East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 28, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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White Pine Cough Sytup
Cores Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness and all Bronchial
Troubles. It will give quick relief if yoe
Have a cold. TRY IT,
ailways J1366.32 in taxes on each
nillfc of road, and ehe is one of the
trust hot beds.
"I am fully In accord with the
Lewis and Clark centennial, to
be held in Portland in 1905. and
will personally stand by Its ef
forts In the direction of an ex
hibit of which the State of Min
nesota will feel "proud. I have
just appointed the World's Fair
commissioners for the State of
Minnesota, and believe the com
mlttee can care for the best in
terests of our state by transfer
ring our state "exhibit from St.
Louis to Portland In 1905, and
will so recommend." Governor
Van Sant, of Minnesota.
i "When will Umatilla county organize
s pood roads association? This is the
unfinished work of the pioneers who
1i'"sp1 the trails.
Fulton says it is not necessary to
hold a caucus, to secure his election.
They are making democratic and so
cialist votes by the hundreds at Sa
lem these days.
The sportsmen of Pendleton are
royal entertainers. Besides carrying
away -haidsome winnings, the visitors
here carried away hearts full of pleas
ant memories.
After twenty-two years, the United
States supreme court decides a land
case in favor of a settler in Kittitas
county. Washington, against the
Northern Pacific The settler located
upon land somewhere within 'twenty
miles of the right of way and the)
company claimed the land belonged:
to it. as It had filed a map with the)
interior department, laying claim toj
everything in sight. For nearly a(,
quarter of a century' this case has oc
cupied a place on the supreme court
docket. Justice is slow to come at
times, hut It will come If you keep
after it.
control legislation along that line, are I
to be put In the command of. the rail-!
road companies, cannot Oregon do
something for herself? Shall she sitj
down and permit further delay In a,
work that Is called for by all Just cou-j
slderatlons? i
However, let us proceed carefully j
In the matter. Let us not make the
mistake of permlttlug the opiwnients
of the measure to find radical ttaws
in the plan that Is to be placed Into
execution. Go over the ground care-
tullv. perfect the details, and Ihenl
e.--!it the subject to the people
roiMh the- legislative represents
tlves In form such as to disarm oppo
hnumn nvitl Wflohlnttnn rn 11 n n nf. I 1
WlftVU ...... .... uu ..... . ...
ford to await the passing of 10 or 15,
years before securing to the great In-:
land Empire the benefits that would.
How from the opening of the Colum
bia river to navigation. If the portage '
road will bring these benefits even in
part, certainly the only logical thing
Is to support the portage road scheme
Oregon Dally Journal.
We must sell all our heavy wool underwear at once, for
we need room for new spring stock, soon to arrive. Notice
the very low prices quoted below, and Reraeabflr that these
same goods are before our- customers every day, marked in
nlain NK'ires and vou can see lor vourseu in- miliar selling
prices and know that you ate getting
th BARGAINS wc ad
Men'n hravv Australian Lamb's Wool Underwear, worth S a milt
el-ew In re, mix special price for this fle, J8.2 pel" m it.
Men's heavy three- lin-ad wool underwear, litnvy enough lor "Klon
dike" wear, sptelal sale prioe, 1.18 per garment.
Men' jrorxi weight blue all wool underwear, our regular II.3& wear,
for thl Kale only tc per garment.
Men's all wool double breasted underwear, good heavy weight, special
price for this sale. S5c ier garment.
Men' heavy mixed wool, grey underwear, special 48c per garment.
Boy's all wool underwear, reduced for this sale 20 per cent from the
Tiilai prices.. Each size h a different price so we cannot take apace lo
list each prl"-, , , , , . ,
Ladies' nil wool tlue ribbed, grey" uuderwear, our regular 11 wear,
HpeHal price for tbiss.le, 80c per garment.
Ladle' mixed wool rlbled underwear, 75c grade, Hpecial, 36c.
Ladles' mixed woo! cream color underwear, 60c grade, special, -Cks.
Ladles' heavy fleece lined uuderwear, special price, 40o.
Mi-sea heavy wool underwear, 20 percent off regular prices.
Winter is not over yet, and knowing that the present
cold snap wil make a demand for warm underwear, we have
made the above special prices to clean up all our heavy woolen
Don't Forget tfce Place
m a.
The Oregonlan Jumps on to the bill
introduced by Senator Pierce, to
compel the Associated Press to fur
nish its news service to all papers i
applying for it, with a vehemence
that proves the merit of the bill:
Mrs. F. Wright, of Oelwein,
Iowa, is another one of the Have Yoar Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at Once
million women who have been Ddav WU ,ead to serious breaks
restored TO health by Lydia E. First'-class work guaranteed by
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. nrrr-'V t n f tf Of t.
