lee Tenmtsdhi k WORD OR TWO Concerning our Muslin Underwear. Our Sale continues one week longer. Don't fail to see the . ninalTW: wp are offerim great iAutt",w " ."jmbnc Gowns, yoke, tucked in clusters, neck and sleeves jdged w'i'th sleeves and ruffles. Worth three times the money. SalePrice, 25c. We are also offering muslin drawers and skirts, Sale Price, 25c The ti oo kind we are showing in three different stvles of liirts, gowns and drawers. Sale Price, 49c. U'e are also showing' better made garments and. of finer lixiure at great bargains Lee Teanteelh JKESDAY, JANUARY 2B, 1903. INT OF TAXES r RELATING TO THIS SUB JECT TO "BE CHANGED. I or their inability to par before be coming delinquent. The section is as follows: Sec. 3106 Taxes legally levied and I cnargea in any year may be paid on J or before the first Monday of April following and not co paid they shall become delinquent; provided, how over, that if one-half of the taxes against any particular piece of real porperty. or the taxes on personal property charge against any lndividu HEWq BREYIT1ES. J. A. Howard, farm loans. Oyster cocktails at GraU's. FrjMh Bsh dally at Castle's. Clothing cleaned by Joerger. Oil portraits free at Martin's Gro cery. Everything smokers want at Neu nan's A gentleman's smoke. The Pendle ton favorite. Monopole canned goods nt the Standard Grocery. Fine celluloid hair combs. 10c to 25c, different colors. Nolf's, Imported llmburger and Swiss cheese sandwiches at Gratz's. No Chinese cooking at Phillips' res taurant Everything tastes good. For SAle 100 tons of alfalfa hay. R. J. Boddy, butcher. Athena. Or. For Rent Four-rooms house, near academy. Inquire at K. O. office. For Rent Ttvo furnished front ooms. Address Mrs. H. S. Dorman. Roes' cigar store for smoking art! lea of all kinds. Patton's old stand, Kemler & Son will supply you with tnc cnolce Monopole canned goods. Lot for sale, great bargain: Raley's addition. Inquire at 403 Alta street The Oregon Dally Journal can be found on sale at Frazler's book store. Hays' cigar store, Haley's eld itand, headquarters for smokers' sup- Jiies, A suprlse, when you see that cozy home I can sell you for $1000. E. T. Wade. Mrs. Ho3well will demonstrate the remainder of this week at Kemler's grocery. Monoople stands for the highest quality in canned goods. Kemler & Son for the Monopjole line. The finest fruits and table vegeta- ; law Is Published for the of Inquirers Taxes Be- Delinquent First Monday In -Three Per Cent Rebate for sij Payment, ; inquiries are being received isfice In regard to the present Iritis to the payment of taxes. ttte benefit of these and others , that section of the code re- S to this .subject, is published. : Waiter M. IPerce has in- i t bill in tne legisiatre. t tie time for the payment of i ton March 1. to the fall of the Immediately alter harvest, when imonR all classes or tax-pay- wi mora plentiful. her WU has ueen miroaucea. BTOMsed to remove the three cent rebate on taxes paid before th 15. The argument of the adve nt this bl Is that taxes are tthe count; in toll, and that this te Is a total loss to the govern I, which mt be made up in wsi, tsd socs not nenent a at majority of taxpayers who are ppeiied (o jay penalty on account l'.u,.t..ij muic .fociijrL all Ilium U' I . -, al, be paid on or before the first Mon - 1bJ?',p"t in ,.c,an8 re "np?,,e- Kem day In April, then the time for the rayment of the remainder of such tax may be extended to and including the first Monday of October, next fol lowing, but if the remaining one-half of such tax be not paid on op before ler & Son have the entire line. " Beautiful 5-room cottage, two lots, shade and fruit trees, nicely located. Reduced to J1B00. E. T. Wade. When you get Monopole canned goods you get the best. Complete ommy is Wealth SaTCjioney on your fuel and wt your home or place of busi- s always comfortable by ustng V ayflton Famous AIR, STEAM, HOT WATER RNACES jesuine Boynton