5Si- ?5 I Mead Alexander's Ad. lomorrow g ft; 3 St St 8 I I The Columbia Lodging House NEWLY FURNISHED BAB IN CONNECTION IN CENTER OF BLOCK BET. ALTA & WEBB STB F. X. SCHEMPP, Prop. FOR SALE Fffil RESIDENCE PROPERTIES dwelling fiouse and two iu with metty shaded lawn, on prom inent comet ol court street, $2500. &. rtvceUlnr. eeven rooms, centrally lecated, wlta electric lights, bath and etcenn, U shaded lawn, $2500. Bli roan dwelling, stable and two idttffingand lot, centrally locat ed, fKU OUwr dwellings with lots from $700 to 11100. HnglefcUs from $125 to $300. Will fell all my property ou easy terms.' The city Is increasing in population ud values in real estate are rhing. Bay now before you have to pay more. Don't tit down and wait until real es tate goes higher, BUY NOW D. BOYD, 111 Court Street OTTO MIESCKE There is nothing tough sheepish about our Mutton. or Our steaks are always tender and juicy. Your meals will be- better and more palatable if you allow us to fill your meat bill. Full weight, best meats, lowest prices and prompt delivery are our trade builders. L AVNGE VS COTTON CATTLE BRANDING BILL, BOXING MATCH MONDAY AT PILOT ROCK. Otto Miescke COURT STREET Houser's Old Stand Lumber, Lumber, Lumber. All kinds for all purposes. Sash, iDoors and Blinds. Planing of all descriptions done to order. Don't place your order for Building Material until you have consulted us. Pendleton Planing Mill an Lumber Yard, ROBERT fORSTERt Proprietor tHC bccd tuit uinr lu m l it w mmm M , ii u: j , . ... .. .","ui'i imuoriea mncnes. Winner . 1 . "wn Streets near Postoffice Yes, We Have Them M0N0P0LE Canned Goods The brand that is the best. Prices no higher thah inferior grades. Will Not Come Off In This City, as Advertised, But Will Be Held at the Rock Many Good Prellmina ries. The athletic exhibit that was advertised to come off In Fraie.V opera house Monday night, February 2, has been called riff by .the "promot ers on accoun: of their not bcinc; able to secure th opera house for thai date. But as the main event was to. be a real "to" between Joe Cotton. of Los Angeles, and James Lavinge. of Michigan, and both men have post ed their forfeit money, they have de cided that they will pull It off In Knott's hall. Pilot Rock, on next Mon day night. Cotton has .fought In the romrt arena for the last 23 years, apd has a record of victories as long as his arm, som of his main fights are as follows- Knocked out Philadelphia Tommy Ryan in 10 rounds. Knocked out Joe Humphreys In tlireo rounds. Draw with Jimmy Flynn, in 20 rounds. Knocked ont Jean Bissel, Chicago, In three rounds. Draw with Tom Rellly in 20 rounds. Knocked out In eUht rounds and also fought a draw with Dummy Rowen. Knocked out Jim Burns, of New York, in 15 rounds. Knocked out Ed CufT in 21 rounds, and a draw with Ed Cuff in 20 rounds While Lavinge, althbugh a young fighter, has some good fights to his redit, has given many exhibitions in he Northwest, and enjoys the repu tation of being- a scientific bag puncher. Some of Laving's most notable vic tories are: Decision over Billy Maden in six ounds at Huron, S. D. Decision over Larry Brown, heavy-weight champion of -South Dakota, In 15 rounds, and stood up 10 rounds before Dan Crea don, thereby winning the fight. The "go" between Cotton and La inge has created quite a stir In local porting circles and by Indications, many will go from this city to see It. Other notable fighters In town are "Kid" Lewis, of San Franciscq; Bfld Martin, the "Black Diamond" of Montana, and "Kid" Rogers, champi on light-weight of Idaho. Rogers challenges any man In the Northwest of his weight, 133 pounds. It Caused 'Warm Debate in Senate, I But Was Passed, I Salem, Jan. 30. The bill of Smith, 'of Umatilla, to compel the placing or road brands on cattle, which shall bo j at any time driven from tho county In ' which th'ey are owned, was tho suit j Ject of a warm debate In the senate passed, 18 to 9. Tho measure was called lip under tho order of third reading of bills, and Smith, of Uma tilla, rose to explain it and urgo its pasagc. When ho had concluded, Johnston, of Wasco, arose to oppose. The branding of cattle, ho declared, was an expensivo process; one which required largo expenditures of time and money. Furthermore, ho believed this bill, if passed, would accomplish no protection to cattlemen, which was not accorded by laws at present In force. The measure proposed a need less and futile expenditure of time end money. He hoped It would not pass. Pierce, of Umatilla, opposed John tton's views, and spoke In favor of his fellow citizen's bill. Johnston was mistaken, he said, inhls contention that branding was an expensive pro cess. Every cattle ranch was equip ped with facilities for branding, and the work could be and wns cheaply and quickly done. He also thought the senator from Wasco was mistak en In I1I3 contention that tho pending bill would afford no protection not already accorded. He hoped the bill would pass Marsters spoke In opposition to the bill, and Kuykendall spoke In Its fa vor, and' the measure was then plac ed on final passage. The progress of the roll call developed so large a num ber of noes that the measure appear ed to be endangered, and before the result