East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 29, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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Discounts on
Boys' Clothing
All Knee Pants Salts
All Vcstee Suits
AH Two-Piece Suits
"Wc allow a Discotmt of
20 Per Cent
Baer & Daley
Oue-Price tUotinnrs, Hatters and Furnishers
Buy while yott have a chance to save money,
AVilchcialt has broken out among
the Chtlkat Indians of Alaska.
Mornionism is said to be spreading
very rapidly among the Japanese.
A rear-end collision on the Jersey
Central road Wednesday cost over
30 lives.
Henry C. Raus. an American rail
way president, made the trip from
Pekin to Moscow in IS days
The Juneau. Alaska. Chamber of
Commerce, has revoked the creden
tials of their representative to con
gress. Commander Robert E. Peary, of the
United States nary, has been elect
ed president of "the American Geo
graphical Society.
The Yaqui Indians attacked thej
town of San Marcial. ilexteo. Sun-
day. Eight Americans were killed in
the battle that followed.
The Brat demonstration In Rhode
"island of the effects of formalin In
the treatment of blood polsorjing is
said to have been a success.
A 12-vear-oId boy was admitted into
e. lion's cage at Chicago with the
trainer. The lions attacked him anil
he was fatally injured before he
could be gotten ouL
Th heaviest snow storm for 13
5 ears has teen raging the past two
days in the inter-mountain regions of
Utah and Nevada. The mountain
gorges are packed with snow.
The Denver. El Reno & New Or
leans railroad company with a capital
stock of $5,000,000. has been char
tered at Guthrie, O. T. The propos
ed line will be 1000 miles long.
A Chicago fast train on the Illinois
Central. Wednesday, crashed into
the St. Locis train, half demolishing
the rear car. which contained the;
body of the head counsel of the road.,
The coffin was hroken up and three!
trainmen injured.
Hotel Pendleton.
D. E. Hall, Portland.
O. W. Hoar. Portland.
J. H. Blnton. Portland.
W. H. McClintock. Portlaud.,
E. F. Gay. Portland.
W. H .Britt. Portland.
Ed Blackburn. Portland.
J. H. O'Neil. Portland.
George Harris. Portland.
A. Nylander. Portland.
E. L. Hart, St. Louis.
C. J. Freese. Spokane.
S. G Newton. New York.
H. Binnard, Kansas City.
Walter Wheatley. Kansas City.
J W Burley. Denver.
Lewis Talbott. Denver.
Joseph C Camp. Boise.
G. A. Barret, Athena.
Frank Wood. St- Louis.
George Lashing. Chicago.
C. H Pearson. Chicago.
W. B. .Mitchell. St. Joe.
F. S. LeGrow and wife. Athena.
George Paris, Athena.
Charles H. Miller. Echo
R. A. Seeds, Spokane.
J. H. Kloeckner. Spokane.
S. S. Gill. Spokane.
George Wells. Heppner.
Golden Rule.
J. F. Bunnigh. Denver.
V J. Currin. Ponland.
J. Under. Yakima.
A. Binnard. Kansas City.
J. Cornelius. Kansas City.
Y". Lawrence. Kansas City.
Mrs. N- C. Glenn Vale. Or.
Ben Allen. Stratford.
' David O'Connor. Goldendale.
T. H. Custer. Spokane.
D. B. Page. Spokane.
H. J. Blddle. Portland.
J. J. Cirfut, Portland.
H. H. Horton, city.
Frank Raley. Echo.
P. B. Alexander. Milton.
F. J. Gardner. Portland.
J. P. Kononen. Washington.
Peter Gearin. a sailor on the steam
er Mitlaka. was drowned in Portland
Wallace, Idaho, reports 14 inches
of snow fallnlg in 24 hours. Wednes
day and Wednesday night-
The trades Council of Taconia has
decided to establish a co-operative
laundry within a short time.
Paddy Lynch, an Astoria sailor's
fcoarding house keeper, was shot Wed
nesday by Otto Skibbe. a sailor.
The First National Bank at Shos
hone. Idaho, was organized Wednes
day, with a capital stock of J50.000.