A Xounjr Xew York Lady Tells BECK, the Reliable Pill 01021
Court street, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel
Henry Ankeny is In favor of an
open river his interests lie In the
Inland Empire, and his election would
mean something to the residents of
the mountain regions. The coast sec
tions are now well represented in
General Castro's troops have been
handled so roughly by the revolution
ists that they are deserting by the
score. Even the hope of becoming a
captain In a South American army
looses its fighting Inspiration after so
Jong a time. There are more "gen
erals" in Venezuela than "colonels"
In Kentucky.
When Harvey W. Scott comes Into
the play at Salem, the senatorial elec
tion will soon be settled. Ho is the
Titan of Oregon republicanism, the
Atlas of Oregon journalism, who
bears upon his shoulders the little
vorld of doctrine upon which the
pmall politicians appear as specks up
on the horizon.
Colorado rf-covered from her chron
ic senatorial attack sooner than Ore
gon. Henry M. Teller succeeds him
self and the usual sensational charges
of bribery, fraud and treachery are
being made by the Wolcott forces.
The senatorial fights in different state
legislatures are hurrying the day of
the popular vote.
The homes for aged and helpless
old people and orphans are invariably
located In "fire traps," from which
there is no possible escape. The fire
In London Tuesday, in which fifty
seven aged women lost their lives, is
a fair sample of "charitable" work
and its disastrous end. The commu
nity should see that extra precautions
are used in locating and caring for
the helpless, who have worn out their
lives in the service of the world.
of a Wonderful Cure:
My trouble was with the ovaries ;
fmni th TMon1pR Rtnnrltinfnt A rv. ' I mm tnll. nnrt the rim-Inr T rrrw i i
cording to the Oregonlan, this m0. fast for my strenjfth. I suffered
1 dreadfully from inflammation and .
nopoly of news is Just a small, club i doctored bontiuuaUy, but got no help. - f J A A GOOD
ers, struggling against untold obata-' at!onf with the most awful pains low iiiJ7ffJ
cles to get the news for their sheets., ,d the mo3t agonLdng headaches. ..,..,,
n-u- 1 . . . ., i , . ' ' , u. I j J All HAS AS UA.UAUU
this "bojh.' when thev know the fate! f. V the stomach, and every pr a poor writer in an omce poation- ,
i uoayair aiancu m, w work, for three or four days ; Iwork thls wr giye mucb attenUon to penman-
Portland since the Oregonlan took ; tn-a large -tore, and I suppose stand- our ,iaU.nls become sopd writ- i
possession of the exclusive news serv-j S&'SfS iSSdTf I ST55. we teachT: plain. J
ice of that city. It Is a monopoly; that ' mj mothers I begun to take Jjydla i round hand; for professional work, every )
ilonlnc nnlihtanniant n tun nti.lln i Yln1r1inmc Vwvntn1iln aHnm. I atrl t fruit la known Invrstiirat OUr I
uua.u 'uaB,uuibUb fcW IUC pUUIII., I "I -M. M II wa w vutttwtv I
unless the public patronizes the mo- pound, and it is simply wonderful. , Khoot; it will pay. Open all the year; atu-
... . , . I L felt better after the first two or three i dent admltte- any time, catalogue fre.
nopoly. at the monopoly's price. doses; it seemed aa though a weight I
j was taken off my shoulders; I con-j PORTLAND BUblNESS COLLEGE
EASTERN OREGON'S DEMANDS. 1 tinned its use until now I can truth- ' I'OHTI.amj. oiikh.
i. i . . ' 1, v. entirely cureu. a. P. AKMSTKO.NG. I.L.U.
It is given out that the Eastern girls who are always paying1 doctor's
Oregon membera of the legislature J oUIa without petting: any "help as I did. ,
tcIU rviiti.ns thte n.n .1, ol,H- onifht to tAkf -vcmr medicine. It '
' . . j. JUll ... V. Ul I D J " f
ject of the portage road around the; so 80 mnch less' and " Bure iTne Best
dalles of the Celilo. Senator T. H. 5? tnem. rours xruiy, aueiujs ; TWo. Tc
rjuiu,, Xi- au ouai avc, acvt lum
City." ISuOO ffitlt tf trlgim of oto tttur I VH
Johnston, of Dufur, representing the
district comprised of Wasco and Sher
man counties, has the bill in charge
that provides for the appropriation of
$150,000 to construct the desired road
It is not to be made a partisan meas
ure, inasmuch as republican and dem
ocratic members from Eastern Ore
gon are to stand for the bill by com
mon consent reached in the caucus.
Senator Johnston presents figures
showing that the road could be built
for much less than It would have cost
when former Senator James H. Raley
of Pendleton, Introduced his bill for
an appropriation of $450,000. Sir.
Johnston's statement goes into the
engineering features as well as into
the financial. It looks like a solid
Eastern Oregon delegation of republi
cans and democrats back of him, with
determination to succeed by all hon
orable means that lie within the scope
of the legislature.