Furnaces pmost successful, oldest and anomical heating devices wrket Manufactured by ft and largest heater man- fs in the United States. I "gu'e with you and show f much we can save you. Phillips the first Monday of October, then i line at the Standaid Grocery. such remaining half shall be delln quent and, besides the penalty, In terest thereon shall be charged and collected at the rate of 12 per cent per annum from the first Monday In April preceding: and upon all delin quent taxes that shall be collected fiom the taxpayer of such taxes, for the benefit of the county 10 per cen tum as a penalty and for' the benefit cf the courty or other public corpor ation -which shall nave an Interest In nnv portion, of sncn taxes, interest at John Kepplenger is having repairs and alterations nu-.de in thu inferior of his restaurant fit 652 Main street. S. II. Walker, of McKay, 12 miles out, reports wheat as being In good condition, while the barley all looks nne. Always buy Hobach's baking. It's rfellcious clean and wholesome. Store on Johnsoc street, rear of Standard grocery. i IT PAYS TO TRADE AT THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE. CLEARANCE SALE For the next three days we will I make sweeping reductions on the following lines Dress Goods Lace Curtains Muslins Sheeting Trimmings Tailor-Made Suits Jackets Waists Quilts Blankets JUST ARRIVED , A Pretty Line of White Wool Waisting. The Peoples warehouse PENDLETON, OREGON. The Dally East Oregonian Is on sale the rate of 12 per centum per annum In Portland at the Rich news stand on such taxes from the day from which they became delinquent until (heir payn.ent. Provided further that there shall be sn nllowance of three per cnt rebate on any tax paid any separate parcel of real property or upon the personal property charge ud to any individual as aforesaid on or before the 15th day of March, next prior to the date when such tax be come delinquent if not paid, In Police Court. Last night a slight scrimmage took place in Hick's saloon, on Main street, between William Hickey and Theo. Howard. Practically no damage was done, but this morning Mr. Hickey was tried In the police court on the charge of assault and battery and fined $10 and costs. Elks Notice. There will be a meeting of the Elks Thursday evening, Jan. 29. All mem bers 'are urgently requested to be present. THOMAS FITZ GERALD, Exalted Ruler. Stall-fed Steers. C. PlaUoeder yesterday bought 35 head of stall-fed steers from the John Day country, for which he paid 4 cents. Beef animals are several notches cheaper In the John Day than here. ! Entire line of the celebrated Mon i opole canned goods, positively the finest goods on the market. Is on sale i a, our store, lr you want Eomeining d . ... ithe best, It is possible to produce. "a street, between Alta w . u at-A.A r. , i ti, . , Ktft lUUlluuuie utuuuoiu Ulir u cuo -ureets, eery. CUT FLOWERS "71 u AU0N PINKS Are arriving again daily. Good variety! "u moderate prices. GREEN PLANTS n"ays have on hand a cood selection of Forshaw's Palms;.! Wor TT. .. . . . . . .. V v.ua, cac., etc, Lome in and look them over, lou Isf ttn t have to buv. EOT SODA is delicious and only 5 cents. From Mala St., Toward the Court House ir Hotel Perkins, and at the Hotel Fortland. For Sale Brick building with oasement, 60x90, on Main street. Good property at a bargain. Easy terms. s. t. wade. It was officially reported to the city health department today that Earl Holmes, who lives on Jane street, has the smallpox. See W. B. Jenkins for door name plate, signs, numbers, etc. Newest novelties. Prices low. Office, Commer cial Association. Magnificent oil portraits enlarged from any photo furnished, given free to customers at Martin's Family Gro eery and Bakery. There Is no queetlon about Mono pole canned goods being the finest on the market Get them at the Standard Grocery. Admired by all are the beautiful cil portraits we are giving free to