was announced, Smith, of Uma tilla, demanded call of the senate and another vote. Thls was carried and , several absentees were rounded up and brought lu. Another vote was then taken and the measure passed, 18 to 9. STATE MINE INSPECTOR. Eastern Oregon in the Race With Two Promising Candidates. Sunipter, Jan. 30. Tyo prominent candidates have already appeared in Eastern Oregon for the office of state mine commissioner If the Robbius bill passes. These are Lewis Walker, of Sumpter, and Paul E. Polndexter, of Baker City. Both gentlemen are eminently qualified. The chances of Poindexter appear brighter than those of Walker because the former Is bet ter acquainted with the governor. Polndextsr leaped Into prominence in this camp In 1899, when he personally supervised the collection of an ore exhibit from this district and won a gold medal at the Spokane exposition in a field composed of competitors trom every mining camp In the North west. Two Southern Oregon- men are In the race, but It appears acknowl edged that the ollice will go to Baker County. If you desire a good complexion, use Mokl Tea, a pure herb drink. It acts on the liver and makes the' skin smooth and clear. Money refunded If it does not satisfy you. Write to W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y. for free sample. F. W. Schmidt & Co. The prisons of Prussia in 1900, con tained 45,824 males and 11,845 females. INVOICE SALE I FRIDAY AND SATURDAY The last days of out business year. Monday we take invoice and therefore offer many desirable and dainty bargains. READY-TO-WEAR DEPT. Rainy Day Skirts in grey, worth U SS, $1.19. ' Rainy Day Skirts in grey, worth a 75, $1,98. Woolen Waists, worth $1.50, $1.75, Si.oo, $2.50, all at 69 cents. - Ladies' Coats in Monte Car lo, Box Back, Coats, all go at HALF PRICE Ladies' Short Jackets, any thing in the house for $1.98. All Wool Fascinators go at 25 cents. Cotton Thread, 8 spools for 25 cents. We have a few" Fur Buffs ' left, They will go at HALF PRICE Bleached Sheeting, per yd, 15 cents. Fleece Lined Waists all go at 25 cents. Eiderdown, worth 35c and 40c, at 24 oents. 75c Lace Curtains, 35 cents. Children's Underwear in Wool only, small sizes, 5 cents each. China Silk, 25 conts, All'our Fine Wool Waisting patterns for $1,50. Ladies' 25c Hose, 10 cents. BIG BOSTON STORE HnHMnnnHMMNHaHHHHHMnm London't Automobile Show. London, Jan. 30. London's auto mobile show, for which preparations have been making for a long time patft. opened auspiciously today In the Crystal Palace. It Is an excellent exhibition of the progress of the au tomobile Industry in this country. Nearly all the leading British firms and a great majority of the agents for foreign companies are displaying the latest products of their factories, Owing to the great area available for the exhibition purposes, the show Is an exceptionally fine one from a spectacular point of view, as well as Interesting. D. KEMLER & SON The Big Store in a Small Koom. AJta Street, Opposite Savings Bank Farmers Custom Mill Fred Walters, Proprietor Capacity 160 barrels a day Flour exchanged for wheat Flour, Mill-Feed, Chopped Feed, etc always on band. May Equal Power of Niagara. Augusta. Me., Jan. 20. The Bangor Board of Trade has taken the initia tive Jn a movement to utilize the immense water power of the Penob scot River, and a company organized for the purpose will soon be charter ed. The plan of the promotors In volves the outlay of about $10,000,000, and It is expected that 00,000 to 100, 000 horsepower will he developed, or a force almost equal to Niagara. Decorate "King Charles' Statue. London, Jan. 36, -The statue of King Charles I, in Trafalgar square, was decorated in the; customary man ner today, this being the anniversary of the beheading of that monarch. Many wreaths from legitimist clubs ii'cluding one from the American so ciety, wpre placed on or about the statue. A largely attended service was held this morning in memory of the king at St. Margaret Pattens, Rood-Lane. The officiating clergy were attired in red vestments, this being symbolical of the blood of the martyr. Deputy Warden Dilly and an escap ed rnnvtri mrnwl White, of th Ore gon penitentiary, are accused of crim inal intimacy witn Mrs. uarnaie, a woman Inmate of the institution. An investigation is pending. THE GOODS MUST GO! Great Retiring From Business Sale Not a single article in the entire stock reserved. I have decided to retire from business and everything that remains of my stock will be gotten rio of at the earliest possible date. I Cost is Not Considered in Marking Down I the Prices The main idea is to get rid of the stock. The sale is on rugs, matting, curtains, portiers, floor linoleum, framed and unframed pictures, mirrors, wall paper and hosts of other articles, SPECIAL I have just received some exquisite 'latest patterns of Oriental rugs and Arabian lace curtains which go with the rest. SEWING MACHINES Every Sewing Machine in my stock has been marked down to such a low figure as to make them sell My carpets and undertaking business I disposed of to Baker & Folsom and the slaughter has been made on all that remains. The sale is now in progress. First come first served. JESSE FAILING MAIN STREET, NEAR BRIDGE 1