R. B. Houston, freight agent for the
Southern Pacific at Roseburg, has
been transferred to Salem, as agent
The Southern Pacific has revoked
en old rule and will hereafter issue
permits to passengers to ride on
freight trains.
The heaviest snow storm in 20
years was reported from Utah and
Wyoming on Wednesday. Trains are
24 hours late.
A bill to remove the 15000 limit of
recovery on the death of an employe,
has bn introduced by Hale, of Jose
phine; in the house.
A bill Is now before the Oregon leg
islature which will cause all execu
tions to take place at the peniten
tiary. Instead or in the different coun
ties. H. H. Warner, master mechanic for
the Tacoma division of the Northern
Pacific, baa been removed Master
Mechanic Mohr. of Spokane, will suc
ceed to the position.
Superintendent Clark, of the Ore
gon deaf school, wants that institu-,
tion moved from the present location
sear the penitentiary and asylum. In
to the city of Salem. He claims the
-surroundings now are not best for the
moral development of the youthful
Inmates. '
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
Wltn local application, aa tnr cannot
nadi the Mat of the disease. Catarrh Is
s blood or cum Motional disease, and In
?rder to core It too most take Internal
remedies, flail's Catarrh Care Is taken In
ternally, and acta directly on tae mueoca
arfcts. Hall's Catarrh Care Is not a
qcaek medicine. It was prescribed by
tme of the beat ptvnlclans in this coon try
for years and Is a regular prescription,
it is composed of the beat tonics known,
combined with the beat blood partners,
tctlng directly on the moron surfaces.
f-f- ombfcation of the two Ingre
dients Is what produces sncb wonderful
ftenlw In caring catarrh. Send for tea
limonials free.
r J. CHENKT CO. Preps Toledo. O.
Sold by drugsUts. price 73c.
Halls Family Pills are the best.
Appointed Members of Board of Cura-
tors of Historical Society.
Rev. Andreas Bard, rector of St
Paul's Episcopal church, has been se
lected as a member of the board of
curators of the Washington State
Historical Society, and was yester
day notified of the honor conferred
upon him, says the Union. The
Washington State Historical Society,
which has been in a dormant condi
tion for some time, has again taken
on activity and will begin Its renewed
existence on a semi-newspaper basis,
having as its officers members of the
press of Washington
Will Save the Farmers of the Inland
Empire Si 500.000 Annually Rates
of Arlington and The Dalles Com
pared. Why the state should ppen the Co
lumbia lilvpr with a nortnee road:
First The railroad merger hasj
been and will continue to fight the)
opening of the rlvor by locks or boat
Second A state portase wl". solve
the problem.
Third It will save the producers
$1,5(H.000 annually.
Fourth It will Increase the popu
lation of the state more than any one
thing, not excepting the Lewis and
Clark ralr. ;
Fiftli The country effected by an
open river produces, uecordinf: to
t-arefullv nreimred statistics, i0.0tl0.-j
000 busnelf. of crain. SO.000 hrnd of;
cattle and horses. 521.330 head of!
sheep and hegs. SfiOO cars of fruit, j
1C000.OOO pounds of wool. 2 105 000'
pounds ' pounds of hides. 367.00O tons!
of hav. nil valued at J3'.'ju.iu. in
the above country there Is 11.000,000
acres of tillable land and but 3.500.000
acres now under cultivation. !
Sixth An open river will save to'
the producer or above toniiace. Sl.
500.000. and in Ave years, double that'
Seventh The Mississippi River.
hnmllM wheat a distance of 700 miles .
for 10 cents per hnudred pounds j
v.lillc Uie illwoW Central rallroan
Charges 20 cents for the same serv-l
ice. I
Eighth Compare the following;
rates between 'ine uaues ami run
hind and The Dall and Arlington
ntid see if you need an open river.
Wheat. j
-Arlington to Dalles. 54 miles Uj
cents per Cwt. i
Dalles to Portland. SS miles. I
rents per Cwt.
Wool. 1
Arlington to DJlles. 54 miles, $1.60
ler Cwt
Dalles to Portland. SS miles. 25c
?r Cwt.
Portland to Boston. 3500 miles.
$1 per hundred pounds.
Cattle, hogs and sheep. Arlington'
to Dalits. 54 miles. $24 per car.
