East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 28, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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foOD GOODS m Alpxhiiilfr'f
ii ...,1,-nrl ynms fllKll II f
Bora' 'fn! B -ots, the $2 00
ChiMim'' S.vlh -Trimmed 2.65
(floats "
Nutria Hats
Tdorft arc none belter,,
fioK fkirts n.ado of Scotch
iiiunnrM'khurn .. t w
I"" ;
Fast Black Hoefor Ladies ptr
fpnV Foncv blurts, Dollar
fif-y kind, each
f Black Figuied Brillinntine, 44
inches wide pur yd
:xander Dept. Stor.e M
Mrs. Fred Vitraitk,
U,, 228 Territorial Street. Benton Harbor, Mich.
I taxi to give my
r1 i ( AVT ( (
B Vila wiuc m
alio vtry grateful
Jp. Alter my tint
a tent I could not
Irpin my strength.
iiieoaoT gave m-
ca he considered
or, but instrad of
rl erew weaker
j, My husband
atneevemti:? with
idCirdui and in-
dltib it for a week and see
Ew&Ido for me. As he seemed
taxh faith in it I did take the
ttsivaz very grateful to find
s ilowly returning. In two
racct of bed and in a month I
ibbte up my usual duties. I
ijesaustic in its praise."
I00D is thenoblestduty
cd linhest privilege women
miAieve ornsnirelo. "With-
' oiBu privilege women do not
iilmii in life too often they
uie world discontented,
: ' '. .1. r-iiw-r mi Cull nnm.
aBDin UllIU V"" t, i nj.. -J
jcMes. How different is the
Aw, watcbinc ner cniiuren
. m.rAnncl and womanhood.
jtitrlrrej as many lives as she has
heir joy and sorrows are
Mrs, Fred Unratlu
hers, B3 are their ambitions
triumphs and defeats
Healthy women do not suf
fer miscarriage nor does
a woman who is healthy
suffer tortures at childbirth.
It is the woman who is ail
ing who has female weak
ness who fears the ordeal
of becoming amother. "Wine
of Cardni builds up the wo
manly in a woman. It stops
all unnatural drains and
strains irregularities which are re
sponsible for barrenness and miscar
riage. It makes a woman strong and
healthy and uVilo to pass through preg
nancy and childbirth with little suffer
ing. After the ordeal is passed the
"VTine prepares a woman for a speedy
recovery to health and activity.
Wine of Cardui, (in ro-inforcing the
organs of generation, has made mothers
of women who had given up hope of
over becoming mothers. Wine of Cardui
will cure almost any case of barrenness
except cases of organic trouble. How
can yon refuse to take such a remedy
that promises such relief from suffering?
Wine of Cardui simply makes yon a
strong woman, and strong, healthy
women do not suffer. 2"hey look for
ward to motherhood with joy.
A million suffering women
have found relief in
Wine of Cardui.
The Story of George Hayes' Reputed
Wealth and Final Poverty An In
teresting Romance May Ge Wrap
ped up in This Unsolved Mystery.
weston, Jan. 2S. Quite a stir was
caused in this City a fev days aio bv
Hio liirsnrniK-e here of H. 13. Colic
trom Pendleton. He wag araiod with
maps and pints and hunted up Mr.
riessei, who keeps the corner saloon
loirpetly owned. jy Georao Haics. an
old-time resident of Weston, who left
hoi e about 15 years ago. Measure
ments were made from directions on
the maps ,md a, hole was dug about
three feet deep hnd something near
reeten. hut neither Mr. Hcssol nor
Mr. Collier would give any Informix
lion a to whnt it was. there .being no
t.ne elso present.
It was evidently something which
had lain there many years, as It was
necessary to take up some boards
under tho woodbhed to do tho exca
vating. Various rumors are afloat. Some
thinking that it was treasure buried
there many years ago by Mr. Hayes,
ho was always reputed to he very
;calthy. but when he died several
cars ago in one of the coast coun
ties, hts funeral expenses were paid
by the Weston Masonic lodge, of
which he was a member.
Ho was separated from his first
wife to whom he gave the property
' where the supposed treasure was dug
He was married again but his first
wife died only a' short time ago and
many suppose the second wife may
have kept this secret until the death
) of the first wife. All old time res!
dents of this county remember Mr.
I Hayes very well, and it was a sur
prise when his lodge was notified of
' his poverty . His remains were
brought to Weston for burial. No one
1 ii. the Weston country seems to know
i where his wife is and many are. the
rumors afloat. Some of the old-timers
asserting that Mr. Hayes not only had
thousands m money, but that he had
I large sums invested In government
; bonds.
i Mr. Collier's information undoubt-
etlly came from some outside source
j as he has been a resident of the coun
I ty but a few years and could not have
' known Mr. Hayes.
i Perhaps time will have to tell the
fctory It Messrs. Collier and Hossell
will not.
expensive, and plftc In the homoij
n any books that the reader would not
have occasion to refer to again. Kra
tier's circulating library Just fills the'
l ,
We sell the greatest of blood puri
fiers, Acker's Bleod Etlxlr, under a
positive guarantee. It will cure all
chronic and other blood poisons. If
yon have eruptions or sores on your
body, or are pale, weak or run down,
ft Is Just what you need. We refund
money If yon arc not satisfied. El
centp and $1. F. W. Schmidt & Co.
Eoctteher & Clark, Will Occupy Joe
Ell's Old Stand With a Cigar Store.
