kiness P .art. ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED ..uc Bspsi"sss JUDD rmtK "Vie M rr. nnc "'"Vi ratar rr.' rrii bear F JL'itaVk. Telephone La CAT 7b, nouBorATnic L- office In Jodd Office, blck 78 J,WPD00H liek IU- physician rsoecUltln. eye, esr, nose . a..iM ntnr nnun f m mi i i. , CGrCS, OSTEOPATHIC OK ACQ OCfTUUa uivrasn one block west or post- t7fiiv8Ician' and si'r. pilCESI.EE. CHItONIC tif mi diseases of wo- - ti.i. -i m Ibone main T21 : Re. OEHTISTS. yX DE.VTJ8T. OFFICE IN floae red 71. tCIIST. OFFICE IN AE Lt eni Schmldt'i new drne IsJiTl. (AND BROKERS. BANK OF ATUKNA. fc.HI, 150.000: snrplus and uttrrst on time depoilu. uu aomeetic exchsng sjtly attended to. Henry at; i J tLn, vice-presl- Ifcr-it. cashier; F 8. Le- i aialer FRATERNAL ORDERS, UMATILLA TENT, NO. 27. K. 0. T. If. mku w Decree society nan, lecond and luunu iucmnji in cca moo in. All Tlllt lng Sir Knights cordially Invited. J. a Met, necord Keeper; B. D. Estabrook, I'iiMULUniS L.ODOE, NO. 82. A. F. AND A. VI., meets drat and third Mondays of '.' iuvuui. tmiuuit Dr-Einrra i. nwui . j. ; joe u. imn. rm PRNDLETON CnAITnit. NO. 28 T. Taylor. H. T.. F. F. Wamalev. mTCw icvuuu ouu luurca rnuays Of cac& utuuiu iu uuomc can. LtAMU.N fcODOE. NO. . KNIOIIT OF Pythias. L. W. nM. n r- n to r icuurr. xi. 01 it. nnn M avan , . . , , . . .. W.S.J nwuuajr iu oociety nan. MODERN WOOMKN OF AMERICA TutulUa Camp. No. G3B9. ant ana mira wonasys oi each month at Odd r snows nan. ueorre A HambUn r-nn ui , u. a, noosing, ;ierc. WOODMRN OF THE WORLD REGULAR meetings or i'enaieton cimn. Nn 11 to. of V. are held In Secret Society ball every SfltUrdar evtnlne. Vlnltlne nelphhora mr ") mraae. j. r. ncam, uiert: Tnos, Flttgcrald, CO. PENDLETON CIRCLE NO 527, WOMEN OF Woodcraft, meeta every Friday cvcnlnc at HendrlX nail. All rllltlnr nnlirhhnn mru rnr. ui&iij luruei to aiiena. Minnie atiuman Gnardtan Neighbor; Eva Fletcher, Clert. ATTORNEYS. JAMES A. building. FEE, LAW OFFICE IN JUDD UAILEY & LOWELL. ATTORNEYS AT law. Office in Despaln Block. BALLERAT 4 McCOURT. LAWYERS, As sociation Dmicung. CARTER & RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT law. Office In Sarlngs Bank bnlldlng. IIENRY J. BEAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Association Block, Pendleton, Oregon. E. D. BOYD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Conrt street 111 ' DIKE OF WESTON. uoea a general ban age bought and sold. attended to. c Oeoree W Proehatet. IIS. Kllpore, cashier; dt- l&rtman. M. M. Johns. T. ttar, J. F Kllgore, Robert r.jwesetel. FOX SAVING 8 BANE, Organized March 1, u: surnins. time ocdosiu. Ex- (old on all nrlnclnal iittentlon clren to col (hmlsh, president; J. N. ad; T J, Morrli. cashier: l,sdftant cashier , BANK OF PENDLE- Ifitroo; snrplns. 1 03,000. 1 nansing misineas. tlx- lie transrers sola on Imdiro, New York and i a the Nortnwest. units i Jim ana enrope. uases iMiii& terms, ijvti ad l'.w r. Matlock. Tlce-preal ffilt euMtr; u r joanaon. feCTB BUILDERS. Biv H.MH1TECT AND 8U- tt. mixta conplrte and rella I kuUalap is w city or conn hi JvAi knlldlai. COLE. COXTBACTORS AND i Entlmiui naunea on short Vert I DMlaltr. PromDt bp a but met near Main. , nwreicnm and build- uta maiM on all kinds ttaat nib, atone walls, etc i tt uk ungonian office. JT. ABCHITECT AND SU Soa IE. Association silftn, Oregon. , rLlSTEHINQ AND CE- Caot nlx a peclalty. E- mm ow. wori guaranteed. Bit otiif aad 7hnr' rtar IK, F. V. sI 101. OSIAL PARLOR8. BABESB BHOP AND ll&eeL thl rioora north of i JJrrt eiau serrlce. Parlour. raintT or fofQolden Rule Hotel. J.' m cum norkmen, orery- Mr BABBER "HOP, DE8--I pMn, r3i worKmansnip; nmmenu; all tools sterll i connection. L, B. REEDER, ATTORNEY