Dalles to Portland. SS miles. $3C per
The four class rates are:
Arlington tc Dalles. 54 miles, 53c.
4Slic, 42c. 36c.
Dalles to Portland. SS miles. 25c.
COc. ISc and 15c respectively, show
ing 150 per cent mote for an equal
The saving to the farmer is he-!
yond computation. Portland and As-)
toria will share in the prosperity in-,
cidental to the, opening of the great
stream, the exports will trebble and j
l.-Mead of 14.C00.000 bushels of whea ;
Portland will have 40.000.000 to 50 -i
000.000 for export- I
this portage is a mere trifle compar
ed with ti-e savings, and the state
owning and operating the same, will
pet their money jack in a very few
years. The state portage around the.
obstruction at Cascade Locks willj
corroborate the above. j
This Is not legislation for the ben-. I
efit of any particular class or section. '
Every dmlai saved to the products of
the soil of Oregon is distributed
equally to Its entire population.
Every dollar saved In the transporta
tion of Oregon's products, extends
the boundaries of its developed terri
tory. Is this opportunity to be passed by
allowing the railroads to divert the
business of another state?
The opening, to navigation of the
elgnt miles of rnc Columbia mver be
tween Big Eddy and Celllo. would
therefore give an unbroken length of
pbout 540 -niles of the Columbia and
Snake Rivers that co.ild be navigat
ed and thus provide water communi
cation with tide water and furnish
transportation facilities in regions
that now have practically none
Sister of State Senator Daly Born on '
Island of St Helena. ,
The svmpathy or all who knew hlmj
has been generously extended during:
the pm days to the popular and,
influential member of the upper 1"ud,
t . nt- Cnnntnr John LJ. '
Hum inriuun iwv ,
Daly, upon the bereavement occasion
ed by the death of a dear and favor
ite sister. Mrs. Mary Fee. at Stock
. -.-...,.! nn ini Friday even
ing' ''Mrs Fee's birth makes her
taint historical. She was Jn ,n(
W ir tin- vorv room in which Mi-i
. 1." t t'. .iiml ni I-oncwood
plantain' nn the Island of St, He e-
m Shi- tame t me u
Ir her earlv childhood and the preaeri
ran of her life was spent In Callfor-j
cfa where she was highly respec ed
as a wife and mother and a valuable,
member of society. Salem States-j
ninn j
To Buy Governor a Home.
""Fallon Bios., as holts of the Cooke'
estate, are making a decided impres
sion on the minds of legislators In
favor of selling the historic K N ,
Pmibn TM.mfilrin. mini oy omic m- -
urer Cooke, on Court street next to
the stute house, for a governor s man
ir. T),o resilience nnd grounds
cost over $30,000. and they are wil
ling to sell the same to tne staie iur
$15,000 Tills would he a great har-,-,1.1
in iii.- atntp from a real estate
l.olnt of view and the residence Is
ne thnt would be a creilll to me com
monwealth. The governor of Oregon
is a democrat, and the action or a re
publican legislature In providing him
with a home would be a graceful com
iin,r.n Th.. mutter will le nresent-
ei! ,tr the ways and menus committee.
Salem Juurnal.
New Century Comfort
Millions are daily finding a world
of comfort In Bucklen's Arnica Salve j
It kills pains from burns, scalds, cuts, j
Qiulses; conquers ulcers and fever t
sores; cures eruptions, salt rheum, i
bolls and felons; removes corns and .
warts. Best pile cure on earth. Only i
25c at Tallman Co.'s drag store.
Fine Draft Horses,
M. C. Gray, or Beatrice. Neb wlll
be In Pendleton about February 6.
with a carload of Percheron, Clyde j
and Shire 'stallions. His headquarters I
will be at the Froome barn, on Main
street. i
American Field and Hog Fetce
m. on in.
I have
1 the
TT -""iigcsi
y-1 9
E market. I ,i.. M
money on the ibott
Examine my line before bttyigg
74i Main Street
315 East Court Street.
B 4 U By
Piano ot Organ
Easy Payment Plaa
Ten Dollars Reward.
