East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 05, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 5

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    Drummer's Samples i
4 v w -r w w -
Bum w m V W H WW HLSIHlRIl
Only a small lot bat evervone a bargain. Come
(.. - tnnr czf mav nt snia.
last (ftqhvmy
. . r T7TTTf AIJV ft 1 Qll'l
: Thompson's Shoo on Court
U. ntnrnr at 7 O'fl ock.
Preventing Anything Being
Etnpt was made last Monday
. . . 1....; a n nimmti.
10 UUliUliAU U .lliwnil-
noid-hand stoie and pawn
ttt Court street. J
went down 3treet some
thinks he was watched
.. j ,n 1nn1n.l anfl Ml tit
wjtotors of the breaking in
n. wl left the building for
ij.. un,i'mnp i rntlirneil
nunviwp -
... i i i . .1 1. airra
OClOCK, UUlUCttCU oi.wv.
tetsd oa the lights. He then
ftit uie siore was ui ran-
contusion, and began to In
8n far as he was able to
it tw time and since, not
$ irtltlt vas taken from the
v,t ri'lor nf i-noil trims and
v. m
-J.I 1 I I. .. fnlmrt
nfflffes aud laid In regular
.... ., ,. j.. .n
Bffici mem up euauy uuu uc-
eiDbosrd had heen mussed over
. tkM.l (La ...1.1 ...nr. I. rjAnrnl,
UiUUgu LUC lUUUtJt WUD tl.L-l
T IOr T3III.1I) ItiS 111 il H111U11 LUIU-
ru iscertalned that the perpe-
L.l.l . .7 t t.n.,nU n
. nf.w n , 1 . I.nllrilnf H .T tir3T
! me nigh fence surrouDaing
neit to the window. T".o
01 tlass hail Iippii liroken trow
wr part of the sash, and
rossibla burglars had gotten
lie room, It is supposed that
party, as the hole is not large enough
to admit a man of even average size.
An attempt had apparently been
made to unbolt the rear doov, which
Is close to the broken window, but
it had failed, perhaps on account of
the darkneis, or from hast. or for
both reasons.
Mr Thomson's theory Is that the
party was in the store when he,
Thomson, returned at 7 o'clock, and
that he decamped so suddenly he had
no opportunity to open the rear door
and get away with any booty. The
Intruder had cut himself probably on
the wrist or hand coming through
the window on the way In. and left
traves of blood on the window, show
cases, shelves and at variotiR other
Later in the night. It is said, a man
evidently suffering from some more
or less serious hurt, was seen sitting
on the sidewalk in a not very distant
locality from the store, but not much
attention was paid to him. It is hard
lv llkelv that he was the Thomson
burglar, however, as tne laner was.
not injured enough to prevent his
making a reconnolsance of the prem
ises after he had received nis nun;
In fact, the amount of blood he left
smeared about the premises was so
inconsiderable as to preclude the the
orv that he was at all badly hurt.
The police are of course working
on theories and whatever evidence
presents itself, to ferret out the iden
tity of the housebreaker of breakers.
Real Estate Transfers.
Sarah Dupret has sold to Frank
Dupret lots 1 and 2. in block zi, m
Artinlrt jC- Rnlev's addition. The pron-
ertv lies at the southwest corner of
Court and Lllleth streets. The con
sideration was $2000.
1 Anvil n Rlipek has houeht of Chas
W. Andrews, lot 5, and' the north 40
feet of lot G, block 1SU ot tne reser
vation .addition. The property, which
is valued at $800. lies on the west
side of Lllleth, between Bluff and
Tustin streets.
Sive money on your fuel and
Uways comfortable by using
w i x ilia v B d
JgeRuine Boynton Furnaces
"OOSt successful, oldest and
tCOnomir.al hcati
m aim largest neater man-
us in the United States.
i 'iiucn we can save you.
u onuui, ueiween nua
ana Webb Streets.
Granted a Divorce.
Mrs. Mary E. Day was yesterday
granted a divorce from J. Frank Day,
who was recntly sent to the peniten
tiary. This, conjoined with appar
ently good evidence that Day was
cruel to his wife berore he was sen
tenced, seemed to afford good ground
for the divorce. Mrs. Day and her
children are said to be In very desti
tute circumstances.
Thomas Gibson and Miss Bama
Phillips, both or Pendleton, were
married Tuesday at 11 a. ra., at the
Golden Rule hotel, Rev. G- W. Rlgsby
officiating. The ceremony took place
in the presence of a small party of
friends. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson will
reside on their farm near. Pilot Rock.
Collections Good.
Most of the merchants roport col
lections easier February 1 than is
usual at this time of tho year, and
much more so than January 1. A few
of tho collectors could not see much
difference between collections at this
time and at a corresponding period
last year.
Oil In Well.
J. A. Gavltt, who lives in South
Pendleton, has a driven well 18 feet
deep, which he says has tapped an
oil fissure. Water pumped from the
well has an oily scum on it.