renaieron, uregon. N. BERKELEY, ATTORNEY Office In Association Block. AT LAW, AT LAW. H. E. COLLIER. LAWYER, OFFICE rooms 7 and 8, Association bnlldlng. STILLMAN & PIERCE, ATTORNEYS AT law. Mr. StIIIman has been admitted to practice In United States patent offices and makes a specialty of Patent Law. Rooms 10, 11, 12 and 18, Association Block. R. 8 BRYSuN, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW; COL- lectloni and Insurance. Office In E. O. build ing. R.J. BLATER, ATTORNEY, ROOMS 425 JUDD unuaing. ' I underst..r. v "Yes. he started tn tiothar did. ' iir.d n f is by t- 'imp i- . u - p..tutitl. t 1I tro'i a writ lis till s T SCALPERS BILL TO PREVENT SECOND USE OF RAIROAD TICKETS. these best lands Is constantly going on by speculators and land stealers. If the lands were lielnc onterpil liv bona fide settlers and prospective home seekers who simply wanted to be on the land when the Irrigation works are constructed, there would be no harm, as actual settlement is what is desired, but most of the en tries are known to be fraudulent, made by "dummies" who immediate ly transfer title to big speculative and stock inteiests. This Is shown by the fact that in many sections where large areas have been entered, there Tourists Who Make a Practice of Selling Used Tickets, Cannot Dis pose of Them Under the New Law Brokers Are Fighting It Bitterly. Salem, Ore.. Jan. 30. City ticket brokers are In dismay over the Intro-,1s absolutelyno increase in the popti auction or a Din in uie urcgon legis- lauon. lature, which they say will drive them out- of business If It becomes a law. The bill was Introduced by Mr. Davey and reads: 'Section 1. It shall be unlawful for Fighting Tobacco Trust. I New York, Jan. 30. It Is learned that the Retail Cigar and Tobacco T lillnfe' A eonnlnMnn i tilnti Vinr na t any person, firm or association of per- j been lncorportea ,n' thls 8tato con. V J, , r , templates the establishment of a dls or their agents to open, establish, set I ,..iu.,n r .i, i,.m r tit m 1 l VI1UUIIUS UCUUl 1U1 It Is 11 1 1 1 1 1 Ul up or maintain anj office or place of ds Rd th companle8 nt ,. business for the sale of railroad tick- cb,uded in op cyontrolled 'by 1Ue tobac. ets at rates lower than those estab-, t,t ,,, , ' Q0 Q llshed by the railroad company issu- ,ho ,mnnrrJ K(pn vpf ,,,, ing tickets. in the well organized fight of the in- BOOT AND SHOE REPAIRING. f. ctiEEWiWALD. THE OLD RELIABLE Shoemaker, rirst-ciass repairing wun best materials. Shop In rear of Dlndlnger Wilson CO. JOHN WILSON, FIRST-CLASS SHOB- maker and renalrer. Best material used and good work done, shop 117 AJta Bt LiyERY AND FEED 8TABLE8. THE CITY LIVERY BOARD AND BALE Stable, M. J. Carney, proprietor, for One '.nrnonu. staoie lis Aits street. LIVERY. FEED AND 8 ALES STABLE. A. C. . Dresser. l'rOD . Old Bemnle Stable. 723 Cotton wood street; carelol attention giren to horses leu witn ui. FEED AND 8ALE8 STABLE, LINDSEY 4 DOTY Pmn Old Sfimnls Stable. Til Cottonwood street; careful attention given to horses left wun ub. COMMERCIAL ETABLEB, G. M. FBOOME Prop. Llrery, feed and boaraicc. All clnds of turnouts. Competent drlrers. Op- ooslte uotei l'enaieton. i-nons man ioi OREGON FEED YARD, W. T. BOYNTON nron. Hnsclal care irircn to norses If II with me. Lower Webb street. 'Phone red 2M. ELECTRICAL 8UPPLIE8. CAPLE BROS.. 217 COURT BTBEET, General Elsctrlclane, dealers In elee rleal supplies. Bouses, stores, wired for -lectrlc lutbts. bells or telephones. Elee- rlcal fixtures of all kinds. Get our prices. tepalr work a specialty. PHOTOQRAPHER8. W. 8. BOWMAN, LEADING PHOTOGBA nhcr nf the clrr. Harrest Tiews. in dtan photos for sale. Flnlsblng done for amateurs. Main St. near bridge. 