East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 29, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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    YoU.!j fi
you JJf-. 1
T . u.,nflrod Yards Silkaii
Gum Boots, 'the $2 00
Children's Stylish Trimmed 2.65
Stetson Pure Nutria Hals M 0
There arc none better .. 4'sv
Golf Skirt made of SooU-h 3.75
Bannockbum r
Fast Black Hose for Ladies per J
pair -
xfon's Fancy Shirts, Dollar
Fifty kind, each
Black Figured Brilliniitine. 44
inches wide, per ya
CM 10
zander Dept. Store
A Very Prosperous Looking Country
Land Said to Be Worth $700 per
Acre Sacramento a Favored Town
How It Got Its Name.
Sacramento, Cal.. Jan. 24. Stono
pavements become tiresome after
awhile to feet that are more accus
tomed to the yielding earth, besides
a person's view of California Is apt
to be a very lop-sided one If he spends
all his time in Frisco, delightful as
that town undoubtedly is.
The country between San Francisco
tnd Sacramento is very much of a
mixture. Tho railway runs for miles
through orchards and vineyards, or
ange and lemon trees with the fruit
still hanging on the branches, and
the traveler Is told that this fruit
land Is worth $700 an acre, un unim
proved; he Is also told some very fan
ciful yarns about its wonderful pro
ductive Qualities.
Mark Twain was once standing on
the water front at Sydney. Australia,
and was told by one of the natives
that the distance around the harbor,
which only measured a mile across
the entrance, -was over a hundred
s There are liars everywhere,
observed the genial Mark, and It will
bilging House
. .wtUiiip House and two i
a pretty shaded lawiv on prom-j
u.in moms, centrally
Luttti electric lights, bath and
, vt nnti vrn,
join dwelling stable and two
selling md W, centrally locat-.
LerdTtHap with lot from $700
gfcfrfi from 1125 to $300.
lftll til my property on easy
Ltrrfalnfmialnir In nnnlllfttion
fnisei is ml estate are rising.
roTMioreyou nave 10 pay mure,
etiinroand wait until real es-
HOYD, 111 Court Street
Physicians prescrifa e
it for their most deli
cate oatients
Fnr Sale tr
ptobably be two hundred when you
measure It. so when a man listens to
some of the stories of the value and
wonderful productiveness of this re
gion, he Is very apt to agteo -with
Mark, that there are liars everywhere.
But it is a very prosperous looking
country in spots, well improved In the
way of houses, barns and fences. The
roads through the fruit districts are
sprinkled with oil. that having been
found more economical than water,
which seems to speak volumes for
the amount of dust that a Rood wind
Is capable of raising here sometimes.
Their Products,
Going from San Francisco to Sacra
mento by way of Stockton, parts of
the San Joaquin and Sacramento val
leys are passed through and a pass
ing glimpse is obtained of the various
productive industries of this part of
the state. Some of them are still ex-'
perimental for the idea of this colin
try that its mission In life was to
raise grain was for a .nng time a
deep-rooted one, but with the advent
of cheap grain, experiments were
made along other lines so very suc
cessfully, that the variety of products
grown on one farm would make the
average schoolboy dlzxy to memorize.
Here is one farm which raises apples,
crabapples, pears, cherries, plums,
prunes, peaches, apricots, nectarines.
quinces, figs, almonds, chestnuts, pe
cans, walnuts, orangey, lemons, per
simmons, pomegranates, loquats, mul-
berries, olives, grapes, currants.rasp
berrles, gooseberries, blackberries,
strawberries, besides an endless
quantities of tomatoes, cucumbers,
green peas and other vegetables.
It takes five years for an orange or
chard to mature, that is the planter
may figure on five years steady out
lay before any income is derived.
The cost of planting and cultivating
the orchard for five years Is estimat
ed at $212 per acre, so It will be seen
that the orange grower needs to be a
small capitalist to begin with, praln
xaislng has not betn abandoned, how
ever. Some seeding is being done
now; many fields already seeded, in
v wnicu me grain is noi yei snowing
Mill" through the ground and yet others,
Wtl wheie the grain is five or six Inches
HlfVi and RFPmlnplv mllrh thicker Oil
llliltiA tne ground than is found profitable
fllwlllm lin Eastern Oregon.
v ttr, farmers all over the state rom
fMllllfi nlainlne ol a lack of moisture for
IVVvlV their work, but it started to rain yes
I tarnir finr) thrDn tnoVinc nf rflttl fl11
fi 1-1 I A 1.1. il. IS
Are onen capuuic m iwo floury wiui mc icsun.
The last days of oar business year. Monday
we take invoice and therefore olfcr many desirable
and dainty bargains.
