefferson, who sent Lewis
ana uiark on their expedition to the
Oregon country. He is the only man
on eiuier state commission or thje
Portland commission who bears the
name of Jefferson. Myers was a
number of years a member of the
state fair ooard, so that work of this
kind wll lnot bs entirely new to him.
Jithange at Salem.
tte. 6. There Is absolute-
igf! In the senatorial con-
. Tie vote today is as ioi-
veU ,
tSupaiiajxil of Penitentiary.
, m. t C. W. James, of
r CRr, s appointed superin-
BtrftSe penitentiary today, by
r Cuaberlaln.
Fair Commissioner.
, bi 6. Special Commis
si??, oi the Lewis and Clark
ssw in Denver, and as a com
pile legislature meets there
rl consider the matter of an
i for the 1905 fair, Gover
2bria!n ias sent the follow
to Governor James H.
7, oi uoiorado: "Oregon re-
' kindly offices to our sne-
a and Clark commissioner.
s the uiatter of tho appro-
: ror tne 1905 exposition."
of Chamberlain.
entative Nottingham intro
resoiutlon this mnmlnc to
l secretary of state to secure
"Ming of Governor Chamber-
i paintings already In the
other governors. The
is not to cost more than
me resolution went to the
on resolutions,
Salaries for Malheur.
Mtative Test hns Introduced
u tho salaries of officials
'county as follows: Sheriff,
ntr shir ff tinn? mmtv
l!0, deputy clerk. $1200;
Wrintendent. $1200; treas-
county judge, $1000; com-
per day.
'for Abstract Companies.
" reauire ht
bonds In the sum of $25,
Carantefi tnr tho
'talrarte ae v.an i - i
rUfl llV f f.. l--- rrvu
be fllod with countv
jnPriatIon bill for Indian
will be reported ad-
ky " tiwu luuuue cum-
l We two houses. The com-
f 1H be no mlnorltv rennrt.
It, 'Commend that the $300,-'
't not passed.
med for Jefferson. "
7 yere, of Salem, one "of
Thinks That Their Embassador Has
Not Been Insulted.
Washington, Feb. 6. The facts
concerning the British ambassadors
stand in tho Venezuelan matter Is
leaking out.
. He wired his government that if it
were left for him to decide ho would
not continue the negotiations with
Minister Bowen. Lansdowne, of the
British embassy, wired an answer to
the British ambassador that he was
here to obey orders and not to have
opinions. Herbert expressed to his
conferees the greatest Indignation
that an ambassador from the court of
St James could be so treated by
Bowen's statement was that? the
proposition as advanced by Great
Britain and Germany was but an
other scheme to trick Venezuela into
abetting an alliance against her for
six years and longer. Also that he
would not consent to any scheme con
tinuing the triple alliance one day
longer than he was forced to do. The
Italian and German ministers have
taken occasion several times since
the conference to say Bowen has
treated all negotiators with uniform
courtesy and surprising genetoslty.
Employes of Montreal Street
. Car Company Wreck Cars
and Kill Motorman.
It Is Said That a Representative of
Venezuela Must Have Authority
From the Venezuelan Congress.
Carac3sFeb. 6. A pamphlet Is be
ing circulated here which asserts
that the powers conferred on Minis
ter Bowen by President Castro are
null. The Venezuelan constitution
provides that a representative of
Venezuela in such cases must have
the authorization of the Venezuelan
congress. Bowen has not.
Is the Subject of English. Cabinet
London, Feb. 6. The cabinet met
this morning for the first time since
December. Balfour presided. The
Venezuelan affair was the subject of
Indications Are That in a Short Time
This Will be. One of the Largest
Labor Unions In Country.
Pittsburg, Pa., Feb. 6. Tomorrow
the coremakers throughout the coun
try will take a referendum vote on
the question of absorption by the
molders. The trades are closely al
lied, and have generally had a work
ing agreement, but the movement to
ward amalgamation that has been ap
parent In the organized labor world
for some time has bad the effect of
making closer relations desirable.
Should the vote be In the affirma
tive, as the Indications promise, local
unions of the coremakers will not
lose their Identity, the only differ
ence being that the molders' Interna'
tional will carry on all the work that
Is now done by the two organizations.
With the present policy of the mold
ers' union to absorb all of the allied
trades, the prospects are that 1L, will
In a short time become one of the
largest and most influential labor or
ganizations in the country, arid In ad
dition, all branches being under one
head, It Is believed that It will be
much easier to fix working agree
ments with the employes.
While Adjourning From a Mass Meet
Ing at 2 O'clock In the Morning,
Word Was Received That the Cars
Were Running Wreck- Flrsj Car.