. AH Rerm diseases can be prevented by using a good dis
r!fik?ni in time A Eood disinfectant must be prompt and
KATlRrVS rTOTiTnnnm a vrm r- rru fmm nrlnr. nroniDl and
rl'Dle m action and cheap. It purifies the air, deodorizes and
"alects anything it is applied to.
ie are Sole AgontB. Price 35c a quart bottle, or three
Z u01 U delivered to any part of the city. A quart makes
'ions of disinfectant.
J. A. Howard, farm loans.
Sea food fresh at Castle's.
Try Grat2'8 clam chowder.
Hohbach's baking Is good.
Oyster cocktails at GraU'e.
Hohbach's baking Is clean.
Fresh fish dally at Castle's.
Clothing cleaned by Joerger.
Smokers' supplies at Neuman's.
Smoke the Pendleton Favorite.
For shoe repairing eee Teutsch.
Big undorware sale at Teutsch's.
Hohbach's baking Is unsurpassed.
We are still repairing shoes at
A gentleman's smoke, The Pendle
ton Favorite.
Hays cigar store, headquarters for
smokers' supplies.
Something new. slrt waist silk suits
at Eben's suit house.
For Sale A fine new folding bed.
Apply at 211 Court street.
Otto Boettcher has bought a very
fine trap shooting shot gun.
Imported llmburger and Swiss
cheese sandwiched at Gratz's.
"Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch"
onlj SSc, at Nolf's book store.
Smokers enjoy a good smoke.
That's what they get at Rees'.
For Rent Four-rooms house, near
academy. Inquire at E. O. office.
For Rent Two furnished front
100ms. Address Mrs. H. S. Dorman.
Lot for sale; great bargain; Raley's
addition. Inquire at 403 Alta street.
The Oregon Daily Journal can be
found on sale at Frazier's book store.
H. B. Rees, the cigar dealer, is re
modeling his store at 113 Court
A surprise when you see that cozy
homo I can sell you for $1000. E. T.
Hear Fred Hartman In the song en
titled "David Jones" Friday evening,
February C.
Wood anr5 coal by car lots a spec
ialty. P. P. Collier & Co., 'phone
Main 1121.
Ed Eben's muslin underwear line
Is bigger, newer and cheaper than
"Above the Clouds" has no room for
Grand Opera trilling, but it has place
for clear enunciation.
For Sale Residence with one, two
or three lots, located at 517 Jane
street. Call at house.
The "Stanford Folders" for photo
graphs, six different sizes, the latest
mounts, at Wheeler's.
For Rent Unfurnished rooms,
suitable for light housekeeping; call
at 023 Johnson street.
Free hacks from Earnhart's real
estate office to the McCallister addi
tion tomorrow and Saturday.
The order of the Knights of Pythias
in this place has taken in 43 members
during the past three months.
Beautiful B-room cottage, two lota,
shade and fruit trees, nicely located.
Reduced to $1500. E. T. Wade.
The degree of Pocahontas, of the
Order of Redmen, will give a social
next Honday night in Hendricks' hall.
Alert Hose Company, at Its last
meeting elected thiee new members
Ed Culp, E. Nolf and Moscom
For Sale Brick building with
basement, 50x90 on Main street. Good
property at a bargain. Easy terms.
E. T. Wade.
See W, B. Jenkins for door name
plate, signs, numbers, etc. Newest
novelties. Prices low. Office, Commer
cial Association.
Purl Bowman has in contemplation
building his business house at the
corner of Railroad and Garden streets
three stories in height.
The Gun Club will shoot next Sun
day for the ined'al clay birds, 25 tar
nets: Butte handicap. V. J. St-well
holds last month's medal. (
The McCallister addition will be
placed on the market tomorrow aud'
Saturday. Select a choice lot at a,
price that will soon double in value. .
Alert Hose Company will give a
dance the night of February IS. The
proceeds will be devoted to the pur-'
chase of rubber coats for the com
pany. Frank Duprate, of Pendleton, has'
sold to Sarah Duprat for $2500, lot
12, block 8. of the original townsite. ;
The property lies at the southeast
corner of Water and Johuson streets.
Tomorrow and Saturday the McCal j
lister addition will be thrown open to J
the public. Don't miss the opportuni
ty to secure a choice building lot'
in this model residence portion ofl
Pendleton. I
See the pantomime "Nearer My)
God to Thee" given by the littl"
Misses Younger, Burton, Vogel, M I
Johnson, Cameron, E. Johnson and
Boylen at Frazer's opera house. Fri
day evening, February C. j
The students who are to present
"Above the Clouds" Friday evening.)
Feb. C, are working-very hard to make
the play a success both artistically '
and financially. Will you please come
out on that evening and help them?