'Phone red 276. COMMISSION CO. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $300,00011 i Grain, Provisions, Iteeks, Bends and Cotton for Cash or Future Delivery Mwemment. municipal and miscellaneous securities. Own- me moat extensive prlTate wire system In tie world we or small orders more promptly ana satisfactory man ate to execute orders when limits are reached. We do not ime lor more than the margin you place In trade, we st for carrying long stocks. REQUIRED drain. tr nor titiatiol atvV tS Der share. Wlln. Ue nor hllRhpI- airwrv V. f 1 nor ont Fa you our Book of Statistics and Dally Market free. Write ENCE; 75 National and State Banks. REFERENCE: Pendleton 8avlng Bank. ' .1' a 01 commerce DuUdlng, Minneapolis, Minn., isx- J5 Pnllraan, RlUrlUe. Dayton, Walla Walla. Moscow. Pendle 7r wnatructioTi to PerUand, Tacoma, Seattle, Brerett and KoaTe an open traae or sccpunt with us you can operate It 1 Room 4, Association Block. 'Phone Main 851. I 0. SULLIVAN. Maiiagsp 1 Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for. denendent dealers aeainst thn com any person, firm or association to sell ; bine. .The establishment of such a de- or offer for sale to other than rallroaa ) pot s considered a trade necessity on companies or their agents any, rail-, account of the intention of the asso road ticket at a rate lower than that elation to handle only the product of established by the railroad companies ; the Independent factories. By incor- BOARD AND LODGING, EMPIRE LODGING HOUSE, CORNER OP B. Court and Johnson streets. Good large, elean roona with comfortatla beds. Rates 25c and BOc a night. Tbos. Smart, Prop. HOTEL ALTA, CORNER ALTA AND Mill streets. Board by the day or week. Good table set Rates $1 and $5 per week. Pendleton Feed Yard In connection. U Neff, prop. THE 8T. OKOUQE RESTAURANT. REOTJ lar meali ! cento. Short orders a specialty, Open day and night, T. A Oldfather, Prop. THE STRAHON ROOMING ROUSE filS MAIN atreet, Mr If. K. Cooper, Prop. Knrytblns new and strictly first elaaa. Rates !, Mo and II per day. LODGING AND HOARDING H0U8E ROOMS for lode-fir and llffht hnnfikr.ln. K V. Sullivan, proprietor, Cottonwood street, nest to Wheolet'a Photo Qallery. TRE WntTE LODGING II0U8K, SOI SOUTH Main street. Mrs. Msry Williams, Prop, ItonMkMnln rrvnmi and tivlrlnr Tfwimt. Good comfortable rooms and clean, welt ktpt beds . Lodging 25 cents. ROOM8TO HENT.1I7 COLLEGE STREET. FOR RENT NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM8; wen locaieu. vu at vtTJ west uouti ntrcet. CABS AND CARRIAGES, RUI1BER TIRE HACK", NEW AND VERY istea style, tor trie semes or tns public. C. D. Carlin and Jas. B. McKay, props. Csll st the Commercial llrery stable or tele phone main 101 and the bark wlllvcall for yon. v CITY CAB LINE, ERWIN BAKER, PROP- leiepnone Aiamr,ui. iiiuco ana waning room, Alta street, next to Barings Bank Bldg. VETERINARY SURGEON. I1R.G. W. VACGHAN, GRADUATE OP THE San Francisco Veterlnarr College: calls at tended to dar or nleht. Offico nt Denot Stables; phono Red 811. TRANSPORTATION LINES. mm. . AND Union Pacific INSURANCE & LAND BU8INE88. J.M. BENTLEY REPRESENTS THE OLDEST and most reliable Are and accident lnsur auce companies. Office with Hartman Ab straat Co, JOE U. PAKKES, OFFICE COTTONWOOD Bt. opera bouse block '.land office bus iness, aoch as filing of claims and Initiating contests a specialty. JOHN HAILEY, JR., U. 8. LAND COM- mlssloner specialty made of land mines snd proof: Insurance and collections. Of fice In Judd building, room iu. SECOND-HAND DEALER8. GEORGE O'DANIEL, NEW AND SECOND hsnd goods bought and sold. Court Bt. Opera house block. Call and see him. V. STRODLE, DEALER IN SECOND- band goods. If there Is anything yon need In new or second-band fnrnltnre. stores, granite ware and crockery .call and get his prices. No 212 Court street. NEW AND 8ECONP HAND OOODS BOUGHT and sold: nawn bukers: moner advanced on all kinds nf articles. Waters Shcrrv. nrons.. 