Montreal, Feb. 6. Moting by the
striking employes of the street car
companies was started early today.
While adjourning from a mass
metetlng at 2 o'clock this morning,
word was received that the cars were
running. They hastened to meet the
first car, wrecked It with stones and
dragged it from tfie track. The mo
torman and conductor were severely
injured. The police dispersed the
Later a motorman was dragged
from another car and killed. The ma
jority of the strikers are French Ca
Over Twenty Laborers Buried
Under the Debris of a Four
Story Building in Buffalo.
Trainmen of the M. K. & T. Are
Given an Advance in Wages.
St Louis, Feb. '6. Tfie differences
of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas
railroad with their trainmen are set
tled. The freight men get u 15 per
cent advance, and the passenger men
12 per cent advance.
All Quiet at Waterbury.
Waterbury, Feb. 6. All 1b quiet
here, but there are Indications of a
settlement. ,
Brick Wall of a Building in Course
of Demolition Fell Over Burying
the Laborers at Work Several of
the Injured In Hospitals Will Die.
Buffalo, Feb. 6. The brick wall of
a four-story building In the course of
demolition on William street, Tell this
morning, burying n score or more la
borers under the debris. Flvu bodies
have been recovered. It is believed
that more are dead. Several of tho
Injured who were removed to the
hospitals, will die.
.--The roll of employes was called.
The contractors believe that eight
other bodies are beneath the fallen
walls. It is possible that some pe
destrians were caught also.
Says Society EntUvei Labor There
fore He Wants to Kill the Leaders
of Society.
Brussels, Feb. 6. The trial of llu
blno, tho Italian anarchist who at
tempted to kill Leopold, began to
day. Te Interrupted the proceedings sev
eral times. Ho beltovea himself a
hero and admits that ho Is an an
archlst. He says society enslaves la
bor, therefore ho wants to kill everybody.-
Ho admits that while In Lon
don he received pay from tho police
to spy otit anarchlsls.y Ho' took tho
money and gave It to the men whom
he was supposed to bo watching.
Students of Yale Organize
Searching Parties.
Now Haven, Feb. 6. Yale Is clos
ed this morning and nil tho student
have organized Into searching parties
to aid tho police In finding Mrs. Tra
cy Peck, tho wife of the Latin prores
sor, who disappeared last night. Tho
woman was demented as a result of
a severe case of la grippe. She Is
widely known as a brilliant writer.
Later Body Found.
Tho body of Mrs. Peck was found
in the Fort Hale park by one of tho
SheriffWithersof Lane County
Wounded by Man He Was
Trying to Arrest,
Testifies Before Jury Concerning the
Taking of Bodies.
Indianapolis, Feb. 6. In the grave
robbing case Samuel Martin, colored,
the first witness, said that Dr. Alex
ander promised him $30 apiece for 20
fsubjects. Alexander promised to
watch the board. of health returns and
notify Cantrell and Martin.
His first trip was In July, when he
secured the body of Glendora Gates,
In the Anderson cemetery. He got
$10 fcr the job. He next secured the
body of Wallace Johnson, which was
in a badly mangled condition and he
got $5. His next body was that of
Rose Neidlunger, for which he got
$10. -
Conversation Regarding Property
With Deceased Man, Admitted as
Dayton, Wash., Feb. G. The caso of
Bud Jettyjohn vs. Thomas Pettyjohn
was tried this week in the courts of
Columbia county and decided In fa
vor of the latter. The case involved
the posseeslon of a largo number of
cayuses, and was rather unique as
bringing In the legal point -whether
conversation regarding property with
a deceased man could bo used as ev-
ivence. On representation of the de
fendant's lawyer that such an Inter
pretation would virtually mean that
possession after a man's death of his
property would bo more than nine
points of the law, provided there were
no extant writings to disprove pos
session, the decision was given to
Thomas Pettyjohn.
Grave Fears That He Cannot Live
Suffering From Appendicitis.
Salt Lake, Feb. C. Cannon, the
democratic state chairman was opcr-
nlpd nnnn vnstnnlnv for nmiiindicItlH.
Thlo nftnrnnnn tilo .nnillHnn la vnrv t
critical. There are grave fears that
he cannot llvo.
His Whole Body Paralyzed Lyon
.Escaped and Posse It Nov? In Pur
suitWas Formerly a Deputy
Sheriff Embezzled School Funds.
Kugene, Or., Fob. C Shorlff W. W.
Withers was shot and fatally wound
ed last night, 20 mllos wost of horo,
by. Ellis Lyons, whom ho was trying
to arrest for horse stealing In Jack
son county.