L amber,
All kin('c 'or all purposes.
Sash, (Doors and Blinds.
Pianinn of all dcsctiptions dcrt
to older.
Don't place" your ordei te
BuildirtE Material until you haf
consulted us.
i of imported lunches.
wurst, sauetkraut and
Pendleton Planing- Mill ane
Lumber Yard.
SOBdU fOKSItK. Proprietor
Yes, We Have Them
Canned Goods
The brand that is the
best. Prices no higher
than inferior grades.
The Big Store in a Small
Alta Street, Opposite Savings Bant
Farmers Custom Mill
Fred Walters, Proprietor
Capacity 160 barrels day
yiour, MU1 Feed, Chopped Feed, etc
less positive people, tbr very emphasis
ol tneu ainrmauon masing up iui itn
of argument and want of evidence.
And the worst of all dogmatists are
those doctors vrlio, harking back to some
old dogma 'of the schools, insist that
certain patients are beyond all medical
help, Ix-cause, forsooth, their diseases
are beyond the limited medical know
ledge of the docmatist.
"When the physicians had given me
up I was cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery. That state
ment, varied sometimes in form but
identical in fact, is one of the common
expressions found in the letters of those
cured by "Golden Medical Discovery."
Sometimes the statement runs; "I was
given up bv four doctors," showing a
desperate effort to find relief in local
practitioners. But however the story
begins, it almost invariably ends with
the statement, "I am perfectly cured by
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery."
Persons suffering from "weak" lungs,
hemorrhages, deep-seated cough, ema
ciation ana weakness, have been restored
to perfect health by the "Discovery."
The philosophy of the cures effected
by this marvelous medicine is not hard
to understand. Life is sustained by
food, digested and assimilated. The
' basis of health is a good appetite and a
sound digestion. In almost all cases oi
disease loss of appetite is an early symp
tom, and this is Promptly followed by a
wasting of the flesh. For some cause
the food eaten is not being converted
into nutrition and the body and its or
gans, being starved, must grow weak.
There is only one way to get strength
and that is by food. Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery heals diseases of the
stomach and allied organs of digestion
and nutrition, so enabling the body to
assimilate the needed nourishment.
Thus various forms of "weakness," so
called, are cured by the "Discovery"
"weak" lungs, "weak" heart, "weak"
nerves, "weak" or sluggish liver, etc.,
because the organs are made strong by
food, which is perfectly digested and
assimilated after the "Discovery" has
healed the diseaes of the stomach and
associated organs of digestion and nu
trition. PAIS ALL GONE.
I h taken your mcdlcfae with the gretet
satisfaction.' writes Mrs. George Xlehl, of Locjc
Dort .Station, Westmoreland Co.. Penn'a, ana
can honesUy say Dr Werce'a Golden Medical
DiacoTerr has cured me ol a pain in my right
lung that the best doctors could not help. My
anwtite and digestion have improved so that I
can eat anything at all. and I feel better than I
have for years. Your ' Favonte Prescription
hut cured me of womb trouble that I suffered
from for fifteen ar, aud painful monthly
troubles. I cau work a whole dav end not get
tired My pain is all gone and 1 feel like a new
person I suffered with headache nil the time,
but have no litadache now since taking your
medicine Your 'Golden Medical Discovery
and Favorite Prescription do all that you claim
for theut. aud more, loo. I have been cured of
troubles that I suffered from for fifteen years,
and the best doctor In the State could not cure
me Golden Medical Discovery' cured me of
neuralzia that I suffered from for five years, and
if roy letter can save one other poor sufferer
you can publish it."
1 took a severe cold which settfud in the
bronchial tubes," writes Rev. Frank llay.ofNor
tonville. Jefferson Co., Kansas. "After trying
medicines labeled "Sure Cure," almost without
number, 1 a led to try Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery. I tout two bottles aud was
cured, and have stayed cured. ....
"When I think of the great pain I had to en
dure, and the terrible cough I had, 'it seems
almost a m trade that I was so soon relieved,"
Dr. Piercc'a Pleasant Pellet cure con
stipation. They do not re-act upon the
system and become a Bcceasitjr, a do
many other pilla.
of doing injury to thlnps generally on the upper end of
Ratny Day Skirts in grey,
worth $i 85, $1 19.
Rainy Day Skitts in grey,
worth $2 75, $1.98.
Woolen Waists, worth $1.50,
$1.75, $1 00, $2.50, all at
69 centB.
Ladies' Coats in Monte Car
lo, Box Back, y$ Coats,
all go at
Ladies' Short Jackets, any
thing in the house for
All Wool Fascinators go at
25 cents.
Cotton Thread, 8 spools for
25 cents. .