7S2 Cottonwood street. BLACK8MITHING. COI'ELAND A SON.GENERALRLACKSMITIIS. uotse anoeing a specialty, sm wcddbi. issuing such ticket, Sec. 3. Any person violating any of the provisions of this act shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not less than $100, and not more than ?500, and any firm or cor poration violating any of the provis ions of this act shall upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not less than $500, nor more than $1,000." "This act would give the railroad companies of Oregon more power than they have now," said a ticket broker today, "and it would entail a dead loss to the purchasSr of a "ticket who through some mishap might not com plete the trip for which he had paid j his money. It would be just as reas-' onable to forbla the sale of street cat tickets, bread tickets or postage; stamps by the party who, after paying cash for them, found out he had more j of them than he would be able to use. I don t think the legislature will pass any such a bill and I am sure Governor Chamberlain would veto It if it came to him, as he is a man of affairs and knows the railroads of the country have more power now than the common people." The ticket brokers of Portland are members of the American Ticket Bro kers' Association, whose business It isr to look after hostile legislation and to test all such acts as this in the courts, should they become laws. The association has been notified of the introduction or this bill, but thus far nothing has been heard from the head office In regard to it. porating and giving each member of the association an actual financial in terest in the success of the distrlbut Ing depot. It Is believed that any ob jectlonable and possibly Illegal simi larity to a boycott agreement Is avoided. Meanwhile, the Independent dealers, large and small, throughout Ihc city are preparing to remove all articles known as "trust goods" from their stores. GOOD ROADS DELEGATES. Governor Chamberlain Names Men to Attend Coming Meeting at De troit Salem. Jan. 30. Governor Cham berlain has appointed the following delegates to attend the International Good Roads convention to be held at Detroit, February" 13-14 next; J. J. Whitney, Albany; W. E. Grace, Baker City; P. H. D'Arcy, Salem; J. It. Nelll. Sumpter; Ira Campbell, Eugene; J2. h. Smith, Hood Itiver; John H. Scott, Salem; G. W. Bridewell, BrideweJI Station: H. V. Gates, Hlllsboro; J. H, Settlemler, Woodburn. Tailors to Invade Cincinnati. Cincinnati, O.. Jan. 30. The local committee of arrangements is making extensive preparations for entertain ing the visiting delegates who will come fiom all parts pft the United States next week to attend the annual meeting of the Merchant Tailors' N'a tional Exchange. The convention promises to be the most successful t-ver held, the- organization having de veloped a healthy growth during the past year. One of the matters to be discussed by the convention Is the proposed establishment of a national home for infirm, disabled or depend c-nt tailors. The project was fiist Bug ge-sted 10 years ago, since which time lunds have been raised until the ag gregate now approaches $50,000. It is believed that another year will see the realization of the project. Colo' ltdo and several dber localities have lif-en mentioned as the site for thp In stitution, but no defin'Me selection 1 os yet been made. LAND SHARKS INTERFERE. Government