Tho bull entered tho throat and
lodged In tho spinal column. Tho
whole body Is parnlyzed. Physicians
loft hero this morning. Tho body
will bo brought hero tonight,
Tho Hhcrllt entered Lyons' house
iuhI was bold by his mother and
wife. Tho shot was fired with a Win
chester. Lyons escapod and a pos no
Is now after him. Ho was u former
deputy sheriff, but baa slnco been In
the penitentiary for embozzllns
school funds.
Had to Pay $1 for Expectorating on
a Platform.
New York, Feb. C. Count Paul
Tlesenhauson, tho Russian, was ro-
lcased on payment of a fine of $1 for
expectorating on an elevated road
Hobson Can Quit.
Washington, Fob. C. Secretary of
the Navy Moody has decided to ac
cept Captain Hobson'n resignation.
an Effort
Prisoner Refused to Make
to Walk Witnesses
Threatening Letters.
New York, Feb. 6. The trial of
Hooper Young was resumed this
morning. The prisoner was literally
dragged Into'" court, refusing to make
cn effort to walk. Two burly depu
ties supported him, his feet sliding
along like wood. They dropped him
In a heap In the prisoner's chair,
where he laid with his head on the
table In utmost Indifference or stupe
fled terror. The witnesses continue
to receive threatening .letters from
Secretary Moody Announces That no
Battleship Will Be Built in Cali
fornia. Washington, Feb. C. Secretary of
the Navy Moody announced today
that there would be nu battleship
built at Mare Island. Bids properly
advertised and within the limits will
be accepted by tho government from
private parties.
McGovern vs. Bernstein.
Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 6. For the
first time in a long while Terry Mc
Govern, the former featherweignt
champion, is to be seen In the squared
circle tonight. Failing in his endeav
ors to clinch a return match with
"Young Corbett," the little Brooklyn
flchter has decided that It wouio ue
better to go against some of the less
or lights of pugilism rather than re
main in complete Idleness. His op
nnnpni tonlcht Is to be Joe Bernstein
and tho scene of the encounter will
be Industrial hall. The Philadelphia
law limits the bout to six rounds with
no decision.
Young Orators In Contest.
Indianapolis, Ind., Feb.' O.Thfi
presence In the city of large delega
tions of college students Is evidence
of the keen Interest manifested In the
annual contest of the Indiana Orator
ical Association which takes place
this evening. The competitors will In
clude the chosen representatives of
Franklin College, Indiana Uuiverslty,
Earlham College and other leading In
stitutions In the state.
May Compromise,
Indianapolis, Feb. 6. The wage
conference between the United Mine
Workers and tho bituminous opera
tors Is again in session. The belief
Is prevalent that a compromise will
be effected.
LIttlefield Anti-trust BUI.
Washington, Feb. 6. Only 13 mem
bers were in their seats when the
house met today for the discussion of
the LIttlefield anti-trust bill.
Granted a Divorce.
Oakland, Feb. 6. Wlllita F the
wife of Louis N. Brown, ex-secretary
of state, has been granted a divorce
on the grounds of desertion.
Reception In Honor of Senator and
Mrs. Leyi Ankeny is a Public Func
Walla Walla, Feb. f. Tho prepara
tions for the big public reception to
he tendered by tho citizens in Odd
Fellows' ball at 8 o'clock Saturday
night ln honor of Senator and Mrs.
Levi Ankeny, are progressing satis
factorily. The general committee
wIsIips It distinctly understood that
this is In no sense an Invitation af
fair it isra reception fdr tho general
public to attend, and it Is earnestly
desired that all who possibly can
come will do so. It was Impossible
in the short time iu which to prepare
to make a complete selection of
i.anies to act on the different com
mittees, and it Is well known that It
would not be possible to honor even
in this small way tho hundreds who
have supported Mr. Ankeny In ,tho
The reception promises fj bo a
highly enjoyable affair, and no pains
oie being spared In the brief time al
lotted ,for the work, to make It an
event long to be remembered In
Walla Walla. Iarge receptions wore
tendeied to tho newly elected sena
tor and his wife In Tacomd and Seat
tle, but the one In their home town
wlU eclipse anything attempted on
the Sound. Thero are hundreds in
Walla Walla and the surrounding
country who desire an opportunity
tc extend their congratulation to the
senator and bis wife, and for this
reason it was decided to have the af
fair in a public hall where the pub
lic may feci at liberty to come and
It Is also desired by the committee
that tho people of the. surrounding
towns, where Mr. and MrB. Ankeny
have friends, come to Walla Walla, If
possible, and participate In tho event,
tho invitation being general In this
Another Conference.
Washington, Feb. C. Another con
ferenre of the allies was hold In the
British embassy this morning.