A Five-Room Cottage,
James Crawford, the harness deal
er, will build soon a residence on
Madison street between Washington
and Jackson. It will be a five-room
cottage, C. E. Troutman is the ar
chitect, but tho contract has not yet
beon lot
Ex-Senator Proebstel ' Goes to the j S
1 Capital to Renew Old Acquaint- S
ances and Listen to Legislators. S
G. W. Proebstel, ot Weston, ex-1 W
state senator for Umatilla county. Is j 3
in the city today, en' route to Portland j 8
and Salem to spend a few days visit- S
lng and sight-seeing during the leg-1
lslatlve session. Mr. Proebstel thinks ft
the senatorial situntlon is as badly 1 3
mixed now as at the session two ,
years ago. . S
He is the father ot the anti-slot j
machine b'ill now in force In Oregon.
and enjoys the distinction of being
the cause of the moral crusado which!
has resulted In removing those ma
chines from the list of temptations
before the citizens of his state.
Mr. ProebstPl I unreserved In say
ing that too many bills are intro
duced at each session, and that ho
thinks the present laws should bel
pruned down, simplified, cleared up
and made effective before another
new law Is added to tho code. He
left for the west on the delayed train
It Pays to Trade at The Peoples Warehouse
Drills High School Pupils.
Mrs. Virginia Drew Treseott, of tho
"IjDrd Strathmore' company, visited
the high school this morning and gave
some impersonations that are said to
have been very fine nnd to have boon
greatly 'appreciated by the students.
Among other dramatic fragments was
a scene from Macbeth. Mrs. Aroscott
gave the students, many of whom are
in the cast of "Above the' Clouds,"
much good and pointed advice about
the rendition of parts in amateur
plays advice which most of the cast
present think they can profit by.
Dill Kangarooed.
Frank Dill, a prisoner in tho county
Jail, who had but nine more days to
serve for stealing a pair of shapps,
attempted to escape yesterday noon.
He had been made a trusty nnd had
been sent after the dinner for the
prisoners. Instead of returning with
the dinner he took to his heels. An
hour later he was found hiding In a
hay mow and was taken back to the
jail. Then he was kangarood by be
ing spanked with a piece of hose
wielded by one of the prisoners.
Ends of TABLE LINEN at about half
TOWELS, of which there are only a
few left of a kind.
DRESS GOODS remnants at half
price, and some even less. .
this space ; new items every
Agents Batterick's Patterns.
Out of the Wreck.
The- wrecked engine, tender, bag
gage car and coach which went into
Meacham cteek on January 25. reach
ed Pendleton last night en route
from the scene of the disaster to the
company's works at Portland. It wan
a bad looking outfit and considerable
speculation was Indulged in by the
inspectors bs to how It was possible
for so many people to go through
such an experience nnd so few be in
Auction Called Off.
On account of the death of William
Searcey, of Missouri Gulch, the auc
tion sale of lversonal property adver
tised to take place at the home of
the deceased on Friday, February C,
is postponed to a later date.
We have the largest stock of carpets, outside of Portland, in
the state. This is an undisputable fact, We offer better bar
gains than can be had in Eastern Oregon, another fact which
is proven by the low prices we are offering.
Next door to Postoflicc.
We announce that we have opened undertaking parlors in
connection with our furniture and carpet store and will answer
calls day oV night. Phone Black 273.
All 5c Toilet Soap,
39o a Dozen.
Next Step.
Knocker Jones is rich enough to
be his own boss.
Blocker Yes; that's why lie's buy
ing old masters. New York Herald.
For Ladies Have Arrived
Boston Store!
Our 35c and 40c Window Shades,
65c and 75c Jardinieres, special at
The Delicacies
of the season are always
found at our restaurant.
At present we have
Finest Oysters f Frog
Legs Clams 'f' Crabs
f and ! Lobsters
Any Statuary in the house for J
Half Price.
Fresh Flower Seeds, regular 5c
values at
and other salt and fresh
water foods
The French
yi off on our complete line 131uc
and White Enamel Ware.
The Nolf State
let us fill
;y 6 u"r" bYll
for lumber
We can supply you with
Building Material of all
descriptions and i-ave
you money.
Tle)lin Main 4
liu tiding paper, lime,
cement, brick and sand
Wood gutters for barns
and dwellings a specialty.
Oregon Lumber Yard
j Alta St., Opp. Court House
Where Whole Families are Shod. I auHK'W,WKr
His Candid Opinion.
"Could you write as good a book
as this SIzzera who has leaped Into
"I could write a hotter book," an
swered the self-trustful author, "but
I couldn't write one that would sell
as well." Washington Star.
- (
Physicians prescribe
it for their most deli
cate Datients
Korfidle bjr
'That Tired Feeling"
It gives the carpenter and
builder when lie has to use
poor tools. There is no ne
cessity of it when you can
buy the very bust that is
made at bed rock prices from
our superb stock. Our as
sortment of high grade tools,
builders' hardware and
everything that is embraced
in the line of hardware you
will find here at prices that
can't be duplicated.
W. J. CLARKE 6c CO.,
We have bought of tho Allen Brothers, their interest In the
Wood business, and now we are ready to furnish the best
dry wood on .short notice, Office 6S8 Main Street.
Phone 2. P. P. COLLIER & CO,