Engineers Cl&lm That Ir rigation Work Is Retarded. Washington, Jan. 30, The govern ment engineers who have In charge the execution of- the National Irirga tlon Law ere 6ver the discovery that the land trib utary to the various Irrigation pro jects which they have been surveying since the passage of the act has been largely filed upon by private parties In anticipation of government con-- structlon. Much -Fraud Is Practiced. Not only thls.'but the absorption of Denver Honors Senator Teller. Denver, Jan, 30. Notwithstanding the severe snowstorm which broke upon Denver at C o'clock Wednesday evening, the reception to United States Senator Teller at (he Brown Palace from 7:30 to 9 o'clock was targely attended. The rotunda was profusely decorated with flags and bunting and thousands of men and women of all parties crowded in to giasp the hand of the man whom the Colorado legislature recently honor ed for the sixth time by eleetfon to the United States senate. The recep tion was followed by a banquet at the hotel In honor of Senator Teller the guests Including democratic members of the legislature, the six representa tives who were unseated; members of the democratic central committee and 100 other iromlncnt democrats. Ex- Governor C S- Thomas ucted as I toastmartor Mourn for the Crown Prince, Vienna, Jan. 30. Emperor Francis not a little rirturbed ' j0BePh aU(V tho Archduchess Marie not a little pertuiuea , Haiinhter. fndav observed the 14th anniversary of the tragic dt-ath of Ciown Prince Itudnlph. In deepest mourning they went to the Capuchin church, wheio they prayed beside the wreath-covered tombs of the crown prince and his murdered mother, the Empress Elizabeth. Both father and daughter manifested much .emotion. ' EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. 8POONKMORE, THE EMPLOYMENT AGENT and Metsenger man. If yon want employ ment or help, or reliable metsenger serTlce at all honrs, call on him, 220 Court St.. Phone macs i9. DirJtaT Ttmo Kohnlulo laatrs roa From l'omlloton nua Tortlsnd Portland Special No, I Toe But 8110 am Rmaoa, Chicago Chicago 8(ectal No. 3 ParUaal t0 pm SMOpsk Portland Mall and Express No.9 The lss VM a m l'.Uass Tho East) Mall and EipressNo.s Portland 4U0am 4:13 am Fandleton Passenger Spokane No, 7 S-.Opsa Spokane Spokane Paa.oenger 8:15 am No. 8 Pendleton Branch , M Mixed Train No. 41 lpsa ,.. Walla Walla Branch Ocean and River Schedule. FROM PORTLAND. Alt sailing dates sub- a-oon m ieet to change. s w p. m. ror g, Pninc1SC0 4:00 p. m. Ball ereryti days. TJaTIT 1 MndVr Columbia ItlT.r !00 8:00p.m. To Astoria and Way Sunday Saturday Landings. 10 WO p in. ' Wlllnmotto Hlvor. Boats leare Portland dally, oxcept Sunday, (stago of wator permitting) for Willamette anal Yamhill lllri-r points. Leave Leays Itlparla Snake Hirer Lewtstoa 45 a.m. KIparlatoLt'Wlston 7:00 a. la. Dally Dny Excpt Mod Excpt Mas F. F. WAM8LEY, Agent, Pendleton. Washington & Columbia River Railroad STAR EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 638 MAIN BT.S If you need help or seek employment call on ni. rnone Main iuii. WANTED. WANTED - HOUSEWORK BY THE DAY cll on on or address Mrs II. Huntington, yui TC3I Aim oi. Notice of Proposed Improvement of cosme street, Between Alta street and Court Street. Notice Is hereby given that nt n meeting of id- common council oi me uitr rendition, was ordered that Cosbii- meet U tween Alta street and Court street be Improved by the construction of a wooden ''(leivalt on the east side thereof between said A -ta street and Court strrot, the cost oi such Improvement to be as sented against tne abutting prop rty. Hemuuiirance against inia proposed im movement mav be filed with