George Adams, Who Was Accidental,
ly Shot.
Walla Wnlln, Fob. 6. Tho condi
tion of (leorgo Adnnis, who was
brought to the Walla Walla hospital
from Athenn Wednesday night, Is re
ported to bo critical. Tho ohot and
pieces of clothing, which had boon la
I the wound In the young mnn's loft
leg for two days, wero taken out
Wednesday night and he was thought
to bo on a fair way to recovery. Yes-
terday morning his teinpornturo be
gan to rlso and Into In tho evonlng
I ho was suffering from a high fover.
Tho surgeon did not ninko tho state
i moil t , but Inferred that amputation
J of tho limb would probably bo noces-
sary to save tho young man's llfo.
Wheat In Chicago.
Chicago Feb. C -Wheal 79 cents
ror bushel.
Business In the Big Skyscrapers of
Chicago Suspended Firemen May
Also Strike, Leaving the Buildings
Without Heat.
Chicago, Fob. C. All business on
top flofirs of the skyscrapers Is prac
tically suspended by tho strike of tho
elevator conductors, janitors and win
dow washers, who want a 20 por cent
Increase. All tho big buildings In
tho city aro threatened. Tho firemen
also will probably strike, leaving tho
buildings without heat.
Champion Jeffries Wants to Fight
Corbett to a Finish In Carson City.
St. Louis, Fob. G. Jeffries said to
day: "You may announce for mo that
if Corbett will agreo to meet mo in a
finish contest at Carson City, I will
allow him 20 seconds to recover, In
stead of the customary 10, That ought
to be an inducement for any man
wanting to claim tho championship."
Signed: "James J, Jeffries, cham
pion of the world."
To Visit Her Father.
Vienna, Feb. C. The crown princ
ess of Saxonv will visit her father on
the express condition that she romo
unaccompanied by Glron.
Schooner Ashore.
Vineyard Haven, Feb, 6.Tho
sevenrmauted schooner Thomas W.
Lawson, coal laden, Is asboro here.
Attempts aro being made to rescuo
the crew.
The disastrous effect of tho pro
longed drouth in New South Wales is
exemplified by the stock returns just
published, which show a shrinkage
during 1902 of 16,000,000 sheep and
275,000 head of cattle.
Companies K, I and F, of tho First
Washington Volunteers, Hold a Re
union. Walla Walla, Fob. (1. Tho fourth
anniversary of tho battle of Santa
Anna, tho first struggle In which tho 1
First Washington roglnfont was on
gaged during tho Spanish-American
war, was cplcbrnted In this city last
night l' the old momberH of compa
nies K. I and F, which woro muster
ed Iif nt Wnltsburg, Walla Walla and
Dayton, respectively. Nearly 50 of
tho boys wero present from tho two
neighboring towns, and cvory man
within ronch of this city wns pronont
to represent his company,
Tho local post and Indy frlmids pro
vided a splondld banquet last night,
and gavo a smoker lato In the oven
Ing. Sons of VetonuiH' hull was .
handsomely docoratcd with tho na
tional colorb and llowors, while two
tables occupied tho ontlro length of
tho hall. Tho banquet warf given
early, that all tho vIsltorH might
spend tho evening ns rijohU of tho
Itcd Men's carnival, whoro they woro
given placen of honor. After tho ban
quel tho men Hnfd up and marched,
100 strong, through tho streets, while
red flro was bumod by tho, business
men by whoso places tho lino passed.
After spending an hour at tho car
nival, tho voterans returned to tho
hall, wliei i a smoker and campllre
was hold, Sjiooclioi) wore niado by
Foveral vlnltorM. An addnias of wel
come was dollvnn-d by Hov, Andreas
Bard, whllo (1, I). Dorr, or Daylon,
respondod brightly. II. 8. Illandford
spoko briefly upon tho work of the
Ited Cross. Last year tho rouulon
won hold at Waltsburg, and noxt year
It Is likely to bo hold nt Dayton.
Show for Collies.
Stamford, Conn., Fob, C A dog
show restricted to coll Ion, oponed In
Stamford today under the uuHplcc of
tho Collie Club of Ainorlru, Tho ex
hibition lias attracted nearly COO of
tho best coIIIoh In tho Unltod Status
and Canada, tho most of which are
ontorrd for tho show of tho Westmin
ster Kennel Club at Now York next
week. Tho judKlng began today and
will continue until tho show closes
tomorrow night. Tho prize list Is a
notable ono, Including six valuable
cups offored by tho Collie Club of
America and Bpeclal prizes donated
by H. O, Huvemeycr and other prom
inent fanciers,