Otto Boettcher and D. C. Clark,
both well known residents of this
city, have rented the Joe Ell building
and will immediately put in a stock
of cigars, and smokers' goods, and
will fit up elegant card parlors in the
tear rooms. These gentlemen need
no Introduction to Pendleton people,
and thalr many friends are glad to
welcome them Into the business cir
cles as active members.
Tho new goods are expected to ar
rive in a very short time and the
work of fitting' up flic building will
be rushed.
New Century Comfort
Millions are dally finding a world
of 'comfort In BucUlen's Arnica Salve
It kills pains from burns, scalds, cut?
bruises; conquers ulcers and fcvcr
sores; cures eruptions, salt rheum
bolls and felons: removes cores ic
warts. P."st rile cure on cart1 On!"
25c at Tallman & Co.'s drug store.
Meeting at Athena.
Itov. W. E. Armsfield, pastor of the
M. E. church at Athena, last Sunday
closed a serjes of meetings wh'ch re
corded 10 accessions to tho cuurch,
and 15 conversions. Mr. Armsfield
will go to Dayton to assist Rev. John
Uren, formerly of Pendleton, In a "se
ries of meetings which will begin
Sunday next.
Ten Dollars Reward.
Lost Last May, one bay horse,
weight about 1200 pounds, branded
5 on left shoulder, mane roached
Inst spring. Will pay above reward
tor return of same to Purl Bowman.
Men's half soles. 75c
The best.
he iolumbi&
odging House
'ellintr fiatise and two
F shaded lawn, on prom-
irourit-iieet, ?z&oo,
teven rimms i'nillii
Electric lights, bath and
"usueu mwn, yzbw..
'helling, etable and two
Jindlot, centrally locat-
ags with lots from 700
iiftom 125 to $300.
my property on easy
lifienvmiiiir t.. in..
real eaWte are rising.
j"u imve u pay more.
.nd wait until real
111 Court Slreel
Despam & Clark
Wholesale Com
mission Merchants
Will pay casli for poultry. The
Market price always. Bring it in
every day and all day. Chickens,
Geese, Ducks and Turkeys.
Office in Savings Bank Building
Come, Get Oar Quotations
Yes, We Have Them
Canned Goods
The brand that is the
best. Prices no higher
than inferior graUes.
The Big Store in a Small
x Room
Alta Street, Opposite Savings Bank
inUA $3.50 MNE
f ii 7m a nnn all colors
orrCA 1 CKo Sl
Has Been a Part of Pendleton Ever
Since the Legislative Session of
Two Years Ago.
It now transpires that the recent
ly platted ground in the northwest
ern part of town known as the Me
Callster addition is in the city and
has been ever since the legislative
session of two years ago.
The ground in the McCallister addi
tion and also the 40 acies of ground
lying west of It and adjoining it,
were made a part of the corporation
two years ago, according to informa
tion furnished, us yesterday by Air
McCallister. Comparatively few peo
ple know It, however, and those who
did were not apprised of the ignor
ance of the remainder, who were In-1
forested.- ,
County Surveyor and City Engineer;
I.' 1 ... 1 11 T. .. . C L 1. 1 , . t
IVIIUMICII Jlllt: UL lilt! !t?gUl UUUH UL
the ground all the time, but did not
know that anyone supposed the
ground was not In the city until some
incident called his attention a few
t'ays ago to the effort being made to
have the present legislature pass a
till enlarging the borders of the city
so tha McCallister addition would be
come a part of the city. There is a
bill now pending in. -the legislature
Introduced by Senator Pierce, lor this
rurpose. It will undoubtedly be re
The 40-atre tiaet lying west of the
McCallister addition belongs to the
Pendleton Mereantllp Company,
which is said to be an organization
of young men, many of whom are not
here now, or at least several of
whom have moved away, who Invest
ed savings In the tract mentioned.
Pendleton Favored by Having a Cir
culating Library Not Expensive to
Read All the Late Books.
In many cities and towns through
out the country, clubs are formed uy
book lovers for the purpose of secur
ing the latest popular books to read
and books are passed from one mem
ber to another, but in Pendleton such
clubs are not necessary as the circu
lating library established by h. G
Frazler fills the bill to a nicety and
answers all purposes. By the sys
tem in vogue at Frazier's book store.
took lovers have at their service all
the newest books as well as the stand
ard works. There is uo initiation fee
or red tape. If you desire to read
any book, call, and by the payment
of a small sum you can rtnt it to
lead, and whan finished, return it.
Frazier's circulating library has been
popular, since its Inception and has
rroven itself a boon to oook reaoers
to secure all the new books at the
t resent day. when . they are appear
ing so rapidly would be exceedingly
Great Retiring From Business Sale
Not a single article in the enlirt: stock reserved. I have
decided to retire from business and everything that remains
of my stock will be gotten rid of at the earliest possible date.
Cost is Not Considered in Marking Down
the Prices
The main idea is to get rid of the stock. The sale is on
riigs, matting, curlaihs. portiers, floor linoleu-n framed and
unframed pictures, nrrr rs, wall paper and hosts of oter
SPECIAL I have just received some exquisite latest
patterns of Oriental rugs and Arabian lace curtains which go
with the rest.
SEWING MACHINES Every Sewing Machine in my
stock has been, marked down to such a low figure as to make
them sell
My carpets and undertaking business I disposed of to
Baker & Folsom and the slaughter has been made on all that
The sale is now in progress. First come first served.