We have a few Fur Buffs
left, They will go at
Bleached Sheeting, per yd,
15 oonts.
Fleece Lined Waists all go
at 25 conts.
Eiderdown, worth 35c and
40c, at 24 conts.
75c Lace Curtains, 35 cents.
Children's Underwear in
Wool only, small sizes,
5 conts each.
China Silk, 25 cents.
All our Fine Wool Waisting
patterns for $1.50.
Ladies' 25c Hose, 10 cents.
the valley are afloat. It Is still rain-
Inp, and there Is not likely to be any
farther complaint of insufficient mois
ture for some time to come. This is
the bright side or the trip; the other
elde is where the road runs through
miles of swamp and tullles where the
very roadbed on which the rails are
laid is made out of rock and gTavel
hauled there, for the purpose. Expen
sive railroading, perhaps, hut Califor
nians seem to think that the South
ern Pacific is getting all back and
through other miles of hardpan and
rocky formation as, barren looking as
anything to be found in Umatilla
county, and which recalls the Irish
man's not wholly, unnatural exclama
tion, "Be jabers, If I had been mak
ing this country, I could have made a
better Job of it"
A Favored Town,
The city of Sacramento, the capital
of the state and the county of the
same name, is situated at the Junc
tion of the American and Sacramento
rivers, and to its inhabitants Provi
dence seems to have been kind In a
variety of ways.
Chfnook salmon. weighing CO
pounds, are seen hanging In the
butcher shops, caught at their very
doors, and this morning, from the
bridge two boys were seen with a
skiff. They had a piece of telegraph
wire fastened from one of the piers
to a post on the shore, and to the
wire a number of fish lines were at
tached. The boys were drawing In
tho lines and had a smelt on every
hook. It ' does not seem to matter,
though, how fair a country is or what
the inducements are to tarry In It,
there are always some for whom the
temptation to Immigrate are stronger
and from this same bridge last night
a man took a header Into the river
and departed from a country which
to him, at least, seems not to have
been kind.
Wonderfully Productive.
The land along the river Is wonder
fully productive and rents for 20 per
acre annually. Here is one aspara
gus bed of 500 acres. The people
along the river are independent of
the railroad and can float their stuff
down the river in any old kind of
craft. The state legislature is In ses
sion here and are .discussing, among
other things, an appropriation of
$100,000 for the stamping out of bu
bonic plague If It shall be found that
it exists here, San Francisco papers
having all along strenuously dknied
Its existence, also a plan to extract
two or three million dollars from the
federal eovernment which that insti
tution has been owing to the state of
California since some- time In tne
sixties. Senator Shortridge, a gen
tleman of somewhat humorous ten
rienev. was sneaking on the subject
and seemed rather Inclined to advise
the state to sell out Its claim at a
considerable reduction for cash if It
got a chance, because, said the sena
tor, "my experience with the state
of California has been that It will
put off the payment of Its own debts
Just as long as it possibly can do so,
end tho reputation or me icuerui ruv
BAKER & WELCH, Mgrs, MARK M00RH0USE, Local Mgr.
The Sensational Comedy-Drama,
"The Btirglar and the Waif"
I By Chas. T. Dazey, Author of "In Old Kentucky" and "The
1 ' Suburban."
MISS INEZ F0RMAN as the waif.
Elaborate Costumes. Startling Scenic Effects. Thrilling
Fire Scene.
PRICES 25cf 50o, 75o, $1.00.
Seats on sale at Frazier's Book Store.
pgaBeegraaaBftii 'mmm
BAKER & WELCH, Mgrs, MARK M00RH0USE, Local Mgr.
1 1
The Big Scenic Production,
"A Gambler's Daughter
Sweet, Pathetic, Heart Touching.
By Owen Davis
eminent In this respect Is notorious
ly worse than that of the state of
Why Called Sacramento,
The Padres who first discovered
this valley and the river running
through it, were so impressed with
Its appearance that they named it the
Sacramento, after tho holy sacra
ment, and he who takes the trouble
to climb Into the dome of the capftol
building and views the picture to be
seen from that eminence, Is not apt
to dispute the correctness of the Pa
dres' title, and what a picture of
a prosperous city, of wide winding
river, whose course can be followed
for miles, of orchards, grain fields and
mountains is spread out hero, and
now surely it, rocaiiB mi "wer pic
ture of the old hymn writer:
Sweet fields beyond the swelling
Stand dressed In living green,
So to the Jews old Canaan stood
While Jordan rolled betweon.
0. B. M'CLtfLLAN,
For Sale 100 tons of alfalfa hay.
II. J, Uoddy, butcher, Athena, Or,
afceets near Postoffice
always on nana.