the Cltv Recorder within ten data from the date of tills notice. Dated tnia iu aay ot jauutiry, 1 U. 1903. By order ol the Common Council. Attest: Thomas KiTZOcxiLP, city Recorder. Notice of Proposed Improvement of main aireei, Between jacKson Street and Wilson Street. Notice la herebr eiven that at a meetlne of the Common Connc'l oi the rlty of Pendleton, held on tho 21st davof Jaiiuarr. A. D. 1903. It was ordered that Main atreet between Jackson street and Wilton street be Improved by grad ing tbe same the full width oi the street be tween Jarkson street and Wilson street, and constructing sidewalks on Main street on both Ides of said Main street between Jackson street and Washington streets, the cost of such proposed Improvement to tw assessed against tbe abutting property. Remonstrance against aald proponed Im provement may he filed with tbe City Recorder within ten days from the date of this notice. uatea tnis ia aay or J anuary, a u. iikjcs. Uy Order of tbe Common Council. Atteit: Thomas FiTzaxsiLn, City Recorder, WHAT IS THE USE of suffering from indigestion If yon eat what you want, or of starving yourself to avoid such distress? Acker's Dyspepsia Teblets taken after eating will digest your food per fectly and free you from alL the dis agreeable fcymptoms of Indigestion and dyspepsia. Eat what you like at any time and take an Acker Tablet afterward. Positively guaranteed. Your money will always be refunded If you are not satisfied. Write to us for a free sample. W. H. Hooker & Co., Uuffalo, N. Y. F W Schmidt & Co. Take this route for Chicago, Bt. Paul, Bt. Louis, Kan sas City, Bt. Joe, Omaha, and All Points East and South Portland and points on the Sound TIME CARD. Leave Pendleton, dallr excent Rnndm 7:00. pm. Artlre Pendleton Monday. Wednesday I Friday 11 as pm. ' Arrlre Pendleton Tuesday. Thursday ana Baturday 9 38 am. Leave Walla Walla dally, eaat bound, II M0 pat, Arrive Walla Walla daily, west Wound, 8:t sat For Information reeardlnff rates and acoaaa. modatlona, call on or address w. A DA MB, Agent, 1'endletan. Orantn. 8. B. OALDERI1EAD.G P. A., Walls Walla, Wash, RUNS Pullman Sleeping Cars, Elegunt Dining Cars, Tourist Sleeping Cars. SI'. l'AOL MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH FARGO TOj ) GRAND FORKS UKooiwroK WINNEPEQ HELENA and I BUTTE. THROUGH TICKETS 1 CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK; BOSTON and nil points East and South fhifiUfh tickets to Jaean and China. la Tacoma and Northern Facing Steamship Os, and American line, TIME SCHKDULK. Trains leave Pendleton dally sxesnl lulu at 710 p.m. For further luloruation, time cards, saaps and tickets, callon or write W. Adams, Pan. dlston, Oregon, or A. I), ''UAHLTON, inira ana Morrison nil., roruana, ut. MANHOOD RESTOREDt?u""IL BBBBSSSBSw viuuuer.iuspreacriptionolarazaonarrencb physician, will quickly cura you of a , ,X I'f'vuwor dUriutaot Ilia Keiierullya urgans, such m I.uat lnuliuJ, XnuululZ fW ss Ibo lakrti,Sriuliml Kiululons, Nrryuua lllllly, IMaiple? WtK JfM ".uvf losaesbydayoriilflit. I'reyvntaqulfkueMof disctiarxF.wlilelilf imtcbeekul ' VfsST lea-la lu Bfit-riualorrlja-u and all thohorrurtfof Imvotcnuy, S'lTllmiNH closes lbs and reatorea small weak nrtriuii. nnt.i ,,!1-Ta,iu",rf ' f" "ol "'" Pf -iwctonjlsrweauaseoperoentara troubled with Vi UVl'lVKHK the only kn'jwn ri-tiiwly to cure w Itljoul en ciixraUiin. ma UdtlinriiiLiln. mitueriyen and innm-y j-tuintl if .(,xedisnot eaoct a neruuuieut cur. 111X1 bt tuarui by ciall. henl for KUi.Ki-lrrnl -ruriu roalatltla. nti A wr HUM i'.!umMl'ui tCoct a eruuuieui cure. Llxi a tyiit tu(fAa$ ' ., I' O. jlox vm. Baa Vrmudwvi. C! 80UD BY TALLMAN . CO., DRUGQI8T8, PENDLETON, OREGON,