Lost Last May. one bay horse;
weight about 1200 pounds, branded
65 on left shoulder, mane roached
lost spring. Will pay above reward
for return of same to Purl Bowman.
Men's half soles. 75c. The best.
Finds Way to Live Long.
The startling announcement of a
discovery that will surely lengthen
life, is made by Editor O. H. Downey,
of Churnbusco, Ind, "I wish to state."
he writes, "that Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption Is the most
infallible remedy that I have ever
knows for coughs, colds and grip. .It's
invaluable to people with weak lungs.
Having this wonderful medicine, no
one need dread pneumonia or con
sumption. Its relief is Instant and
cure certain." Tallman & Co. guar
antee every 50c and tl bottle, and
give trial bottles free.
The Dolly East Oregonian is on sale
in Portland at the Rich news stand
ir- Hotel Perkins, and at the 'Hotel
Ons of Mr Eons Anns Catherine
g Qreen. g
The Bias Flown Henry Van Dyks. g
S Csceua r Marlon Crawford. S
5 A Captnrtd Eanta CUnt Thos. Kelson &
Page. g
' Avery- Elisabeth Stuort Pnlp p
6 (llrfusrrr School Days-Ralph Connor, 3
'ohn (Uythei't Oardea-Prans: Stuck.
V? ton.
ja MsrietUofOnt Weit-Klla Hi1non. ft
g The Old Proposition George Ade. 5
it Song ota fllngla Koto Am.UaBarr.
g Franeiesia-JfoUIeKUIouSeawell. .
g Moth and Rait Mary Chalmondeley. S
ieiiersoiaseu-Haae Merchant to Ills K
Son-Ocorge Horace lortmsr. S
Uttla White Btrd-I M, Banle. S
The Splendid Idle Forties - Gertrude
Atherton. j
The Besmllol Mrs. Moaltoa. S
The Vnltnres nnry Seton Merrlman g
rToTen With the Ship Acnes Towsend 5
IntrailOQS of Peggy Anthony Hope S
Book and Stationery Store 1
Economy is Wealth
Save money on your fuel. and
have your home or place of busi
ness always comfortable by usinp,
Boynton Famous
1 he genuine Boynton Furnaces
are the most successful, oldest and
most economical heating devices
on th: market. Manufactured by
the oldest and largest heater man
ufacturers in the United States.
Let us figuie with you and show
you'how much we can save you.
Geo. Phillips
Cottonwood Street, tietween Alta
and Webb Streets.
Jesse Failing's Retiring From Business Sale is movia; j
rapidly. It means a big saving if you call now.
Don't miss the chance. Every article in the stock must j
We have the largest stock of carpets, outside of Portfenia
the state. This ! an undisputable tact, We oner hetter c
gains fhan can be had in Eastern Oregon, another fact wa
is proven by the low prices we are ottering
Next door to Postonlce.
VV innnunrp that tup Im'p nnpnwi undertaking PJflOfS
connection with our furniture and carpet store and will D1 j
cans aay or nignt. rnone tsiacK 273.
Going out of
All sewing machines
in stock to be dis
posed of at cost.
Come ' early and
select a bargain
nsTEfYP atit hi 9 T-nnMPsnS STBEET.
OSTEOPATHY is common sense. It will heat
is in harmony with Nature's laws, seldom fails and never uu
It is not Faith Cure Christian Science, Magnetic nor t'ecw
It is based upon a correct knowlege of anatomy t
A large per cent of so-called incurable cases ate u
j S.. r . .. ... . a. tr. r .ano
meinoa. 1 ne iouowmg especially are ireaieu "J--.
hfarr anrl Innrfc Kwr -mil t;Hn..c hlarlripr and Ufdhal Ql"3
stomach and intestinal troubles, all dislocations and d''"y.
vous diseases, eeneral diseases. DisfiaRftS of WoBBB 8 BPWW
Is reached in BYERS' BE8T- Better flour cannot be 4
Tt, f ,.,i..t ontir; in Byets DC3
Flour, .which is right' for bread and
Fancy Baking.
W. S. Byers, Proprietor.
t-or Health, Strength and fl
- - . ... . w a 1 iv ...,,
Murphy & Langever, Proprs
itu nnrurrnv 0 ,
m 1 mmm