The Journal Is disposed to further
this enterprise. A statement recent
ly made by. Chairman Burton, of the
national house committee on Rivers
and Harbors, Is to xthls effect "Est!
mates and recommendations by gov
ernment engineers aggregate between
1300,000,000 and $440,000,000 for work
that different localities are demand
ing. Not more than $70,000,000 Is
available for this year. Last year
less than that fium was appropriated.
It will be 10 to 15 years before the
improvements in the Columbia river
now demanded by the people of Ore
gon and (Washington may be grant
Consider this statement It Is not
dim cult to imagine Chairman Burton
making It at the dictation of the
railroad companies. For. as was
shown by the Journal on Saturday, It
is plainly to the advantage of the
railroad companies to prevent Im
provements In the Columbia river.
Controlled as Burton may be, never-
Oregon railroads pay $148.-46 per
Kile In taxes. The average net earn
ings Is over $3000 per mile. In New
York the earnings are only $2970 per theless his words cannot be Ignored.
milo and the taxes paid amount to TLZVIZ fr ,aWn(r 80nie
., . . action here In Oregon.
$5a2.5l per mile. With the exception,
o Arizona and Nevada, Oregon re-' Of course, federal work in clearing
ce$vo3 the least amount of railroad the obstructions from the Columbia is
taxes In the United States. Arizona fbe Weal manner of disposing of this
. , , Important matter. But If our senators
receives $122 per mile and- Nevada and representatives in congress, and
$143, .Maaachusetts exacts from her especially , those. upon committees that;
By the Fire Insurance Com
panies we represent. OurH
companies stand first in the
Hartford Fire IiiHuranoe Co f 12,259,076
Alliance Assurance Co 29,039,963
jjouaon & J-iaueasnire .Fire
Insurance Co 2,644,683
North British & Mercantile
Co 19,695,974
itoyai insurance uo,.... 22,837,163
There is nothing tough or
sheepish about our Mutton.
Our steaks are always tender
and juicy.
Your meals will be better and
more palatable if you allow us to
fill your meat bill.
Full weight, best meats, lowest
prices and prompt delivery are
our trade builders.
Otto Mies eke
Houses Old Stand
that gets your lungs sore and weak
and paves the way for pneumonia or
consumption, or both. Acker's Enn-
nsn Hcmeay mu stop the cough In a
day and heal your lungs. It will cure
consumption, asthma, bronchitis and
all throat and lung troubles. Positive
ly guaranteed, and money refunded If
you arc not satisfied. Write to ua for
tree sample. W. If. Hooker & Co.,
uunajo, . x, t w. Bchraldt & Co.
Finest on . .
The Market
Complete Line at
Standard Grocery
Court Street
Low Sellers of Groceries
Gray's Harbor
Commercial Co.
U. H Supreme Court
O. 8. Patent Offlor
Trade Mrkf nd Coprilgbu
,7 7t.flt, N. W AVashlnirton. D. C.
We Don't Keep Ererythins
But we ao Keep a good big
stock of nice dry Flooring,
Ceiling, Hustle and Finish,
in all grades . Also all kinds
of Dimension JLutuUr, In
cluding Lath and 8hinglea.
Our stock of Doors, Win
dows, Moulding, Building
and Tar Paper and Apple
Boxes la complete, and any
one In need of Lumber will
not be wrong lu placing
thelrorder with the : : :
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
Opp. W; & C. R. Depot
Dally East Oregonlan by carrier,
only 15 cents a week.
Real Estate
I have a larger and better
list ot i?armB, btock Ranches
and City Property to sell
than ever before. AIbo a big
lot of land in the comiDs
wneai Bection of Eastern
Is always received when you
piace your oraer with us.
Fir, Tamarack and
'(Vhy buy poor coal when you
can get the best for the same
Laatz Bros.
Telephone Main ,5 i
youd" len. vou mioiii .. j
Hhort if you are mviwed
uoaxu Bpeamt me truth. It (
It means the best to be hid I
m carriages, buggies, haeb i
is to ne found here. m i
thU ad vertlwment shall t.i
further for good thlngj on H
r e nave me mvtumu. tij
the best and slickest pbwi
uuub easier aim uoen tettetT
by the latest niocem and ufl
in any son. A car of Wiaci
an sizes, will arrive soon. '
menu themselves.
Htorer ruollne enrlsw in tut.
B11S tor uco
Don't Forget
That we will launder your!
a manner that will"doyoni
not only one time, butt
time: not one net, ou'J
veek of the fifty wa Toj
,i .1 . iav i ram
sure, tnougn, iryiBwj,-j
you'll try us thertslolttM
We ask your jaunuij
cause we can do it ngot
the mm Li
Court and Tboapwaa
i; AND
lust received anotl
car load oi ruuv -j
stock supplies at the x
.! PCI.
carets, on "..motr i
kt tbs EAST
ton, uro.
-. ,, , ' ... - u4iz s u)kiSi: -sal
IMHf I I i i in ii nni.Tr.!. iT, r t.vw , .--vr- .,,,-,,- 6
II i in HIM II Hill
.3) 1. j -,r r