customers. See samples in our win dow. Marten's Family Grocery and Bakery. Mrs. McGregor has laid the founda tion for a new residence at 900 Alta street. It wil lbe a five-room struo ture. Charles Calhoun is the con tractor. The C. C. Hendricks residence, on West Court street, will be ready for occupancy by February IE. It cost about $2500. M. R. TateB was the contractor. The Modern Woodmen of America entertained last evenlug with games, music, recitations and a lunch. The feature of the evening was a piano solo by Miss Marston. James Crawford, the leading har ness maker, having an overstock of collars, buggy whips, buggy cushions. wool chaps, bits, spurs, etc., and de siring to reduce his stock, will give special bargains foi the next thirty days. Mr. Reagan, who lives on McKay Creek, accompanied by his son. Louis, starts tomorrow for Nebraska and Kansas, expecting to be absent about two months', They will bring back with them several carloads of fine stock. Louis Anderson, who lives In the eastern part of the city, is having a wind mill erected over the well Han Ion & Groeschen recently dug for him. The well is 20 feet deep and contains now eight feet of water. Mr. Anderson Is also building a barn. Mr. Willard, tho contractor who is building tho railroad bridge at WaW Iowa, was in town yesterday. He will have the superlntendency of the An inblng of the railroad bridge In the eastern part of town, work upon which will begin in a very short time Rubber heels. Teutsch's. Try Gratz's clam chowder. Sea food fresh at Castle's. Smoke the Pendleton Favorite, Don't forget shoe repairing at Teutsch's. Board by the day or week; Mrs. W. B. Mays, 312 East Webb street Wood and coal by car lots a spec ialty. P. P. Collier & Co.. 'phone Vfaln 1121. Most select stock only enters Into Monopole canned goods. Kemler & Son have them. George Case, who lives 14 miles northwest of Pendleton, has rented a residence on Johnson street, and is moving therein. Rev. Potwlne's attack of the g Ip prevented his occupying his mil jit last Sunday. He is convalescing ti-wi but fears were entertained that lie might take a relapse. The wheat market Is badly off to day so much so that no quotuti- as are made at all. The local buyers re not in the market at all today, act ng upon advices from the general c ;n tors. At the McDaniels' sale yestcri ly, six miles east of town, a Jersey caw sold lor $63.60, and the animal is ud to have been a grade. Two thor oughbred Barred Plymouth Rock roos ters sold" for $11, while several other roosters of the same breed sold for from $2.60 to $5 each. Hens of the same variety sold for from $8 to $10 per dozen. RING UP SEVEN-FOUR If you need a tablet, magazine, lamp chimney, new book. Any thing you may wish that we sell, phone to us and our man "Fri day" will deliver it promptly. The Nolf Store! The Delicacies of the season are always found at our restaurant. At present we have Finest Oysters Frog Legs f Clams f Crabs f and f Lobsters and other salt and fresh water foods The French Restaurant THE NEW Japanese Napkins Big Line Pocket Knives Fancy Stationery in Boxes Feather Dusters and Mop Sticks TRANSFER TRUCKING' STORAGE CROWNER BROS Telephono M11I11 4 a For New Buildings We carry the finest line of hardware to be found in any store. Architects, builders and contractors will find our line of goods the newest" in design, the most adaptable and improved, and of tho highest standard of merit in quality and durability. W.J. CLARKE & CO.,. COURT STREET 1 tW c; Pingree GLORIA $3.50 SHOES For Ladies Have Arrived Boston Store; how do you BEST DRY WOOD. Wo have bought of tho Allen Brothers, their intoreat In tk Wood bnsjne88, and now we aro ready to furnish the bebt dry wood on short notice. Office 038 Main Street. Phone t t2i. P. P. COLLIER & CO. Where Whole Families are sW&TnX's T SseS ADVERTISE? expect people to know what you have to pell If you don't i .ISL, ': h - rt . in in imi "".'. ' "